[Added 11-1-2017 by Ord. No. 1699]
The Civic Center Place shall consist of:
The interior and exterior of the Civic Center building; and
The City-owned parking areas and exterior grounds between 7th Street and 9th Street and Maple and Pine Avenues, including the area used for the Holland Farmers' Market.
[Added 11-1-2017 by Ord. No. 1699]
There is hereby created a Civic Center Place Board, to be composed of seven members plus one ex-officio (nonvoting) member from the City Council. One member shall be a member of the Downtown Development Authority Board and one other member shall be a member of the Principal Shopping District Board. At all times, the Board shall include at least four City residents.
The members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the City Council, shall appoint the ex-officio member each year during June to serve for one year starting that following July 1.
The initial appointments shall establish a system of staggered terms with two members appointed for terms ending June 30, 2018; two members appointed for terms ending June 30, 2019; and three members appointed for terms ending June 30, 2020. After the initial terms, members of the Board shall be appointed for three-year terms, starting on July 1 and ending on June 30.
A vacancy on the Civic Center Place Board shall be filled for the balance of the vacated term by appointment by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council.
The City Council may remove a member of the Civic Center Place Board for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office, as determined in the sole discretion of the City Council, after a public hearing.
The City Manager shall appoint a Civic Center Place staff liaison who shall report to the City Manager concerning the activities of the Civic Center Place Board.
[Added 11-1-2017 by Ord. No. 1699; amended 1-17-2024 by Ord. No. 1842]
The Civic Center Place Board shall:
Make recommendations and provide advice to the City, through its City Manager, on the management and operations of the Civic Center Place in accordance with the Holland City Code, to provide a place for meetings, events and activities for the community in a financially sustainable manner as provided in this article.
Recommend short- and long-term goals for the use, operation and maintenance of the Civic Center Place.
Provide advice concerning: (i) the solicitation of proposals from, interview of and recommendations to the City Council on the engagement of a professional event and facilities management organization to manage the Civic Center Place facilities; or (ii) an alternate facilities management structure. The professional event and facilities management organization shall be engaged by written contract as an independent contractor.
Establish a fee schedule and policies for the use, booking, promotion, operation, repair and maintenance of the Civic Center Place, subject to approval by City Council. The policies and fee schedule shall balance the City's desire to make the facility available for use by residents of the City and other local persons, organizations and groups with the need or demand to use the Civic Center Place for special events, conventions or other activities.
Work with the management organization to carry out the policies and goals of the Civic Center Place.
Provide space available for the Holland Farmers' Market and coordinate activities and efforts with the Farmers' Market market-master.
Coordinate activities and efforts with the Downtown Development Board and Principal Shopping District.
Provide advice on any special insurance needs to protect Civic Center Place property and to protect the City from liabilities.
Make investigations and studies and conduct research to gather statistics or data which will aid in operation and management of the Civic Center Place.
Advise and consult with the City on matters within the scope of its activity.
Advise and recommend to the Mayor persons to appoint to the Board.
Apply for grants or other funding for the Civic Center Place, subject to approval by the City Council.
Notwithstanding the above, all legislative, budgetary and contracting authority and functions shall remain vested in the Council, except as provided in a contract with a professional event and facilities management organization.
[Added 11-1-2017 by Ord. No. 1699]
The Civic Center Place Board shall annually prepare and submit a budget for the Civic Center Place to the City Manager showing anticipated revenues and expenditures for the Civic Center Place for the next fiscal year. The budget shall be submitted to the City Manager not later than February 15 of each year. The City Council shall adopt or revise the proposed budget and incorporate it into the City's annual budget.
The Civic Center Place Board shall consult with the City's Finance Director and finance staff so that the budget is consistent in format with the rest of the City's budget and shall comply with the legal requirements of the City under the City's Charter and state and federal law.
All Civic Center Place revenue and expenditures shall be subject to the requirements imposed by the City's Charter, except that the internal budget, revenue and expenditures of a professional event and facilities management organization shall be under the control of that organization. The professional event and facilities management organization shall not have the power to bind the City by contract or otherwise incur liabilities or debts of the City.
Notwithstanding Sections 2-41 through 2-45 of the Holland City Code, the Civic Center Place Board may authorize and make purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and contractual services, but only if the purchases are within its budget appropriations. The terms "supplies," "materials" and "equipment" shall be construed to mean any and all articles or items which are reasonably necessary for the Civic Center Place. The term "contractual services" shall mean, but not limited to, utility services and the rental, repair or maintenance of equipment, machinery and other City-owned personal or real property. All purchases shall comply with the quotation and bidding requirements of Section 2-47 et seq.
All purchases under Subsection (d) shall be by purchase orders on forms approved by the City's Finance Director. Copies of the purchase orders shall be immediately provided to the City's finance office.
All purchases or contracts, other than those allowed under Subsection (d), shall be by contracts approved by the City Council, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, and approved as to form by the City Attorney.
[Added 11-1-2017 by Ord. No. 1699]
The Civic Center Place Board shall determine its meeting schedule. All meetings shall be held in compliance with the Open Meetings Act, MCLA 15.261 et seq., as amended from time to time.
The Civic Center Place Board shall meet at the Civic Center when it is available or, when not available, at City Hall or such other public place designated by the Board.
All documents, meeting minutes and other records of the Civic Center Place Board shall be and remain records of the City and shall be kept by the City Clerk in accordance with the City's Charter and shall be subject to the document retention and destruction policies and requirements of the City.
All documents, meeting minutes and other records of the Civic Center Place Board shall be subject to the Michigan Freedom of Information Act, MCLA § 15.231 et seq., as amended from time to time.
The Civic Center Place Board may adopt (and periodically review, update and amend) bylaws to establish its rules of organization and procedure appropriate to the performance of its duties, subject to approval by Council.