[Ord. 00030, 7/11/2005, § 401; as amended by Ord. 00077, 4/14/2014, § 8]
A sketch should include at least the following information:
Name and address of the owner/applicant.
Written and Graphic Scale. The plan shall be at a scale of 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet or 100 feet to an inch. The plan should be clearly titled "Sketch Plan."
Tract boundaries.
Location map.
North point.
Date of plan.
Streets on and adjacent to the tract.
Significant topographical physical features including floodplains if any.
Proposed general street layout, buildings, parking lots, and open spaces.
Existing improvements.
The relationship of the proposed subdivision or land development to existing facilities which may serve or influence it, other development locations, main traffic arteries, public transportation lines, shopping centers, schools, churches, parks, and playgrounds.
The location and nature of facilities required by the SWMO [Chapter 17].
[Ord. 00030, 7/11/2005, § 402; as amended by Ord. 00077, 4/14/2014, § 9]
A preliminary plan shall consist of and be prepared in accordance with the following:
Geodetic Control.
All subdivisions and land developments causing the construction of new public infrastructure and/or alteration of existing infrastructure will require all surveys to be tied into the North American Datum (NAD) 1983 Pennsylvania State Plane Coordinates in feet and performed to third order control standards as set forth by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee.
In the event that any point of the land subject to subdivision or land development are located more than 1/2 mile from any given permanent monument, the developer shall construct a new permanent monument.
Subdivisions and land developments which do not cause the construction of any new infrastructure are not required to tie into NAD.
Drafting Standards.
The plan shall be at a scale of 20, 30, 40 or 50 feet to an inch.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof, bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Each sheet shall be numbered and shall show its relationship to the total number of sheets.
The plan shall bear an adequate legend to indicate clearly which features are existing and which are proposed.
The plan shall be drawn, on a topographic survey, prepared by a professional registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to perform such topographic survey. The plan shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet. Contours shall be in two-foot intervals.
Preliminary plans shall be on sheets not larger than 24 inches by 36 inches overall. It is recommended that, as far as practicable, preliminary plan sheets be held to the following overall sizes; 18 inches by 22 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. Where necessary to avoid sheets larger than the maximum size prescribed above, preliminary plans shall be drawn in two or more sections, accompanied by a key diagram showing relative location of the sections.
Site Design and Layout Plan.
A key map for the purpose of locating the site to be subdivided or developed, at a scale of not less than 800 feet to an inch, showing the relation of the tract to adjoining property and to all streets and municipal boundaries existing within 1,000 feet of any part of the property proposed to be subdivided or developed.
A plan set, prepared according to paragraphs .A and .B above, with accompanying narrative as needed, showing the following:
Proposed subdivision or land development name identifying title.
The plan title shall clearly state it is a preliminary plan.
Name and address of the landowner or his authorized agent.
The file or project number assigned to the plan by the licensed professional who prepared the plan.
Name and address of the licensed professional qualified pursuant to the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq., to prepare the plan.
Zoning information including, but not limited to: zoning district, use, parking, lot size, yard, and any other zoning requirements, proof of any variance or special exceptions which may have been granted (and the date of the same), and any zoning boundaries that are within 200 feet of the tract.
Tract boundaries showing bearings and distances.
Total acreage of the tract to the nearest 1/10 of an acre.
Original date of preparation, revision dates, north point and graphic scale.
The names of all owners of all adjacent lands, names of owners of properties opposite public or private streets, names of all proposed and existing adjacent subdivisions and the locations and dimensions of any streets and/or rights-of-way and easements shown thereon.
The names, locations and dimensions of all existing streets, sanitary sewers and storm sewers, water mains and feeder lines, fire hydrants, electric lines, oil and gas lines, watercourses, buildings, sources of water supply, easements and other significant features within the property or within 300 feet of any part of the property proposed to be developed or subdivided.
The location and widths of any streets or other public ways or places as shown upon an adopted local or county plan, if such plan exists for the area to be subdivided or developed.
Locations of walkways and paths that have been in public use, with proposals for their continued protection through easement or otherwise.
A full plan of the development, showing proposed lot layout with lot and block numbers in consecutive order and individual lot dimensions sufficiently detailed to demonstrate to the Borough how the proposed layout compares to zoning requirements and that it is mathematically attainable within the parcel being subdivided, and location of areas to be subject to easements of any kind.
The location of all existing lot lines, markers, sources of title, deed references and Tax Map numbers.
