General Intent. The PDD Planned Development Districts are intended to be created, pursuant to § 62.23(7)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes as amended, for the purpose of permitting developments that will: derive maximum benefit from coordinated area site planning, diversified location of structures, and mixed compatible uses that result in the provision of a safe and efficient system for pedestrian and vehicular traffic, attractive recreation and landscaped open spaces, economic design and location of public and private utilities and community facilities; and ensure adequate standards of construction and planning. The unified and planned development of a site, in single or corporate ownership or control at the time of application, may be permitted in a Planned Development District with one or more principal uses or structures and related accessory uses and structures. The regulations within a Planned Development District need not be uniform throughout the individual PDD District except for those types of intensity standards set forth below.
Open Space, Land Use Intensity and Land Use Density Intent. All PDD Planned Development Districts shall, however, specify land use maximum or minimum intensity standards including, where applicable: the open space ratio (OSR), maximum gross residential density, maximum net residential density, maximum floor area ratio (GFAR and NFAR), and minimum landscape surface ratio (LSR). These shall be established on an individual PDD District basis in order to regulate the intensity of development on the site. The plan maps shown in the City of Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan only identify PDD District areas which were existing at the time of the adoption of the City of Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan. New PDD Districts may be permitted by the City if the owner or his agent can prove to the City that the resulting PDD District will achieve a better design, identical or lesser intensity land uses (in terms of dwelling units, land use type, or GFAR and NFAR), and identical or greater OSR than that which is indicated on the adopted City of Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan maps.
Natural Resource Features Protection Intent. While the PDD District is intended to be flexible in its application, it is not the intent of this district to be used to alter or amend any of the prescribed natural resource base protection standards advanced by the City of Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan or its implementing Unified Development Ordinance.
Planned Development District: Traditional Neighborhood Development Intent. Proposed developments contemplated by an applicant to include design features described as "Traditional Neighborhood Development" in Wisconsin Statutes § 66.1027 (1)(c), as amended, may be considered for approval as a "PDD Planned Development District" under the applicable procedures and standards described under § 15-9.0208 of this Ordinance and at locations and with conditions determined appropriate by the Common Council with recommendation from the Plan Commission. The document identified as "A Model Ordinance for Traditional Neighborhood Development" dated April 2001 as published by the University of Wisconsin Extension pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes § 66.1027(2), serves as the nonexclusive guidebook to assist in further defining the various aspects and elements of the form of urban design, along with such other sources of guidance the Plan Commission and Common Council may choose to consult.
A PDD Planned Development District shall not be approved by the Common Council under this Division except in conformance with the objectives of the City of Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan, neighborhood plan, planning district plan, or other element or component of the City of Franklin Comprehensive Master Plan.
Table 15-3.0402
Minimum Land Area Requirements for PDD Planned Development Districts by General Use Type
General Use Type
Minimum Required Site Area
R-8 Multiple-Family Residence District
Commercial, Retail Sales, and Services
Mixed Compatible Uses
Table 15-3.0402C
PDD Planned Development District Maximum Intensity and Density Measures
General Use Type
Residential Standards
Non-Residential Standards
Minimum Open Space Ratio
Maximum Gross Density
Maximum Net Density
Minimum Landscape Surface Ratio
Maximum Gross Floor Area Ratio
Maximum Net Floor Area Ratio
Residential (a)
Commerc- ial Retail Sales and Service
Mixed Compatible Uses
N/A = Not Applicable
Plan Commission and Common Council may approve of densities over the stated GD or ND with the provision the development meets a community purpose, such as residential housing for older persons.
See Alternative Minimum Landscape Surface Ratio (LSR) with Required Mitigation (See § 15-5.0302E).
Apply the appropriate standard for each individual land use type and its corresponding site area as listed in this Table.
Minimum Area Requirements. In order to be approved under the provisions of this Division, proposed PDD Planned Development Districts shall include the minimum area as set forth in Table 15-3.0402.
Natural Resource Features Protection Standards. All development in a PDD Planned Development District shall meet the natural resource protection standards set forth in Division 15-4.0100 of this Ordinance.
Maximum Site Intensity and Density Standards. Maximum site intensity and density standards in the PDD Planned Development District shall not exceed those set forth in Table 15-3.0402C. Individual uses and structures in a PDD Planned Development District shall comply with the specific use, building location, height, building size, gross and net floor area (GFAR and NFAR), lot size, open space ratio (OSR), and landscape surface ratio (LSR) requirements as set forth by the City Plan Commission as conditions and restrictions of approval, and approved by the Common Council.
Minimum Required Setbacks from the Ultimate Rights-of-Way of Arterial Streets and Highways. See § 15-5.0108 for increased setback requirements along the ultimate rights-of-way of arterial streets and highways.
