[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
The purpose of these regulations is to regulate the placement and construction of wireless communications facilities and support structures within the City in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public, while at the same time not unreasonably interfering with the development of the competitive wireless telecommunications marketplace. Specifically, Sections 405.190 through 405.198 are intended to:
Provide for the appropriate location and development of wireless communications infrastructure to serve the citizens and businesses of the City;
Minimize adverse visual impacts of wireless facilities and support structures through careful design, siting, landscape screening and innovative camouflaging techniques;
Ensure that any new support structure is located in an area compatible with the neighborhood or surrounding community to the extent possible;
Encourage the use of disguised support structures so as to ensure the architectural integrity and the scenic qualities of areas within the City;
Ensure that regulation of wireless facilities does not have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services and does not unreasonably discriminate among providers of functionally equivalent services; and
Comply with applicable law including the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, 47 U.S.C. 332 and the Missouri Uniform Wireless Communications Infrastructure Deployment Act, Section 67.5090, RSMo., et seq.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
Any term not expressly defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in Sections 67.5090 through 67.5104, RSMo. As used herein, the following terms shall have the meanings and usages indicated:
Any device that transmits and/or receives electromagnetic signals for voice, data or video communications purposes, including, but not limited to, television, AM/FM radio, microwave, wireless communications services, and similar forms of communications. The term shall exclude satellite earth station antennas less than six (6) feet in diameter (mounted within twelve (12) feet of the ground or building mounted) and any receive-only home television antenna.
A structure for the protection and security of communications equipment associated with one (1) or more antennas where direct access to equipment is provided from the exterior and the horizontal dimensions of which do not exceed four (4) feet by six (6) feet.
The placement or installation of a new wireless facility on a structure that already has an existing wireless facility, including electrical transmission towers, water towers, buildings, and other structures capable of structurally supporting the attachment of wireless facilities in compliance with applicable codes.
The Director of Public Works of the City or his or her designee.
Any freestanding, manmade structure designed for the support of wireless facilities, the presence of which is camouflaged or concealed as an architectural or natural feature. Such structures may include, but are not limited to, clock towers, observation towers, pylon signs, water towers, light standards, flag poles and artificial trees.
The Federal Aviation Administration.
The Federal Communications Commission.
The vertical distance measured from the base of the structure at mean ground level to its highest point and including the main structure and all attachments thereto. Mean ground level shall be determined by the average elevation of the natural ground level within a radius of fifty (50) feet from the center location of measurement.
Includes constructing a new wireless support structure of equal proportions and of equal height or such other height that would not constitute a substantial modification to an existing structure in order to support wireless facilities or to accommodate collocation and includes the associated removal of the preexisting wireless facilities or wireless support structure.
A building for the protection and security of communications equipment associated with one (1) or more antenna(s) and where access to equipment is gained from the interior of a building.
The mounting of a proposed wireless facility on a wireless support structure which, as applied to the structure as it was originally constructed:
Increases the existing vertical height of the structure by:
More than ten percent (10%); or
The height of one (1) additional antenna array with separation from the nearest existing antenna not to exceed twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater; or
Involves adding an appurtenance to the body of a wireless support structure that protrudes horizontally from the edge of the wireless support structure more than twenty (20) feet or more than the width of the wireless support structure at the level of the appurtenance, whichever is greater (except where necessary to shelter the antenna from inclement weather or to connect the antenna to the tower via cable);
Involves the installation of more than the standard number of new outdoor equipment cabinets for the technology involved, not to exceed four (4) new equipment cabinets; or
Increases the square footage of the existing equipment compound by more than one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet.
Includes the wireless facilities of all services licensed to use radio communications pursuant to Section 301 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 301.
The set of equipment and network components, exclusive of the underlying wireless support structure, including, but not limited to, antennas, accessory equipment, transmitters, receivers, power supplies, cabling and associated equipment necessary to provide wireless communications services.
A structure, such as a monopole, tower, or building capable of supporting wireless facilities. This definition does not include utility poles.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
The requirements set forth in this Section shall be applicable to all wireless facilities, wireless support structures cabinets and shelters installed, built or modified after the effective date of this Section, to the full extent permitted by applicable law.
