The Planning Board shall not approve any subdivision plan unless proposed streets, whether they are to be offered to the public for acceptance or to remain private, are designed and constructed in accordance with all state and local ordinances as well as the specifications contained in these regulations. When provisions or standards herein specified are more restrictive than Chapter 225, Zoning, or other ordinances, these standards and requirements shall apply, but in any case, the most rigid requirement of either this standard or Chapter 225, Zoning, or other ordinance shall apply whenever they may be in conflict. Final subdivision approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plan shall not be deemed to constitute or be evidence of acceptance by the municipality or any street, easement or other open space.
Subdividers shall submit to the Planning Board, as part of an integral part of the plot plan and application for subdivision approval, the following information:
Applicant's name, address, telephone number, signature and date;
Names of the owners of record of the land upon which the proposed street is located;
A statement of any legal encumbrances on the land upon which the proposed way is located;
The anticipated beginning and ending dates of each major phase of street construction; and
A plan view, center line view and typical cross section view of the proposed street(s).
Plans. The plans and illustrations submitted as part of the application shall include the following information:
The date and scale of the plan;
The direction of true North;
The beginning and ending points with relation to accepted Town ways and any planned or anticipated future extensions of the streets proposed for acceptance (all terminal points and the center line alignment shall be identified by survey stationing);
The roadway and roadway limits with relation to existing buildings and established landmarks;
Dimensions, both linear and angular, necessary for locating subdivisions, lots, easements and building lines;
The lots as laid out and numbered on the proposed street showing the names of all owners of abutting property;
All natural waterways and watercourses in or on land contiguous to the proposed street;
The kind, size, location, profile and cross section of all existing and proposed drainage structures and their location with respect to the existing natural waterways and/or watercourses;
Complete curve data shall be indicated for all horizontal and vertical curves;
The turning radii at all intersections;
All center line gradients;
The limits and locations of all proposed sidewalks and curbing;
The location of all existing and proposed overhead and underground utilities, to include, but not be limited to, the following: public water supply systems, sanitary sewer system, electric power line poles or underground vaults, telephone line poles or underground vaults, fire hydrants, streetlights, and fire alarm boxes; and
Such other information as may be required by the Planning Board as may be deemed essential for proper evaluation and action.
Upon receipt of an application for subdivision approval which includes proposed streets, the Planning Board shall confirm, in writing, the classification of the proposed streets. The Public Works Director shall comment and confirm the proposed street classification based on the plan.
[Amended 11-3-2020 STM by Art. 3]
In addition to other fees for subdivision reviews, a fee is herein established to partially defray the cost of technical, legal and administrative services required for the review, processing and inspection of roads and streets. This fee is to be paid by the developer to the Town Clerk at the time of his application for road and street construction.
Arterial street. An "arterial street" shall be defined as a major thoroughfare which serves as a major traffic way for travel between and through a town.
Collector street. A "collector street" shall be defined as a street servicing at least 15 units of residential development or streets which serve as feeders to arterial streets and collectors of traffic from minor streets.
Local residential street. A "local residential street" shall be defined as a street servicing fewer than 15 units of residential development.
Planning Board determination. The classification of a proposed street shall be made by the Planning Board after its consideration of land use or a Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Town. Said determination may be made by the Planning Board prior to the formal application after submission of all information that may be required for that purpose.
Design standards shall be defined as paved streets with such appurtenances as curbs, esplanades, paved sidewalk(s), ditches, culverts, under drain and/or stormwater drainage systems. All proposed streets shall be designed and constructed to meet the design standards of this section.
Proposed streets shall conform, as far as practical, to such Comprehensive Plan or policy statement as may have been adopted, in whole or in part, prior to the submission of the preliminary plan.
All streets in the subdivision shall be so designed that, in the opinion of the Board, they will provide safe vehicular travel while discouraging movement of through traffic.
The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets shall be considered in their relation to existing or planned streets, to topographical conditions, to public convenience and safety and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of the land to be served by such street. Grades of streets shall conform as closely as possible to the original topography.
In the case of dead-end streets, where needed or desirable, the Board may require the reservation of a twenty-foot side easement in the line of the street to provide continuation of pedestrian traffic or utilities to the next street.
Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except where their control is definitely placed in the Town under conditions approved by the Planning Board.
[Amended 5-24-2021]
In front of areas zoned and designed for commercial use or where a change of zoning to a zone which permits right-of-way and/or pavement, widths shall be increased by such amount on each side as may be deemed necessary by the Board to assure the free flow of through traffic without interference by parked or parking vehicles and to provide adequate and safe parking space for such commercial or business district.
Adequate off-street loading space, suitably surfaced, shall be provided in connection with lots designed for commercial use.
Where a subdivision or limited access highway borders on or contains a railroad right-of-way or limited access highway, the Planning Board may require a street approximately parallel to and on each side of such right-of-way, as applicable, at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land as for park purpose in residential districts or for commercial or industrial purposes in appropriate districts. Such distances shall also be determined with due regard for approach grades and future grade separations.
Where a subdivision borders an existing narrow road (below standards set herein) or when the Comprehensive Plan indicates plans for realignment or widening of a road that would require use of some of the land in the subdivision, the subdivider shall be required to show areas for widening or realigning such roads on the plan, marked "Reserved for Road Realignment (or Widening) Purposes." It shall be mandatory to indicate such reservation on the plan when a proposed widening or realignment is shown on the Official Map. Land reserved for such purposes may not be counted in satisfying setback or yard or area requirements of Chapter 225, Zoning, of the Town Code.
Where a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed arterial street, the Board may require marginal access streets (streets parallel to arterial streets, providing access to adjacent lots), reverse frontage (that is, frontage on a street other than the existing or proposed arterial street) with screen planting contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear property line or such other treatment(s) as may be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic.
Subdivisions containing 15 lots or more shall have at least two street connections with existing public streets or streets shown on the Official Map as such exists or streets on an approved subdivision plan for which a bond has been filed.
The following design standards apply according to street classification:
Type of Street
Local Residential
Minimum right-of-way width (feet)
Minimum pavement width (feet)
Minimum sidewalk width (feet)
Minimum grade
Maximum grade
Minimum center-line radius (feet)
Minimum tangent between curves of reverse alignment (feet)
Maximum roadway crown
1/4 inch/foot
1/4 inch/foot
1/4 inch/foot
Minimum roadway crown
1/8 inch/foot
1/8 inch/foot
1/8 inch/foot
Minimum angle of street intersections (see note below)
Maximum grade at intersections (within 75 feet of intersection)
Curb radii at intersection 90° (feet)
Minimum property line radii at intersection (feet)
Minimum width of shoulders (each side) (feet)
Minimum sight distance (feet)
Note: Intersections of streets shall be at angles as close to 90° as possible, and in no case shall two streets intersect at an angle smaller than 60°. To this end, where one street approaches another between 60° and 90°, the former street should be curved approaching the intersection.
Center line. The center line of the roadway shall be the center line of the right-of-way.
Dead-end streets. Dead-end streets shall be constructed to provide a cul-de-sac turnaround with the following requirements for radii of the turnaround at the terminus of the dead end: property line/right-of-way: 65 feet; outer edge of pavement: 50 feet. The maximum length of a dead-end street, including the cul-de-sac, shall be 1,000 feet.
Grades, intersections and sight distances.
Grades of all streets shall conform in general to the terrain and shall not be less than 1/2 of 1%, nor more than 5% for arterial, industrial and commercial streets, 6% for collector streets or 6% for minor streets in residential zones, but in no case more than 2% within 50 feet of any intersection.
All changes in grade shall be connected by vertical curves of such length and radius as meet with the approval of the Planning Board so that clear visibility shall be provided for distances specified in Subsection B, minimum sight distance.
Cross (four-cornered) street intersections shall be avoided insofar as possible except as shown on the Comprehensive Plan or at other important traffic intersections. A distance of at least 200 feet shall be maintained between center lines of offset intersecting streets.
Street intersections and curves shall be so designed as to permit adequate visibility for pedestrian and vehicular traffic. That portion of any corner lot which is necessary to allow twenty-five-foot sight lines between intersecting streets shall be cleared of all growth (except isolated trees) and obstructions above the level two feet higher than the center line of the street. If directed, ground shall be excavated to achieve visibility.
