As part of a permit issued pursuant to the ordinance, the Commission shall impose such conditions as are necessary to protect the values of wetland resource areas under its jurisdiction. If the Commission deems that the interests stated in the ordinance are not adequately protected under the terms of the applicant's proposal, the Commission may refuse to issue a permit. When the Commission votes to deny a permit, it shall issue a written decision supported by facts and findings explaining why the project has been denied and, as related to notices of intent, why the project may not be properly conditioned to meet the interests of the Act and the ordinance. The applicant shall have the burden of proof by a preponderance of credible evidence as to any issue before the Commission, as provided in § 565-6.
The Commission may issue an extension permit for up to a period of one year, provided that a written request for an extension is filed at least 30 days prior to the expiration date of the order of conditions. The Commission may grant only two extension permits for an individual order of conditions. Extension permit requests must also meet all of the following conditions at the time of the written request:
No request for an extension permit will be granted unless the wetland is either reflagged by a qualified wetland biologist or the original approved flagging is reestablished in the field by survey. The wetland delineation shall be verified by the Commission and/or its designated agent. The Commission may require a new filing, or the reopening of the public hearing, if the wetland delineation has changed from the original submittal.
No request for an extension permit will be reviewed until the necessary filing fee is received by the Commission.
No request for an extension permit will be granted for an expired order of conditions.
At the time of the request for an extension permit, the project must be in compliance with the order of conditions and other permit requirements.
Minor modifications, amendments and revocation generally.
The Commission may modify, amend or revoke an order of conditions on its own initiative.
The Commission may, upon the petition of the applicant, modify or amend an order of conditions issued under the ordinance and these regulations. The Commission shall first determine whether a proposed modification constitutes a "minor modification" or an "amendment" and then proceed in accordance with Subsections B and C, below.
In connection with a minor modification or an amendment review process, the Commission may require that the wetland resource areas be reflagged by a qualified wetland scientist or that the original flagging be reestablished in the field by professional survey. The Commission may require a new filing or the reopening of the public hearing if the wetland delineation has changed since the order of conditions was issued, even in connection with requests for a minor modification.
If the scope or purpose of the proposed project has changed substantially or the wetland interests identified in the Act and ordinance are not protected, the Commission shall require the applicant to file a new notice of intent.
Filing requirements. The requirements of § 565-18 shall apply to an application for a minor modification or amendment to an order of conditions or order of resource area delineation to the extent relevant to the minor modification or amendment application as determined by the Commission. Applicants are encouraged to review the proposal and application requirements with the Conservation Administrator prior to filing with the Commission.
Minor modification.
A minor modification is a project change that will not result in an adverse impact to wetland resource area(s) and/or the interests protected under the Act and/or the ordinance and that the Commission otherwise deems not to be of sufficient magnitude in its nature, scope or impact to warrant a public hearing.
No public hearing is required for a minor modification to an order of conditions. However, the applicant must submit a written request fully explaining the proposed change. The applicant has the burden of proving that a proposed modification is a minor modification and that the proposed modification warrants approval.
A request for a minor modification will not be reviewed or considered under the following instances:
If the appropriate filing fee is not submitted with the request to the Commission.
If the order of conditions has expired.
An Amendment, after a public hearing, is required when a change in a permitted project is proposed that the Commission deems of sufficient magnitude, in its nature, scope or impact, to potentially warrant the imposition of additional conditions or to otherwise warrant a public hearing. If the scope or purpose of the proposed project has changed substantially or the wetland interests identified in the Act and ordinance are not protected, the Commission shall require the applicant to file a new notice of intent.
A request for an amendment will not be reviewed or considered under the following instances:
If the appropriate filing fee is not submitted with the request to the Commission.
If the order of conditions has expired.
The Commission may revoke an order of conditions issued under the ordinance and these regulations if any of the following circumstances occur:
The applicant and/or his/her successors fail to comply with the terms of the order; or
New information relating to the project is obtained which indicates that previous information presented to Commission was inaccurate; or
The project changes substantially after the completion of the Commission's review.
Prior to revoking an order of conditions, the Commission shall first notify the applicant through certified mail or hand delivery and shall hold a public hearing.
Upon completion of the project, the applicant shall request in writing from the Commission a certificate of compliance [see also 310 CMR 10.05(9)]. As-built plans may also be required as noted in the order of conditions issued on the project. All as-built plans must be at the same scale as the plans submitted with the notice of intent. The applicant or his/her representative shall attend the scheduled meeting to answer any questions the Commission may have. If the Commission determines that the requirements of the order have not been met the request for a certificate of compliance will be denied. The reasons for the denial shall be forwarded to the applicant within 21 days of the receipt of the request. The Commission may specify on the certificate of compliance that certain conditions of the order of conditions are imposed perpetually and do not expire with the issuance of the certificate of compliance. The person to whom the certificate is issued shall forthwith record it in the Southern Essex Registry of Deeds or Land Court in the chain of title of the affected property and shall notify the Commission, in writing, that said recording has occurred, by sending a copy of the stamped recorded instrument to the Commission.
The following additional requirements must be satisfied in order to receive a certificate of compliance:
A certificate of compliance can be granted for an expired order of conditions.
When granted, a certificate of compliance will be issued to either the original applicant or the current landowner.
The following information must be submitted to the Commission in writing, in addition to the requirements of the order of conditions, when requesting a certificate of compliance:
The name and address of the current landowner.
The name and address of the individual/trust or corporation to whom or which the certificate is to be granted.
The street address and lot number for the project.
The DEP file number.
A statement certifying compliance with the order of conditions and the approved plan.
The person certifying compliance with the order of conditions must have inspected the site, read the order of conditions and all referenced documents, and reviewed the contents of the Commission's files on the project. Depending on the scope and complexity of the project, the Commission may require a certified professional engineer or land surveyor to certify compliance.
The Commission may withhold the issuance of a certificate of compliance if the project in question is part of (or related to) another project which is not currently in compliance.