[Adopted as Ch. 2, Subch. IIB, of the 1998 Code; amended by Ord. No. 2015-28]
[Added by Ord. No. 2017-12; amended 12-12-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-24; 9-11-2019 by Res. No. 2019-16; 8-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-4; 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
Standing Committee. A "Standing Committee" is a committee of the County Board of Supervisors which is assigned particular legislative responsibility for a County department, office or agency by the Code or state statutes. The following committees are Standing Committees: Executive Committee. Public Works Committee, Public Safety Committee, Human Services Committee, and Land Use and Planning Committee.
Standing Committees of the County Board are established pursuant to § 59.13, Wis. Stats. Chairpersons of each standing committee shall be elected by the County Board. Members of each standing committee, other than the Chairperson, shall be appointed by the County Board Chairperson. Unless otherwise provided by law, only the County Board Chairperson or the County Board has the authority to establish standing committees of the County Board.
A majority of members must be present to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Members may appear by video conferencing or telephonically. An appearance by such means shall constitute an appearance for purposes of establishing a quorum. Members appearing by video conferencing or telephonically shall be authorized to participate in the meeting in the same manner as if they were physically present.
General duties of the Standing Committees include:
To act as a liaison between the County Board of Supervisors and departments and any departmental-level advisory committees or commissions.
To review reporting departments' annual budget prior to submission to the County Executive.
To consider departments' annual reports and reports regarding out-of-state travel and any other general reports regarding operations.
To review all goals set by the assigned department, to monitor achievement of goals and to report to the Executive or oversight authority responsible for evaluating the department head.
Due to the technical nature of state and federal regulation of hiring, promotion and discipline, a Standing Committee shall not directly participate in the hiring, promotion or discipline of department staff. Nothing in this subsection shall restrict the right of the committee to require reports from a department head nor the right and obligation of a department head to inform and consult with his or her Standing Committee.
To authorize the drafting of resolutions and ordinances at department level and to approve their submission to the County Board of Supervisors, subject to the rules of order.
Transfer of funds. Standing Committees may review for recommendation to the County Board the following:
Transfer of funds from contingency funds pursuant to § 65.90(5)(b), Wis. Stats.
Transfer of funds from any fund.
Additional appropriation of funds not provided for in the adopted Annual Operating Budget or Capital Improvement Plan.
The use of undesignated fund balances.
[Amended 3-13-2018 by Ord. No. 2017-38; Ord. No. 2016-15; 1-9-2018 by Ord. No. 2017-29; 8-8-2018 by 2018-2; 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12; 9-11-2019 by Res. No. 2019-16; 7-8-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-2; 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-2; 6-9-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-4; 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
The Committee shall consist of the County Board Chairperson, who shall be Chairperson of this Committee, the First Vice Chairperson, the Second Vice Chairperson and the remaining Standing Committee chairs elected by the County Board at the April organizational meeting held in even-numbered years. The duties of this Committee shall be:
To determine the scope and nature of recruitment efforts, prescreen candidates and make a recommendation to the County Board for vacancies in the office of County Clerk, County Treasurer, County Executive and County Board Supervisor, subject to the authority of the County Board members to nominate candidates under the rules of order.
To recommend a candidate or candidates to the Governor for vacancies in the offices of Sheriff and Register of Deeds or to the Circuit Court Judges for a vacancy in the office of Clerk of Courts.
To assist the Chair in maintaining the internal discipline of the County Board by investigating at the request of the Chair the conduct of County Board Supervisors which may be contrary to the state and County Code of Ethics,[1] including, but not limited to, leaks of confidential information from closed sessions, disclosure of confidential information received by the County Board Supervisor in his or her capacity as a Board member or member of any County Committee, Commission or subservient board or any other conduct which brings discredit upon the Washington County Board of Supervisors. The Committee may direct the commencement of an investigation, refer allegations to the Ethics Board or recommend appropriate action to the full Board, including censure, discipline or removal to the extent permitted by law, and may recommend pursuit of ethics prosecution to the appropriate prosecuting authority. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to convey rights to any person other than a County Board Supervisor to file complaints with the Executive Committee, nor shall this subsection be construed to extend any hearing or appeal rights to any person.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 40, Ethics.
