It is hereby declared to be the intent of the MDR District to establish reasonable standards to provide for a mix of residential and limited commercial and office uses. Furthermore, it is the intent of the article to:
Preserve the quiet and uncongested environments that currently exist in Abbottstown's neighborhoods devoted to single-family detached and semidetached residential uses.
Exclude incompatible commercial, industrial, and high density residential uses from locating in lower density residential neighborhoods.
Provide for moderate density residential neighborhoods within walking distance of amenities such as schools, churches, social clubs, and shopping opportunities in the mixed-use area of the historic core of Abbottstown.
Allow for the development of higher density residential uses, such as townhouses and apartments, in accordance with specified development standards.
The following uses are permitted within the MDR District.
Uses permitted by right.
Single-family detached dwellings.
Single-family semidetached dwellings (duplex).
Single-family attached dwellings (town or row houses), per § 204-37FF.
Two-family dwellings.
Planned townhouse community, per § 204-37FF.
Multifamily development, per § 204-37X.
Accessory dwelling units, per § 204-37A.
Mobile home park, per § 204-37W.
Home occupations, per § 204-37P.
No-impact home-based businesses, per § 204-37G.
Cottage industries, per § 204-37K.
Public spaces.
Government facilities.
Emergency service facilities and structures.
Public or private schools.
Residential accessory buildings, structures and uses, per § 204-37C.
Alternative energy systems, per § 204-31F.
Small wireless facility use (within a right-of-way), per § 204-31N.
[Added 3-17-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-01]
Uses permitted by conditional use.
Group homes, per § 204-37O.
The following standards shall apply all uses, subdivisions, and land development plans within the MDR District.
Minimum lot size. The following lot sizes shall apply unless otherwise noted in this chapter.
Dwelling Unit Type
Minimum Lot Size
Single-family detached
8,000 square feet per unit
Single-family semidetached (duplex)
4,000 square feet per unit
Single-family attached — each unit on individual lots
4,000 square feet per unit
Single-family attached — multiple units on 1 lot
1 acre
12,000 square feet
25,000 square feet
Minimum lot width. The following lot widths shall apply unless otherwise noted in this chapter.
Dwelling Unit Type
Minimum Lot Size
Single-family detached
80 feet per unit
Single-family semidetached (duplex)
40 feet per unit
Single-family attached — each unit on individual lots
Interior units: 25 feet per unit
End units: 40 feet per unit
Single-family attached — multiple units on 1 lot
125 feet
60 feet
125 feet
Minimum yard setbacks. The following setbacks shall apply to all structures and uses unless otherwise noted in this chapter.
Principal Structure
Accessory Structures
Front yard
20 feet
Not permitted in front yard
Side yards
10 feet or equal to the distance of a pre-existing structure on the property
Rear yard
10 feet or equal to the distance of a pre-existing structure on the property
Minimum development density. The minimum development density for development projects involving five or more dwelling units proposed initially or cumulatively from the effective date of this chapter shall be two dwelling units per acre.
Maximum development density. The maximum development density for development projects involving five or more dwelling units proposed initially or cumulatively from the effective date of this chapter shall comply with the following table.
Number of Different Dwelling Unit Type
(minimum 5 dwelling units per type)
Maximum Development Density
6 dwelling units per acre
7 dwelling units per acre
8 dwelling units per acre
10 dwelling units per acre
12 dwelling units per acre
Maximum lot coverage: 65%.
Maximum building height: 40 feet.
The following standards shall apply all uses, subdivisions, and land development plans within the MDR District.
All dwellings or structures to be used for human occupancy shall be connected to public sewer and public water.
The standards of Article IX, General Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the MDR District.
The standards of Article X, Performance Standards, shall apply to all properties and uses in the MDR District.
The standards of Article XI, Sign Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the MDR District.
The standards of Article XII, Parking and Loading Regulations, shall apply to all properties and uses in the MDR District.