[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
The purpose of this chapter is to set forth policy and procedures governing the design, installation, and decommissioning of alternative energy facilities, including, but not limited to, solar energy systems and wind energy facilities within Forward Township, Butler Township. All such facilities shall be considered as commercial land development and be subject to those applicable review standards in the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
One or more buildings, structures, pieces of equipment, units, etc., that are provided for a particular purpose or specific use.
A system designed to capture solar energy, convert it to electrical energy or thermal power, and supply said electrical or thermal power primarily for off-site use, including supplying it to a nearby electric utility's grid.
Shall mean and include small wind turbine devices, wind generators and systems producing from one to 100 kWh of electricity, and which are designed to be mounted on a pole or tower or to be attached to the principal or an accessory structure and used solely to generate power to serve structures located on the same lot.
An electric generating facility, with the purpose of generating electricity, or providing hot water heat, consisting of one or more, but not limited to, solar panels, shingles, freestanding arrays or Smartflowers [or similar hybrid high concentration photovoltaic thermal (HCPVT) systems], and other ancillary associated buildings and structures, including substations, meteorological towers, electrical infrastructure, transmission lines, and other appurtenant structures and facilities.
A flower-shaped solar panel array that attracts the sun and is completely portable. These are technically known as "high concentration photovoltaic thermal systems ("HCPVT")."
An electric generating facility, with the purpose of supplying electricity, consisting of one or more wind turbines and other ancillary associated buildings and structures, including substations, meteorological towers, electrical infrastructure, transmission lines, and other appurtenant structures and facilities.
A wind energy system that converts wind energy into electricity using a wind turbine generator, which may be of horizontal or vertical shaft design.
[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
A principal solar energy system, or PSES, shall comply with the following requirements to minimize impacts on the physical, social, and environmental conditions on adjoining and nearby landowners and businesses.
The PSES Layout, design and installation shall conform to applicable industry standards, such as those of the American National Standards (ANSI), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC), Electrical Testing Laboratory (ETL), Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) or other similar certifying organizations, and shall comply with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Building Code, as well as with all other applicable fire and life safety requirements. The manufacturer specifications for the key components of the system shall be submitted as part of the commercial land development application. In addition, the plan for delivering energy to a public electric utility company "grid" must be explained in detail and shown with one or more drawings.
The minimum lot size shall be 15 acres.
PSES shall be setback from the side yard property lines a minimum of 75 feet, the rear yard property line 100 feet, and the front yard edge of road right-of-way 250 feet. PSES shall be set back from all perennial streams, runs, and/or creeks a minimum of 250 feet.
Ground-mounted PSES shall not exceed 20 feet in height.
All on-site transmission and plumbing lines shall be placed minimally under solar panels and to the extent feasible underground so as not to be visible on the ground surface.
Appropriate safety/warning signage concerning live voltage shall be placed on or within three feet of any ground-mounted electrical devices, equipment, and/or structures.
No portion of the PSES shall contain or be used to display advertising.
All PSES shall be placed such that concentrated solar radiation or glare does not project onto nearby structures or roadways. The applicant has the burden of proving, either through demonstration or mitigation, that any glare produced does not have a significant adverse impact or cause safety concerns for neighboring properties, neighboring property uses, or vehicular traffic. Of particular concern is lessening the impacts on those surrounding properties where an individual or individuals with sensory processing disorder may reside or visit.
Noise from a PSES shall not exceed 55 dBA at the nearest property line measured at a height of both six feet above the ground surface and also 15 feet above the ground surface. The applicant shall provide technical documentation acceptable to the Township indicating the noise standard will always be achieved. This documentation shall be in the form of a sound study completed for another installation by a certified sound consultant.
PSES shall be screened from any adjacent property that is residentially zoned or used for residential purposes. The screen shall consist of plants, evergreens, arborvitae, trees, or similar plants and shrubs which provide an effective visual screen.
