Street Name
Street Description
Additional County Info
Allebach Lane
0.50 mile off SR0192 to end
AKA Round Barn Lane
Allison Road
1.31 miles between T615 Green Grove Road and SR2012 Penns Cave Road
AKA Allison Lane
Ash Hill Lane
0.15 mile off T467 Shook Hollow Road to end
Attitude Alley
0.05 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Ayva Lane
0.34 mile off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to end
Bach Lane
0.2 mile off T462 Reeder Road to end
Bear Stone Lane
0.75 mile off T470 Blue Ball Road to end
Off 200 block of Blue Ball Road
Beaver Dam Road
1.39 miles from the intersection of SR2012 Penns Creek Road to Penn Township line
Bilmar Lane
0.18 mile off T419 Lower Georges Valley Road to end
Off Lower Georges Valley Road
Birch Lane
0.13 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Bit of Heaven Lane
0.66 mile off Pine Ridge Lane to end
Rider property off Brush Mountain Road, access to camp
Bitner Hollow Road
1.66 miles From T468 Ross Hill Road to T423 Middle Road
Black Bear Lane
0.26 mile off T472 Gingrich Gap Road to end
Blue Ball Road
2.78 miles from SR0192 to Walker Township line
Boones Lane
0.24 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Off 3600 block of Brush Valley Road
Boyd Hollow Lane
0.1 mile off T467 Shook Hollow Road to the end
Bristow Lane
0.23 mile off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to end
Brown Hollow Lane
0.38 mile off SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to end
Off 700 block of Upper Georges Valley Road
Brush Mountain Road
3.3 miles from SR0045 to SR0192
Brush Valley Road
7.1 miles from Potter Township line to Miles Township line
Butterfly Lane
0.02 mile off Spruce Lane
AKA Farmsmith Lane
Century Drive
0.08 mile from Century Drive Potter Township Line to end
Road begins in Potter Township
Chemistry Lane
0.02 mile from Chemistry Lane Potter Township to end
Cobblestone Court
0.08 mile off T880 to end
Off Rt. 45
Confers Lane
0.32 mile off T419 Lower Georges Valley Road to end
Cooper Street
0.59 mile from intersection of SR 2005 Long Street and SR2012 Water Street to intersection of SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road and SR2012 Penns
Creekside Lane
0.12 mile off T464 Harter Road to end
Decker Lane
0.57 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Decker Valley Road
2.22 miles from T463 Vonada Gap to Potter Township line
Starts at Rt. 322 and ends in Lingle Valley
Dobson Lane
0.09 mile off Rider Lane to end
East Street
0.07 mile from SR0045 to T876
Edgewood Lane
0.53 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Egg Hill Drive
0.17 mile off SR2012 Cooper Street to SR2012 Cooper Street
Eu Joy Acres Lane
0.18 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Evergreen Lane
0.14 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Fern Valley Farm Lane
0.58 mile off T472 Gingrich Gap Road to end
Fieldstone Court
0.06 mile off T880 Stonefield Lane to End
Off Rt. 45
West Firehall Road
0.22 SR0045 Penns Valley Road to SR2008 School Street and from SR2012 Water Street to SR0045 Penns Valley Road
First Street
0.03 mile off Long View Lane to end
Off Long View Lane
Fifth Street
0.02 mile off Long View Lane to end
Off Long View Lane
Foreman Lane
0.25 mile off Jay Lane to end
Fourth Street
0.03 mile off Long View Lane to end
Full Moon Lane
In development
Off 800 block of Upper Georges Valley Road
Gate Drive
0.22 mile from SR0445 Madisonburg Pike from Miles Township line to end
Road starts in Miles Township
Gettig Farm Lane
0.35 mile off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to end
Off 700 block of Brush Mountain Road
Gingrich Gap Road
1.47 miles from SR0192 Brush Valley Road to Miles Township line
Green Grove Road
4.01 miles from SR2012 Penns Cave Road to Penn Township line
AKA Zerby Road
Gregg Street
0.26 mile off SR0045 to end
Grenoble Road
1.85 miles from SR0192 Brush Valley Road to SR2007 Brush Mountain Road
Harter Road
1.21 miles from SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to T419 Lower Georges Valley Road
Heckman Cemetery Road
1.72 miles from SR0045 to SR0045
Hemlock Lane
0.11 mile off T420 Immel Road to end
Hidden Springs Lane
0.02 mile off T419 Lower Georges Valley Road
Off 800 block of Lower Georges Valley Road
Hideout Hollow
In development
Off of Brush Valley Road
High Hill Lane
0.07 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
AKA High Road Lane
Hill Crystal Lane
0.33 mile off SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to end
Houtz Haven Farm Lane