To resolve jurisdictional conflicts between and among committees and to recommend changes in the rules of order and County Code to rectify any conflicts, and, where necessary, to request an opinion of the County Attorney's office with respect to jurisdictional conflicts. This subsection shall not be construed to authorize the Executive Committee to review the decisions of other Committees, except where serving in a liaison function under this Code.
To propose changes to the legislative and administrative structure of the County Board, its departments, offices and agencies, and to direct the drafting of resolutions and ordinances to that effect.
To serve as the standing committee where no other liaison is provided by this Code or the Statutes.
To meet from time to time with the heads of Washington County departments and standing committees to discuss and review department and Committee structure and authority.
To investigate all matters referred to it by the County Board and to prepare a report to the County Board on such matters.
To study these rules of order and to make recommendations to the County Board for necessary amendments.
To serve as standing committee for the following:
Office of the County Executive.
County Attorney and Child Support Agency.
County HOME Program Committee.
Economic Development Corporation.
Washington County Convention and Visitors Bureau (Visit Washington County).
W-O-W Workforce Development Board.
County Clerk.
Human Resources.
Budget, Policy and Analytics Department.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection J(10), Information Technology, was repealed 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2023-15.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection J(13), Library Services Board, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 10-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-4.
To consult with the County Executive in the preparation of comprehensive capital, operational and fiscal plans covering all County departments and agencies. The plan's format shall be compatible with the then-current County budget format and shall specifically address prior plans, and how the goals and objectives of any prior plans have been met.
To consult with the County Executive regarding budgetary matters.
To meet with the County Executive to review the proposed biennial operating budget, and to hold a public hearing pursuant to § 65.90, Wis. Stats., prior to submission of the proposed budget to the County Board for approval at its November meeting.
To review department requests for additional positions that increase the total number of the requesting department's employees and result in an increase in the department's budget for the following year. If said request is approved by the Committee, it shall be forwarded to the County Board for a vote in accordance with § 15-6I(5).
To consider any supervisor's request to review the chairperson's determination regarding the placement of an action item on the County Board's agenda.
Additional administrative and financial responsibilities shall include the following:
To receive periodic financial reports summarizing the County's financial condition.
To review with the auditors the annual audit of the County's books as required by § 73.10, Wis. Stats.
To receive a summarized monthly report of County expenditure of funds.
To examine, investigate and report on all claims of a general nature, including damages done by dogs, for which the County may have any liability and all claims, demands or causes of action against the County except highway matters, and issue County orders therefor.
To determine a reasonable amount of the public monies and direct the County Treasurer to maintain an appropriate average daily balance in all checking accounts and to notify the County Executive of availability of funds not immediately needed to invest in a manner deemed most advantageous to Washington County and in compliance with State Statutes.
Consistent with Chapter 70, Officers and Employees, Article I, Executive, of the Code of Washington County, to direct the County Executive to invest and maintain an investment record which furnishes at least the following information for each investment:
Purchase price.
Date of principal maturity, dates and rates of interest.
Account for which held.
Dates, receipt numbers, and amount of interest collection.
Date sold, receipt numbers and amount received at disposition.
To have supervision over and make recommendations to the County Board regarding the disposal of County lands acquired by tax deed as set forth in § 49-10 of the County Code and Chapter 75 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
To advise and consult with the County Executive with regard to the development and enforcement of County personnel policies.
To have charge of all employment relations matters pursuant to Ch. 111, Wis. Stats.