PSES shall be completely enclosed by a minimum eight-foot-high security fence.
PSES shall not be artificially illuminated except to the extent required for safety or applicable federal, state, or local authority. Site lighting shall be directed downward and shielded to avoid glare on public roads and neighboring and adjacent properties. All outdoor lighting shall be aimed, located, designed, fitted, and maintained so as not to create glare, light pollution, and light trespass. Cutoff shields of less than 60° shall be utilized as appropriate.
A minimum twenty-five-feet-wide access road shall be provided from a state or municipal road into the site, and a minimum twenty-feet-wide driveway shall be provided between the solar arrays to allow access for maintenance vehicles, emergency management vehicles, and fire apparatus.
A public hearing shall be held by the Township Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission to afford the residents of the Township the opportunity to comment on the proposed installation and give the company proposing the principal solar energy system the opportunity to present their plans and answer technical questions that may be asked.
Prior to the installation of any principal solar energy system facilities, company proposing said installation shall collect and analyze background soil samples in the area where the facilities are to be installed for pH, lead, selenium, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, and copper. Results shall be submitted to the Township.
[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
Wind energy facilities shall comply with the following requirements to minimize impacts on the Township's physical (soil and water), wildlife, and social environments, as well as on adjoining and neighboring property owners and the community in general. Please note that Chapter 28 of the Forward Township Code of Ordinances deals with Airport Hazard Zoning. Chapter 28, entitled "Airport Hazard Zoning," exists to create an airport hazard ordinance that considers the safety issues around the Butler
Pittsburgh Airport, regulate and restrict heights of constructed structures and objects, and creates boundaries or hazard zones in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration regulations for airports. Please refer to Chapter 28 of the Township Code of Ordinances.
The design of the wind energy facility shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards Institute. The applicant shall submit certificates of design compliance obtained by the equipment manufacturers from Underwriters Laboratories, Det Norske Veritas, Germanischer, Lloyd Wind Energies, or other similar certifying organizations. In addition, the plan for delivering energy to a public electric utility company "grid" must be explained in detail and shown with one or more drawings.
To the extent applicable, the wind energy facility shall comply with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code.
All wind energy facilities shall be equipped with a redundant braking system. This includes both aerodynamic over-speed controls (including variable pitch, tip, and other similar systems) and mechanical brakes. Mechanical brakes shall be operated in a fail- safe mode. Stall regulation shall not be considered a sufficient braking system for overspeed protection.
Wind turbines shall be a nonobtrusive color such as white, off-white or gray.
Wind energy facilities shall not be artificially illuminated, except to the extent required by the Federal Aviation Administration or other applicable authority that regulates air safety.
No portion of a wind turbine shall contain or be used to display advertising.
On-site transmission and power lines between wind turbines shall, to the maximum extent practicable, be placed underground.
Wind turbines shall be set back from side yard and rear yard property lines, as well as edge of the road right-of-way of any adjacent state or municipal road a distance not less than 1.5 times the turbine height. Setback shall be measured from the center of the wind turbine base. Under no circumstances shall a wind turbine be located closer than 300 feet from an occupied dwelling on an adjacent property and 250 feet from all perennial streams, runs, and/or creeks. The minimum lot size shall be 15 acres.
Noise from a wind turbine shall not exceed 55 dBA at the nearest property line measured at a height of both six feet above the ground surface and 25 feet above the ground surface. The applicant shall provide technical documentation acceptable to the Township indicating the noise standard will always be achieved. This documentation shall be in the form of a sound study completed for another installation by a certified sound consultant.
Wind energy facilities shall provide reasonable measures to minimize shadow flicker on any occupied building.
Wind energy facilities shall provide reasonable measures to avoid disruption or loss of radio, telephone, television, or similar signals, and shall mitigate any harm caused by the wind energy facility.
Acknowledging that properties may be of an irregular shape and geometric configuration, under no circumstances shall any blade or vane of a wind turbine facility protrude over the property line of the property upon which the facility is being constructed or erected.