Principal Or Incidental Use. Wireless facilities and wireless support structures may be either a principal use in all zoning districts or an accessory use to existing multi-family, institutional or non-residential uses, subject to any applicable zoning district requirement relating to location or setback.
Building Codes, Safety Standards And Zoning Compliance. To ensure the structural integrity of wireless facilities and wireless support structures same shall be constructed and maintained in compliance with all standards contained in any State or local building code, National Electric Safety Codes, as amended from time to time. In addition to any other approvals required hereunder, no wireless facilities and wireless support structures shall be erected prior to the issuance of a building permit. An applicant seeking to install, build, or modify any wireless facility or wireless support structure shall be required to determine and provide for anticipated electrical usage for its facilities and support structures. Any modifications made or studies undertaken to ensure the facilities and/or support structures have adequate electricity shall be paid for by the applicant. The applicant shall be required to pay for any engineering studies necessary to determine if a wireless facility can be supported by a support structure or facility on which the applicant proposes to attach such wireless facility.
Regulatory Compliance. All wireless facilities and wireless support structures shall meet or exceed current standards and regulations of the FAA, FCC and any other governmental agency with the authority to regulate such facilities and support structures. Should such standards or regulations be amended, then the owner shall bring such facilities and support structures into compliance with the revised standards or regulations within six (6) months of the effective date of the revision, unless an earlier date is mandated by the controlling agency.
Security. All wireless facilities and wireless support structures shall be protected from unauthorized access by appropriate security devices. A description of proposed security measures shall be provided as part of any application to install, build or modify wireless facilities and wireless support structures. Additional measures may be required as a condition of the issuance of a building permit or administrative permit as deemed necessary by the Director or the City Council in the case of a conditional use permit.
Lighting. Wireless facilities and wireless support structures shall not be lighted unless required by the FAA or other governmental agency with authority to regulate. In such case, a description of the required lighting scheme shall be made a part of the application to install, build or modify the wireless facilities or wireless support structures.
Advertising. Unless a wireless facilities and/or wireless support structure is disguised in the form of an advertising device, such as a pylon sign or similar structure, the placement of advertising on support structures, cabinets or shelters regulated by this Article is prohibited.
Wireless facilities and wireless support structures, except disguised support structures shall maintain a galvanized steel finish or, subject to the requirements of the FAA and/or any applicable governmental agency, shall be painted a neutral color consistent with the natural or built environment of the site.
Wireless facilities other than antennae shall have an exterior finish compatible with the natural or built environment of the site, and shall also comply with such other reasonable design guidelines as may be required by the City.
Wireless facilities mounted on a building or a disguised support structure shall be of a color identical to or closely compatible with the surface to which they are mounted, and should be made to appear as unobtrusive as possible by location as far away as feasible from the edge of a building. Wireless facilities and wireless support structures mounted on the ground shall not exceed one hundred (100) feet, except as provided in Section 405.195(C). Wireless facilities installed on a building shall not exceed twenty (20) feet from the highest point of the building, other than for licensed amateur radio uses.
Wireless facilities, wireless support structures and cabinets mounted on the ground shall be surrounded by a landscape strip of not less than ten (10) feet in width and planted with materials which will provide a visual barrier to a minimum height of six (6) feet at the time of installation. Such landscape strip shall be exterior to any security fencing. In lieu of the required landscape strip, a minimum six (6) foot high decorative fence or wall may be approved by the Director in the case of an application for a building permit or administrative permit, or by the City Council in the case of a conditional use application, upon demonstration by the applicant than an equivalent degree of visual screening is achieved.
All wireless support structures shall be separated from any single- or two-family residential structure a distance equal to the height of the wireless support structures. Wireless support structures on parcels adjacent to residentially zoned property shall meet the setbacks of the applicable zoning districts required for a principal structure along the adjoining property line(s). Where adjacent to non-residential zoned property, wireless support structures shall maintain setbacks as are required for accessory structures in such district.
Ground anchors of all guyed wireless support structures shall be located on the same parcel as the wireless support structures and meet the setbacks of the applicable zoning district.
Vehicle or outdoor storage on any the site of any wireless facility or wireless support structure is prohibited.