Whenever the employees of any department properly petition for and are granted certification by the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission under Ch. 111, Wis. Stats., the Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall select a collective bargaining subcommittee to consist of the following: two members of the Executive Committee, on a rotating basis giving due regard to other departmental committee work, the Director of Human Resources and the Labor Negotiator. The head of the department involved shall serve as a resource person to the subcommittee. Each such subcommittee shall be entrusted with the power and authority to negotiate with employees of the respective department with reference to wages, hours and conditions of employment, and shall have authority, subject to approval of the County Board, upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee, to enter into a binding agreement thereon with the properly qualified representatives of the employees. The agreement shall be signed by the Board members of the subcommittee after approval by the County Board, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee.
To serve as the Section 504 Committee replacing that created by Resolution No. 13-84-85. The Committee shall actively seek input from the public where required by law to help identify problem areas relating to handicapped access. The Director of Human Resources shall serve as the Section 504 coordinator.
To oversee and establish policy, have general charge of insurance, and to work with the County Clerk to implement the County insurance programs as follows:
To insure adequately all buildings against loss or damage by fire or other disaster.
To provide public liability and comprehensive automobile liability insurance.
To oversee and set policy for the administration of the County's Worker's Compensation Fund, the Health Insurance Fund and all employee insurance programs.
To serve as the County Loss Control Committee and to work with the Wisconsin County Mutual Insurance Corporation's Loss Prevention Committee towards development of a loss control/risk management program. When discharging its responsibility as Loss Control Committee, the Executive Committee shall be authorized to require the attendance of any department head whose department or program requires loss control/risk management analysis and to call upon the assistance of other County committees.
To have charge of all County property and lands except as designated to other committees as listed below, and to prepare the necessary budget requests therefor. County property jurisdiction and responsibilities are specified as follows:
Public Works
Highway Department buildings (West Bend and Slinger)
Highway Department yards (West Bend and Slinger)
Vehicle maintenance storage facility
County Highway roads
UWM-WC campus buildings
UWM-WC campus grounds
• Responsibility for the VMSF will be assigned to Highway Department and Committee to maximize state funding
• Charges to other departments will be developed with Finance Department involvement
Land Use and Planning
County park lands
County park buildings
Land Use and Planning
Washington County Golf Course
Land Use and Planning
Fair Park buildings
Fair Park grounds
County-Agricultural and Industrial Society Lease and Agreement
• Washington County owns the Fair Park land and the pavilion building
• Washington County is responsible to repair and maintain lessee-owned structures
Human Services
Samaritan Health Center building
Samaritan grounds used by residents
County lands SE of driveway to Water St. Fields of Washington County
• Little League use issues are assigned to Human Services Committee, working with County Attorney and County Clerk
Courthouse building
Courthouse annexes
Veteran's Memorial
Sheriff's Office
Public Agency Center
Tower sites
Fuel Island
County cemetery
County campus lands, designed and reserved for future use
• Sets policies to perform landlord role to user departments
• Considers Master Plan for County campus
• Considers requests from County Board committees for designation of reserved campus lands
To have charge of all leases and rentals of real property for County use under its jurisdiction and the leases and rentals of all County real property under its jurisdiction and to have charge of permanent improvements, repairs and maintenance concerning all County buildings and grounds under its jurisdiction, including authority to provide emergency repairs or necessities without further County Board authority on a majority vote of the Committee membership; an estimated amount is to be included annually in the budget for said purpose, and for said purposes, the County Clerk and the County Board Chairperson are authorized to sign agreements on behalf of the Committee and County.
Editor's Note: Former § 15-29, Administrative Committee, as amended, was repealed 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2016-15]
The Committee shall consist of five members. The duties of this committee shall be:
The Committee shall serve as the standing committee for the following:
[Amended by Ord. No. 2016-2; 6-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-1; 4-28-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1; 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
Planning and Parks Department.
Community Development Department.
Natural Resources Department.
Washington County Golf Course.
Register of Deeds.
Board of Adjustment.
Committee on Agriculture, Extension and Conservation.
