[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Oneida County by Ord. No. 35-2002. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Title. The governing body of Oneida County as constituted by law shall be known as the "Oneida County Board of Supervisors," hereafter referred to as the "County Board" or "Board."
Supervisory Districts. The County Board shall consist of 21 supervisors to be elected from the supervisory districts as provided on the maps adopted by reference herein and available for inspection in the office of the County Clerk.
[Amended 11-9-2021 by Res. No. 109-2021, effective 11-26-2021]
Board Chairperson.
Election and Term. The Chairperson, hereafter referred to as "Chair" or "Chairperson" of the Board, shall be a member of the Board and shall be elected by ballot at the organizational meeting of the April session of the Board for a term of two years, or until a successor is elected and qualified.
Duties. The Chair shall have the following duties:
[Amended by Ord. No. 33-84]
To act as the presiding officer at all meetings of the Board except when the board meets in committee of the whole. The Chair shall be the Board's Parliamentarian and decide questions of order subject to appeal.
To preserve order and enforce the rules.
To vote upon all questions taken by the ayes and nays except appeals from his/her own decision, and shall otherwise promptly perform the duties of the office. The Chair shall vote last.
To have such powers and duties as are provided by Wisconsin Statutes, including, but not limited to § 59.12, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time.
Emergency Situations.
The Chair shall have the authority to make decisions affecting employees, equipment and services in County departments in emergency situations when the County Board is not in session. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume such authority and in the absence of the Chair and Vice-Chair, those persons so designated by the Chair to act in the Chair's capacity shall assume such authority.
Any such decision on the part of the Chair or designee shall be reduced to writing and a copy mailed or delivered to all County Board members and a copy of all decisions placed on each County Board member's desk at the next immediate Board meeting for consideration.
These provisions are not intended to supersede any emergency provisions contained in Chapter 6 of this Code or the Wisconsin State Statutes.
Vice-Chairperson and Second Vice-Chairperson. At the time of the election of the Chairperson of the Board, the Board shall also elect a Vice-Chairperson and Second Vice-Chairperson (hereafter referred to as Vice-Chair and Second Vice-Chair) for a term of two years. The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair when she/he is absent or disabled or when the Chair wishes temporarily to vacate the chair. In case of the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the Second Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair. In case of the absence of the Chair, Vice-Chair or Second Vice-Chair for any meeting, the members present shall choose another member to be the temporary chair.
[Amended Res. No. 92-2009]
Procedure for Selection of Chair, Vice-Chair and Second Vice-Chair. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Second Vice-Chair shall be selected at the first meeting after each regular election at which members are elected for full terms according to the following procedure:
[Amended by Res. No. 92-2009]
Temporary Chair. The County Clerk shall serve as temporary chair until after the Chair is elected.
Nominations. Nominations from the members shall be accepted for the position of Chair. No member may nominate more than one person. After motion to close nominations, which requires a 2/3 vote, election of the Chair shall take place as provided below. After election of the Chair, the procedure shall be repeated for the position of Vice-Chair and repeated again for the position of Second Vice-Chair.
Election. The Chair, Vice-Chair and Second Vice-Chair shall be elected by a majority vote of those members of the Board in attendance from the list of members nominated. Election shall be by secret ballot as permitted by § 19.88(1), Wis. Stats.
[Amended by Ord. No. 51-94; Ord. No. 72-94; Ord. No. 20-2008; Res. No. 15-2010; Res. No. 54-2012; Res. No. 45-2013; Res. No. 52-2017; 8-15-2023 by Res. No. 60-2023]
The order of business shall be as follows:
Call to Order. At the appointed hour for the meeting, the Chair shall call the Board to order requesting that the members rise for a brief moment of silence followed by a prayer/invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board Chair may ask if any County Board member wishes to offer a prayer/invocation.
The prayer/invocation shall be no longer than 15 seconds.
[Amended by Ord. No. 56-82; Ord. No. 24-2000; Ord. No. 101-2004; Ord. No. 21-2008]
All resolutions, ordinances, ordinance amendments (all hereinafter referred to as resolutions) coming before the Board shall be reduced to writing using a format approved by the County Board and provided by the County Clerk's office.
The Corporation Counsel shall receive for his/her review, a draft copy of any resolution at the time that it has been prepared by or for any committee or supervisor. If requested, allowing a minimum of three working days, the Corporation Counsel will assist in the drafting of such resolutions.
Prior to being filed with the County Clerk's office, all resolutions shall be reviewed by the committee(s) of jurisdiction. The committee(s) and appropriate department head(s), if requested, shall set forth thereon its (their) position(s) concerning the resolution.
After being endorsed by committee members, the resolution shall be forwarded to the Corporation Counsel who will then determine if the Board has the legal authority to adopt the action proposed and indicate such in the area provided. The resolution shall then be filed with the County Clerk's office but not later than 9:00 a.m. on the Thursday preceding the first day of the Board meeting at which it is to be considered. All resolutions must be filed in both an electronic format and a hard (paper) copy to be considered timely. The Clerk shall provide copies of the same to Board members and other interested parties on the next business day or as soon thereafter as practicable.
No ordinance, resolution or motion shall be considered and voted upon where an appropriation is required unless accompanied by a written fiscal note endorsed by the person introducing or submitting the same. The fiscal note shall set forth the best estimated financial impact of the proposed ordinance, resolution or motion, if any, to the County, including whether or not the costs have been previously included in a budget account. Such fiscal note shall include an estimate for both the balance of the fiscal year from the date of consideration and a full fiscal year.