Sidewalks. Sidewalks where installed shall meet the minimum requirements as set forth herein.
Bituminous sidewalks.
The gravel aggregate subbase course shall be not less than 12 inches in thickness;
The crushed aggregate base course shall be not less than two inches in thickness; and
The hot bituminous pavement surface course shall be not less than two inches in thickness, after compaction.
Portland cement concrete sidewalks.
The sand base shall be not less than six inches in thickness; and
The portland cement concrete shall be reinforced with six-inch-square, number 10 wire mesh and shall be not less than four inches in thickness.
Curbing. Curbing shall be quarried granite, bituminous concrete or cement, with a minimum height of six inches, and shall be installed on a thoroughly compacted gravel base of six inches minimum, except bituminous curbing shall be installed on a three-inch thick bituminous pad.
Minimum thickness of materials after compaction:
Street Materials
Minimum Requirements
Local Residential
Aggregate subbase course (maximum sized stone 4 inches) (inches)
Crushed aggregate base course (inches)
Hot bituminous pavement (after compaction)
Total thickness (after compaction) (inches)
3 1/4
2 1/2
2 1/2
Surface course (after compaction) (inches)
1 1/2
Base course (after compaction) (inches)
1 3/4
1 3/4
1 3/4
Hot bituminous pavement conforming to the standards set herein shall be used on all streets within the Town or village centers and on all arterial roadways. Hot bituminous pavement also shall be used on heavily trafficked streets, through streets and where deemed necessary by the Planning Board. Liquid asphalt may be used in more rural areas where the traffic volume is low and where through traffic is minimal. The final determination of the paving shall be made by the Planning Board.
Before any clearing has started on the right-of-way, the center line of the new road shall be staked and side staked at fifty-foot intervals. Limits of clearing shall be marked by stakes or flagging distances from the center line shall be obtained from the cross sections.
Before grading is started, the entire right-of-way area shall be cleared of all stumps, roots, brush and other objectionable material. All ledge, large boulders and tree stumps shall be removed from the right-of-way.
Tree stumps and other organic materials shall be removed to a depth of two feet below the subgrade of the roadway. Soils which are designated as being poor or very poor for road fill by the Soil Suitability Guide for Land Use Planning in Maine (most recent version), shall be removed from the street site to a depth of two feet below the subgrade and shall be replaced where necessary with soils listed by the Soil Suitability Guide as being good or fair for road fill.
[Amended 11-3-2020 STM by Art. 3]
Side slopes shall not be steeper than a slope of three feet horizontal to one foot vertical, graded, fertilized and seeded. Planting strips shall be lined at the rate of 10 pounds of a 10-10 fertilizer per 100 square feet or equivalent and seeded with a conservation mix meeting the standards of the York County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Bases and pavements.
Aggregate subbase course. Gravel aggregate subbase shall not contain particles of rock exceeding four inches in any dimension; and
Aggregate base course. Crushed aggregate base shall not contain particles of rock that will not pass the two-square sieve.
Pavement joints. Where pavement placed joins existing pavement, the existing pavement shall be along a smooth line and to a neat, even, vertical joint.
Curbs and gutters.
Street curbs and gutters shall be installed as required by the Planning Board; and
Curbs shall be vertical except when sloped curbs are specifically allowed by the Planning Board.
Adequate provision shall be made for disposal of all stormwater collected in streets and areas tributary to the street system and underground water through ditches, culverts, under drain and/or stormwater drainage systems.
All stormwater systems shall be designed to meet the criteria of a twenty-five-year storm based on rainfall data from Weather Bureau records in Portland.
[Amended 11-3-2020 STM by Art. 3]
Appropriate conveyances for outlets to drainage systems must be provided. Asphalt-coated steel culverts and asphalt-coated steel pipes or equivalent shall be used where drainage is required.
In any case, the minimum pipe size for any storm drainage pipe shall be 12 inches. Catch basins of an appropriate size and type shall be installed where necessary and shall be located generally at the curbline. Catch basins shall be placed away from the line of traffic flow; however, they shall be adequate in design and strength to accommodate vehicle traffic.
Upstream drainage shall be accommodated by an adequately sized system for existing conditions and future potential development in the upstream drainage area or areas tributary to the proposed Town way. The adequacy of the proposed system(s) shall be determined by the Planning Board.
