No franchise which is not revocable at the will of the City shall be granted or become operative until approved by 3/5 of the electors voting thereon at a general or special election.
No franchise shall be granted for a longer period than 30 years.
No exclusive franchise or grant of right to occupy or use the streets or public places of the City shall ever be granted.
No public utility not possessing a valid franchise shall have the right to the use of the highways, streets, alleys or other public places for wires, poles, pipes, tracks, conduits or the like without first obtaining a proper permit from the Council, which permit shall be revocable at any time.
All contracts granting, renewing, extending or amending a franchise shall be made by ordinance and not otherwise, and shall not be effective until a written acceptance is filed by the grantee with the City Clerk.
The grant of every franchise shall be subject to the right of the City to make and enforce all regulations which shall be necessary to secure adequate and efficient service from all public utilities operating in the City, and to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public.