No ordinance, resolution or motion requiring an appropriation of money shall be considered and voted upon until the committee having jurisdiction over the applicable budget account and the Administration Committee have considered the same and made their recommendations concerning the same to the Board, unless this specific rule has been suspended, pursuant to § 2.15, Rule 15. In all instances, such ordinance, resolution or motion shall include a statement advising whether the same may be adopted by a simple majority or requires a 2/3 vote of the entire membership of the County Board. Ordinances, resolutions and motions concerning the payment of expenditures authorized by the current budget may be adopted by a simple majority. Ordinances, resolutions and motions requiring unbudgeted expenditures may be adopted by a 2/3 vote of the entire membership of the County Board. Consistent with statutory requirements, the Chair shall make the final determination as to the required majority vote.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
No ordinance, resolution or motion pertaining to programs, services or staffing levels previously authorized by the County Board shall be considered and voted upon until the Committee of Jurisdiction over the applicable budget account, the Executive Committee and the Administration Committee have considered the same and made their recommendations to the Board, unless this specific rule has been suspended, pursuant to § 2.15, Rule 15.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019; 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024]
No ordinance or resolution impacting a parcel of real property shall be considered and voted upon unless accompanied by a map that is a minimum of 8.5 inches by 11 inches in size clearly indicating the subject parcel.
All petitions, remonstrances, reports, accounts, resolutions and ordinances shall have endorsed thereon the name of the person introducing or submitting the same.
The Clerk shall read the resolution number and the sponsor of the resolution prior to debate by the County Board. Upon request of any Supervisor the resolution shall be read in its entirety.
[Amended Res. No. 74-2012]
All appropriations of money shall be voted for by ayes and nays taken by roll call vote and entered upon the proceedings of the Board. Where required by Wisconsin Statutes, such vote on appropriations shall be by 2/3 of the entire membership of the Board.
Members. Prior to speaking, every member shall respectfully address the Chair and, upon being recognized, shall proceed, confining himself/herself to the question under debate and shall not be interrupted, except by a call to order.
Nonmembers. Nonmembers wishing to address the Board must convey their request to their supervisor, setting forth the nature of the address which shall be confined to the question under debate. The supervisor on the nonmember's behalf will present the request to the Chair to approve the request. In all instances, propriety shall be observed, personalities shall be avoided and the rights, duties and obligations set forth under Ch. 19, Subchapter IV, Wis. Stats., shall be followed. Violation of the above shall be ruled out of order.
When a member or nonmember is called to order, she/he shall not proceed, except in explanation as permitted by the Chair and thereafter, until it has been determined whether she/he is out of order.
No member shall speak more than three times upon any question without first obtaining leave of the Board and after all other members have had an opportunity to speak on the question.
[Amended by Addendum No. 66]
The ayes and nays shall be called upon the request of any member, and the Clerk shall call roll in nonalphabetical order on a random basis each time a vote is taken and record the same in the minutes.
Any member voting in the majority may move for a reconsideration at any time during the same session or, if a tie vote on a question, any member voting may move for a reconsideration at any time during the same session. If a majority of members present are in favor of a reconsideration, the subject shall be before the Board for further action.
A motion to adjourn, to lay on the table, for previous question and for limited debate shall be decided without discussion.
While the Chair is addressing the Board or submitting a question, no member shall leave the room.
[Amended by Ord. No. 43-2000]
Every member present when a question is put or when his/her name is called shall have the opportunity to vote. A member has the right to abstain from voting whenever she/he so desires. An abstention is not a vote. When responding to a roll call vote with "here" or "present," the member is not regarded as having voted but only as having indicated his/her presence, which may be useful in establishing the presence of a quorum at the time the vote is taken. A member must abstain from voting on an issue in which she/he has a conflict of interest.
All bills or claims against the County shall be filed with the County Clerk at least one day before the meeting of the Board and all bills against the County or claims for services rendered shall be itemized fully and completely, except where the County Board has previously fixed a definite sum as compensation for such services.
No rules shall be suspended, rescinded or amended without the concurrence of 2/3 of the members present at any meeting.
Date of Meeting. Except as provided in Subsection (3) below, the Board shall meet in the County Courthouse in regular meetings on the following dates and shall be in session until adjourned:
[Amended by Ord. No. 24-90; Ord. No. 133-99; Ord. No. 61-2002; Res. No. 20-2009]
The third Tuesday in January.
The third Tuesday in February.
The third Tuesday in March.
The third Tuesday in April (organizational meeting).
The third Tuesday in May.
The third Tuesday in June.
The third Tuesday in August.
The third Tuesday in September. However, if the WCA Annual Conference is scheduled for the third Tuesday of the month, the County Board meeting shall be held on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
[Amended by Res. No. 45-2014]
The third Tuesday in October.
The first Tuesday following the second Monday in November (annual meeting).
Hour of Meeting. Except as provided in Subsection (3), below, the starting time for all regular meetings of the County Board will be 9:30 a.m. unless otherwise specified by the County Board. The time of reconvening after lunch shall be 1:30 p.m., and unless otherwise ordered, the Board shall recess at 11:00 p.m. until 9:30 a.m. the next day. The Board may, by majority vote upon the adjourning motion, set the hour of reconvening of the Board.
[Amended by Res. No. 45-2013]
Board Meetings at County Locations Other Than Courthouse. The Board may schedule regular meetings at locations in the County other than the Courthouse if it is determined that a change of location would be in the best interest of the Board. A proposed change of location shall be approved not less than 30 days before the scheduled meeting date. An explanation shall be set forth in the notice of the meeting and the place of the same shall be readily accessible to the public and members of the news media who wish to attend.
[Amended by Res. No. 92-2009]
Records of Meetings. Accurate copies of all notices of meetings and minutes of meetings shall be promptly filed in the County Clerk's office.
