[Amended 9-5-2023 by L.L. No. 10-2023]
An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is permitted in any district in which single-family residences are permitted, or by special use permit, in accordance with the Table of Uses, subject to obtaining site plan approval by the Planning Board. Notwithstanding the above, an accessory dwelling unit is permitted in any zoning district as of right upon approval by the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer and no special use permit or site plan review shall be required, provided that the applicant certifies that the ADU shall be used only for nontransient occupancy for a period of five years after a certificate of occupancy is issued for such ADU. An ADU permitted in such manner shall be strictly prohibited from being used for transient or short-term rentals and shall be ineligible to obtain a short-term rental permit during such five-year period. Approval by the Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer without the need to obtain a special use permit or site plan approval shall, in addition, be contingent upon compliance with all specifications of an accessory dwelling unit set out in § 232-3 and the following conditions:
Separate access to the accessory dwelling unit shall be required.
The accessory dwelling unit shall consist of not more than two bedrooms and appropriate kitchen, living and dining areas, and shall have bathroom facilities equal to one full bath.
An accessory dwelling unit in an accessory structure, or that involves the physical expansion or exterior alteration of an existing dwelling or structure, must conform to the dimensional requirements of § 232-8 and the Density Control Schedule of this chapter.
No slaughterhouse facility shall be allowed unless pursuant to § 232-16.11 (Slaughterhouse, poultry or rabbit processing facility).
Agricultural uses and public stables that exist expressly for the disposal of offal and agricultural uses that exist expressly for garbage disposal shall not be permitted unless pursuant to § 232-16.11 or unless said use is a garbage disposal area operated by the Town of Copake or a group of towns including the Town of Copake and/or Columbia County.
The processing and storage of agricultural products, including packing, warehousing and storing, is permitted, except that slaughterhouses shall be subject to all provisions of § 232-16.11 (Slaughterhouse, poultry or rabbit processing facility) and no other rendering, fertilizer plants and canneries shall be allowed.
The unenclosed storage of manure or areas for storage of dead fowl or other odor- or dust-producing substance or use shall not be permitted within 200 feet of a property line or right-of-way, except that the storage of manure shall be excepted from this restriction in any certified New York State Agricultural Districts so long as such manure storage is not within 100 feet of a watercourse or body of water. The spreading of manure or fertilizer shall not take place within 100 feet of a watercourse or body of water.
All agricultural buildings if converted from agriculture to any other permitted use shall require review pursuant to the Schedule of Use table[1] of this zoning law and shall comply with all building code requirements.
Editor's Note: The Table of Use Regulations is included as an attachment to this chapter.
Buildings for the housing of fowl or farm animals, including horse stables outside of the New York State Agricultural District shall not be located in the required front yard or within 200 feet of a property line or public street right-of-way.
A public stable or riding academy may not be established on a lot smaller than seven acres.
Agricultural data statement. Any application for a special use permit, site plan approval, use variance, or subdivision approval requiring municipal review and approval by the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals or Town Board that would occur on property within an agricultural district containing a farm operation or on property with boundaries within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district shall include an agricultural data statement for review and notice in accordance with § 305-b of the NYS Agriculture and Markets Law. The cost of mailing said notice shall be borne by the applicant.
Multiple farm businesses on farm. Agricultural operations located within a certified New York State Agricultural District shall be allowed to have multiple farm-related businesses including but not limited to processing and direct sales on the premises provided all such businesses are related to the primary agricultural operation. All farm-related businesses shall meet all other requirements of this zoning law.
[Added 11-10-2022 by L.L. No. 4-2022]
The hours of operation of a cannabis dispensary during which the establishment may be open to the public and retail sales may be carried out shall be limited to the hours between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
Burial or memorial plots or buildings shall not be closer than 20 feet to any property line and shall be adequately screened from adjacent residential property. Plots shall not be closer than 100 feet to any water well.
A golf driving range shall be so laid out that there will be no danger to surrounding properties or to traffic on any street and shall be suitably fenced to protect people and property.
Minor home occupations do not need review and approval by the Planning Board but shall be registered with the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Major home occupations shall receive site plan approval by the Planning Board prior to initiation of business activities. To be approved, major home occupations must comply with all of the applicable following criteria:
No offensive noise, vibration, dust or odor, heat or glare shall be produced by the home occupation activity.
One unanimated, nonilluminated sign of not more than two square feet shall be allowed for major home occupations. There shall be no other exterior evidence of the home occupation.
Business operation hours, lighting and signage shall not adversely affect adjacent properties.
Adequate parking must be provided. At a minimum, there shall be two spaces for the residential use, plus one additional space, located to the side or rear of the residence, for each 500 square feet of floor space of the home occupation.
Major home occupations in the Hamlet (H) district are also required to obtain a special use permit.
For farm use. Up to three manufactured homes may be permitted as an accessory use to a farm, subject to Planning Board approval, provided that:
The manufactured home(s) are not occupied by the owner of the farm or are not the principal dwelling on that farm.
Such manufactured home(s) shall be used only for the housing of a farm worker (and such worker's immediate family) employed full-time in agricultural activity on the farm where the manufactured home is located.
Placement of such manufactured home(s) shall occur only if the requirements of the Density Control Schedule of this chapter can be met.[1]
Editor's Note: The Density Control Schedule is included as an attachment to this chapter.
It shall be certified by the Columbia County Health Department that water and sewage disposal for the manufactured home(s) are in compliance with the New York State standards.
The manufactured home(s) shall be screened or buffered from any abutting property or the public view.
An annual statement is made in writing to the Zoning Enforcement Officer by the owner of the farm, that the manufactured home(s) is occupied by an employee engaged in full-time agricultural activity on the farm where the manufactured home is located.
This annual statement shall be submitted on or before a date specified by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
The Zoning Enforcement Officer will renew or revoke its approval of the manufactured home(s) within 45 days of the submission of the annual statement.
If the owner of the farm fails to submit the annual statement in a timely manner, or if the Zoning Enforcement Officer determines that the conditions of this section are no longer complied with, such manufactured home(s) shall be removed from the farm.
If such manufactured home(s) becomes vacated by an employee and remains vacant for a period of one year, the manufactured home shall be removed from the farm.
As temporary residence. An individual manufactured home or recreational vehicle may be permitted as an accessory use by the owner for a period of three months. One two-month extension may be granted by the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Except as permitted under § 232-16.6B, recreational vehicles are permitted in campgrounds only. Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit the storing or parking of an unoccupied recreational vehicle or the temporary parking, not to exceed three months, of an unoccupied manufactured home on any residential lot; provided, however, that such recreational vehicle or manufactured home must be located in the rear yard and shall not be located closer to the side lot line than the required side yard for the district in which located.
Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, the owner and/or lessee of property within the Town of Copake upon which a permitted manufactured home was situated and existed on July 15, 2018, shall retain such rights and prerequisites pertaining thereto, in the same manner as any other dwelling, including the right to substitute another manufactured home in the place of the manufactured home situated and established on said property. Furthermore, notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a manufactured home may be placed on any lot for a period not to exceed one year, as of right in the event of major destruction of a house situated on such lot, or, in the event of other unusual hardship, upon obtaining a special use permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals, which permit shall have a duration of one year. In either case, one extension, not to exceed six additional months, may be granted at the discretion of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
For nonfarm residential uses, a single NCWT and its tower may be allowed on a single parcel of property. When NCWTs are proposed for use as part of a farm operation, multiple NCWTs and their towers shall be allowed provided the following criteria are met:
That each on-farm NCWT shall meets all standards and requirements set forth in this law.
That the aggregate effect of multiple NCWTs on noise, visual disruption, electromagnetic interference, stray voltage, and other adverse environmental effects meets all standards and requirements of this law for a single NCWT unit.
That when electrical output from an NCWT used for farm operation consistently results in net-metering of more than 110% of need, then in that case no additional NCWTs may be installed on that property.
Wind turbine tower height. The maximum wind turbine tower height shall be 150 feet. The minimum distance between the end of the rotor blades and ground surface shall be 30 feet from the ground.
Guy wires. Anchor points for any guy wires for a wind turbine tower shall be located within the property upon which the NCWT is located and not on or across any aboveground transmission or distribution lines.
