The purpose of site plan review is to further the purpose of
this ordinance by providing for the review of development plans for
uses and structures which may have significant impacts on the health,
safety, welfare, community values, traffic, local economy, environmental
quality or municipal and public services and utilities.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the
meanings indicated:
[Amended 7-19-2021]
With the exceptions noted in the following paragraph, no building
permit or DPW curb cut permit shall be issued for any of the following
uses: 1) the construction, exterior alteration or change in use of
any commercial, industrial structure; or 2) the construction, exterior
alteration or change in use of any residential structure, excluding
single- and two-family structures; or 3) the construction, exterior
alteration or change in use of any other use specified in the Use
Table which is not included in 1) or 2) above; or 4) enlargement
of parking areas or alterations to curb cuts for any of the uses specified
in 1) through 3) above, inclusive; unless a site plan has been endorsed
by the Planning Board, after consultation with other boards and departments,
including but not limited to the following: Building Inspector, Board
of Health, Department of Public Works, Conservation Commission, Fire
Department, and Police Department. The Planning Board may waive any
and all requirements of site plan review for exterior alterations
of less than 25% of the ground floor area of an existing structure.
The use of land or structures for agricultural or religious
purposes or for educational purposes on land owned or leased by the
commonwealth or any of its agencies, subdivisions or bodies politic
or by a religious sect or denomination, or by a nonprofit educational
corporation, shall be exempt from site plan review. The change of
use of an existing commercial or industrial structure, where no exterior
alteration is proposed and where the applicable off-street parking
requirements set forth in Table 9-1 have been met, shall be exempt
from site plan review. Exclusively for the purposes of determining
exemption from site plan review, changes to the building façade
which do not result in an increase to the gross floor area of the
building shall not be considered an exterior alteration. Exemption
from site plan review shall not constitute a waiver of any other applicable
zoning requirements.
The Planning Board's final action shall consist of either:
A. A determination that the proposed project will constitute a suitable
development and is in compliance with the criteria set forth in the
B. Approval subject to any conditions, modifications, and restrictions
as the Planning Board may deem necessary; or
C. A written denial of the application, stating the reasons for such