Special Meetings. The County Board may call a special meeting as provided for in Wis. Stats., § 59.11(2).
[Added by Res. No. 45-2013]
Committee of the Whole. The Board may meet as a Committee of the Whole at the call of the County Board Chairman. At such meetings, no votes will be taken on resolutions, ordinances, ordinance amendments, or budget amendments formally pending before the Board. During such meetings, there shall be no limits on debate and no person not a member of the Board shall be allowed to speak except upon invitation of the Board. Such meetings shall be considered regular meetings of the County Board, except that this section shall govern procedures for conducting the meeting.
[Added by Res. No. 45-2013]
Public Hearings. The County Board chairperson may schedule a meeting of the County Board as a public hearing, solely for the purpose of taking public comment on a resolution, ordinance, ordinance amendment or other matter formally pending before the Board.
[Added by Res. No. 45-2013]
The Corporation Counsel shall attend all meetings of the County Board, unless excused by the Chair.
The procedure for calling a special meeting of the County Board shall be as provided in § 59.11(2), Wis. Stats.
[Amended by Ord. No. 16-2002]
Except where expressly provided by the Wisconsin Statutes or by specific rules set forth in this chapter, the deliberations of the Board and its boards, commissions and committees shall be conducted in accordance with procedures set forth in: A Guide to Parliamentary Procedure for Local Governments in Wisconsin by Larry E. Larmer. Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, shall be consulted for any questions of procedure not addressed in the above noted guide. Such guide shall be provided to each supervisory district and shall remain the property of Oneida County.
[Amended by Ord. No. 62-93; Ord. No. 44-94; Ord. No. 29-2000; Ord. No. 31-2000; Res. No. 90-2004; Ord. No. 31-2000; Ord. No. 4-2007; Res. No. 19-2008; Res. No. 86-2009; Ord. No. 48-2011; Ord. No. 55-2011; Ord. No. 34-2014; 1-15-2019 by Res. No. 17-2019, effective 2-7-2019; 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019; 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 25-2019 (Ord. No. 7-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
No committee may be created unless authorized by the full County Board. No committee may create subcommittees or otherwise subdivide committee responsibilities unless authorized by the whole County Board. Any committee may rely on its members, County staff, or other individuals or organizations to conduct research and provide additional information to the committee for the purpose of fulfilling its responsibilities. Such research or information gathering, when conducted cooperatively without a quorum of the committee, shall not be considered a subcommittee or governmental body unless creation of a subcommittee has been previously approved by the County Board.
Enumerated. The following standing committees shall be appointed by the Chair at the organizational meeting of the Board in the year she/he is elected and shall consist of the number of members listed herein. The County Board Chair will appoint the Chair of each committee, except the Public Works Committee. The Chair may appoint a Committee on Committees to assist him/her. All appointed committee members shall serve two-year terms and be County Board supervisors, except where State law provides for other non-Board members, all State mandated non-County Board members will be selected using the process set out in Paragraph (4) below:
[Amended 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021; 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024]
Conservation and UW-EX Education
5 County Board Supervisors plus 1 FSA
The Conservation and UW-EX Committee shall consist of five members of the County Board and a designee of the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), and shall have such powers and duties as prescribed in Ch. 92, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time.
ADRC Committee
4 County Board Supervisors
5 citizen members that meet the requirements of §§ 46.82(4) and 46.283(6), Wis. Stats., appointed by the County Board Chair, subject to confirmation by the County Board
County Facilities
5 County Board Supervisors
Public Safety
5 County Board Supervisors
7 County Board Supervisors, consisting of the elected County Board Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, with County Board supervisors appointed by the County Board Chair to the remaining four seats
Forestry, Land, and Outdoor Recreation
5 County Board Supervisors and Town Designee
A designee of any town in which mineral exploration, prospecting mining or reclamation is taking place shall be a voting member of the committee. This designee shall be entitled to per diem and mileage at the current County rate for each meeting attended and not reimbursed from any other source.
Land Records
5 County Board Supervisors
Law Enforcement Grievance
2 County Board Supervisors
3 lay persons appointed by the County Board Chair, subject to confirmation by the County Board
Planning and Development
5 County Board Supervisors
Social Services
5 County Board Supervisors
Board of Health
4 County Board Supervisors
3 lay persons, subject to confirmation by the County Board, who shall act as the County Board of Health under Ch. 251, Wis. Stats.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (2)(b), (c), and (d), regarding the Conservation and UW-EX Education Committee, the Land Records Committee, and the Labor Relations/Employee Services Committee, respectively, were repealed 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024.
Elective. The County Public Works and Solid Waste Committee shall consist of five members and shall be elected by the County Board at the organizational meeting of the Board in the year the Board is elected, with such committee members serving two-year terms. The procedure for nomination and election of Public Works and Solid Waste Committee members shall be the same as that for the nomination and election of the County Board Chair, except that the use of secret ballots shall not be permitted.
[Amended by Ord. No. 34-2014]
Appointment of Citizen Members to Committees and Commissions.
Department Head Responsibilities:
Review terms of citizen members and determine expiration date of term.
Provide the County Clerk's Office with the following no less than 30 days before expiration date of term or immediately upon receiving the resignation of a citizen member:
Name of person presently in position;
Expiration date of term;
Qualifications of the position;
Appointing authority (County Board Chair, County Board, Governor, etc.).
For any Committee or Commission without a department head, the Human Resources Director shall act as the department head for purposes of this section.
County Clerk's Responsibilities:
Upon request for reappointment of citizen member:
Confer with department head and appointing authority regarding reappointment.