Over-speed controls. All NCWTs shall be equipped with automatic over-speed controls. Conformance of rotor and over-speed control design and fabrication with good engineering practices shall be certified by the manufacturer.
Setback. All wind turbine towers shall be set back from all adjoining property lines not owned by the applicant, and from all utility lines and rights of way, a minimum distance of 125% of the wind power tower height. The Planning Board may accept a setback agreement between the NCWT owner and the owner of adjoining property, and between the NCWT owner and those with rights-of-way and easements on or through the NCWT owner's property, for a setback less than the above requirement provided that such agreement acknowledges the applicable requirements of this law and constitutes an easement that shall be recorded with the Columbia County Clerk to apprise any potential purchaser or subsequent owner of said adjoining property about the agreement. Any change to the minimum setback shall be approved by the Town of Copake Zoning Board of Appeals through an area variance.
Noise. The maximum noise level generated by an NCWT shall not exceed 40 dBA as measured at all adjoining property lines or rights-of-way.
If there are prominent impulsive, amplitude-modulated low-frequency or tonal components to the sound generated by the NCWT, there will be an additional 5dB penalty; therefore, the measurement would then be 35 dBA (LA90) maximum. If there should be a difference between the dBA (LA90) and dBC (LC90) measurements of 20 dB or greater, the five-decibel penalty will also be applied so that the noise level shall be no more than 35 dBA (LA90) as measured at all adjoining property lines.
The Planning Board may, at the applicant's expense, retain a certified acoustic consultant of its choice to evaluate the potential noise impacts and mitigation measures for the proposed NCWT and to advise the Planning Board.
Any evaluation of actual or potential noise impacts must include at least four points of information:
A survey or estimate of the existing ambient background noise levels, with background sound pressure levels measured for the specific wind conditions under which the turbine will be operating including levels for the lowest, highest, and average wind speed conditions;
A measurement or prediction of acoustic power noise levels to be radiated from the turbine proposed for the site;
Identification of a model for sound propagation, including one that assumes all directions are downwind at some time; and
Comparison of calculated sound pressure levels from the proposed wind turbine with background sound pressure levels at the turbine site and at all adjoining property lines and rights-of-way.
Visual disruption:
The NCWT and its tower and blades shall be painted a nonreflective, unobtrusive color that blends all components into the surrounding landscape and sky to the greatest extent possible, and shall incorporate nonreflective surfaces to minimize glare and all other visual disruption.
No lighting shall be allowed on the wind power tower at a height greater than 12 feet above grade, except to comply with Federal Aviation Administration requirements.
No advertising or commercial logos or insignias, except the manufacturer's nameplate, shall be permitted on the NCWT or tower.
No flags or banners shall be placed on the NCWT or tower.
The siting of NCWT and tower within a parcel and relative to adjacent properties should minimally impact the viewscape of habitable structures located on adjacent properties and the viewscape from public thoroughfares within a radius of one mile.
All electrical transmission lines associated with the wind power project shall be installed underground in accordance with National Electrical Code Standards except for connections to a public utility company's transmission poles, towers, and lines. The Town may modify this standard if the project terrain is unsuitable due to environmental or ecological constraints.
Compliance with Building Code of New York State. A building permit shall be required prior to construction. Wind power facilities shall conform to applicable industry standards. Applicants shall submit certificates of design compliance that equipment manufacturers have obtained from Underwriters Laboratories or an equivalent third party. A professional engineer shall certify, as part of the building permit application, that the foundation and tower design of the wind power facilities are within accepted professional standards, given local soil and climate conditions. All tower structures shall be designed and constructed to be in compliance with pertinent provisions of the New York State Uniform Building and Fire Prevention Code.
Compliance with other regulatory agencies. All NCWTs shall comply with all laws and regulations, including any installation approvals, established by Columbia County, New York State, and the federal government, including their regulatory agencies (e.g., FAA).
Electrical utility notice. No NCWT shall be installed until evidence has been presented to the Planning Board that the servicing utility company has been informed of the applicant's intent to install an interconnected, customer-owned NCWT. Off-grid NCWTs shall be exempt from this requirement.
Electromagnetic interference and stray voltage. The NCWT shall be operated such that no disruptive electromagnetic interference or stray voltage is caused. The NWFP shall not interfere with microwave, cellular, or television/radio transmission/reception on adjacent or nearby properties. If harmful interference is caused, the NCWT owner shall promptly mitigate the harmful disruption or damage, or cease operation of the NCWT.
Abandonment of use. An NCWT that is not in use converting wind energy into electrical energy for on-site consumption for 12 successive months may be deemed abandoned by the Building Inspector, Code Enforcement Officer, or Zoning Enforcement Officer. Upon receipt of a notice of abandonment issued by such officer, the NCWT owner shall have 30 days to provide credible evidence to the issuing officer that use of the NCWT has not been abandoned. If the issuing officer finds that credible evidence has not been presented, the NCWT owner shall have 12 months from the date of the finding to restore the NCWT to operation. If the NCWT remains not in use at the conclusion of that twelve-month period, the Town shall have authority to revoke the special use permit, and if the owner does not dismantle the NCWT and tower within a period stated in the revocation notice, to enter the owner's property and cause the NCWT and tower to be dismantled at the owner's expense. As a condition of special use permit and site plan approval, the owner shall agree to these provisions.
Resale of the NCWT. There shall be no resale of the NCWT and tower for use in the approved location except as part of the conveyance of the parcel on which it is located.
Discontinuation of approval. Any NCWT that has not begun to be constructed within one year of the date on which the building permit was issued shall apply to the Planning Board for an extension of approval. Upon issuance of an extension, any building permit received shall also be extended.
Decision criteria and guidance. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall issue a special use permit only if the proposed NCWT and tower and their location meet all of the standards and requirements set forth in this section, and where applicable, subject to the review of the project pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and any conditions placed on the project by that review. Failure to meet any such standard or requirement, or failure to adequately mitigate potential impacts, shall be sufficient for denial of the special use permit. The Planning Board may impose reasonable conditions to avoid or mitigate potential impacts.
Application materials and process. The objective of the application is to have all pertinent information collected and available for review by the Zoning Board of Appeals, Planning Board and any interested parties as part of the special use permit and site plan review process. In addition to the standards and requirements of site plan and special use permits, the following shall be submitted as part of an application:
Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the applicant and property owner. If the applicant is not the property owner, the application shall include authorization from the property owner for the applicant to act in his behalf.
Address and location of the property on which the proposed NCWT will be located, including tax map section, block, and lot number.
A description of the wind power project, including:
The make, model, manufacturer's specifications, generating capacity, noise decibel data in dBA and dBC with the methods used to determine these measurements, and photograph of each proposed NCWT and wind power tower;
The maximum wind power tower height, length of rotor blades, number of rotor blades, and minimum height above ground of the end of the rotor blades;
The structure(s) for which the NWFP will provide electrical power and the actual or anticipated electrical needs of those structures as documented by utility bills for the 12 months preceding application, or an architect's estimate, or similar facts;
The total number of NCWTs and towers to be installed;
The size of the lot on which the NWFP(s) and towers will be installed, the zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties, and whether that site is within a New York State Agricultural District;
A sketch plan in sufficient detail to illustrate the property lines, size of lot, and location of the proposed NWFP(s) and tower(s) including guy wires and anchors, if any; location of other existing structures and uses on the lot; distance between the proposed NCWT(s) and other structures and uses on the lot; elevation of the proposed NCWT(s); location of electrical transmission lines if present or proposed and the distance from the NCWT(s) to those lines; access routes to the proposed NCWT(s); distance from the NCWT to property lines; and setback distance equal to the wind power tower height drawn in circles on the plot plan with each proposed NCWT at the center;
An environmental assessment form (EAF) and visual EAF addendum must be submitted in accordance with SEQR 6 NYCRR Part 617. The Planning Board may require the long form EAF if it believes the additional information is necessary given the specifics of the application and proposed location. NCWTs proposed for use on farm operations shall be considered a Type II action and therefore are exempt from SEQRA provisions;
Names and addresses of owners of all abutting properties and of all properties located within 500 feet of the lot upon which the NCWT(s) will be located; and
For NCWTs proposed for nonfarm use, an agricultural data statement is required if the proposed NCWT will be located within an agricultural district containing a farm operation or on a property with boundaries within 500 feet of a farm operation located in a New York State Agricultural District.