University of Wisconsin (UW) Extension.
Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC).
Agricultural and Industrial Society
Shall serve as the Land Conservation Committee per § 92.06, Wis. Stats., and fulfill all duties therein. When meeting as the Land Conservation Committee, the membership shall include the Chairperson of the Farm Service Agency Committee created under 16 U.S.C. § 590h(b) or other farm service agency member designated by the Chairperson.
To serve as the Committee on Agriculture and Extension Education and fulfill the duties specified in § 59.56(3), Wis. Stats.
To review department requests for additional positions that increase the total number of the requesting department's employees and result in an increase in the department's budget for the following year. If said request is approved by the Committee, it shall be forwarded to the County Board for a vote in accordance with § 15-6I(5).
[Amended 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12; 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-2]
In cooperation with the University of Wisconsin Extension (UWEX), the Committee shall provide direction to Washington County UWEX faculty and staff and shall serve as liaison for UWEX.
To provide oversight and consider requests of the Land Information Council established pursuant to § 59.72, Wis. Stats., and § 15-24 of this chapter.
The Land Use and Planning Committee shall serve as the County Parks Commission per § 27.02, Wis. Stats., when it convenes with two additional members with the powers set forth in § 27.019 and § 27.05, Wis. Stats. The two additional members shall be the County Board Chairperson and the FSA Chairperson or their respective designees. The Chairperson of the Land Use and Planning Committee shall serve as the Chair of the County Parks Commission.
[Added 6-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-1]
The Committee shall supervise and serve as liaison for Fair Park and be responsible for the supervision of Fair Park grounds and structures. Oversight and supervision shall be in conjunction with the Washington County and Agricultural and Industrial Society Lease and Operating Agreement dated May 1, 2012, as amended or renewed from time to time. See §59.56, Wis. Stats.
[Added 4-28-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-1]
[Amended by Ord. No. 2016-15]
The Committee shall consist of five members. The duties of this committee shall be:
The Committee shall serve as the standing committee for the following:
Highway Department.
Transit Division of the Highway Department.
East Wisconsin Counties Railroad Consortium. At the start of each session, the County Board Chairperson shall appoint two members of the County Board at least one of which shall be a member of the Public Works Committee to serve on the East Wisconsin Counties Railroad Consortium. In the event of the unavailability of an appointee, the Chair may appoint any of the remaining members of the Public Works Committee to serve as an alternate.
[Amended 9-9-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-8]
Highway Committee.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(5), Administration and Parks Divisions of Planning and Parks Department, and Subsection A(6), Parks Commission, were repealed 6-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-1. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(7) and (8) as Subsection A(5) and (6), respectively.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee-Washington County Campus (UWM-WC) (C-West Bend Rep).
[Amended 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
Information Technology.
[Added 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 2023-15]
In addition to the statutory duties pursuant to § 83.015, Wis. Stats., the duties of the Committee shall include:
Serving as the standing committee for the Transit Division, which operates the County Transit Services. Public transportation services authorized by the County Board are the County Shared Ride Taxi Service.
[Amended 6-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-5]
To coordinate specialized transportation services as defined in § 85.21(2)(g), Wis. Stats., for county residents who are disabled or are age 60 or older, including services funded under 42 U.S.C. §§ 3001 to 3057n, 42 U.S.C. § 5001 and 42 U.S.C. § 5001(b), under §§ 49.43 to 49.499, Wis. Stats., and § 85.21, Wis. Stats., and under any other public funds administered by the County.
To apply for state and federal aids for operating and capital assistance as set forth in § 85.20, Wis. Stats., Trans Chapters 4 and 6 Wisconsin Administrative Code and 49 U.S.C. §§ 5307, 5309, 5311 and 5339.[2]
Editor's Note: The following original sections of the 1998 Code, which immediately followed this subsection, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. IV): Sec. 2.44(2)(a)3, regarding authorization for bidding and contracting for planned transit services; Sec. 2.44(2)(a)4, regarding authorization of transit services policies; Sec. 2.44(2)(a)5, regarding participation in local transportation planning; Sec. 2.44(2)(a)6, regarding coordination of transit services; Sec. 2.44(2)(a)7, regarding reporting on public transit; and Sec. 2.44(2)(b), regarding Transit Manager staffing and reporting.