Assist as requested-meeting agenda and/or letter of confirmation to citizen appointee, County Board Chair, COJ Chair, department head(s) and others as necessary.
Upon resignation of citizen member:
Receive resignation of citizen member from department head.
Confer with department head and appointing authority regarding qualifications necessary for applicant to fill opening.
Advertise opening as appropriate.
Receive applications and determine eligibility.
Schedule interviews or begin other selection process.
Clerk will assist as requested-prepare meeting agendas and correspondence as necessary.
No timely applications for vacancy:
If no qualified individual applies for the open position, the County Board Chair, COJ Chair and department head will actively solicit a qualified person to fill the opening.
Application(s) will be forwarded to the County Clerk's Office.
The Clerk will list the applicants and schedule interviews on behalf of the County Board Chair if necessary or assist with an alternate selection process.
Clerk will assist as requested-prepare meeting agendas and correspondence as necessary.
[Amended by Ord. No. 22-91; Ord. No. 13-94; Ord. No. 37-94; Ord. No. 53-97; Ord. No. 29-2000; Ord. No. 31-2000; Ord. No. 03-2001; Ord. No. 97-2004; Ord. No. 69-2005; Ord. No. 86-2009; Ord. No. 55-2011]
Generally. The various Committees, Boards and Commissions shall have such powers and duties as are vested in them by County Code or State law.
Resignations. If a supervisor resigns in writing for good cause from one or more of his/her elected or appointed committees and such resignation is accepted by the County Board Chair, she/he need not be reassigned to another committee until the following organizational meeting of the County Board.
Temporary Vacancies. Whenever a member of any committee or commission created by the County Board is unable to perform his/her duties due to illness or other disability, the County Board Chair may declare such position temporarily vacant and may appoint another person to fill the vacancy so created as is permitted by Wisconsin Statute until the incumbent member who holds the regular appointment is able to return and perform his/her duties.
Attendance at Committee Meetings.
In keeping with their responsibility to the residents of the County and to fellow County Board members, all County Board members shall be required to attend all meetings of any committee to which they have been appointed. If a committee member knows she/he will not be able to attend a scheduled meeting, permission for the absence shall be obtained from the committee chair; or in his/her absence, the County Board Chair; or in his/her absence, the County Board Vice-Chair. If three unexcused absences are recorded in any committee to which a member has been appointed within any twelve-month period, the same shall be brought to the attention of the County Board by the County Clerk at the request of any Board member.
If it is determined pursuant to § 2.31(4)(a) that a quorum of members will not be present for a scheduled committee meeting but the purpose of the meeting will not warrant an adjournment and that the meeting should proceed, a request can be made by the committee chair to the County Board Chair, or in his/her absence the County Board Vice-Chair, or in their absence a member of the County Board, preferably one having prior experience on the committee, to attend. The individual attending shall be counted for purposes of determining whether a quorum is present and shall have all rights and privileges of a committee member for purposes of that meeting.
Minutes of Meetings, Reports to the County Board. Each committee shall keep minutes of each meeting, and within 10 days of a committee or County Board meeting provide an electronic copy of the draft minutes, clearly marked "DRAFT", to the County webmaster for posting on the County website. Further, each committee shall file approved minutes with the County Clerk within 10 days after approval or correction of the minutes by the committee at the meeting following, and an electronic copy of the approved minutes shall be sent to the County webmaster to be posted on the County website. The minutes shall include the time of opening and closing, the names of attending members, date and place of the meeting, matters discussed and other pertinent information, except the minutes of the Social Services Committee need be only a summary of the meeting showing when and where the meeting was held, the members present, other persons present and general information as to business conducted, but excluding any matters deemed confidential in nature. Committees shall report to the County Board at any Board meeting on the committee's activities when requested to do so by the County Board Chair.
[Amended by Ord. No. 22-2013]
Compliance with Open Meeting Law.
The County Board and its committees, boards and commissions shall comply with Ch. 19, Subchapter IV, Open Meetings of Governmental Bodies, Wis. Stats., which is incorporated herein by reference.
Committees shall, whenever practicable, use the "Notice of Meeting" form prepared by the County Clerk's office in the scheduling of meetings.
Legal questions of compliance with the law shall, whenever practicable, be referred to the Corporation Counsel in advance of the posting.
Committees of Jurisdiction, Reports.
Designation of Committee of Jurisdiction. The elected officials and department heads of the County shall report to the following committees of jurisdiction and are encouraged to meet with such committees on a regular basis, and shall meet when specifically requested:
[Amended by Ord. No. 34-2014; Ord. No. 54-2015; Res. No. 79-2018; 1-15-2019 by Res. No. 17-2019, effective 2-7-2019; 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019; 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021; 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024]
Elective County Official
Committee of Jurisdiction
Circuit Court Judges
Public Safety
Clerk of Circuit Court
Public Safety
County Clerk
County Treasurer
District Attorney
Public Safety
Register of Deeds
Land Records
Public Safety
Appointed Official
Committee of Jurisdiction
Administrative Coordinator
County Board
Social Services and Aging Unit Director
ADRC Committee
Auditor/Finance Director
Facilities Director
County Facilities
Corporation Counsel
Public Safety
Community Resource Development
Conservation & UW-EX Education
County Conservationist
Conservation & UW-EX Education
Human Resources Director
Emergency Management Director
Public Safety
Family Court Commissioner
Public Safety
Family Living Agent
Conservation & UW-EX Education
Forestry Administrator
Forestry, Land, and Outdoor Recreation
4-H and Youth Agent
Conservation & UW-EX Education
Highway Commissioner
Public Works
Highway Safety Coordinator
Public Works
Information Technology Services Director
Land Information Manager
Land Records
Medical Examiner
Public Safety
Planning and Zoning Administrator
Planning and Development
Public Health Director/Health Officer
Board of Health
Register in Probate
Public Safety
Social Services Director
Social Services
Veterans Service Officer
Social Services Committee
Budget Reports. Elected officials and department heads shall be familiar with the provisions of § 3.11 of this Code with respect to their anticipated and actual revenues and expenditures throughout the fiscal year.