The wind power project application shall include all proposed phases of installation and operation. Special use permit approval shall be based on the total planned project in order to assess all potential project impacts. The Planning Board shall consider project applications incomplete where there is reason to believe the application applies to only a segment of the total project. In such situations, the Planning Board shall return the application to the applicant with a letter stating the basis for its determination.
The Planning Board may require a visual assessment that includes, but is not limited to, a balloon test and visual simulations of the NCWT and tower from specified vantage points, and shall conduct a site visit, to assess the visual impacts of the proposed NCWT and tower.
The Planning Board may obtain advisory opinions about the wind power project application from Town, Columbia County, New York State, and federal officials, agencies, and designated consultants including but not limited to acoustic, visual impact consultant, planner, counsel and any other expert reasonably required by the Planning Board.
Costs for all reports, assessments, simulations, tests, expert consultants, or other information required by the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals shall be escrowed by the applicant in accordance with § 232-27 and paid before a special use permit is issued.
[Added 12-28-2023 by L.L. No. 11-2023[1]]
Short-term rentals are allowed only in one-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and accessory dwelling units, in multifamily dwellings as provided in Subsection D of this section, and prohibited elsewhere. Where a short-term rental is to be located in an accessory dwelling, both the accessory dwelling and the principal dwelling to which it is accessory must have the same owner.
Short-term rental for up to 120 days in aggregate in a one-year period is a permitted use in all zoning districts upon compliance with all provisions of this section. No STR may be rented to STR guests for more than 120 days in a one-year period except upon compliance with all provisions governing enhanced short-term rentals. Notwithstanding its classification in the Table of Uses as a general use, short-term rental that is not an enhanced short-term rental is exempt from site plan review.
Enhanced short-term rental. Short-term rental (STR) that is or is expected to be rented to STR guests for a total of more than 120 days during a one-year period, not counting rentals exempt under Subsection E of this section, shall be designated an enhanced short-term rental (Enhanced STR). Enhanced short-term rental in a one-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, or accessory dwelling unit requires a special use permit and site plan approval.
STR in multifamily dwellings. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section or the Table of Use Regulations that imposes a special use permit or site plan review requirement upon enhanced STR, a single dwelling unit in a multifamily dwelling in any zoning district in which multifamily dwellings are permitted shall be permitted to be used for STR or enhanced STR, without the need to obtain an additional or amended special use permit or site plan approval for such STR use, provided that the dwelling otherwise complies with all requirements of this chapter applicable to multifamily dwellings and the owner obtains and maintains a valid STR operating permit in accordance with Chapter 187 of the Code of the Town of Copake. Use of more than one dwelling unit in a multifamily dwelling for STR is prohibited.
Exempt rentals. The following rentals are permitted and exempt from the requirements of this section, and rentals that are exempt under this subsection are not counted toward the 120-day short-term rental maximum:
Short-term rental of a room or rooms in a dwelling unit in which the owner is in concurrent occupancy, or in an accessory dwelling unit and the owner is in concurrent occupancy in the principal dwelling on the parcel, and the owner is present overnight during the entire rental period. If the owner is a legal entity, the owner's concurrent occupancy requirement may be satisfied by a person who is a principal owner or officer of the owning entity.
Any property, dwelling, dwelling unit, or portion of a dwelling unit that is only rented out to a renter or group of renters for periods of 30 consecutive days or more.
A use classified as and permitted by the Town of Copake as a hotel, motel, campground, bed-and-breakfast, dormitory, resort hotel, lodge or ranch, farm stay, or other use allowed under the Table of Use Regulations, Table 2 of Chapter 232 of the Code of the Town of Copake, or farm worker housing.
Enhanced STR. Special use permit, site plan review, and special provisions. In addition to being subject to and complying with all other provisions of this chapter applicable to STRs generally, an enhanced STR shall be permitted only upon obtaining a special use permit and site plan approval in accordance with this chapter, and no parcel, building, or structure, or any portion thereof, shall be used for enhanced STR except pursuant to a special use permit and site plan approval, except within a multifamily dwelling as permitted by Subsection D of this section.
A special use permit for enhanced STR shall be limited in duration and shall be valid for a term of three years.
No earlier than six months prior to, and no later than 60 days after the expiration of such special use permit, the owner may apply for an expedited renewal of the special permit for a three-year period.
Application requirements for an expedited renewal shall be limited to an attestation by the applicant that the enhanced STR remains in conformity with the prior special use permit and site plan approval and verification that the applicant's STR operating permit for the premises had not been suspended or revoked during the term of the most recent special use permit.
Such expedited renewal shall, however, be subject to the public hearing and notice provisions generally applicable to special use permit review.
If a renewal application for an enhanced STR special use permit is made outside of the renewal window set forth above, or when there has been, during the term of the most recently issued special use permit, a suspension of the STR operating permit pursuant to Chapter 187 of the Code of the Town of Copake or the STR is not in conformity with its most recent prior special use permit and site plan approval, such application shall be treated as a new application and subject to a complete special use permit review.
In addition to the general considerations for site plan and special use permit approvals as set forth in §§ 232-21J and 232-23D, special use permit and site plan review for enhanced STR shall ensure the following:
Provision by the owner of exterior trash containers of a type and capacity sufficient to contain and secure from animals all trash generated by STR guests.
At least one on-site parking space for each three STR guests, based upon the maximum allowable occupancy of the dwelling unit used for enhanced STR.
The circumstances and conditions of the subject property ensure that the property's or dwelling unit's use as an enhanced STR will not substantially interfere with the ability of neighbors to peacefully enjoy their own properties.
Sufficient space, buffering or screening exists or is installed to mitigate noise, light, or other impacts that may substantially adversely affect nearby residences and the immediate neighborhood.
In addition to the provisions of this chapter, short-term rentals, except those exempt pursuant to Subsection D of this section, are required to obtain a short-term rental operating permit in accordance with Chapter 187 of the Code of the Town of Copake.
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former § 232-16.8, One-family dwelling.
Permit required.
Site plan approval and a building permit are required prior to the installation of a new OWB or replacement of an existing OWB.
No person or legal entity shall cause, allow, install, establish, construct, maintain, operate, replace or use an outdoor wood boiler within the Town of Copake, unless the OWB is in compliance with the applicable provisions of this section and any conditions which may be included in the approval granted by the Planning Board and/or the building permit from the Town Building Department.
Permit approval process.
In reviewing an outdoor wood boiler, the Planning Board may approve, approve with modifications or conditions, or disapprove an outdoor wood boiler. The Board may impose such reasonable restrictions to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the Town as a condition of approval.
A permit application shall include:
Site plan with OWB location drawn at a scale of one inch equals 20 feet with the following information shown.
The legal boundaries of the lot to be served.
The location of all dwelling(s) and building(s) existing and proposed on the lot to be served by the outdoor wood boiler and identification of those to be served by the boiler.
The locations of all known easements and rights-of-way on the lot to be served.
The location of all components of the outdoor wood boiler, including underground electric lines, fluid lines or ductwork.
The proposed wood burner stack height.
The location of all roads, passways and rights-of-way within 100 feet of the proposed outdoor wood boiler.
The location of all dwelling(s) and building(s) existing within 300 feet of the proposed outdoor wood boiler, whether or not on the lot to be served by the outdoor wood burning boiler.
Identification of the prevailing wind direction.
The manufacturer's owner's manual and installation instructions.
Any other information that the Board requests that will help the Board reach a decision and establish appropriate conditions.
Fees for permits as set by the Town Board.
Approval criteria and general standards.
All OWBs shall:
Be installed, operated and maintained in conformance with the manufacturer's instructions and the requirements of this Code. In the event of a conflict, the requirements of this Code shall apply unless the manufacturer's instruction are stricter, in which case the manufacturer's instructions shall apply.