A public hearing shall be held by the Township Board of Supervisors or Planning Commission to afford the residents of the Township the opportunity to comment on the proposed installation and give the company proposing the wind turbine facility the opportunity to present their plans and answer technical questions that may be asked.
Prior to the installation of any wind turbine facility, the company proposing said installation shall collect and analyze background soil samples in the area where the facilities are to be installed for pH, oil, grease lead, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene (BTEX), cadmium, chromium, and zinc. This process of collecting and analyzing soil samples shall be repeated every five years on the anniversary date of when the facility was put online. Results shall be submitted to the Township.
The commercial land development submittal shall also discuss and address the protection of avian wildlife in and around the proposed installation.
[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
For this section, "facility" shall mean, but not be limited to, a principal solar energy facility and system or a wind energy facility.
The facility owner or operator shall, at its expense, complete decommissioning of the facility within 12 months after the end of the useful life of the facility. The facility will be presumed to be at the end of its useful life if no electricity is generated for a continuous period of 12 months.
Decommissioning shall include removal of solar panels or collectors, wind turbines, buildings, cabling, electrical components, roads, foundations to a depth of 36 inches, and any other associated facilities. Disturbed earth shall be graded and reseeded. Soil samples shall be collected and analyzed for the elements listed above respectively for a principal solar facility or wind energy facility. Results shall be submitted to the Township. Any soil remediation work needed shall be included in decommissioning costs.
An independent and licensed professional engineer shall be retained by the facility owner or operator to calculate the estimated cost of the complete decommissioning of the facility without regard to salvage value of the equipment. This value shall be known as "the decommissioning cost." This cost shall also consider any soil remediation necessary or anticipated. Said estimates shall be submitted to the Township after the first year of operation and every fifth year thereafter on the anniversary of the startup date of the facility.
The facility owner or operator shall post and maintain with the Township decommissioning funds in an amount equal to decommissioning costs provided or a value of 100% of the decommissioning cost calculated by a registered professional engineer. The decommissioning funds shall be provided by a bonding company or acceptable financial institution and held by the Township in escrow chosen by the facility owner or operator and participating landowner posting the financial security, provided that the bonding company or lending institution is authorized to conduct such business within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is approved by the Township. Decommissioning funds may be in the form of a performance bond, surety bond, letter of credit, corporate guarantee or other form of financial assistance as may be acceptable to the Township. If neither the facility owner nor operator complete decommissioning within the prescribed period, then the Township may take such measures as necessary to complete decommissioning at the cost of the facility owner, operator, or property owner. The entry into and submission of evidence of a participating landowner agreement to the Township shall constitute agreement and consent of the parties to the agreement, their respective heirs, successors and assigns that the Township may take such action as necessary to implement the decommissioning plan. The escrow agent shall release the decommissioning funds when the facility owner or operator has demonstrated and the Township concurs that decommissioning has been satisfactorily completed, or upon written approval of the Township to implement the decommissioning plan.
[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
Noncompliance with the provisions of this chapter constitutes a violation hereof, and the Township or its designated Enforcement Officer shall issue a written notice of said violation to be served by personal service or by registered or certified mail upon the facility owner, property owner, lessee, contractor, or operator of said property or premises or if the owner's whereabouts or identity be unknown, by posting the notice conspicuously upon the offending property or premises.
Said notice shall specify the nature of the violation and shall require the person, company, firm, corporation, entity, owner, lessee, contractor, or operator to commence to remove or otherwise rectify the source or basis of the violation set forth therein within 24 hours of mailing, posting, or delivering said notice and thereafter to fully comply with the requirements of this chapter within 30 calendar days thereafter.
[Ord. No. 2023-1, 10/10/2023]
Any person, owner, firm, company, corporation, operator, or lessee violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a summary offense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined an amount up to $300. Each day a violation is committed or is permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable as same.