Personnel. Elected officials and appointed department heads shall operate their departments with authorized personnel and within approved budget allocations for the fiscal year. Personnel needs which could not have been reasonably foreseen and anticipated, and the potential fiscal impact, shall be reported to the committee of jurisdiction and the Labor Relations Employee Services Committee.
[Amended 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021]
Purchasing. Purchases of supplies, materials, equipment and nonprofessional services shall be made pursuant to the provisions of § 3.09 of this General Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2-98; Ord. No. 15-2000; Res. No. 01-2009; Ord. No. 55-2011; Res. No. 72-2012; 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019; 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024]
The Executive Committee shall be composed of seven members and:
Administer matters pertaining to the finances of the County such as the budget. The Committee is authorized to transfer funds between budgeted items of individual County office or department accounts if such budgeted items have been separately appropriated and to supplement appropriations for a particular office, department or activity by transfers from the Contingency Fund, subject to and under the provisions of § 65.90(5), Wis. Stats.
Be advised on illegal tax matters to be brought before the County Board by the County Treasurer.
Supervise the County depository and the investment of available funds pursuant to an investment policy approved by the County Board. By resolution to the County Board, the Executive Committee shall recommend an investment policy to be followed by the Committee and the County Auditor/Finance Director as its investment officer. Any changes to the investment policy shall be approved by the County Board.
Make or have made audits when deemed necessary.
Review County programs and services and develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that proper types and levels of insurance coverage are maintained and make appropriate recommendations to the County Board. At its first meeting in January of each year, or as soon thereafter as is reasonably possible, the Committee shall establish minimum insurance coverages as required by § 3.04(6) of this Code after consulting with the County's insurance and risk counselors. The Committee shall cause written notice of any change in its insurance coverage requirements to be immediately sent to its committees, boards and commissions and all department heads.
Establish and regularly monitor a loss-prevention program to encourage improvements in public using County facilities, services or equipment.
Retain insurance and risk counselors whenever the Committee determines such professional expertise is necessary as in the best interest of the County.
Execute necessary contracts upon approval of the County Board.
Review and make recommendations to the County Board as to all general claims, except any insured liability claims against the County shall be referred by the County Clerk through the Corporation Counsel to the insurance counselor retained by the County and/or the appropriate insurance carrier.
Review and approve claims for damages by dogs to domestic animals.
Recommend any County ordinances to the County Board and consult with the Corporation Counsel as to creation, repeal, recreation, amendment or administration of County ordinances.
Recommend any changes in this General Code and consult with the Corporation Counsel and County Clerk as to changes in the Code.
Serve as a liaison with the Wisconsin Counties Association on legislative matters.
Serve as a liaison with area legislators.
Report to the County Board on legislative matters pertaining to County government.
Copies of Code. The Committee may authorize the County Clerk to order additional copies and any supplements thereto of the General Code for sale to the general public at a sum set by the Committee.
Recommend an annual wage and salary plan in the form of a resolution to be passed by a majority of the County Board, setting forth a salary schedule for all union, nonunion elected and appointed positions. The schedule shall set forth each position classification or position, last year's salary, and any adjustments thereto, proposed increases expressed in both dollar and percentage terms, and any proposed changes to the fringe benefits presently in effect.
Have general supervision of all employment policies of the County, including such things as paid time off and leaves of absences.
Upon the request of the Social Services Committee, act upon requests of the Director of Social Services to promote and permit efficient management of personnel practices and procedures concerning reclassifications, promotions and demotions, in order to comply with §§ 46.22(1)(d), 49.33(4) through (7), Wis. Stats., Ch. PW-PA 10, Wis. Adm. Code, as may be amended from time to time, and to comply with applicable merit rule, civil service system and affirmative action provisions that may apply.
Review requests for position reclassifications and make recommendations for addition or deletion of positions for departments of the County.
Cooperate with department heads in the enforcement of County personnel policies.
Conduct all labor negotiations and recommend results to the County Board. In negotiating with representatives of the collective bargaining unit for the Highway Department, the Committee shall provide reasonable notice to the Highway Committee of all scheduled negotiation meetings and the Highway Committee should provide a knowledgeable member or representative to attend such meetings.
Examine and investigate employee grievances and enforce necessary discipline in cooperation with department heads.
Submit an annual report to the County Board.
Supervise and have charge of all employee insurance matters pertaining to hospital and surgical care plans and life insurance. If any changes in coverage or premiums become known to the Committee, it shall provide notice, in writing, to members of the County Board.
Consider and make recommendations to the County Board regarding departmental organization, establishment, reorganization and staffing levels. In the event a vacancy occurs in a position, for whatever reason, the department head shall submit a written report to the Personnel Director for evaluation and review. The Personnel Director shall submit a written recommendation on the vacant position to the Personnel Committee for final determination.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
Organization and Appointment. The Airport Commission shall consist of three commissioners. Each commissioner shall serve for a term of six years commencing on May 1 of the year of appointment. The appointments shall be made by the County Board Chair acting, in a manner consistent with this chapter, for and in behalf of Oneida County and by the Mayor of the City of Rhinelander for and in behalf of the City. The power of appointment shall alternate between the County Board Chair and the Mayor, including the filling of vacancies.