Be laboratory tested and listed to appropriate safety standards such as Underwriters Laboratory (UL), American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or the Canadian Standards Association (CAN/CSA).
Meet the EPA's Phase 2 (white hang tag or latest established phase) Program standards for air emissions.
Be equipped with a properly functioning spark arrester unless the use of a spark arrester is contrary to the outdoor wood boiler manufacturer's standard, written instructions or recommendations.
OWB setbacks:
Lot/property line: 100 feet.
Residence served by OWB: 25 feet.
Any residence not served by OWB on any property: 100 feet.
Hospital, school, licensed day-care center, nursing home, park or outdoor recreation facility: 750 feet.
Public road: 100 feet.
Chimney (stack) height for OWBs. Chimney height must be at least 12 feet above the ground level. If the OWB is covered or enclosed the chimney height must also be at least two feet above the roof of the enclosing structure but in no case less than 12 feet above the ground level or per the manufacturer's specifications.
Fuel for any new or preexisting OWB.
Permitted fuel:
Wood fuel;
Untreated lumber;
Wood pellets;
Corn products;
Biomass pellets; and
Other fuels specifically permitted by the manufacturer's instructions, such as fuel oil, natural gas or propane backup.
Prohibited fuel.
Any wood that does not meet the definition of wood fuel;
Plastics (including but not limited to nylon, PVC, ABS, polystyrene or urethane, foam and synthetic fabrics, plastic films and plastic containers);
Gasoline or waste petroleum products;
Material treated with petroleum products (particle board, railroad ties and pressure-treated wood);
Wood that has been painted, varnished or coated with similar material and/or has been pressure treated with preservatives and contains resins or glues as in plywood or other composite wood products;
Industrial waste;
Toxic chemicals;
Contaminated waste;
Newspaper, cardboard, or any paper with ink or dye products and wastepaper;
Animal waste;
Food packaging;
Paints and paint solvents;
Coal; and
Any other material prohibited for combustion by state or federal statute.
Emissions. In no event shall the emissions of the outdoor wood boiler exceed any mandatory emissions standard promulgated by any agency, division, department or office of the federal or New York State government and emissions shall not reasonably interfere with the public health, safety, and welfare of residents nor prevent same residents from reasonable enjoyment of their life and property.
Permit suspension.
A permit issued pursuant to this section may be suspended by the Building Inspector or Code Enforcement Officer if he/she finds that such a suspension is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Copake. Violation of any provision of this section may be cause for a permit suspension.
Notwithstanding the other enforcement provisions of this chapter, the Building Inspector may suspend an OWB permit if, in the Building Inspector's opinion, the OWB has been installed or is being operated in a manner that is not in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the applicable provisions of this Code; he may suspend the permit until such time he is satisfied that all necessary corrective action(s) have been taken by the permit holder.
A suspended permit may be reinstated once the condition which resulted in suspension is remedied and reasonable assurances are received that such condition will not recur. Recurrence of a condition which has previously resulted in suspension of a permit shall be considered a violation subject to the enforcement provisions of this chapter.
Effect of other regulations. Outdoor wood boilers, and any electrical, plumbing or other apparatus or device used in connection with an outdoor wood boiler, shall be installed, operated and maintained in conformity with the manufacturer's specifications and any and all local, state and federal codes, laws, rules and regulations. Nothing contained herein shall authorize or allow burning which is prohibited by codes, laws, rules or regulations promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and any other federal, state, regional or local agency. All prior local laws, resolutions and regulations regulating OWBs which are inconsistent with the provisions of this article are hereby repealed.
In new senior citizen housing apartment buildings, there shall be a maximum of four apartments per building.
In any district where permitted, the minimum lot size shall be calculated as follows: 20,000 square feet for the first unit, plus 10,000 square feet for each additional unit.
Water and sewage systems shall be certified by the Columbia County Department of Health as complying with the New York State Sanitary Code.
Purpose. To accommodate farms in Copake so that they can slaughter, process or sell their farm products in a manner that balances the needs of those farmers and nearby residents. An on-farm poultry or rabbit processing facility is a permitted agricultural use in an Agricultural District established pursuant to Article 25-AA of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, subject to the following requirements and restrictions:
Applicability and exemptions.
These local regulations shall apply to any poultry or rabbit processing facility that slaughters and/or processes between 1,001 and 8,000 poultry birds or rabbits, or between 256 and 2,000 turkeys, per year.
For purposes of this subdivision, one turkey shall be counted as four poultry birds.
A facility that slaughters or processes in excess of 8,000 rabbits or birds, or 2,000 turkeys, per year is prohibited.
A poultry or rabbit processing facility that slaughters or processes up to 250 turkeys or 1,000 rabbits or poultry birds of other species annually or that is exempt from the licensing provisions of Article 5-A of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law pursuant to § 96-d of such article shall be exempt from the requirements and restrictions of this subdivision.
This section shall not be construed to prohibit or regulate custom slaughtering or the slaughtering or processing of animals exempt from the licensing provisions of Article 5-A of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law pursuant to the enumerated exemptions contained within § 96-d of such article.
The poultry or rabbit processing facility shall be located on the premises of a farm operation, as such term is defined in § 301 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law.
No animals except poultry and rabbits raised on the premises of the farm operation on which the poultry or rabbit processing facility is located shall be permitted to be slaughtered or processed. An animal shall be considered "raised" on the host farm operation if it was fed, sheltered, or otherwise tended to on the premises of such farm operation for at least 75% of its life span immediately preceding its slaughter and processing.
There shall be a limit of 8,000 poultry or rabbits, or 2,000 turkeys, or a proportional combination thereof, slaughtered or processed in any calendar year.
No person shall operate a poultry or rabbit processing facility unless that person has first obtained any and all required state and federal licenses or permits, including USDA certification, where required.
The processing facility must meet all state and county regulations applicable to the facility and must be brought up-to-date when such regulations are revised.
Before a building permit is issued for a poultry or rabbit processing facility or a poultry or rabbit processing facility can be deemed a permitted agricultural use, the applicant must obtain a modified site plan approval from the Planning Board. Any change in use of an existing building or site to a processing facility requires a building permit and modified site plan approval by the Planning Board. A purpose of the modified site plan review is to ensure the health and safety of residents in any adjacent homes and, to the maximum extent practicable, to minimize or avoid adverse effects upon the environment and adjacent residences. A public hearing upon the application shall be held unless the Planning Board determines such hearing to be unnecessary, based upon the scope of the application and its potential impact upon the environment or surrounding properties. A modified site plan review for purposes of this section shall require the submission of, and consist of a review of, the following:
Sketch of the parcel on a location map (e.g., tax map) showing boundaries and dimensions of the parcel of land involved and identifying contiguous properties, the owners of such contiguous properties, and any known easements or rights-of-way and roadways;
Identification of the existing features of the site including land and water areas, water, sewer or septic systems, and the approximate location of all existing structures on or immediately adjacent to the site;
Representation of the proposed location and arrangement of buildings and uses on the site, including means of ingress and egress, parking and circulation of traffic;
Sketch of any proposed building, structure or sign, including exterior dimensions and elevations of front, side and rear views, including copies of any available blueprints, plans or drawings of same;
A showing or statement by the applicant that any exterior lighting installed in connection with the processing facility shall be downward-directed and installed so that no part of the light bulb or light source is visible beyond the property boundary;
A description of the existing and/or proposed farm operation and a narrative of the intended use and location of proposed buildings, structures or signs, including any anticipated changes in the existing topography and natural features of the parcel to accommodate the changes. This shall include the name and address of the applicant and any professional advisors. If the applicant is not the owner of the property, provide authorization of the owner;
If a structure is proposed to be located within 200 feet of a stream, pond, lake, or other water body or wetland, the applicant shall provide a copy of the floodplain map and wetland map that corresponds with the boundaries of the property;
Application form and fee, if required;
The land upon which the facility rests must be a minimum single parcel of seven acres;
The room or area within a structure where processing will take place must be set back a minimum of 200 feet from any property line;
Any new structure must be located a minimum of 100 feet from any stream, pond, lake, or other water body or wetland;
These requirements apply whether the facility is newly constructed or a reuse of a barn or other existing structure; and
The Planning Board may authorize composting of offal based on the suitability of the site for such use in accordance with § 301 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law and § 17-2103 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law. The Planning Board may require up to a five-hundred-foot setback for placement of the composting facility. If composting is not a viable method for addressing waste from the processing facility, the offal shall be removed from premises within 24 hours.
