The Commission may require the applicant to furnish a performance guarantee in the form of a deposit of money in an amount determined by the Commission to be sufficient to cover the cost of all or any part of the site alterations specified in the permit and/or shown on the plans approved by the Commission. This security shall be deposited in the name of the City of Beverly. The standard agreement is included on the performance guarantee form, which can be obtained from the Conservation Office. Security amounts will be set so that funds will be adequate to comply with the permit, repair damage to wetlands and to permanently stabilize the work site and all soils. Security shall be determined on a site-by-site basis using these general guidelines:
Range of Security
Single-family home
$3,000 to $10,000 per dwelling
Commercial/Industrial facility
$10,000 to $15,000 per building
Subdivision roadway
$10,000 or more
Wetland replication
$3 per square foot
The Commission may require the applicant to secure the performance and observance of conditions imposed on the project by a conservation restriction, easement or other covenant enforceable in a court of law, executed and duly recorded by the owner of record, running with the land to the benefit of the City whereby the permit conditions shall be performed and observed before any lot may be conveyed other than by mortgage deed.
The penal sum of any required performance guarantee, or the amount of any deposit held hereunder, may from time to time be reduced by the Commission and the obligations of their parties thereto released by the Commission in whole or in part. The release schedule(s) for the security may be proposed by the applicant and, if acceptable, approved by the Commission.
Upon completion of site alterations required in the permit, security for the performance of which was given by security, deposit or covenant, or upon the complete performance of the covenants with respect to the site, the applicant may request and agree on the terms of release with the Commission.
If the Commission determines that said alterations have been completed in compliance with the conditions of the permits, it shall release the interest of the City in such security and return the deposit to the person who furnished same, or release the covenant, if appropriate. If the Commission determines that said alterations have not been completed in compliance with the permit, it shall, within 45 days, specify to the applicant, in writing, the details wherein said alterations fail to comply with the permit.
If the applicant fails to complete the work secured by this agreement by the above stated or extended deadline, the deposit of money may be applied in whole, or in part, by and upon a vote of the Commission for the benefit of the City of Beverly to the extent of the reasonable cost to the City of completing such construction or installation as specified in this agreement. Any unused money and the interest accrued on the deposit of money, unless said interest is used to complete such construction or installation, shall be returned to the applicant upon completion of such construction or installation by the City upon a vote of the Commission.