All Planned Development District Ordinances adopted prior to the effective date of this Unified Development Ordinance shall be automatically recodified to correlate to the section numbering system established by this Ordinance, without further amendment to the Planned Development District Ordinances.
All Planned Development District Ordinances adopted after the effective date of this Unified Development Ordinance shall be considered part of this Ordinance, although the reference may not be immediately included in the printed copy of this Ordinance.
See Division 15-9.0100 of this Ordinance.
[NOTE: PDD Ordinances are periodically revised or amended. Please contact the Department of City Development for the current Ordinances.]
See Ordinance 75-454 (Dated April 15, 1975)
(Note: PDD No. 1 was rezoned to R-6 and R-7 by Ordinance No. 76-493 dated June 1, 1976.)
See Ordinance 76-501 (Dated August 17, 1976)
See Ordinance 78-596 (Dated August 15, 1978)
See Ordinance 87-933 (Dated April 21, 1987)
See Ordinance 88-971 (Dated January 19, 1988)
See Ordinance 91-1183 (Dated November 19, 1991)
See Ordinance 95-1362 (Dated October 17, 1995)
See Ordinance 96-1415 (Dated August 27, 1996)
See Ordinance 80-668 (Dated June 17, 1980)
(NOTE: Development never constructed)
See Ordinance 81-694 (Dated January 20, 1981)
See Ordinance 81-709 (Dated June 2, 1981)
(NOTE: Development never constructed)
See Ordinance 81-706 (Dated May 19, 1981)
See Ordinance 81-724 (Dated October 6, 1981)
See Ordinance 81-725 (Dated October 6, 1981)
See Ordinance 81-732 (Dated December 1, 1981)
See Ordinance 88-976 (Dated February 17, 1988)
See Ordinance 84-834 (Dated June 5, 1984)
See Ordinance 85-864 (Dated June 18, 1985)
See Ordinance 2015-2196 (Dated October 20, 2015)
See Ordinance 2024-2585 (Dated February 21, 2024)
See Ordinance 87-922 (Dated February 3, 1987)
See Ordinance 93-1280 (Dated November 16, 1993)
See Ordinance 98-1488 (Dated April 6, 1998)
See Ordinance 2023-2525 (Dated January 17, 2023)
See Ordinance 88-981 (Dated April 6, 1988)
See Ordinance 89-1032 (Dated March 21, 1989)
See Ordinance 92-1208 (Dated May 5, 1992)
See Ordinance 88-1001 (Dated July 5, 1988)
See Ordinance 95-1337 (Dated February 7, 1995)
See Ordinance 97-1447 (Dated March 18, 1997)
See Ordinance 98-1492 (Dated May 5, 1998)
See Ordinance 99-1546 (Dated April 20, 1999)
See Ordinance 2000-1594 (Dated March 7, 2000)
See Ordinance 2000-1597 (Dated April 3, 2000)
See Ordinance 2001-1678 (Dated October 2, 2001)
See Ordinance 2002-1721 (Dated August 6, 2002)
See Ordinance 2003-1754 (Dated July 1, 2003)
See Ordinance 2004-1789 (Dated April 20, 2004)
See Ordinance 2004-1799 (Dated June 8, 2004)
See Ordinance 2005-1857 (Dated October 18, 2005)
See Ordinance 2008-1955 (Dated September 23, 2008)
See Ordinance 2012-2067 (Dated January 10, 2012)
See Ordinance 2012-2068 (Dated February 22, 2012)
See Ordinance 2015-2171 (Dated May 5, 2015)
See Ordinance 2020-2443 (Dated August 18, 2020)
See Ordinance 89-1043 (Dated May 16, 1989)
See Ordinance 89-1068 (Dated October 17, 1989)
See Ordinance 90-1099 (Dated June 5, 1990)
See Ordinance 96-1382 (Dated January 23, 1996)
See Ordinance 96-1422 (Dated October 15, 1996)
See Ordinance 89-1061 (Dated September 19, 1989)
See Ordinance 89-1068 (Dated October 17, 1989)
See Ordinance 89-1071 (Dated November 21, 1989)
See Ordinance 94-1313 (Dated August 2, 1994)
See Ordinance 95-1342 (Dated May 2, 1995)
See Ordinance 2001-1645 (Dated April 17, 2001)
See Ordinance 2002-1705 (Dated March 5, 2002)
See Ordinance 2004-1814 (Dated September 21, 2004)
See Ordinance 2008-1940 (Dated March 4, 2008)
See Ordinance 2010-1995 (Dated March 16, 2010)