[Amended 10-8-2020 by L.L. No. 1-2020]
Purpose and intent.
The Town of Copake recognizes that solar energy is a clean, readily available, and renewable energy source. It further recognizes that energy generated from solar energy systems can be used to offset energy demand on the grid where excess solar power is generated.
The Town of Copake has determined that comprehensive zoning regulations regarding the development of solar energy systems and associated battery energy storage systems are necessary to protect the health, safety, and interests of the Town, its residents, its farmland, and its businesses. This section aims to accommodate solar energy systems and associated battery energy storage systems while balancing the potential impact on neighbors, and preserving the rights of property owners to install appropriately sited solar energy systems. This section is intended to promote the effective and efficient use of solar energy resources; set provisions for the placement, design, construction, and operation of such systems to be consistent with the Town of Copake Comprehensive Plan; to uphold the public health, safety, and welfare; and to ensure that such systems will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment or on aesthetic qualities and character of the Town.
The Town of Copake enjoys numerous local features, conditions, or circumstances of an exceptional or unique nature. Through this section, the Town intends to ensure that no solar energy system is constructed without a rigorous review of the specific potential impacts on unique or exceptional features, conditions, or circumstances, including but not limited to:
Growing bicycle tourism industry and associated benefits to local economy;
The Rheinstrom Hill Audubon Center and Sanctuary and other ecological resources;
Abundance of agricultural activities, prime farmland and associated rural character of the Town; and
Copake Lake, Roe-Jan Kill, Bash Bish Brook, Taconic State Park, Taghkanic Creek, and any other unique, exceptional, or particularly sensitive features, conditions, or circumstances.
Intent: greater restrictions to prevail. It is not intended by this section to abrogate or impair existing conditions previously made or permits previously issued relating to the use of buildings. Whenever this section imposes a greater restriction upon the use of buildings or premises than is required by existing provisions of law, ordinance, or regulations, the provisions of this section shall control.
Enabling authority. This section is adopted pursuant to New York Town Law §§ 261 through 263, New York State Municipal Home Rule Law § 10, Subdivision 1(ii)a(12), and Article IX, §§ 1(a) and 2(c), of the New York State Constitution.
The requirements of this section shall apply to all solar energy systems and equipment installations installed or modified after the effective date of this chapter.
Solar energy system installations for which a valid building permit has been issued, or, if no building permit was required, for which installation commenced before the effective date of the enactment of this section, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section. However, to the extent any such solar energy installation is proposed to be enlarged, modified, or changed, such enlargement, modification, or change shall be subject to the requirements of this section. In addition, any system for which plans have previously been submitted in connection with an issued building permit or other approval or permit from the Town, which is proposed to be enlarged, modified, or changed from the previously submitted plans, shall be subject to the requirements of this section to the extent of such enlargement, modification, or change.
In order to promote innovative design and encourage the inclusion of alternative energy systems within the overall design of a building, solar energy systems determined by the Building Inspector to be building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) systems, as defined herein, are exempt from the requirements of this chapter.
Any proposed solar energy system subject to review by the New York Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment pursuant to Article 10 of the New York State Public Service Law, or the Office of Renewable Energy Siting pursuant to § 94-c of the Executive Law, shall be subject to all substantive provisions of this section and any other applicable Copake Town laws.
Requirements for Tier 1 and Tier 2 solar energy systems.
No Tier 1 or Tier 2 system shall be installed or operated in the Town of Copake except in compliance with this section.
The installation of one or more solar collectors or panels, whether attached to the main structure or an accessory structure, or detached, freestanding or ground-mounted, or a qualifying solar-thermal system, is permitted as an accessory use. Such installation shall require a building permit.
Setbacks for solar energy systems by district. Solar collectors or panels are subject to the minimum setbacks and other dimensions for whatever zoning district in which they are proposed to be installed. Installation of a ground-mounted solar energy system located in a front yard is prohibited. A roof-mounted system that is wholly within the footprint of an existing structure that is subject to a prior setback area variance shall be deemed to be in compliance with setback requirements and shall not be required to obtain an additional setback variance.
Height limits for solar collectors mounted on buildings shall be five feet above the level of the permitted building height. The height of ground-mounted solar energy systems shall not exceed 15 feet when oriented at maximum height.
All solar collectors and their associated support elements shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers' specifications and in compliance with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and any other applicable law, regulation, ordinance, or code.
In order to ensure firefighter and other emergency responder safety, there shall be a minimum perimeter area, not covered by any solar equipment, of 36 inches around the edge of the roof and adjacent to transitions, which include vertical walls, dormers, valleys, chimneys, vents, and other protrusions, irregularities, or changes to contour, to provide space on the roof for walking around all solar collectors and panels. For ground-mounted units, there shall be a minimum horizontal clearance of 48 inches between array rows.
In order to mitigate electrical hazard to firefighters and other emergency responders, the following shall be implemented:
Direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) isolation switches for the energy system shall be located in close proximity to the electrical service meter.
A photovoltaic (PV) system shall have an isolation switch on the electrical service to prevent energy from being fed into the service during a power failure.
The electrical meter of a building served by a photovoltaic (PV) system shall have affixed to it a utility warning sticker stating, in substance, that the building is served by a photovoltaic system.
Tier 1 solar energy systems shall not be subject to site plan review.
Tier 2 solar energy systems shall be subject to a modified site plan review by the Planning Board. No public hearing shall be required for such modified site plan review. Such review shall be limited to consideration of the following factors only, and site plan approval shall be granted by the Planning Board upon the following findings or conditions:
Materials and documents required to be submitted in support of the modified site plan review shall provide necessary information, in a form sufficient for adequate Planning Board review, but site drawings and other descriptive materials shall not be required to be produced by licensed experts unless the Planning Board determines such to be necessary for site evaluation.
All solar collectors and related equipment shall be surfaced, designed, and sited so as not to reflect glare onto adjacent properties and roadways.
All solar collectors and related equipment shall be designed, located, and constructed so as to minimize the migration of light or sound from the installation and to minimize the development of sight obstructions for adjacent structures or land parcels.
Screening shall be provided when practicable from adjoining lots through the use of architectural features, earth berms, landscaping, fencing or other screening which will harmonize with the character of the property and surrounding area. The proposed screening shall not interfere with normal operation of the solar collectors.
Requirements for Tier 3 solar energy systems.
A proposed Tier 3 solar energy system shall be subject to all of the requirements applicable to Tier 2 solar energy systems as set out in Subsection D of this section, above. In addition, the modified site plan approval process for such system shall also require and take into consideration the following:
Plans and drawings of the Tier 3 system installation signed by a professional engineer registered in New York State showing the proposed layout of the entire solar energy system along with a description of all components, whether on-site or off-site, existing vegetation and proposed clearing and grading of all sites involved. Clearing and/or grading activities are subject to review by the Planning Board and shall not commence until the issuance of site plan approval.
Details of the noise that may be generated by the system. The Planning Board may require a noise analysis to determine potential adverse noise impacts.
Any Tier 3 solar energy system with a total surface area of all solar panels of the lot greater than 4,000 square feet, except an energy system located on a farm operation, in accordance with Subsection B(1) of the definition of solar energy system shall, in addition, be required to obtain a special use permit in accordance with this chapter.
Tier 3 solar energy systems are prohibited within the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone and on soils classified as prime farmland, or prime farmland if drained, by the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, the Town of Copake Farmland Protection Plan, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
In aggregate, Tier 3 solar energy systems shall not occupy more than 10% of all farmland of statewide importance located in Copake as classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, the Town of Copake Farmland Protection Plan, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Requirements for Tier 4 solar energy systems.
A special use permit and site plan review by the Planning Board shall be required for all Tier 4 solar energy systems.