1.17 miles off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Hummingbird Lane
0.22 mile off T464 Harter Road to end
Hunters Lane
0.29 mile off T415 Lingle Valley Road to end
Off 200 block of Lingle Valley Road
Huron Lane
0.46 mile off T420 Immel Road to end
Off Immel Road
Immel Road
1.86 miles off T449 Road to SR2014 Heckman Cemetary Road
Jay Lane
0.24 mile off SR2012 Penns Cave Road to end
Off Ridge Road
Junior Lane
0.20 mile off T470 Blue Ball Road to end
Kline Road
1.14 miles off SR2012 Penns Creek Road to SR0045 Penns Valley Road
Labrador Lane
0.27 mile off T462 Reeder Road to end
Off Reeder Road
Laurel Lane
0.14 mile off T415 Lingle Valley Road to end
Lily Lane
0.07 mile off T470 Blue Ball Road to end
Limestone Lane
0.14 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Off Rt. 45
Linda Mae Drive
0.63 mile off SR2007 Brush Valley Mountain Road
Old Gettig Farm at corner of Brush Mountain Road and Brush Valley Road
Lingle Valley Road
1.45 miles off T463 Vonada Gap Road to Penn Township line
AKA Zerby Gap
Linkin Park Drive
0.24 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Old Gettig Farm at corner of Brush Mountain Road and Brush Valley Road
Little Poe Trail
0.53 mile off Sieglerville Millheim Pike Road to Penn Township line
Off Siglerville Millheim Pike, rormerly Keystone Road
Little Sugar Valley Road
0.38 mile off T470 Blue Ball Road to Walker Township line
Between Blue Ball Gap Road and Krislund
Logan Farm Lane
0.17 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Long Street
0.22 mile from Intersection of T587 Long Street and SR2005 School Street to SR2012 Water Street
Long Street
0.16 mile from intersection of SR2005 Long Street and SR2005 School Street to end
AKA Long Street Extension
Long View Lane
0.38 mile off T465 Kline Road to end
Lower Georges Valley Road
3.15 miles from Potter Township Line to SR2012 Penns Creek Road
Maple Lane
0.17 mile off SR2012 Cooper Street to end
Middle Road
0.85 mile from T455 Ridge Road to Potter Township line
Milky Way
0.3 mile off Ross Hill Road to end
200 block of Ross Hill Road
Mountain Church Road
1.38 miles off T463 Vonada Gap Road to Penn Township line
Mountain Meadow Lane
0.28 mile off SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to end
Mountainside Lane
0.31 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Mulberry Lane
0.05 mile off SR2005 Long Street to end
Murray School Lane
0.55 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Off Brush Valley Road
Musser Alley
0.14 mile from Pennview Lane to end
Old Sand Mountain Road
1.14 miles off Siglerville Millheim Pike to end and 0.59 mile from Potter Township to end
Forestry Road; may be gater or restricted
Orndorf Road
0.31 mile from intersection of SR2014 Heckman Cemetary Road and T420 Immel Road
Orpha Lane
0.15 mile off Spruce Lane to end
AKA Bartges Road
Pearl Drive
0.09 off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Off 3800 block of Brush Valley Road
Penn Central Lane
0.03 mile off T708 Railroad Street to end
Off Railroad Street
Penn Field Lane
0.47 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road
Penns Cave Road
4.38 miles from SR0045 Penns Valley Road to SR0192 Brush Valley Road
Penns Creek Road
2.48 miles from intersection of SR2012 Cooper Street and SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to Penn Township line
Penns Valley Road
4.98 miles from SR0045 Potter Township Line to SR0045 Penn Township line
Pennview Lane
0.1 mile off SR2005 Long Street to SR2012 Cooper Street
Off Cooper Street
Perch Lane
0.63 mile off T463 Vonada Gap Road to end
Off Vonada Gap Road
Pine Ridge Lane
0.09 mile off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to end
Off Brush Mountain Road near top of mountain
Poe Valley Road
0.02 mile from Intersection of Siglerville Millheim Pike and Old Sand Mountain Road to Penn Township line
AKA Big Pole Valley Road
Quartz Lane
0.05 mile off T883 Limestone Lane to end
Off Rt. 45
Raceway Lane
0.16 mile off T459 Grenoble Lane to end
Railroad Street
0.17 mile off SR2005 School Street to T587 Long Street
Ranch Lane
1 mile off T463 Vonada Gap Road to end
Off Vonada Gap Road
Rebecca Lane
0.08 mile off T415 Lingle Valley Road to end
Red Oak Lane
0.13 mile off T420 Immel Road to end
Off 300 block of Immel Road
Reeder Road
0.99 mile from SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to T419 Lower Georges Valley Road
Rider Lane
0.07 mile off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to end
Ridge Road
