[Ord. 303, 3/9/1981; as added by Ord. 327, 9/12/1983, § 1]
The Police Department of the Borough of Akron, County of Lancaster, and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is hereby authorized to monitor, control and enforce established speed restrictions and limits on streets and highways located in the boundaries of the Borough of Akron (and within the boundaries of any other municipality over which they have jurisdiction pursuant to any municipal cooperation agreement) by use of the Excessive Speed Preventor (ESP), Model TK-100, manufactured by Systems Innovation, Inc., Box 430, R.D. #2, Hallstead, Pennsylvania; Speed Check, manufactured for the Union Agency, Second Chance Acres, Unionville, Pennsylvania; Electrical Speed Timing System, manufactured by Richard Hageman, 98 South Penn Dixie Road, Nazareth, Pennsylvania; and/or VASCAR-Plus, manufactured by Traffic Safety Systems, Inc., 1904 Byrd Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, or such other electrical or mechanical speed timing devices or any other speed monitoring device now, or as may be hereafter authorized by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and/or by statute for use by local municipalities.