Tier 4 solar energy systems are prohibited within the Scenic Corridor Overlay Zone and on soils classified as prime farmland, prime farmland if drained, or farmland of statewide importance as classified by the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, the Town of Copake Farmland Protection Plan, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Tier 4 solar energy systems are prohibited on more than 10% of the entire area of any parcel containing soils classified as prime farmland by the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, the Town of Copake Farmland Protection Plan, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Applications, permits and approvals required and applicable zoning districts.
All applications for Tier 4 solar energy systems shall include an application for special use permit and site plan review and all applicable fees as may be established by the Town Board. Both site plan and special use permit reviews and approvals are required.
All applications for Tier 4 solar energy systems shall include the following:
Plans and drawings of the Tier 4 solar energy system installation signed by a professional engineer registered in New York State showing the proposed layout of the entire Tier 4 solar energy system along with a description of all components, whether on-site or off-site, existing vegetation and proposed clearing and grading of all sites involved. Clearing and/or grading activities are subject to review by the Planning Board and shall not commence until the issuance of site plan approval.
Plan for clearing and/or grading of the site.
An electrical diagram detailing the utility-scale solar energy system installation, associated components, and electrical interconnection methods, with all disconnects and overcurrent devices identified.
Documentation of access to the project site(s), including location of all access roads, gates, parking areas, and other vehicular accommodations.
A stormwater pollution prevention plan per New York State Department of Environmental Conservation requirements to detail stormwater runoff management and erosion control plans for the site.
Documentation of utility notification, including an electric service order number.
Photo simulations shall be included showing the proposed utility-scale solar energy system in relation to the building/site, along with elevation views and dimensions, and manufacturer's specs and photos of the proposed utility-scale solar energy system, solar collectors, and all other components.
Details of the proposed noise that may be generated by inverter fans. The Planning Board shall require a noise analysis to determine potential adverse noise impacts.
Statement co-signed by the applicant and the landowner that the establishment of the proposed utility-scale solar energy system shall not result in a tax penalty, pursuant to § 305 or 306 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, due to the conversion of land to a nonagricultural use, which shall also state the last year, if any, for which the subject lands received an agricultural real property tax exemption; or that the establishment of the proposed utility-scale solar energy system may result in a tax penalty, pursuant to 305 or 306 of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, along with a statement indicating the most recent year, if any, for which the subject lands received an agricultural real property tax exemption, which shall also include a statement of the number of acres to be converted from an agricultural to a nonagricultural use and an estimate of the total amount of tax penalty to be imposed, including interest.
Part I of the full environmental assessment form (FEAF) filled out.
Decommissioning plan and description of financial surety that satisfies the Town of Copake that all required removals of inactive systems shall be completed. The decommissioning plan shall identify the anticipated life of the project, method and process for removing all components of the utility-scale solar energy system and returning the site to its preexisting condition, and estimated decommissioning costs, including any salvage value. The decommissioning plan applies to the applicant and all subsequent owners and operators of the subject parcel or solar energy facility, or their successors.
Identification and contact information of the responsible party to be notified in the event of emergency or for any other reason, including the address for notices of the utility-scale solar energy system owner/operator or designated party to receive notice in the event of decommissioning and removal of the energy system. If the party to receive notices, or the address thereof, changes at any time, the applicant is required to notify the Town Clerk, in writing, of such change. Such information shall also be provided to the fire district within which the energy facility is located.
The Town of Copake shall require any applicant to pay all associated costs for any application review, including but not limited to engineering, legal, environmental, planning, and the review required under SEQRA. When the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals determines that a review is anticipated to require engineering, legal, environmental, or planning costs, they shall provide an estimate to the applicant. Subsequently, funds adequate to cover such estimated costs shall be placed into escrow by the applicant prior to commencement of any further Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals review and shall be replenished or increased at the direction of either of such boards.
Special use permit required and additional substantive standards for Tier 4 solar energy systems.
No Tier 4 solar energy system shall be permitted except upon obtaining a special use permit in accordance with the procedure and standards for special use permits set out in this chapter. In addition to such standards, Tier 4 solar energy systems shall comply with the following substantive standards, and issuance of a special use permit shall be contingent upon satisfaction of the following substantive standards:
A minimum parcel size of 15 acres is required for Tier 4 solar energy systems.
A Tier 4 solar energy system may occupy up to 20% of the area of the parcel on which it is located; provided, however, that the area of land used for any such system shall not exceed 10 acres. This land area occupied or used shall be deemed to include all land under or between any system components within the general perimeter of the system as a whole but shall not include the area within the twenty-five-foot buffer between the system components and the surrounding security fencing.
Site plan review required.
Every application for a Tier 4 solar energy system shall be subject to site plan review and approval, as set out in this chapter, regardless of whether the proposed Tier 4 solar energy system exceeds any threshold for site plan review which is otherwise stated in such chapter. In conducting site plan review for a Tier 4 solar energy system, the Planning Board may waive submissions that, in the Planning Board's judgment, are inapplicable or are not relevant to the review of the proposed solar facility. In addition to the requirements and standards set out elsewhere in this chapter, every site plan review of a utility-scale solar energy system shall include a public hearing, and site plan approval shall be subject to conformance with the following substantive standards, all of which shall be applicable to Tier 4 projects regardless of whether local site plan review is required or preempted by state law:
All Tier 4 solar energy systems shall adhere to all applicable Town of Copake building, plumbing, electrical, and fire codes.
There shall be a minimum 100-foot buffer between any component of the Tier 4 solar energy system and the parcel boundary line. The Planning Board is authorized to increase the width of this buffer after analysis of site conditions and adjacent land uses.
No component of any Tier 4 solar energy system may be located within 150 feet of any roadway, other than a private service road used solely for access to the site of such energy system.
Any site containing a Tier 4 solar energy system shall be enclosed by perimeter security fencing, to restrict unauthorized access, at a height of eight feet with "HIGH VOLTAGE" warning placards affixed every 50 feet.
There shall be created and maintained within the security fence, and between such fence and the components, structures, or fixtures of the solar energy system, a clear and unobstructed buffer area at least 25 feet in width encircling the entire perimeter of the facility, with a surface and grade suitable for the safe passage of fire trucks and other emergency vehicles.
Lands which have the highest ecological values as evidenced by large, contiguous areas of forest, undisturbed drainage areas, wetlands, or NYS DEC identified critical habitats or rare plant and animal populations shall be avoided.
Development and operation of the system shall not have a significant adverse impact on fish, wildlife, or plant species or their critical habitats, or other significant habitats identified by the Town of Copake or other federal or state regulatory agencies.
Previously cleared or disturbed areas are preferred locations for solar panel arrays. The clearing of additional lands to accommodate a proposed utility-scale solar energy system may be permitted, provided the percentage of newly cleared land on any parcel does not exceed 10% of the existing woodlands on that parcel.
In addition to the limitations set forth in Subsection F(3) and (4) and Subsection G(2) and (3) of this section, arrays shall be located on a parcel in such a manner as to avoid conversion of farmland located on soils classified as prime farmland, prime farmland if drained, and soils of statewide importance by the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, the Town of Copake Farmland Protection Plan, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Native grasses and native vegetation shall be maintained below the arrays.
The Tier 4 solar energy system, including any associated fencing or proposed off-site infrastructure, shall be located and screened in such a way as to avoid or minimize visual impacts as viewed from:
Publicly dedicated roads and highways, including State Route 22 and State Route 23.
Existing residential dwellings located on contiguous parcels.
Routes commonly used by bicyclists, both local and bicycle tourists visiting the Town.
A berm, landscape screen, or other opaque enclosure, or any combination thereof acceptable to the Town of Copake capable of substantially screening the site, shall be provided.
The design, construction, operation, and maintenance of any Tier 4 solar energy system shall prevent the misdirection and/or reflection of solar rays onto neighboring properties, public roads, and public parks in excess of that which already exists.
All structures and devices used to support solar collectors shall be nonreflective and/or painted a subtle or earth-tone color to aid in blending the facility into the existing environment.
All transmission lines and wiring associated with a Tier 4 solar energy system shall be buried and include necessary encasements in accordance with the National Electrical Code and Town of Copake requirements. The applicant is required to show the locations of all proposed overhead and underground electric utility lines, including substations and junction boxes and other electrical components for the project, on the site plan. All transmission lines and electrical wiring shall be in compliance with the utility company's requirements for interconnection.
