Employees are allowed to look at their own personnel files during normal business hours. Persons wishing to view their own file shall file a written request with the superintendent or Village Clerk. A copy of the request shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. Nothing should be placed in an employee's personnel file nor shall anything be removed from the file without the consent of the Mayor and superintendent. Records of prior grievances and discipline action shall be maintained in the employee's personnel file. The final decision to remove items lies within the discretion of the Mayor and the superintendent.
Employees or former employees have the right to obtain references or recommendations. Such references shall provide the applicable date of hire and the last date employed, and a general description of the applicable job duties. Additional comments concerning the employee or former employee's job performance dependableness lies within the sound discretion of the superintendent.
The Superintendent shall implement any safety procedures adopted by the Village, and employees shall comply with any of the safety procedures. All department employees are directed to report any hazardous conditions to their supervisor immediately. Due to the open-office design of many department buildings, it is impossible to provide security for personal belongings left unattended. Staff members are advised to keep their wallets, purses, etc., in their possession at all times. The department cannot be responsible for losses due to theft.