1.24 miles from SR2012 Penns Cave Road to SR0192 Brush Valley Road
Ross Hill Road
0.85 mile from SR0045 Penns Valley Road to SR2012 Penns Cave Road
Round Barn Lane
0.24 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Royer Hollow Lane
0.32 mile off T455 Ridge Road to end
Rum Ridge Drive
0.48 mile off Mountain Church Road to end
Sand Mountain Road
2.12 miles off Sieglerville Millheim Pike Road to Potter Township line
Sandstone Lane
0.29 mile off T416 Decker Valley Road
Formerly Mountain Cemetary Lane
Sara Campbell Lane
0.16 mile off SR2012 Penns Cave Road to end
Off 200 block of Penns Cave Road
Saviors Way
Entrance to Family Life of Penns Valley Church lot
Initial access off Ridge Road
Sawmill Lane
0.13 mile off T465 Kline Road
School Street
0.24 mile from T533 West Firehall Road to SR2005 Long Street
Second Street
0.02 mile off Long View Lane to end
Off Long View Lane
Shady Rest Lane
0.08 mile off Synagogue Gap Road to end
Off Synagogue Gap Road
Shook Hollow Road
1.35 miles from SR0045 Penns Valley Road to T615 Green Grove Road
Siglerville Millheim Pike
1.79 miles from Penn Township line
Road to Poe Valley
Sinking Creek Road
2.58 miles from SR2005 School Street to Potter Township line
Smithlin Lane
0.09 mile off Spruce Lane to end
Snowflower Lane
0.07 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
South Street
0.06 mile from SR0045 to T876
Spruce Lane
0.37 mile off SR2012 Penns Creek Road to end
Standing Bear Lane
1.08 miles off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to Penn Township Line
AKA Hering Road
Stomeyer Lane
0.07 mile off T587 Long Street to end
Stone Row Lane
0.22 mile off T883 Limestone Lane to end
Off Rt. 45
Stonefield Lane
0.17 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to T882 Stone Row Lane
Off Rt. 45
Stony Hill Lane
0.13 mile off SR2007 Brush Mountain Road to end
Off Brush Mountain Road before Ayva Lane
Stony Ridge Drive
0.12 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
AKA Stony Ridge Lane
Streamside Place West
0.19 mile off SR2012 Water Street to end
Streamside Place East
0.11 mile off SR2012 Water Street to end
Sunflower Lane
0.06 mile off T455 Ridge Road to end - private drive
Off 100 Ridge Road due to duplicate addressing with Ridges
Swamp Church Road
0.11 mile off SR2012 Penns Cave Road to end
Off Penns Cave Road
Sweetie Pickle Lane
0.02 mile off Sieglerville Millheim Pike Road to Penn Township line
Off Siglerville Millheim Pike
Sweetwater Drive
0.7 mile off T463 Vonada Gap Road to end
Synagogue Gap Road
1.41 miles off T419 Lower Georges Valley Road to end
Forestry/Township Road, portions closed
Take Off Drive
In development
Old Gettig Farm at corner of Brush Mountain Road and Brush Valley Road
Third Street
0.05 mile off Long View Lane to end
Off Long View Lane
Toolshed Lane
0.12 mile off SR2012 Water Street to SR2012 Water Street
Trails End Drive
0.29 mile off Gate Drive to end
Off Gate Road
Tressler Lane
0.19 mile off T459 Grenoble Road to end
Two Steeples Lane
0.09 mile off SR2008 School Street to end
Upper Georges Valley Road
2.44 miles from SR2012 Cooper Street/Penns Creek Road to Potter Township line
Valleywide Extension
0.23 mile off Valleywide Drive to end
Valleywide Drive
0.55 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Vanada Lane
0.11 mile off SR2010 Upper Georges Valley Road to end
Viola Lane
0.15 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Off 3800 block of Brush Valley Road, formerly Pot Hole Lane
Vonada Gap Road
1.52 miles from T419 Lower Georges Valley Road to intersection of T416 Decker Valley Road and Mountain Church Road
Walters Haven Lane
0.1 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Water Street
0.28 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to intersection of SR2005 Long Street and SR2012 Cooper Street
AKA North Water Street
Water Tower Lane
0.07 mile off Egg Hill Drive to end
West Street
0.28 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Wheelsmith Lane
In development
Off 500 block of Lower Georges Valley Road
Whippoorwill way
0.47 mile off SR0192 Brush Valley Road to end
Wildflower Lane
0.23 mile off SR2008 Sinking Creek Road to end
Off 700 block of Sinking Creek Road
Windy Way
0.32 mile off T462 Reeder Road to end
Windy Butte Lane
0.54 mile off T466 Allison Road to end
Off 300 block of Allison Road
Wolf Hollow Lane
0.17 mile off SR0045 Penns Valley Road to end
Woodlawn Farm Lane
0.09 off SR2014 Heckman Cemetary Road
Woodward Lane
0.27 mile off T419 Lower Georges Valley Road to T419 Lower Georges Valley Road