[See Chapter 15, Part 5B]
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
The purpose of this manual is to promulgate the rules and regulations for developers choosing to provide affordable housing in Gregg Township.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
This manual shall apply to properties zones residential and agricultural. In accordance with § 15-522, Subsection 1C, Conservation Design Overlay District; Provision for Affordable Housing, a density increase is permitted where the subdivision proposal provides on-site or off-site housing opportunities for low-or moderate-income families. When off-site housing provision is proposed, the Board shall require evidence that these units will in fact be constructed by a certain date. The amount of density increase shall be based on the following standard: for each affordable housing unit provided under this section, one additional building lot or dwelling unit shall be permitted, up to a maximum 15% increase in dwelling units.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
The Gregg Township Board of Supervisors recognizes that market conditions have made it difficult for many residents to afford homeownership. These residents include, for example, young professionals, new families, workers and the elderly. Therefore, the goal of the Affordable Housing Program is to increase the stock of affordable housing units in Gregg Township in order that the aforesaid residents can live in close proximity to employment centers, daily service needs, and schools.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
Affordable housing is herein defined as units sold or rented to families earning up to 120% of the area median income, adjusted for family size, as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The area median income for Centre County is determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is adjusted annually by the same U.S. agency. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development further defines affordable housing as a house where the costs of purchasing it do not exceed 30% of the gross area median income. Housing costs for owner-occupied units are defined as principal, interest, taxes, insurance and any condominium or association fees. Housing costs for rental units are typically defined as rent and utilities.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
Affordable housing units constructed under the provisions in § 15-522, Subsection 1C, Conservation Design Overlay District; Provision for Affordable Housing, require the submission of a Housing Development Plan.
Prior to drafting the Housing Development Plan, the Township encourages all parties, which may include the developer, municipality, nonprofit, builder's agent and any other interested party, to meet and discuss affordability factors, unit types, size, phasing of the affordable housing units and other related issues. The parties are also encouraged to work together throughout the development process, if needed.
In addition to the requirements in the Part, the Housing Development Plan must contain the following information:
A statement from the Centre County Housing and Land Trust or other housing nonprofit agency designated by the Township that the affordable housing units are consistent with the definition in § 5-104 above.
The location, zoning designation and ownership of the project. All affordable housing units must be on-site, unless the Township approves an exception for off-site construction of the affordable housing units.
The number of affordable housing units that will be provided and the calculations used to determine the number of affordable housing units. If the calculation includes a fraction then a fraction of 0.5 or more shall be rounded up to the next whole number, and a fraction of less than 0.5 shall be rounded down to the next whole number.
A copy of an agreement for the administration of the affordable housing units with the Centre County Housing and Land Trust, its successor, or other nonprofit agency approved by the Township.
The project description and marketing name, if different than the name submitted to the Township, and a site plan or preliminary subdivision or land development plan of the project.
The exact location, that is, the specific lots or building areas, within the development of the affordable housing units. The Township encourages the developer to not concentrate the affordable housing units in one area of the development, where feasible.
Exterior elevations of the affordable housing and market rate units. The affordable housing units are to be similar and complementary to the exterior characteristics of the surrounding market rate units. The affordable units may be smaller than market rate units.
A copy of the applicable affordability covenants.
In addition, the Housing Development Plan shall include the following terms:
A schedule for the construction of the affordable housing units, submitted with each preliminary subdivision or land development plan for the tract.
Indication as to whether the project developer or a third party will be constructing the affordable housing units. If a third party is to construct the homes, an agreement or other binding legal document must be submitted with the Housing Development Plan whereby the third-party contractor agrees to build the affordable housing units in compliance with the Gregg Township procedures and the Housing Development Plan.
The Housing Development Plan will be reviewed by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors, Gregg Township Planning Commission, its Solicitor and Township Engineer. The plan will be considered by the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission as part of the preliminary subdivision or land development plan. A copy of the approved Housing Development Plan must be executed by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors and the developer and recorded with the subdivision or land development plan. Zoning permits will not be issued for a project having an affordable housing requirement unless those units are included in the signed Housing Development Plan. If a developer wishes to revise the Housing Development Plan, it must be submitted in writing to the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors and approval must be obtained from the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors. The revision must be affixed to the Housing Development Plan as an amendment.
NOTE: Subdivision and land development plans are required to be prepared, formally submitted and receive the approval of the Centre County Planning Commission under the jurisdiction of the Centre County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. A condition of final plan approval by the County is submission of a letter from the Township stating that the Gregg Township affordable housing regulations and policy requirements have been met, as well as other applicable local regulations. Changes to the plan (once acted on) must also comply with the County's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
Inclusionary housing units may differ from market rate units with regard to interior amenities, provided that:
These differences, excluding differences related to size differentials, are not apparent in the general exterior appearance of the project's units.
Interior unit amenities, such as floor covering, appliances and other fixtures may differ from market rate units, but must at a minimum be UL-listed.
[Res. R-11-07. 10/13/2011]
The Centre County Housing and Land Trust, its successors, or any other nonprofit agency approved by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors will determine home buyer or renter eligibility of prospective residents of a development containing affordable housing units according to their procedures and requirements as long as these procedures and requirements meet the definitions of affordable housing units described in § 5-104 above.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
In order to ensure the long-term affordability of the affordable housing units, the following must be complied with:
A deed restriction shall be placed on each affordable unit that states, "This property is to remain affordable in perpetuity for persons earning up to 120% of the area median income, as adjusted annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development." The developer may also donate or sell land to the Centre County Housing and Land Trust or other nonprofit agency designated by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors, whereby the land would remain affordable in perpetuity and the improvements on the land sold to an income-eligible household. The land would be owned by the land trust or nonprofit and leased to the homeowner.
The developer will enter into a legally binding agreement with the Centre County Housing and Land Trust or other nonprofit housing agency designated by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors that stipulates the process for certifying subsequent buyers of affordable housing units for the duration of the specified period of eligibility and the amount of equity able to be recouped by the homeowner upon sale of the affordable housing unit.
For rental units, the developer will enter into a legally binding agreement with the Centre County Housing and Land Trust or other nonprofit housing agency designated by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors that stipulates the process for certifying renters, establishing limits on rent increases, and calculating rents based on the maximum relationship between unit size and household size. Maximum relationship standards are as follows:
Efficiency units: one-person household.
One-bedroom units: two-person household.
Two-bedroom units: three-person household.
Three-bedroom units: four-person household.
Rents may be raised once every 12 months based on HUD income limits and must be approved in writing by the Township. A notice of rent increase will be provided to the household no less than 45 days prior to the effective date of the rent increase.
If units are converted to condominiums, units must be sold to qualified households where the household pays no more than 30% of its annual income for mortgage, property, insurance, private mortgage insurance and condominium fees. Any such conversion shall be subject to the applicable affordable housing requirements of the Township.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
The Gregg Township Affordable Housing Program will be administered by the Centre County Housing and Land Trust or any other nonprofit agency approved by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors. All costs of the program shall be borne in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Centre County Housing and Land Trust or any other nonprofit agency approved by the Gregg Township Board of Supervisors.
[Res. R-11-07, 10/13/2011]
Gregg Township will enforce the provisions of the Affordable Housing Program. The developer of a project containing affordable housing units must comply with all aspects of the Affordable Housing Program as described in this manual. Failure to carry out the provisions of the recorded Housing Development Plan shall be considered a violation of the Gregg Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 15] as per § 15-1104.