Subject to the exceptions listed herein, all lots shall have at least the amount of square footage indicated for the appropriate zoning district.
Subject to the exceptions listed herein, every lot developed for residential purposes shall have the minimum number of square feet of land area per dwelling unit as set forth in the Table of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements.[1] In determining the number of dwelling units permitted on a tract of land, fractions shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.
Editor's Note: The Table of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements is included as an attachment to this chapter.
No lot may be created that is so narrow or otherwise so irregularly shaped that it would be impracticable to construct on it a building that:
Could be used for purposes that are permissible in that zoning district; and
Could satisfy any applicable setback requirements for that district.
The listing of zone regulations in the Table of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements indicates the required minimum lot widths and depths that are deemed presumptively to satisfy the standard set forth in Subsection A.
No lot created after the effective date of this chapter that is less than the required width shall be entitled to a variance from any building setback requirement.
Subject to other provisions of this article, no portion of any building or any freestanding sign may be located on any lot closer to any lot or property line than is authorized in the table set forth in § 163-85.[1]
If the lot or property line is not readily determinable (by reference to a recorded map, set irons, or other means), the setback shall be measured from the boundary line of any adjacent right-of-way. If the boundary line of the right-of-way is not readily determinable, the setback shall be measured from the center line of the right-of-way and half the width of the right-of-way shall be added to the minimum setback requirement.
Whenever a lot abuts upon a public alley, the alley width may not be considered as a portion of the required yard.
Where these regulations refer to side streets, the Code Enforcement Officer shall be guided by the pattern of development in the vicinity of the lot in question in determining which of two streets is the side street.
Every part of a required yard shall be open to the sky, except as may be authorized by this chapter, except ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, window air-conditioning units, chimneys, cornices and ornamental features which may project to a distance not to exceed 24 inches into a required yard.
Editor's Note: The Table of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Multifamily residential units permitted in the R-1 District are subject to the followings standards:
Buildings containing more than four dwelling units shall have a land area of not less than 2,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 10 feet, and three feet in side yard width for each additional dwelling unit shall be required in addition to the minimum for less than four dwelling units.
Multifamily residential units permitted in the R-2 District are subject to the followings:
For structures of three or more living units, the lot shall have a minimum per-building area of 12,000 square feet for the first three units plus 2,000 square feet for each additional unit.
Not more than 40% of the area of the lot may be covered by structures, including accessory structures.
Each lot shall not be less than 80 feet in width and 100 feet in depth.
Each lot shall have a front building setback line of not less than 30 feet from and parallel to the front lot line or a street right-of-way. In the case of corner lots, a front yard of the required depth shall be provided as determined by the Code Enforcement Officer subject to the following limitations:
At least one front yard shall be provided having the full depth required generally in the zone.
No other front yard on such lot shall have less than half the full depth required generally.
Consideration shall be given to any existing adjacent dwellings.
Each side yard shall have a width of not less than eight feet, and the total width of side yards shall be not less than 20 feet.
Each lot shall have a rear yard setback of not less than 25 feet in depth.
In the case of through lots, both front yards shall have the required depth of 25 feet.
Each habitable structure on one lot shall be separated by a minimum of 75 feet.
Height in the R-2 District:
Building height shall be limited to 48 feet or four stories unless permitted by special exception.
The Board of Appeals may grant a special exception for multifamily building height in the R-2 District, provided an additional land area of 5,000 square feet plus an additional 20 feet in lot width plus five feet in additional side yard width are provided for each additional story.
Multifamily dwellings may be permitted by the Board of Appeals in the C-1 District, provided the lot area is a minimum of eight acres.
The following minimum requirements shall apply to all nonresidential buildings in the R-2 District unless otherwise specified:
Land area per principal building, not exceeding three stories in height shall be 15,000 square feet. For each additional story, 5,000 square feet shall be required.
Lot width for buildings not exceeding three stories in height shall be 100 feet. For each additional story, 20 feet shall be required.
Yard depth for buildings not exceeding three stories in height:
Front: 30 feet.
Side: 15 feet.
Rear: 50 feet.
For each additional story:
Front: 10 feet.
Side: 10 feet.
Rear: 10 feet.
There shall be no front yard, side yard, rear yard and lot width requirements, except that no building or use shall be located within a distance of 20 feet from the nearest boundary line of any R-1 District.
There shall be no lot coverage requirements in any C-1 District.
No building in commercial or office use shall contain a first-floor dwelling unit which adjoins the front of the building on a public street.
There shall be no front yard, side yard, rear yard and lot width requirements, except that no building or use shall be located within a distance of 20 feet from the nearest boundary line of any R-1 District.
There shall be no lot coverage requirements in any C-2 District.
There shall be no front yard, side yard, rear yard and lot width requirements, except that no building or use shall be located within a distance of 20 feet from the nearest boundary line of any R-1 District or R-2 District.
On any lot where a principal building is less than three stories in height, the building shall not cover more than 40% of the total lot area.