Powers and Duties.
Generally. See Ch. 114 and Ch. 59, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time, and Ch. 19 of this General Code.
Investment of Funds. The Airport Commission may, in its discretion, invest airport monies obtained from bond investors in the State Investment Pool.
Compensation. The members of the Airport Commission shall be reimbursed for any actual and necessary expenses incurred by them, but shall receive no compensation for their service.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
See Ch. 5 of this General Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011; Res. No. 30-2012]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to afford a constitutionally sufficient, fair, and orderly administrative procedure and review in connection with determinations made by County authorities which involve constitutionally protected rights of specific persons which are entitled to due process protection under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Review of Administrative Determinations. As pertains to the County, the provisions of § 68.01, Wis. Stats., are adopted and included herein by reference.
Determinations Reviewable. The following determinations are reviewable under this section:
The provisions of § 68.02(1), (2), (3) and (4), Wis. Stats., are adopted and included herein by reference.
Any determination made by a city, village, town, special purpose district or board or commission thereof, located within the County which is reviewable by the County authorities under the Wisconsin Statutes.
Determinations Not Subject to Review.
The Oneida County Department of Social Services has, by County Board resolution, adopted its own administrative review procedures and, thus, shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
The Oneida County Health Department has, by County Board resolution, adopted its own administrative review procedures and, thus, shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
As pertains to the County, the provisions of § 68.03, Wis. Stats., are adopted and made a part hereof by reference.
County Authority Defined. "County authority" includes every board, commission, committee, agency, officer, employee, or agent thereof making a determination under § 68.01, Wis. Stats., and every person, board, commission, committee, or agency of the County appointed to make an independent review.
Persons Aggrieved. A person aggrieved includes any individual, partnership, corporation, association, public or private organization, officer, department, board, commission, or agency of the County, whose rights, duties, or privileges are adversely affected by a determination of a County authority.
Procedure. The provisions of §§ 68.07, 68.08, 68.09(1), (3), (4) and (5), 68.10, 68.11, 68.12, 68.13, 68.14, and 68.15, Wis. Stats., are adopted and made a part hereof by reference.
Designation of Review Authority.
Initial Review. If the initial determination has been made by an officer, employee, or agent of the County, the initial review shall be made by the committee, board, or commission having primary jurisdiction over that individual. If the initial determination was made by a committee, board, commission, or agency of the County, then the initial review shall be made by the same committee, board, commission, or agency.
Appellate Review. The impartial decision maker under the provisions of § 68.11(2), Wis. Stats., as adopted and made a part hereof by reference shall be the Chairperson of the Administration Committee and two members of the Administration Committee as designated by the Chairperson, provided that they have not participated in the making or reviewing of the initial determination. However, if the Chair of the Administration Committee upon receipt of the appeal, and after conferring with the Administration Committee, determined that an impartial person or three-person panel with expertise should be appointed, he may do so.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
Compensation of Review Authority. Individuals acting in a review capacity shall be entitled to the same per diem and reimbursement for expenses incurred as is provided under the provisions of § 3.10 of this Code.
Time Limitations.
Time Within Which to Initiate Grievance. A person aggrieved shall initiate the grievance review under the provisions of this section by no later than 60 days from the date she/he knew or should have known of the occurrence out of which the alleged grievance has occurred.
Time Limit for Initial Review. The initial review under Subsection (8)(a) shall be scheduled and conducted within 30 days of the filing of the review request by the person aggrieved and the initial determination shall be made in writing with copy provided to the aggrieved person no more than 30 days thereafter.
Time Limit for Appellate Review. If the aggrieved person wishes to seek an appeal, he must do so in writing within 30 days of the written determination given at the initial review. Upon receipt of such request for appellate review, the appellate review under Subsection (8)(b) shall be scheduled and conducted within 30 days thereafter. A final determination shall be made in writing with a copy provided to the aggrieved person no more than 30 days thereafter.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
See § 32.08, Wis. Stats.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
This Committee shall:
Act as the Conservation & UW-EX Education Committee with such powers and duties as prescribed in § 59.56(3), Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time.
Act as the County-appointed committee to process Lake District petitions and conduct the public hearing required by Wis. Stats., § 33.26(1).
[Amended by Ord. No. 19-2002; Ord. No. 55-2011]
This Committee shall:
Buy, sell and dispose of all personal property no longer used in the several County departments.
Dispose of obsolete books from the Law Library in any reasonable manner and may follow the recommendations of the Circuit Judge or any committee she/he may designate.
Maintain County real property and improvements located thereon and maintain the County's personal property except for that real and personal property that is under specific jurisdiction of another Committee.
Be authorized to negotiate and execute contracts for janitorial service and supervise the County Custodian and general relief workers.
The Security and Facilities Committee appointed pursuant to SCR 70.39(3)(c) by the presiding Oneida County Judge shall serve as a subcommittee of the Building and Grounds Committee with the duties and responsibilities set forth in SCR 70.38 and 70.39 and shall make appropriate recommendations to the Building and Grounds Committee in order to enhance security in the Courthouse and related facilities and to take other action as is authorized by law.
Perform all functions necessary to administer Ch. 8 of this General Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 62-93; Ord. No. 55-2011]
This Committee shall:
Perform all functions necessary to administer Ch. 14 of this General Code.
Act as the Mining Oversight/Local Impact Committee and perform the following duties:
Act as a liaison between the County Board and the Conservation & UW-EX Committee, Administration Committee, and Planning and Zoning Committee in all matters pertaining to mineral exploration, prospecting, mining and reclamation of mineral resources located in the County. Such liaison responsibility shall not be in place of the continuing responsibilities of the above identified committees in their primary areas of jurisdiction which shall continue.
