All immobilized manufactured homes located in the Village shall be classified as real estate; therefore, it is mandatory for all persons owning, operating, renting or leasing an existing manufactured home outside a manufactured home park to remove or cause to have removed the wheels or any other transportation device from the immobilized manufactured home. The owner or lessor shall permanently fix it to the ground in a manner that conforms to the definition of an immobilized manufactured home in § 23-1-1.
The manufactured homes and mobile homes shall be used subject to the following limitations:
All persons seeking to locate or replace a manufactured home or an immobilized manufactured home outside a manufactured home park shall obtain a permit from the Village Clerk or Building Inspector. No utility services shall be connected to the unit until the Village has issued the appropriate permits. The fee to locate a manufactured home or immobilized manufactured home shall be $100. (See Zoning Code for districts permitting these uses.)
To relocate a manufactured home or an immobilized mobile home, within the corporate limits of the Village, the fee is $100 and must be inspected by a member of the Ordinance, Health and Trailer Committee before being purchased or placed on existing lot. The owner of the lot and/or manufactured home or an immobilized mobile home must meet § 23-2-4, Foundations.
[Amended 3-20-2012 by Ord. No. 12-03-12; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Administration, Art. I, General Code Provisions, Div. I)]
The minimum lot size for the location of an immobilized manufactured home unit shall be 7,100 square feet. All units shall be located in the Village according to the requirements and restrictions of this Code. They shall not exceed 40% coverage of the lot or the requirements of the Zoning Code, if any. The setback requirements of Chapter 34 shall apply to all manufactured home lots.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, Administration, Art. I, General Code Provisions, Div. I)]
Foundations shall comply with the provisions and requirements specified in the definition of "immobilized manufactured home" in § 23-1-1 of this chapter.
All foundations for Immobilized Manufactured Homes and Manufactured Homes should be used and installed along with the manufacturers setup guide and/or the State of Illinois installation guide. All foundations shall be put in or installed to the stricter of the requirements listed in the definition of "immobilized manufactured home" in § 23-1-1 of this chapter or the manufacturers guide or the State of Illinois Installation Guide.
Modular foundation shall be a permanent perimeter foundations extending into the ground below the frost line to a minimum of 32 inches after backfill around the perimeter of the home. Backfill shall come no less than within 12 inches of the siding of the home. Modular home foundations must have the home rest on them and the home must be mechanically fastened to the foundation.
There shall be only one immobilized manufactured home per lot in the Village.
[Amended 1-18-2011 by Ord. No. 11-01-01; 9-19-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-09-02]
The manufactured home and mobile home shall be used subject to the following limitations:
The manufactured home or mobile home shall be used only for single-family residential purposes.
No manufactured home or mobile home shall be used for any commercial, industrial, or social or business purpose.
The manufactured home or mobile home shall be occupied only by:
Family members of the mobile home owner;
Family members of the owner of the lot upon which the mobile home is situated; or
Renters who have rented the mobile home from an individual who owns both the mobile home and the lot upon which it is situated.
No manufactured home or mobile home, regardless of age, shall be comprised of salvage components or be a salvaged manufactured home or mobile home. No manufactured home or mobile home shall be placed within the Village if the same would constitute a nuisance or otherwise violate any section of this Code.