Existing or future downstream drainage requirements shall be studied to determine the effect of proposed drainage. The applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Board that the storm drainage will not, in any way, overload existing or future storm drainage systems downstream from the proposed street.
Where open ditches, channels, streams or natural drainage courses are used either to collect or discharge stormwater, adequately sized perpetual easements shall be provided and appropriate erosion control measures taken. No stormwater will be permitted to drain across a street or across an intersection.
Under drainage systems. Where subsurface solids are of the nature to require an under drainage system, under drains shall be installed and discharged not to degrade the environment. An under-drainage system shall be installed to properly drain all springs or areas where the groundwater level is too high and would cause a hazard to the stability of the roadway base.
All material used for storm drainage construction shall be in conformity with State of Maine Specifications for Highways and Bridges, most recent version. In addition, the quality of stormwater flows off the street shall be addressed. Retention of the 1/2 inch from a storm event for 24 hours by an oil and gas separator catch basin (properly maintained) or other stormwater quality improvement measures may be necessary, as determined by the Planning Board, to minimize or eliminate sediments, hydrocarbons or other contaminants from the stormwater leaving the right-of-way. Whenever possible, low-impact development standards (LID) shall be incorporated into the site design.
[Amended 11-3-2020 STM by Art. 3]
General construction requirements.
Trenching shall be accomplished in accordance with all appropriate state and federal safety requirements.
Drain alignment shall be straight in both horizontal and vertical alignment unless specific approval of a curvilinear drainage is obtained, in writing, from the Planning Board.
Manholes shall be provided at all changes in vertical or horizontal alignment and at all junctions. In straight runs, manholes shall be placed at a maximum of 400-foot intervals.
When necessary, outlets shall be terminated in an end wall or concrete construction or shall be riprapped to prevent erosion or other appropriate measures taken. Facilities for energy dissipation shall be provided where necessary.
Erosion control. Procedures shall be undertaken, during preparatory, construction and cleanup stages, to prevent soil erosion and water pollution. A plan shall be prepared meeting the standards of the York County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Cleanup. Following street construction, the developer and contractor shall conduct a thorough cleanup of stumps and other debris from the entire road or street right-of-way.
Street names, street signs and streetlights. Streets which join and are in alignment with streets of abutting or neighboring properties shall bear the same name. Names of new streets shall not duplicate nor bear phonetic resemblance to the names of existing streets within the municipality and shall be subject to the approval of the Select Board. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the developer. The type, size and location shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board. Streetlighting shall be installed as required by the Planning Board.
[Amended 11-3-2020 STM by Art. 3]
Entrance sign. A residential neighborhood, development or subdivision with clearly defined geographical boundaries may have one sign located at the primary entrance not to exceed 12 square feet.
[Amended 11-3-2020 STM by Art. 3]
Plans and illustrations submitted in accordance with § 240-10.1C (Plans) shall be designed and prepared by a civil engineer licensed in the State of Maine. No construction will be permitted until the Planning Board has approved the plans. No lot in a subdivision may be sold, leased or otherwise conveyed before the street upon which the lot fronts is completed in accordance with these standards up to and including that lot.
Utilities, where available, shall be installed prior to the street construction phase so as to avoid re-excavation of the finished street.
Prior to the commencement of each major phase of construction, the Director of Codes and Planning shall be notified.
Upon completion of street construction and prior to a vote by the Select Board to submit a proposed Town way to a Town Meeting, a written certification signed by a civil engineer licensed in the State of Maine shall be submitted to the Select Board, at the expense of the applicant, certifying that the proposed Town way meets or exceeds the design and construction requirements set forth herein.
Pursuant to the procedures set forth in § 240-7.1L, prior to the time of the approval of the final plan application, the applicant shall tender either a certified check payable to the Town or other such surety or performance bond payable to the Town in the amount of 100% of the cost of streets and completing all grading, paving, storm drainage and utilities specified in the application.
Prior to the release of such check, bond or other surety, the Planning Board shall determine to its satisfaction, in part by the written certification required pursuant to § 240-10.8D, that the proposed street and any other improvements meet or exceed the design and construction requirements set forth in the application and these regulations.