Act as the County's local impact committee pursuant to § 293.33, Wis. Stats.
The Committee shall act as the County's Local Impact Committee for the purposes identified in § 293.33, Wis. Stats., except that in carrying out such purposes, the Committee shall not proceed without the approval of the committees identified in Subsection (1) above in their primary areas of jurisdiction which shall continue.
The Committee or its designees from the Committee may serve on a joint committee under § 293.33, Wis. Stats., and consistent with its responsibility for carrying out the purposes referred to above, the Committee or its designees from the Committee may submit requests for funds as authorized by § 293.33, Wis. Stats.
From time to time the Committee may seek authorization from the County Board to include ex officio nonvoting members as representatives of affected units of government, business and industry, manpower, health, protective or service agencies school districts or environmental and other interest groups or other interested parties who, upon approval by the County Board, shall be entitled to per diem and expenses as permitted by § 3.10 of this General Code.
Act as the lead committee in the preparation of applications for funding assistance from whatever source, subject to final review and approval of the County Board.
In conjunction with the recommendation of the primary committee of jurisdiction, recommend to the County Board contracts for professional services which, upon the review and approval of the County Board, may be provided to the County Board and the primary committee of jurisdiction.
Ex officio nonvoting members of this Committee shall include the Planning and Zoning Administrator, Forestry Administrator, University Extension Community Resource Development Agent, a designee of the Economic Development Corporation.
A designee of any town in which mineral exploration, prospecting mining or reclamation is taking place shall be a voting member of the committee. This designee shall be entitled to per diem and mileage at the current County rate for each meeting attended and not reimbursed from any other source.
[Amended by Ord. No. 103-99; Ord. No. 114-2008; Ord. No. 55-2011; Res. No. 79-2018; 1-15-2019 by Res. No. 17-2019, effective 2-7-2019]
The Aging and Disability Resource Center Committee (ADRC Committee) shall have the following composition and duties:
Composition and Appointment. In addition to the four County Board Supervisors, the ADRC Committee shall have five citizen members appointed by the County Board Chair, subject to confirmation by the County Board. Older adults (age 60 or older) shall constitute at least 50% of the membership of this Committee. Two citizen members shall represent older adults (age 60 or older); one citizen member shall represent persons with physical disabilities; one citizen member shall represent persons with developmental disabilities; and one citizen member shall be an at-large member representing the community in general. Individuals who are elected to any office may not constitute 50% or more of the membership of this Committee.
Term. The term of office of the members of the ADRC Committee shall be for two years. No member shall serve more than three consecutive terms.
Organization. The ADRC Committee may adopt its own bylaws and procedures for handling ADRC policy and procedures.
Powers and Duties. The ADRC Committee shall, in addition to the powers and duties identified in the subsections set forth below, have and exercise the powers and duties identified in §§ 46.82(4)(d) and 46.283(6)(b), Wis. Stats., and shall direct the Oneida County Aging and Disability Resource Center, hereby identified as the "ADRC of Oneida County," with respect to the powers and duties under §§ 46.82(3) and 46.283(3) and (4), Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time.
[Amended 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021]
Per Diem and Expenses. Members of the ADRC Committee that act on the ADRC agenda items shall receive per diem, mileage and other necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties under § 3.10 of this General Code.
Nutrition Advisory Council. The ADRC Committee shall oversee the Nutrition Advisory Council. The State of Wisconsin requires all County aging units receiving Older Americans Act grant funds to have a Senior Nutrition Advisory Council to represent participants and the communities served and operate in an advisory capacity to the Senior Nutrition Program. The Council shall be composed of five members appointed by the County Board Chairman and the ADRC Committee, subject to confirmation by the County Board. Of such members, more than half shall be nutrition participants, and the remainder shall be broadly representative of the major public and private agencies and organizations in the County related to aging, local government officials and other persons who are knowledgeable and experienced in the special needs of the elderly.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011; Ord. No. 34-2014; 3-19-2019 by Res. No. 29-2019, effective 4-2-2019]
The Highway [Public Works and Solid Waste] Committee shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed by Ch. 83, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time. This committee shall also perform all duties listed in Oneida County Code § 8.04. The members of the Public Works and Solid Waste Committee are entitled to a maximum per diem (in addition to necessary expenses) of not more than $3,500 per year.
[Amended by Ord. No. 1-2009; Res. No. 18-2010; Res. No. 106-2009; Ord. No. 55-2011]
Appointment. The Housing Authority shall consist of five members, appointed by the County Board Chair, subject to confirmation by the County Board. No member shall be connected in any official capacity with any political party, nor shall more than two be officers of the County. The term of office of the members of the Authority shall be for five years, except of those first appointed, one shall serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five years respectively. Each member shall hold office until his/her successor has been appointed and has qualified. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as other appointments. Three members shall constitute a quorum.
Editor's Note: Former § 2.43, Labor Relations/Employee Services Committee, was repealed 2-20-2024 by Res. No. 32-2024, effective 4-16-2024.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
This Committee shall:
Meetings. The Land Information Council shall meet no more than once per calendar year.
Composition. The Land Information Council shall be selected by the County Board Chairman and confirmed by the County Board. All appointees shall serve a two-year term. The Land Information Council shall consist of the following members or their designees:
Register of Deeds.
Real Property Lister.
Chair of the Land Records Committee.
A representative of the land information office.
A realtor or a member of the Realtors Association employed within the County.
A public safety or emergency communications representative employed within the County.
The County surveyor or a registered professional land surveyor employed within the County.