The location of all wetlands, floodplains, zoning districts, historical structures, wooded areas, archeological sites and cemeteries.
Building yards, buildings to be demolished, street cross sections and profiles, street names, clear sight triangles, sanitary sewer and water easements and lines and laterals, stormwater plans, and stormwater profiles.
In addition, the plan for a land development shall show, proposed building locations, location and size of parking lots, provisions for access and traffic control, locations of loading docks, and provisions for landscaping and lighting of the site.
The amount of new square feet of impervious surface and its location, shall be noted on the plan.
If the stormwater system is oversized, the extent of the oversizing shall be noted on the plan, together with the potential effects of the oversizing, as they may relate to future development.
In addition to all other requirements, plans for multifamily developments also must include the following information:
Areas that are proposed to remain open.
Recreational areas.
Total dwelling units, number of buildings, total parking spaces and proposed density.
Each plan shall show the location and characteristics of all improvements required by the SWMO [Chapter 17].
All plans shall be accompanied by planning modules for land development provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, including information with regard to the means of sewage disposal and provisions of water supply. All sewage disposal facilities shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of § 22-601 herein. All plans shall include all other required reports and certifications including, but not limited to, traffic hydrological and wetland.
A statement or certificate by the applicant indicating that the plans are or are not in compliance with engineering, zoning, subdivision, building, sanitation and other applicable Borough ordinances and regulations and if they are not the reasons for requesting the modification. The form of the statement shall be approved from time to time by resolution of Borough Council.
Traffic Evaluation Study.
All residential developments or subdivisions and all nonresidential subdivisions or developments which will generate 100 or more average daily vehicle trips (ADT's) shall provide studies and reports in accordance with the requirements of this section. All applicants with developments which do not meet the above stated criteria shall submit the information required in § 22-402, Subsection 1D(3)(d).
The applicant is responsible for assessing the traffic impacts associated with a proposed development which meets any condition set forth above. The Borough will review the applicant's assessment and supply available data upon request to aid the applicant in preparing the study. The applicant shall be responsible for all data collection efforts required in preparing a traffic impact study including peak period turning movement counts. In addition, the applicant is responsible for ensuring that any submitted development plans meet the minimum state and local standards for geometric design. The study shall be conducted only by a professional engineer that has verifiable experience in traffic engineering. Upon submission of a draft study, the Borough may review the data sources, methods and findings and provide comments in written form. The applicant will then have the opportunity to incorporate necessary revisions prior to submitting a final study.
Traffic Impact Study Contents. A traffic impact study prepared for a specific site development proposal shall follow the basic format shown below. Additions or modifications should be made for a specific site, when appropriate. This basic format allows for a comprehensive understanding of the existing site, future conditions without the proposed use and the impacts associated with the proposed development plan. Following is a brief narrative for each section of a traffic impact study:
Introduction. This section identifies the land use and transportation setting for the site and its surrounding area.
Site and Study Area Boundaries. A brief description of the size of the land parcel, general terrain features, legal right-of-way lines of the highway, and the location within the jurisdiction and the region should be included in this section. In addition, the roadways that afford access to the site and are included in the study area should be identified. The exact limits of the study area should be based on engineering judgment and an understanding of existing traffic conditions at the site. In all instances, however, the study limits must be mutually agreed upon by the developer, its engineer, and the Borough.
Site Description. This section should contain a brief narrative which describes the proposed development in terms of its function, size and near and long term growth potential. This description should be supplemented by a sketch which clearly shows the proposed development within the site boundaries, its internal traffic circulation pattern, and the location and orientation of its proposed access points.
Existing and Proposed Site Uses. The existing and proposed uses of the site should be identified in terms of the various zoning categories in the jurisdiction. In addition, identify the specific use on which a request is made since a number of uses may be permitted under the existing ordinances.
Existing and Proposed Nearby Uses. Include a complete description of the existing land uses in the vicinity of the site as well as their current zoning. The applicant should also state the proposed uses for adjacent land, if known. This latter item is especially important where large tracts of underdeveloped land are in the vicinity of the site and within the prescribed study area.
Existing and Proposed Roadways and Intersections. Within the study area, describe existing roadways and intersections (geometries and traffic signal control) as well as improvements contemplated by government agencies.
Analysis of the Existing Conditions. This section describes the results of the volume/capacity analysis to be completed for the roadways and intersections in the vicinity of the site under existing conditions as well as any data collection efforts that are required.