On any lot where a principal building is three stories in height, the building shall not cover more than 30% of the total lot area.
All I-P Districts shall be located on a site having a gross area of not less than 20 acres.
Each lot in an I-P District shall be at least one acre.
Height limitations:
All buildings shall be limited to a height of 45 feet or three stories, whichever is greater, above the highest finished grade elevation, except that this height limitation may be exceeded with written approval of the Town Commissioners.
Water towers, chimneys, aerials, tower antennas and similar structures may exceed this height upon prior written approval of the Town Commissioners.
Setback requirements:
Structure or use setback from residential districts: 50 feet.
Structure or use setback from public street right-of-way: 40 feet.
Lot coverage, including paved areas, shall be no more than 70% of the lot and no more than 50% of any lot on which a building may be located.
Commercial communications stations or towers are permitted, provided that towers are set back at least 50 feet from lot lines.
Greenhouses shall be metal sided to a height of at least nine feet.
[Added 1-22-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-03]
Except as listed in Subsection B below and as may otherwise be provided in this article, no building shall exceed 45 feet or three stories in height, whichever is greater, provided that a basement or a cellar shall not be considered as a story.
The following shall be excluded from the height requirements:
Penthouses or roof structures for housing stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the buildings, fire or parapet walls, towers, steeples, flagpoles, silos, smokestacks, masts, water tanks, monuments or other superstructures that project into the air.
Bulkheads, elevator penthouses, water tanks, towers and monuments, fire towers, hose towers, cooling towers, grain elevators, gas holders or other similar structures where the manufacturing process requires a greater height or "essential services" as defined in § 163-7 of this chapter; provided, however, that all such structures shall not occupy more than 25% of the gross lot area and shall be located at least 50 feet in all parts from any adjacent lot line or street.
Belfries, chimneys, church spires, conveyors, cooling towers, elevator bulkheads, fire towers, public monuments, commercial radio and television towers less than 125 feet in height.
Public, semipublic and public service buildings, hospitals, institutions and schools, when permitted either as a use by right or special exception use in a district, may be erected to a height not exceeding 60 feet, and churches and temples may be erected to a height not exceeding 75 feet when the required side and rear yards are each increased by at least one foot for each one foot of additional building height above the height regulations for the district in which the building is located.
Front yards.
Where an official line has been established for the future widening or opening of a street or major thoroughfare upon which a lot abuts, the depth of a front or side yard shall be measured from such official line to the nearest line of the building.
On through lots, the required front yard shall be provided on each street.
There shall be a front yard of at least 15 feet on the side street of a corner lot in any district; provided, however, that the buildable width of a lot of record at the time of passage of this Zoning chapter shall not be reduced to less than 28 feet.
Open, unenclosed porches, platforms or paved terraces not covered by a roof or canopy and which do not extend above the level of the first floor of the building may extend or project into the required front or side yard not more than six feet.
In the case of corner lots, a front yard of the required depth shall be provided as determined by the Code Enforcement Officer subject to the following limitations:
At least one front yard shall be provided having the full depth generally required in the zone.
No other front yard on such lot shall have less than half the full depth required generally.
Consideration shall be given to any existing adjacent dwellings.
Where a residence is to be located between two existing dwellings which lack the required front yard and which are less than 100 feet apart, the front yard shall be no less than that of the deepest adjoining lot.
Side yards.
The minimum width of side yards for schools, libraries, churches, community houses and other public and semipublic buildings in residential districts shall be 25 feet, except where a side yard is adjacent to a business or industrial district, in which case the width of that yard shall be as required in § 163-84 for the district in which the building is located.
Corner visibility.
Visibility at intersections shall be maintained. Every person or persons owning property at street intersections in the Town of Princess Anne shall trim and maintain hedges and shrubbery at a height not to exceed 30 inches within a radius of 20 feet from the intersection of said streets in order to provide clear vision for motorists. (See Figure 84-1.)
On a corner lot, nothing shall be erected, placed, planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as materially to impede vision between a height of 2 1/2 feet and 10 feet above the center-line grade of the intersecting streets in an area bounded by the street [edge of pavement] line of such corner lots and a line joining points along said street [edge of pavement] line 50 feet from the point of intersection. (See Figure 84-1.)
Accessory uses and structures.
An ornamental fence or wall not more than three feet in height may project into or enclose any required front or side yard to a depth from the street line equal to the required depth of the front yard. Ornamental fences or walls may project into or enclose other required yards, provided that such fences and walls do not exceed a height of six feet. However, every person or persons owning property at street intersections in the Town of Princess Anne shall not erect a fence that stands less than 20 feet measured from the edge of pavement from the intersection of the paving of said streets in order to provide clear vision for motorists.
Accessory use and structures. (See § 163-45.)
Filling station pumps and pump islands may occupy the required yards; provided, however, that they are not less than 15 feet from street lines.
Figure 84-1: Corner Visibility
The following are the basic, minimum requirements, unless otherwise required elsewhere in this chapter.
Editor's Note: The Table of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements is included as an attachment to this chapter.