See Ordinance 2013-2123 (Dated November 19, 2013)
See Ordinance 2016-2213 (Dated April 4, 2016)
See Ordinance 2016-2223 (Dated June 28, 2016)
See Ordinance 2018-2331 (Dated June 19, 2018)
See Ordinance 2019-2391 (Dated October 1, 2019)
See Ordinance 2020-2427 (Dated April 6, 2020)
See Ordinance 89-1072 (Dated November 21, 1989)
See Ordinance 97-1443 (Dated February 18, 1997)
See Ordinance 97-1467 (Dated October 7, 1997)
See Ordinance 98-1522 (Dated December 15, 1998)
See Ordinance 99-1553 (Dated June 1, 1999)
See Ordinance 99-1575 (Dated September 21, 1999)
See Ordinance 2002-1718 (Dated July 9, 2002)
See Ordinance 2003-1739 (Dated January 7, 2003)
See Ordinance 2005-1846 (Dated July 12, 2005)
See Ordinance 2005-1860 (Dated November 1, 2005)
See Ordinance 2006-1881 (Dated July 11, 2006)
See Ordinance 2010-2033 (Dated December 7, 2010)
See Ordinance 89-1070 (Dated November 21, 1989)
See Ordinance 95-1340 (Dated April 3, 1995)
See Ordinance 95-1352 (Dated August 8, 1995)
See Ordinance 97-1446 (Dated March 18, 1997)
See Ordinance 99-1543 (Dated April 5, 1999)
See Ordinance 2010-2001 (Dated June 1, 2010)
See Ordinance 2015-2199 (Dated December 1, 2015)
See Ordinance 92-1229 (Dated September 15, 1992)
See Ordinance 93-1261 (Dated June 8, 1993)
See Ordinance 94-1298 (Dated March 1, 1994)
See Ordinance 96-1391 (Dated March 5, 1996)
See Ordinance 96-1400 (Dated March 5, 1996)
See Ordinance 98-1508 (Dated August 25, 1998)
See Ordinance 2002-1735 (Dated December 3, 2002)
See Ordinance 2004-1822 (Dated November 30, 2004)
See Ordinance 2009-1968 (Dated March 3, 2009)
See Ordinance 2011-2057 (Dated August 16, 2011)
See Ordinance 92-1234 (Dated October 6, 1992)
See Ordinance 92-1246 (Dated December 15, 1992)
See Ordinance 96-1394 (Dated March 18, 1996)
See Ordinance 98-1517 (Dated November 17, 1998)
See Ordinance 93-1279 (Dated October 19, 1993)
See Ordinance 97-1437 (Dated January 21, 1997)
See Ordinance 2000-1627 (Dated December 19, 2000)
See Ordinance 2003-1743 (Dated February 4, 2003)
See Ordinance 2005-1851 (Dated September 6, 2005)
See Ordinance 2012-2094 (Dated September 18, 2012)
See Ordinance 2015-2196 (Dated October 20, 2015)
See Ordinance 2020-2442 (Dated August 4, 2020)
See Ordinance 2022-2512 (Dated June 7, 2022)
See Ordinance 95-1339 (Dated February 21, 1995)
See Ordinance 96-1384 (Dated February 5, 1996)
See Ordinance 96-1416 (Dated August 27, 1996)
See Ordinance 96-1381 (Dated January 23, 1996)
See Ordinance 95-1356 (Dated September 19, 1995)
See Ordinance 96-1390 (Dated March 5, 1996)
See Ordinance 98-1503 (Dated June 23, 1998)
See Ordinance 98-1513 (Dated November 2, 1998)
See Ordinance 2000-1612 (Dated September 5, 2000)
See Ordinance 2001-1667 (Dated August 14, 2001)
See Ordinance 2008-1935 (Dated January 8, 2008)
See Ordinance 2014-2159 (Dated December 16, 2014)
See Ordinance 96-1389 (Dated March 5, 1996)
See Ordinance 96-1417 (Dated August 27, 1996)
See Ordinance 99-1557 (Dated June 22, 1999)
See Ordinance 2005-1855 (Dated September 20, 2005)
See Ordinance 2005-1856 (Dated September 20, 2005)
See Ordinance 2010-2031 (Dated November 16, 2010)
See Ordinance 2011-2046 (Dated May 17, 2011)
See Ordinance 2012-2075 (Dated May 15, 2012)
See Ordinance 2012-2078 (Dated June 4, 2012)
See Ordinance 2014-2145 (Dated August 19, 2014)
See Ordinance 97-1456 (Dated June 3, 1997)
See Ordinance 2021-2484 (Dated November 2, 2021)
Editor’s Note: See Ch. 176 of the City of Franklin Municipal Code, as recreated pursuant to Ordinance No. 2015-2178, An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 176 of the Municipal Code Pertaining to Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation.