To review department requests for additional positions that increase the total number of the requesting department's employees and result in an increase in the department's budget for the following year. If said request is approved by the Committee, it shall be forwarded to the County Board for a vote in accordance with § 15-6I(5).[3]
[Amended 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12; 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, which provided the Public Works Committee shall serve as the County Parks Commission, was repealed 6-10-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-1. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection D and Subsection C.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2016-15]
The Committee shall consist of five members. The duties of this committee shall be:
To serve as the standing committee for the following:
Sheriff's Office.
Medical Examiner.
Emergency Management.
Clerk of Courts.
District Attorney.[1]
Editor's Note: The sixth item, listing Security and Facilities Committee, of original Sec. 2.45(1) of the 1998 Code, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12.
Local Emergency Planning Committee.
County Traffic Safety Commission.
Radio Committee.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(8), Civil Service Commission, was repealed 8-12-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-3. This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection A(9) and (10) as Subsection A(8) and (9), respectively.
Sheriff's Grievance Committee.
Emergency Management Committee.
[Added 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
To serve as the Sheriff's Committee as follows:
[Amended by Ord. No. 2016-21]
To have jurisdiction over and administrative supervision of the Sheriff in the management of the Sheriff's Office.
To approve the purchase of all necessary vehicles, equipment and materials used by the Sheriff's Office.
To review and approve the proposed annual budget of the Sheriff's Office prior to submission to the County Executive.[3]
[Amended 9-11-2019 by Res. No. 2019-16]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(4), regarding service as the Emergency Management Committee, as amended, was repealed 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10. Original Sec. 2.45(2)(e) of the 1998 Code, regarding supervision of the operation of the County Jail and maintenance of County prisoners, which immediately followed former Subsection B(4), was repealed 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12.
To review department requests for additional positions that increase the total number of the requesting department's employees and result in an increase in the department's budget for the following year. If said request is approved by the Committee, it shall be forwarded to the County Board for a vote in accordance with § 15-6I(5).
[Amended 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12; 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-2]
[Amended by Ord. No. 2016-15; 9-11-2019 by Res. No. 2019-16; 10-9-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-12; 7-8-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-2; 5-12-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-2; 2-9-2022 by Ord. No. 2021-10]
The Committee shall consist of five members. The duties of this committee shall be:
To serve as standing committee for the following:
Aging, Disability and Resource Center.
Health Department.
Samaritan Campus.
Veteran's Service Office.
Human Services Department.
Commission on Aging.
Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Board.
Board of Health (Ozaukee).
Nutrition Advisory Council.
Veterans' Service Commission.
Human Services Board.
To review department requests for additional positions that increase the total number of the requesting department's employees and result in an increase in the department's budget for the following year. If said request is approved by the Committee, it shall be forwarded to the County Board for a vote in accordance with § 15-6I(5).
To have general jurisdiction over the ADRC Board and the Commission on Aging, including establishing and evaluating policies, programming and financial or budgetary considerations of same.
One member shall serve on the ADRC Board as assigned by the County Board Chair and confirmed by the Board of Supervisors.
Three members shall serve on the Multiple County Board of Health as assigned by the County Board Chair and confirmed by the Board of Supervisors.
To have general jurisdiction over the Human Services Board, including establishing and evaluating policies, programming and financial or budgetary considerations of same.
All five members shall serve on the Human Services Board as appointed by the County Board Chair and confirmed by the County Board of Supervisors. Remaining members shall be appointed by the County Executive subject to confirmation by the County Board of Supervisors.