Daily and Peak Hour(s) Traffic Volumes. Provide schematic diagrams depicting daily and peak hour(s) traffic volumes for roadways within the study area. Turning movement and mainline volumes are to be presented for the three peak hour conditions (a.m., p.m., and site generated) while only mainline volumes are required to reflect daily traffic volumes. Include the source and/or method of computation for all traffic volumes.
Volume/Capacity Analysis at Critical Points. Utilizing techniques described in the Highway Capacity Manual or derivative nomography, include an assessment of the relative balance between roadway volumes and capacity. Perform the analysis for existing conditions (roadway geometry and traffic signal control) for the appropriate peak hours.
Level of Service at Critical Points. Based on the results obtained in the previous section, levels of service (A through F in the Highway Capacity Manual) are to be computed and presented. This section should also include a description of typical operating conditions at each level of service.
Analysis of Future Conditions Without Development. This section describes the anticipated traffic volumes in the future and the ability of the roadway network to accommodate this traffic without the proposed zoning or subdivision request. The future year(s) for which projections are made will be specified by the Borough and will be dependent on the timing of the proposed development.
Daily and Peak Hour(s) Traffic Volume. Clearly indicate the method and assumptions used to forecast future traffic volumes in order that the Borough can duplicate these calculations. The schematic diagrams depicting future traffic volumes will be similar to those described in subparagraph (3)(a) in terms of locations and times (daily and peak hours).
Volume/Capacity Analyses at Critical Locations. Describe the ability of the existing roadway system to accommodate future traffic (without site development). If roadway improvements or modifications are committed for implementation, present the volume/capacity analysis for these conditions.
Levels of Service at Critical Points. Based on the results obtained in the previous section, determine levels of service (A through F in the Highway Capacity Manual).
Trip Generation. Identify the amount of traffic generated by the site for daily and the three peak conditions. Trip generation shall be based on published trip rates on the latest revision of Trip Generation, Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Trip Distribution. Identify the direction of approach for site generated traffic for the appropriate time periods. As with all technical analysis steps, the basic method and assumptions used in this work must be clearly stated in order that the Borough can replicate these results.
Traffic Assignment. Describe the utilization of study area roadways by site generated traffic. The proposed traffic volumes should then be combined with anticipated traffic volumes from subparagraph (2)(c) to describe mainline and turning movement volumes for future conditions with the site developed as the applicant proposes.
Analysis of Future Conditions With Development. This section describes the adequacy of the roadway system to accommodate future traffic with development of the site:
Daily and Peak Hour(s) Traffic Volumes. Provide mainline and turning movement volumes for the highway network in the study area as well as driveways and internal circulation roadways for the appropriate time periods.
Volume/Capacity Analyses at Critical Points. Perform a volume/capacity analysis for the appropriate peak hours for future conditions with the site developed as proposed, similar to subparagraphs (3)(b)2) and (3)(b)3).
Levels of Service at Critical Points. As a result of the volume/capacity analysis, compute and describe the level of service on the study area roadway system.
Final design must address both traffic flow and traffic safety considerations to provide safe operational characteristics.
Recommended Improvements. In the event that the analysis indicates unsatisfactory levels of service will occur on study area roadways, a description of proposed improvements to remedy deficiencies should be included in this section. These proposals would not include committed projects by the state and local jurisdictions.
Proposed Recommended Improvements. Describe the location, nature and extent of proposed improvements to assure sufficient roadway capacity. Accompanying this list of improvements are preliminary cost estimates, sources of funding, timing, and likelihood of implementation.
Volume/Capacity Analyses at Critical Points. Another iteration of the volume/capacity analysis will be described which demonstrates the anticipated results of making these improvements.
Levels of Service at Critical Points. As a result of the revised volume/capacity analysis presented in the previous section, present levels of service for the highway system with improvements.
Conclusion. The last section of the report should be a clear concise description of the study findings. This concluding section should serve as an executive summary.
Implementation. All requirements and suggestions arising out of such traffic studies and/or those performed independently by municipal representatives on behalf of the Borough, shall be designed and implemented by the owner as part of the subdivision/land development process.
[Ord. 00030, 7/11/2005, § 403; as amended by Ord. 00077, 4/14/2014, § 10]
Any final plan shall conform in all details to the approved preliminary plan, including any conditions specified by Borough Council. A final plan shall consist of and be prepared in accordance with the following:
Geodetic Control.