See Ordinance 97-1457 (Dated June 3, 1997)
See Ordinance 2005-1840 (Dated May 17, 2005)
Editor’s Note: See Ch. 176 of the City of Franklin Municipal Code, as recreated pursuant to Ordinance No. 2015-2178, An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Chapter 176 of the Municipal Code Pertaining to Non-Metallic Mining Reclamation.
See Ordinance 98-1491 (Dated May 5, 1998)
See Ordinance 99-1535 (Dated February 15, 1999)
See Ordinance 2000-1602 (Dated May 16, 2000)
See Ordinance 2003-1768 (Dated November 18, 2003)
See Ordinance 2006-1875 (Dated March 21, 2006)
See Ordinance 2006-1896 (Dated November 21, 2006)
See Ordinance 2007-1927 (Dated October 2, 2007)
See Ordinance 2007-1928 (Dated October 2, 2007)
See Ordinance 2021-2481 (Dated October 5, 2021)
See Ordinance 98-1504 (Dated June 23, 1998)
See Ordinance 99-1573 (Dated August 24, 1999)
See Ordinance 2001-1679 (Dated October 16, 2001)
See Ordinance 2003-1757 (Dated July 15, 2003)
See Ordinance 2003-1766 (Dated October 21, 2003)
See Ordinance 2007-1931 (Dated November 6, 2007)
See Ordinance 98-1509 (Dated August 25, 1998)
See Ordinance 99-1533 (Dated February 2, 1999)
See Ordinance 99-1552 (Dated June 1, 1999)
See Ordinance 2004-1825 (Dated December 21, 2004)
See Ordinance 2013-2122 (Dated November 19, 2013)
See Ordinance 2019-2378 (Dated June 4, 2019)
See Ordinance 2019-2382 (Dated July 2, 2019)
See Ordinance 2020-2441 (Dated July 21, 2020)
See Ordinance 2000-1626 (Dated December 19, 2000)
See Ordinance 2001-1657 (Dated June 21, 2001)
See Ordinance 2002-1711 (Dated April 9, 2002)
See Ordinance 2003-1746 (Dated March 4, 2003)
See Ordinance 2019-2351 (Dated January 8, 2019)
See Ordinance 99-1578 (Dated November 2, 1999)
See Ordinance 2000-1620 (Dated November 14, 2000)
See Ordinance 2001-1669 (Dated August 14, 2001)
See Ordinance 2002-1694 (Dated February 5, 2002)
See Ordinance 2002-1731 (Dated November 19, 2002)
See Ordinance 2003-1770 (Dated December 2, 2003)
See Ordinance 2003-1773 (Dated December 2, 2003)
See Ordinance 2010-1993 (Dated February 16, 2010)
See Ordinance 2011-2041 (Dated April 19, 2011)
See Ordinance 2012-2083 (Dated July 24, 2012)
See Ordinance 2012-2098 (Dated November 13, 2012)
See Ordinance 2004-1823 (Dated November 30, 2004)
See Ordinance 2004-1824 (Dated November 30, 2004)
See Ordinance 2005-1843 (Dated June 7, 2005)
See Ordinance 2007-1926 (Dated October 2, 2007)
See Ordinance 2008-1942 (Dated April 15, 2008)
See Ordinance 2009-1965 (Dated February 3, 2009)
See Ordinance 2008-1951 (Dated August 5, 2008)
See Ordinance 2012-2081 (Dated July 10, 2012)
See Ordinance 2009-1989 (Dated November 17, 2009)
See Ordinance 2012-2091 (Dated September 4, 2012)
See Ordinance 2012-2089 (Dated August 21, 2012)
See Ordinance 2013-2101 (Dated March 5, 2013)
See Ordinance 2016-2212 (Dated April 4, 2016)
See Ordinance 2017-2278 (Dated June 20, 2017)
See Ordinance 2018-2312 (Dated January 9, 2018)
See Ordinance 2018-2318 (Dated March 8, 2018)
See Ordinance 2018-2333 (Dated June 19, 2018)
See Ordinance 2019-2368 (Dated May 7, 2019)
See Ordinance 2021-2462 (Dated May 4, 2021)
See Ordinance 2021-2488 (Dated December 7, 2021)
See Ordinance 2022-2524 (Dated December 20, 2022)
See Ordinance 2023-2566 (Dated November 21, 2023)
See Ordinance 2015-2193 (Dated September 15, 2015)
See Ordinance 2016-2238 (Dated November 1, 2016)
See Ordinance 2022-2492 (Dated January 18, 2022)
See Ordinance 2023-2546 (Dated July 5, 2023)
See Ordinance 2024-2576 (Dated January 3, 2024)