[Ord. 00044, 11/10/2008]
The offices of elected Borough Auditors are abolished on the effective date of this Part 1C.
Hereafter, Council may by resolution, from time to time, appoint an independent auditor who shall be a certified public accountant registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a firm of certified public accountants so registered, or a competent public accountant, or a competent firm of public accountants to serve as independent auditor to undertake independent examinations of the accounting records of the Borough for the fiscal year of appointment and perform such other duties in the exercise of powers as conferred pursuant to § 1005(7) the Borough Code, 53 P.S. § 46005(7).
Notwithstanding the appointment of the independent auditor above and the abolishment of the offices of Borough Auditors, those Auditors now in office shall continue to hold their office during the term for which elected, but said elected Auditors shall not audit, settle or adjust the accounts audited by such independent auditor, but shall perform the other duties of their office.
This Part 1C shall generally take effect the day of adoption, thereby allowing the appointment (by resolution) of auditors to audit the Borough's accounts for the calendar year of 2008 and thereafter in a timely fashion, but the abolishment of the elected Auditors positions, pursuant to the terms of this Part 1C, shall only occur on January 1, 2009.