All subdivisions and land developments causing the construction of new public infrastructure and/or alteration of existing infrastructure will require all surveys to be tied into the North American Datum (NAD) 1983 Pennsylvania State Plane Coordinates in feet and performed to third order control standards as set forth by the Federal Geodetic Control Committee.
In the event that any point of the land subject to subdivision or land development are located more than 1/2 mile from any given permanent monument, the developer shall construct a new permanent monument.
Subdivisions and land developments which do not cause the construction of any new infrastructure are not required to tie into NAD.
Drafting Standards.
The plan shall be at a scale of 20, 30, 40 or 50 feet to an inch.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimal parts thereof, bearings in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
Each sheet shall be numbered and shall show its relationship to the total number of sheets.
The plan shall bear an adequate legend to indicate clearly which features are existing and which are proposed.
The plan shall be drawn, on a topographic survey, prepared by a professional registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to perform such topographic survey. The plan shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet. Contours shall be in two-foot intervals.
Preliminary plans shall be on sheets not larger than 24 inches by 36 inches overall. It is recommended that, as far as practicable, preliminary plan sheets be held to the following overall sizes; 18 inches by 22 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. Where necessary to avoid sheets larger than the maximum size prescribed above preliminary plans shall be drawn in two or more sections, accompanied by a key diagram showing relative location of the sections.
Site Design and Layout Plan.
All information shall be provided as required by § 22-402, Subsection 1C.
Sufficient data to determine readily the location, bearing, and length of every lot and boundary line and to produce such lines upon the ground, including all dimensions, angles, or bearings of the lines and areas of each lot and of each area proposed to be dedicated to public use. The gross and net area of the tract shall be included.
For all subdivisions, the proposed building locations and names of all streets (the Borough shall assign addresses throughout the Borough).
Location of permanent reference monuments.
A certificate of title showing the ownership of the land vested or to be vested in the subdivider or other applicant for plan approval.
A statement duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deeds and signed by the owner or owners of the property, to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the final plan is made with his or their free consent and in accordance with his or their desires.
All offers of dedication and covenants governing the reservation and maintenance of undedicated open space, which shall bear the approval of the Borough Solicitor.
A copy of such private deed restrictions, including building setback lines, as may be imposed upon the property as conditions of sale together with a statement of any restrictions previously imposed which may affect the title to the land being subdivided. Such restrictions shall be satisfactory to Borough Council and the Borough Solicitor.
Such certificates of approval by proper authorities of the Commonwealth as may have been required by Borough Council or by this chapter.
Certification of the engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, or land planner who prepared the plan that the plans are in conformity with zoning, building, sanitation, subdivision and other applicable Borough ordinances and regulations. In any instance where such plans do not conform, evidence shall be presented that a modification has been authorized.
The layout plan shall be at one of the following scales:
Horizontal: one inch = 100 feet or one inch = 50 feet.
Vertical: one inch = 10 feet or one inch = five feet.
The layout plan shall show the location, width, and names of all proposed streets and street rights-of-way that include: all street extensions or spurs which are necessary to provide adequate street connections and facilities to adjoining developed or underdeveloped areas. The plan shall show street profiles and cross sections incorporating the following information:
The existing grade and proposed grade along the center line of the proposed street. Where storm drainage and sanitary sewer lines are to be installed, they also shall be shown on the profile plan.
Right-of-way and the location and width of paving within the right-of-way.
Type and thickness of material and crown of paving.
The location, width, and type and thickness of material of sidewalks to be installed.
The location, size, and depth of any underground utilities that are to be installed in the right-of-way.
Vertical and horizontal curve data for all proposed streets.
The layout plan design will include, but not be limited to the location and grade of sanitary sewer laterals, sanitary sewer mains, and stormwater management facilities, showing the capacity of flow anticipated and size of conveyance needed. Also the layout plans shall show the location of the proposed easement not less than 30 feet in width in order to permit the Borough to maintain the system when required.
The layout plan design will include the size and location of water mains, street valves, connection laterals and fife hydrants. The plan shall contain a statement that the placement of fire hydrants and the components of the system have been reviewed by the Fire Chief and that they are compatible with the firefighting methods and equipment utilized by the fire company.
All other site design and lay out plan data required for a preliminary plan pursuant to § 22-402, Subsection 1C, hereof.
Stormwater Management Plan. A plan for the management of stormwater consistent with the SWMO [Chapter 17] is required and shall be submitted concurrent with all plans submitted and shall be integrated into all the preliminary and final plans.