[Ord. 471, 10/9/1974, § 1]
There is hereby created the position of Independent Auditor for the Borough of Morton. The Independent Auditor, appointed as hereinafter set forth, shall be a certified public accountant, registered in Pennsylvania, a firm of certified public accountants so registered, or a competent public accountant or a competent firm of public accountants.
[Ord. 471, 10/9/1974, § 2]
Council shall appoint, annually, by resolution before the close of a fiscal year, an Independent Auditor, to make an independent examination of the accounting records of the Borough for such fiscal year as well as perform all other duties required of an Independent Auditor as set forth in the pertinent provisions of the Borough Code, 53 P.S. § 45101 et seq. The compensation to be paid to the Independent Auditor shall be fixed at such time and in such amounts as shall be determined by resolution of Council.
[Ord. 471, 10/9/1974, § 3]
The office of elected Borough Auditor shall be abolished upon the appointment of an Independent Auditor as more fully set forth in the Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
The purposes of this Subpart B are to define the process of appointment of the Borough Manager of the Borough of Morton as permitted by the Borough Code; to define the qualifications of the Borough Manager; to prescribe the duties of the Borough Manager; and to prescribe the process for fixing the compensation of the Borough Manager.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
The Borough Manager shall be elected by a majority of the members of Council at the reorganization meeting held on the first Monday of January of even-numbered years as provided in the Borough Code or at such times as the Borough Council deems appropriate.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
Credentials. To be qualified as a candidate for Borough Manager, an individual must possess, at a minimum, a baccalaureate degree in public administration, city planning, business administration or accounting from an accredited college or university.
Experience. The qualified candidate must have, at a minimum, five years of experience in public administration at the middle management level or above.
Bonding. The qualified candidate must be bondable as required by the Borough Code.
Offices Incompatible. Neither the mayor nor any member of the Council shall be eligible to hold the office of Borough Manager.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
Basic Duties. The duties of the Borough Manager shall include:
Planning, directing and coordinating the day-to-day administration of the Borough.
Advising the Borough Council in the development and maintenance of Borough policies.
Overseeing and coordinating:
Budget preparation and financial reporting.
Grant applications.
Borough finances.
Supervising and coordinating the functions of all municipal service departments.
Collecting and resolving citizen complaints and suggestions.
Additional Duties. The Borough Manager will perform other duties as required by the Borough Council.
Job Description. The Council shall from time to time develop, review and revise a job description that further elaborates on the duties of the Borough Manager.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
The compensation of the Borough Manager shall be fixed through an employment agreement which shall describe the salary, fringe benefits and terms and conditions of employment. The employment agreement shall be agreed upon by a majority of the Council.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
A Borough Manager may serve multiple consecutive terms. However, as required by the Pennsylvania Borough Code, 8 Pa.C.S.A. 1142(b), employment agreements for a Borough Manager are limited as follows:
An employment agreement entered into under this section may remain in effect for a specified period terminating no later than two years after the effective date of the agreement or the date of the organizational meeting of the Council following the next municipal election, whichever occurs first.
An employment agreement entered into under this section may specify conditions under which a Borough Manager will be entitled to severance compensation, but in no event may the employment agreement guarantee employment through the term of the agreement or confer upon the Borough Manager any legal remedy based on specific performance.
An employment agreement with a Borough Manager executed on or after a municipal election but before the first meeting in January the year after the municipal election shall be void.
[Ord. No. 2017-742, 1/11/2017]
In the absence of a qualified candidate, the Borough Council may appoint an Interim Borough Manager to ensure the continued smooth operation of Borough services. The Interim Borough Manager is not required to possess the credentials or experience described above, except the requirement of bondability. The duties and compensation of an Interim Borough Manager will be set by an employment agreement. The period of employment of an Interim Borough Manager shall not exceed six months, except as the result of a majority vote of the Council extending the period of the employment agreement.