On-site parking on a paved surface for periodic maintenance and service shall be provided at all locations as deemed necessary by the Director or by the City Council in the case of a conditional use permit.
Time Limits. All applications regarding wireless facilities and wireless support structures shall be processed in accordance with the time limits established by Sections 67.5090 through 67.5103, RSMo.
Fees. Fees for applications regarding wireless facilities and wireless support structures shall not exceed the limits established by Sections 67.5090 through 67.5103, RSMo.
New Wireless Support Structure/Substantial Modification. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, administrative permit, or a conditional use permit, the City shall require an applicant proposing to construct a new wireless support structure, or to make a substantial modification to a wireless support structure, to include a copy of a lease, letter of authorization, or other agreement from the property owner evidencing applicant's right to pursue the application and shall require such applicant to comply with all applicable permitting and land use ordinances of the City. Any decision denying such application shall be provided in writing to the applicant. With regard to an application for a new wireless support structure, the applicant shall provide to the City a statement affirming that it conducted an analysis of available collocation opportunities on existing wireless towers within the same search ring defined by the applicant, solely for the purpose of confirming that an applicant undertook such an analysis.
Wireless Facilities And Support Structure In City's Rights-Of-Way. For applications for installation of any wireless facility or support structure in the rights-of-way: (1) the most restrictive adjacent underlying zoning district classification shall apply unless otherwise specifically zoned and designated on the zoning district map; and (2) no application to construct or erect a wireless facility or wireless support structure shall be submitted for approval without attaching the City's consent to use the rights-of-way for the specific construction application in accordance with Chapter 67, RSMo. Pursuant to the City's authority, including by Section 67.1830, RSMo., and due to the limited space in the City's rights-of-way and in order to minimize obstructions and interference with the use of the rights-of-way and to ensure traffic safety, preserve property values, and enforce the public policy to maintain neutrality as to ownership of wireless locations, wireless facilities and equipment shall not be permitted in the rights-of-way on new structures unless the City Council determines on a non-discriminatory basis such proposed application is in the public interest addressing all concerns stated in this Article, and provided such use and location has received prior, separate zoning authorization to the extent permitted by applicable law. In such circumstances where any new wireless application is permitted in the rights-of-way, such uses shall be subject to reasonable regulations, including any applicable specifications, compensation, and other terms established by the City in such approval or agreements. Wireless antennas and related facilities on existing structures or underground may be permitted in the same manner as other uses in the rights-of-way but subject to approval, denial or condition relating to location, design, height, appearance, safety, and such other zoning, building specification or other regulations, except as may be limited by applicable law. Any wireless facilities or support structure involving excavation shall be installed, repaired, and maintained in accordance with Chapter 515 of this Code.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
The placement of the following is permitted in all zoning districts by issuance of a building permit:
Collocation and replacement applications, provided that no permit may be issued for collocation to a certified historic structure as defined in Section 253.545, RSMo., until at least one (1) public hearing has been held by the Director within thirty (30) days prior to issuance. The Director shall post public notice of such hearing in a prominent location at Festus City Hall at least fifteen (15) days in advance of such hearing and shall provide written notice to all property owners within the City limits whose property lies within three hundred (300) feet of the parcel for which an application has been submitted. Collocation and replacement applications shall be required to comply with all applicable State and local building codes, National Electric Safety Code, recognized industry standards for structural safety, capacity, reliability, and engineering, but shall not be required to comply with other zoning or land use requirements, including design or placement requirements or public hearing review. A collocation application shall be reviewed by the City to determine if the proposed facility will create interference with existing wireless facilities.
The mounting of antennas on any building or structure such as a water tower, provided that the presence of the antennas is concealed by architectural elements or camouflaged by painting a color identical to the surface to which they are attached.
The installation of antennas or the construction of a wireless facility or wireless support structure on buildings or land owned by the City following the approval of a lease agreement by the City Council. In accordance with applicable law, the City may require compensation to construct a wireless facility or wireless support structure on buildings or land owned by the City.