Artificial lighting of Tier 4 solar energy systems shall be limited to lighting required for safety and operational purposes only and shall be downlighted and shielded from all neighboring properties and public roads.
Any signage used to advertise the Tier 4 solar energy system shall be in accordance with the Town of Copake's signage regulations. The manufacturers or installer's identification and appropriate warning signage shall be posted at the site and clearly visible.
The height of the solar panel arrays shall not exceed 15 feet, and no part of any system structure or equipment shall exceed 15 feet in height, when oriented at maximum height.
Following construction of a Tier 4 ground-mounted solar energy system, all disturbed areas where soil has been exposed shall be reseeded with native grass and/or planted with low-level native vegetation capable of preventing soil erosion and airborne dust.
Requirements after approvals.
Any post-construction changes or alterations to the Tier 4 solar energy system shall be done by amendment to the special use permit and site plan review and approval, with a public hearing, and subject to the requirements of this article.
After completion of a Tier 4 solar energy system, the applicant shall provide a post-construction certification from a professional engineer registered in New York State that the project complies with applicable codes and industry practices and has been constructed and is operating according to the design plans. The applicant shall further provide certification from the utility that the facility has been inspected and connected.
Regulations for battery energy storage systems associated with solar energy systems.
Definitions. As used in this subsection, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
One or more devices, assembled together, capable of storing energy in order to supply electrical energy at a future time, not to include a stand-alone twelve-volt car battery or an electric motor vehicle.
SMALL BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMBattery energy storage systems for one- to two-family residential dwellings within or outside the structure with an aggregate energy capacity less than or equal to:
70 kwh for lead-acid, Ni-Cd, and NiMH batteries; and
20 kwh for Li-ion and flow batteries.
MEDIUM BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMBattery energy storage systems with aggregated rated energy capacity:
Greater than 70 kwh and less than 500 kwh for lead-acid, Ni-Cd, and NiMH batteries;
Greater than 20 kwh and less than 250 kwh for Li-ion batteries; and
Greater than 20 kwh and less than 500 kwh for flow batteries.
LARGE BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEMBattery energy storage systems that have an aggregate energy capacity greater than 500 kwh for lead-acid, Ni-Cd, NiMH, and flow Batteries, and greater than 250 kwh for Li-ion batteries.
A single cell or a group of cells connected together electrically in series, in parallel, or a combination of both, which can charge, discharge, and store energy electrochemically. For the purposes of this section, batteries utilized in consumer products are excluded from these requirements.
FLOW BATTERYA storage battery that stores and generates an electrical current by ion exchange through a membrane separating liquid electrolytes.
LEAD-ACID BATTERYA storage battery that is comprised of lead electrodes immersed in sulfuric acid electrolyte, including vented (flooded) or valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries.
LITHIUM-ION (Li-ion) BATTERYA storage battery in which an electrical current is generated by lithium ions embedded in a carbon graphite or nickel metal-oxide substrate placed in a high-viscosity carbonate mixture or gelled polymer electrolyte.
NICKEL-CADMIUM (Ni-Cd) BATTERYAn alkaline storage battery in which the positive active material is nickel oxide, the negative active material contains cadmium, and the electrolyte is potassium hydroxide.
NICKEL METAL HYDRIDE (NiMH) BATTERYAn alkaline storage battery in which the positive active material is nickel oxide, the negative active material is a hydrogen-absorbing alloy, and the electrolyte is potassium hydroxide.
Small, medium, and large battery energy storage systems shall meet the requirements of any applicable fire prevention code, building code, and design requirement when in use and, when no longer used, shall be disposed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Town of Copake and any applicable federal, state, or county laws or regulations. Fire prevention codes, building codes, design requirements, and applicable federal, state, and county laws or regulations include, but are not limited to, standards and requirements set forth in the:
Energy Code: The New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code adopted pursuant to Article 11 of the Energy Law, as currently in effect and as hereafter amended from time to time;
Fire Code: The Fire Code section of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code adopted pursuant to Article 18 of the Executive Law, as currently in effect and as hereafter amended from time to time;
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL): A U.S. Department of Labor designation recognizing a private sector organization to perform certification for certain products to ensure that they meet the requirements of both the construction and general industry OSHA electrical standards;
NEC: National Electrical Code;
NFPA. National Fire Protection Association; and
Uniform Code: The New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code adopted pursuant to Article 18 of the Executive Law, as currently in effect and as hereafter amended from time to time.
Small battery energy storage systems are a permitted use in all zoning districts and do not require site plan approval.
Medium battery energy storage systems are permitted in all zoning districts and require site plan review and a building permit.
Large battery energy storage systems are not permitted on soils classified as prime farmland, prime farmland if drained, or soils of statewide importance by the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, the Town of Copake Farmland Protection Plan, or the Natural Resources Conservation Service. In addition, large battery energy storage systems shall not be sited on more than 10% of any parcel containing prime farmland, prime farmland if drained, or soils of statewide importance.
Large battery energy storage systems require a special use permit, site plan review, and a building permit.
Abandonment or decommissioning of Tier 3 and Tier 4 solar energy systems and associated battery energy storage systems.
To ensure the proper removal of Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy systems, a decommissioning plan for such a system, including any associated battery energy storage system, shall be submitted as part of the special use application. Compliance with this plan shall be made a condition of the issuance of a special use permit under this section. The decommissioning plan applies to the applicant and to any subsequent owner or operator of the subject parcel or solar energy facility, or their successors. A cost estimate detailing the projected cost of executing the decommissioning plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer or contractor. Cost estimates shall take into account inflation. Removal of Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy systems and any associated battery energy storage system must be completed in accordance with the decommissioning plan.
A Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system which has been inactive for a period of one year shall be decommissioned and removed at the owner's or operator's expense and the site remediated. A Tier 4 system that has not generated energy for sale to the grid or otherwise to off-site users for a continuous period of one year shall be deemed inactive. Upon such failure to maintain operation and activity, all approvals and permits issued in relation to such system or facility, including special use permit and site plan approval, shall terminate. Decommissioning and remediation shall include removal of the energy system and all its components, associated structures, fixtures, equipment, fencing, and other improvements, including any subsurface wires, footings, or other elements from the parcel. Any access roads created for building or maintaining the system shall also be removed and replanted with vegetation. The site terrain shall be restored and regraded, if necessary, to a condition generally comparable to its original condition and replanted with native vegetation.
All safety hazards created by the installation and operation of the Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system shall be eliminated and the site remediated within six months of the removal of the Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system.
Prior to the issuance of any permits for a Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system, the Zoning Board will require the applicant to submit a performance/removal bond or other financial surety, as directed by and satisfactory to the Zoning Board, upon advice of the Town's Attorney, Engineer, or other professional experts, based upon the decommissioning cost estimate in an amount satisfactory to the Town of Copake, to ensure the removal of the system, its components, and associated structures, fixtures, equipment, fencing, or other improvements, and the remediation of the site. The amount of financial security shall not be reduced by the expected salvage value of the facility components. In the event that the Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system is not removed within one year of becoming inactive or the site is not remediated as required, the Town of Copake, by resolution of the Town Board after 30 days' written notice and opportunity of the landowner and system operator to be heard, may cause the same to be removed and the site remediated using the funds from the performance/removal bond or surety. Notice sent by First-Class United States Mail to the property owner, as reflected in the Town real property records, to the mailing address set forth therein, and to the energy system owner/operator, at the address for notice set forth in the application, as may be amended or superseded by written notice to the Town Clerk, shall be sufficient notice. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Tier 4 solar energy system and any associated battery energy storage systems sited pursuant to Article 10 of the Public Service Law or § 94-c of the Executive Law shall be required to obtain a letter of credit, in an amount satisfactory to the Town of Copake, to ensure the removal of the systems, their components, and associated structures, fixtures, equipment, fencing, or other improvements, and the remediation of the site. The amount of the letter of credit shall not be reduced by the salvage value of facility components.
Indemnification and insurance.