The installation of antennas or the construction of a wireless facility or wireless support structure on buildings or land owned by the State or any agency of the Federal government.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
Permitted Placement. The placement of the following is permitted in all zoning districts upon issuance of an administrative permit approved by the Director:
The construction of a disguised support structure, provided that all related equipment shall be placed underground when the structure is located on property zoned for residential use. Equipment may be placed in a cabinet if the disguised support structure is incidental to a multi-family, institutional, or non-residential use.
The placement of dual polar panel antennas on wooden or steel utility poles, not to exceed forty (40) feet in height, provided that all related equipment is contained in a cabinet.
Wireless support structures erected and maintained for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days for the purpose of replacing an existing tower, testing an existing or proposed network, or special events requiring mobile towers.
Application Procedures. Applications for administrative permits shall be made on the appropriate forms to the Director, accompanied by payment of the prescribed fee:
A detailed site plan, based on a closed boundary survey of the host parcel, shall be submitted indicating all existing and proposed improvements including buildings, drives, walkway, parking areas and other structures, public rights-of-way, the zoning categories of the subject and adjoining properties, the location of and distance to off-site residential structures, required setbacks, required buffer and landscape areas, hydrologic features, and the coordinates and height above ground level of the existing or proposed wireless facility and/or wireless support structure.
The application shall be reviewed by the Director to determine compliance with the applicable standards and shall be reviewed and commented on by other City departments as may be affected by the proposed wireless facilities and/or wireless support structures.
The Director shall issue a decision on the permit within the applicable time limits. The Director may consider the purposes of this Article and the factors established herein for granting a conditional use permit as well as any other considerations consistent with this Article and applicable law. A decision to deny an application shall be made in writing, and state the specific reasons for the denial.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
All proposals to install, build or modify a wireless facility or wireless support structure not covered under Sections 405.193 or 405.194 above shall require the approval of the City Council by conditional use permit following receipt of the recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission and a duly advertised public hearing by the City Council.
Applications for a conditional use permit shall be filed and processed in the manner and time frame as established under the Zoning Code and, if applicable, Sections 67.5090 through 67.5103, RSMo.
The review procedure for an application for a conditional use permit under this Section shall be in the manner set forth in Section 405.570 of this Code. In addition to any other determination required by the Zoning Code for the consideration of a conditional use permit, the City Council shall make findings based upon evidence submitted with the application and/or presented during the public hearing by the applicant or others. A decision by the City Council on an application shall be accompanied by substantial evidence supporting the decision, which shall be made a part of the written record of the meeting at which a final decision on the application is rendered.
No wireless support structure shall be approved in excess of one hundred (100) feet in height unless the applicant clearly demonstrates that such height is required for the proper function of the applicant's system or that of a public safety communications system of a governmental entity sharing the support structure. Such showing must also be supported by the opinion of a telecommunications consultant hired by the City at the expense of the applicant. The report of the consultant shall include a statement that no available alternatives exist to exceeding the height limitation or the reason why such alternatives are not viable.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
Any wireless facility or support structure no longer used for its original communications purpose shall be removed at the owner's expense. The owner and applicable co-users shall provide the City with a copy of any notice to the FCC of intent to cease operations and shall have ninety (90) days from the date of ceasing operations to remove the facility and/or support structure. In the case of co-use, this provision shall not become effective until all users cease operations. Any wireless support structure, or the upper portion of any wireless support structure, which is occupied by an inactive antenna for a period of six (6) months shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be removed by the City at the owner's expense.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
To the extent permitted by applicable law, any applicant for a new wireless facility or wireless support structure shall file with the City a bond or other security satisfactory to the City prior to the issuance of any permit hereunder to ensure that such structure does not become unsafe or otherwise fail to comply with the requirements of this Article, including without limitation, failure to remove such structure as required pursuant to Section 405.196 hereof, or any other applicable regulations. The bond or security shall be in the form approved by the Director, in an amount not less than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00), or such additional amount as is determined by the Director to protect the City in the event of non-compliance with the requirements hereof.
[Ord. No. 4426, 1-24-2018]
Notwithstanding any right that may exist for a governmental entity to operate or construct a wireless facility or support structure, it shall be unlawful for any person to erect or operate for any private commercial purpose any new wireless facility or support structure in violation of this Article, regardless of whether such facility or support structure is located on land owned by a governmental entity.