Indemnification. The applicant, owner, and operator of the Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system shall release and hold harmless the Town of Copake and all of its officers, officials, employees, appointees, agents, and servants from and against any and all liability and responsibility for any and all accidents, injuries, and/or damages of any kind to persons (including death) or property arising out of the installation, construction, operation, maintenance, repair or removal of such system. The applicant, owner, and operator shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Copake and its officers, officials, employees, appointees, agents, and servants from any and all claims, suits, actions, damages, awards, judgments and costs of every nature, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising out of the installation, construction, operation, maintenance, repair or removal of such system or of the Town of Copake providing services related to the utility-scale solar energy system.
Insurance. The operator of a Tier 3 or Tier 4 solar energy system shall obtain and maintain insurance, issued by an insurer authorized to do business in New York State, to the specifications and in an amount approved by the Planning Board. Such insurance shall name the Town of Copake as an additional insured party. The certificate of insurance shall contain a provision that coverage afforded under the applicable policy shall not be canceled or terminated until at least 30 days' prior notice has been provided to the Town. In the event of a termination, cancellation, or lapse of the required insurance coverage, the special use permit to operate the energy system shall be immediately suspended and operation of the system shall cease. Upon restoration of the required insurance coverage, to the satisfaction of the Town, permission to operate may be restored.
In any district where permitted, a vehicle fueling and charging station shall be subject to the following regulations:
Vehicle fueling stations shall be permitted only on lots of one acre or more, with 150 feet minimum frontage.
The area for use by motor vehicles, except access drives thereto, as well as any structures, shall not encroach on any dimensional requirements in § 232-8A.
No fuel pump shall be located closer than 20 feet to any side lot line nor closer than 35 feet to any street line, measured from the outside edge of the fuel island.
No access drive shall be within 200 feet of and on the same side of the street as a school, public library, theater, church or other public gathering place, park, playground or fire station, unless a public street lies between such service station and such building or use.
Lighting will be substantial but no glare shall be produced which interferes with vehicles or trespasses beyond the property line. Lights in any canopy shall be recessed.
All animal housing and related structures shall be located 200 feet or more from any lot line.
[Added 9-5-2023 by L.L. No. 10-2023]
Multifamily dwellings are permitted in accordance with all provisions of this chapter and subject to the requirements and limitations of the Table of Uses and Density Control Schedule, and to the review processes prescribed therein.
Conversions to multifamily dwellings. Notwithstanding the specifications of the Table of Uses or Subsection A of this section, conversion of an existing building into a multifamily dwelling containing not more than six dwelling units is permitted in any zoning district, subject to site plan review and provided that the dwelling otherwise complies with all requirements of this chapter except the 10,000 additional square foot provision of § 232-8G(1).
New construction of multifamily workforce housing. Notwithstanding the specifications of the Table of Uses or Subsection A of this section, new construction of multifamily dwellings containing up to six dwelling units is exempt from special use permit requirements and is permitted in every zoning district subject to site plan review, provided such dwellings otherwise comply with all requirements of this chapter and either:
Are used as inclusionary housing as part of inclusionary housing requirements established pursuant to § 232-17.3 of Chapter 232 of the Code of the Town of Copake; or
If not inclusionary housing, contain not less than the following number of units to be operated as affordable workforce housing for eligible residents:
One unit in three-to-four-unit building;
Two units in five-to-six-unit building.
In connection with new construction of multifamily dwellings, site plan review shall include consideration of the commercial design standards set forth in § 232-21J(18) of this chapter.
Any multifamily dwelling or dwelling unit created pursuant to this section that is not otherwise in full compliance with the Table of Uses and the review requirements specified therein shall be used only for nontransient occupancy for a minimum period of 10 years after a certificate of occupancy is issued for such dwelling or dwelling unit. A multifamily dwelling permitted pursuant to this section, and any dwelling unit therein, shall be strictly prohibited from being used for transient or short-term rentals during such ten-year period. In addition, any such dwelling or dwelling unit shall be subject to any limitation, regulation, permit requirement, or further prohibition in relation to transient or short-term rentals that may be adopted by the Town. Any such dwelling or dwelling unit created as affordable workforce housing pursuant to § 232-16.16 or inclusionary housing pursuant to § 232-17.3 shall be prohibited from being used for transient or short-term rentals for the duration of the resale or rental restriction periods set out in § 232-16.16D of this chapter.
[Added 9-5-2023 by L.L. No. 10-2023]
In accordance with Section 261-b of the New York State Town Law, which authorizes towns to implement incentive zoning for community benefits or amenities, including housing for persons of low or moderate income, the Town of Copake has established requirements for the development, maintenance, sale and rental of affordable workforce housing (AWH). affordable workforce housing is housing subject to the requirements of this section, the sale or rental of which is restricted to certain eligible persons or households, and which is subject to price and cost limitations or controls, as set out herein.
Affordable workforce housing (AWH) shall mean dwelling units in the Town of Copake that may lawfully be sold or rented only to an eligible household. An eligible household is a household which meets, as of the time of such sale or commencement of rental, one of the following qualifying standards of eligibility:
Any household with income not exceeding the qualifying income, as defined in § 232-3 of this chapter.
A household with at least one member who is an active volunteer Fire Department member serving the Town of Copake with a minimum of six months of consecutive active service, without regard to household income level.
A household with at least one member who is a full-time Town of Copake municipal employee, Copake Rescue Squad employee, or Taconic Hills Central School District employee, with a minimum of six months of consecutive employment with such entity, without regard to income level.
A household with at least one member who is a full-time State of New York or Columbia County employee and currently resides in the Town of Copake, with a minimum of six months of consecutive employment with such entity, without regard to income level.
A household with at least one member who is a veteran or active-duty member of the United States Armed Forces or an active-duty member of the United States Armed Forces Reserve or New York National Guard, without regard to income level.
A household with at least one member who is a farmer or farmworker engaged in active farming on a farm located within the Town of Copake, without regard to income level.
In addition to meeting one or more of the above qualifying eligibility standards, the unit of AWH must, at the time the buyer or tenant takes occupancy be the full-time primary residence of the qualifying household and household member.
A person or household shall not lose eligibility to remain in the subject unit of AWH if they cease to become eligible after taking residence, provided such person or household was properly qualified at the time of the initial lease or purchase.
Affordable workforce housing (AWH) may be developed for sale or rental, and may be sold or rented in accordance with the following provisions:
AWH may be sold only to eligible purchasers at prices that meet AWH Affordable purchase levels, as defined in § 232-3 of this chapter. Resale restrictions, which shall permit resale only to eligible purchasers at or below AWH affordable purchase levels in effect at the time of such resale, shall be in effect for 10 years from the date of any deed conveying such unit and such ten-year restrictive period shall reset upon each conveyance. Upon the passage of 10 years of continuous ownership without a conveyance, restrictions upon sales shall permanently terminate. Such restrictions shall be implemented and enforced by means of restrictive declarations, restrictive covenants, and/or deed restrictions filed in the deed records of the County of Columbia, as the Copake Town Board may direct.
AWH may be leased only to eligible tenants at annual rents not to exceed AWH affordable rental levels in effect as of the effective date of the rental lease, and such rental amount shall be recalculated for each new lease or renewal of a lease in accordance with the AWH affordable rental levels in effect as of the commencement of such new lease or renewal of a lease. Rental housing restrictions shall be in effect for 25 years from the date of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the dwelling unit to which they apply. Such restrictions shall be implemented and enforced by means of restrictive declarations, restrictive covenants, and/or deed restrictions filed in the deed records of the County of Columbia, as the Copake Town Board may direct.
AWH may not be used for transient or short-term rentals for the duration of the resale or rental restriction periods set out in Subsection D(1) and (2), and such prohibition shall be included in the restrictive declarations, restrictive covenants, and/or deed restrictions provided for therein.
The Planning Board shall approve the content of any restrictive declarations, restrictive covenants, and deed restrictions required under this subdivision.
The Town of Copake shall maintain a registry of all AWH units within the Town. The owner of any AWH rental unit in the Town subject to the restricted period shall annually file with the Town Clerk, by January 31 of each year, a statement identifying each AWH rental unit owned and stating the rents charged for the previous year.