Duties. The land information council shall review the priorities, needs, policies, and expenditures of the land information office and advise the County on matters affecting the land information office. The Land Records Committee shall continue to be the committee of jurisdiction of the Land Information Office/Department.
Payment. Only County Board Supervisors appointed the Land Information Council shall be entitled to per diem and mileage reimbursement.
Willingness to Serve. If no person is willing to serve on the Land Information Council as a representative from the categories of Subsection (f), (g) or (h) above, the board may create or maintain the council without those members.
[Added by Ord. No. 37-94; amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
The Land Records Committee shall:
Act in conjunction with the department head of the Land Information Office on matters pertaining to the Land Information Office on matters pertaining to the Land Information Program, Corner Restoration Program and the Wisconsin Land Information Program.
Act in conjunction with the department head of the Real Property Listing Office on matters pertaining to listing of real estate parcels.
Maintain liaison with the Register of Deeds on matters pertaining to land records.
Approve for payment the bills and expenses of the Land Information, Real Property Listing and Register of Deeds Offices.
Work with the Land Records staff in development of a sound lake records modernization program.
[Amended by Ord. No. 23-92; Ord. No. 55-2011]
Composition and Appointment. This Committee shall consist of two County Supervisors and three citizen members appointed by the County Board Chair. Supervisors shall neither be on the Personnel nor Law Enforcement Committee nor shall any citizen member be affiliated with any law enforcement agency or municipal government. Committee members shall be appointed on the basis of recognized and demonstrated interest in civic affairs. The Supervisor members shall serve during their term of office; citizen members at large shall serve three-year staggered terms.
Compensation. Members of the Committee shall receive per diem, mileage and other necessary expenses incurred in performance of their duties under § 3.10 of this General Code.
Powers. See Ch. 5 of this General Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
Composition. Pursuant to § 43.57, Wis. Stats., a County Library Board consisting of seven persons shall be established,
Powers and Duties. See § 43.58, Wis. Stats.
Per Diem and Expenses. Pursuant to § 43.57(5)(b)2., Wis. Stats., persons serving on the Library Board shall receive per diem, mileage and other necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties, pursuant to § 3.10 of this General Code.
[Added 11-7-2022 by Res. No. 124-2022, effective 12-13-2022[1]]
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee (CJCC) shall consist of 13 voting members:
Oneida County Branch I Judge.
Oneida County Branch II Judge.
District Attorney.
Oneida County Sheriff.
A representative of Chiefs of Police from local municipalities.
State Public Defender — Oneida County.
Department of Corrections Supervisor for Oneida County.
Corporation Counsel.
Social Services Department Director.
The Human Service Center Director.
Health Department Director.
County Board Representative.
County Board Representative.
Invited community liaisons, without voting privileges, and who will not be considered for the purposes of determining a quorum, may include the following as determined by the CJCC:
Clerk of Court.
Domestic violence professional.
Private defense attorney.
School district representative.
Social Services, Juvenile Justice Supervisor.
Social Services, Child Support Supervisor.
Representative for higher education.
Ministry representative.
Medical Examiner.
Tribal representative.
VA - Veterans Outreach Coordinator.
Officers. The Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair by majority vote of the Committee annually at the Committee's May meeting, or as soon thereafter as practical.
Purpose. The County Board shall designate the CJCC to review policies and programs within the criminal justice system and make recommendations to all justice system partners, the Public Safety Committee, the Social Services Committee, other County committees and the Oneida County Board of Supervisors regarding juvenile and criminal justice system issues.
The committee of jurisdiction for the CJCC shall be the Public Safety Committee. The CJCC shall submit their annual budget, if any, to the Public Safety Committee for review and approval per the Oneida County budgeting schedule.
Citizen members serving on the CJCC will not receive per diem or other compensation from the County.
The CJCC will make periodic reports to the Public Safety Committee and the Oneida County Board as determined by those bodies.
Editor's Note: This resolution also repealed former § 2.48, Oneida County Fair, as amended.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
The Planning and Zoning Committee shall:
Act in conjunction with the Zoning Administrator on all matters pertaining to zoning and planning in the County.
Approve the bills and expenses of the Zoning and Planning Office.
Assist the Zoning Administrator, at his/her request, in delineating the limits of the areas having special flood or mudslide hazards on available local maps of sufficient scale to identify the location of building sites.
Provide such information as the Zoning Administrator may request concerning present uses and occupancy of the floodplain or mudslide area.
Maintain for public inspection and furnish upon request, with respect to each area having special flood hazards, information on elevations (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floors of all new or substantially improved structures.
Cooperate with federal, State, local agencies and private firms which undertake to study, survey, map and identify floodplain and mudslide areas and neighboring counties and communities with respect to management of adjoining floodplain or mudslide areas to prevent aggravation of existing hazards.
Submit on the yearly date of the County's initial eligibility an annual report to the Zoning Administrator on the progress made during the past year within the County in the development and implementation of floodplain and mudslide area management measures.
Take such other action as may be necessary to carry out the objectives of the floodplain zoning program.
[Amended by Ord. No. 33-2008; Ord. No. 55-2011]
Composition and Appointment. This Committee shall consist of five members appointed by the County Board Chair.
Powers and Duties.
Approve the bills and expenses of the Sheriff's Department and offices of District Attorney, Medical Examiner, Clerk of Court, Corporation Counsel, Circuit Court, Family Court Commissioner, Emergency Management and Register in Probate.
Assist in the preparation of the annual budget for the Sheriff's Department and offices of District Attorney, Medical Examiner, Clerk of Court, Corporation Counsel and Circuit Court.
Make purchases for the Sheriff's Department of other equipment and supplies not under the jurisdiction of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, where County Board approval is not necessary.
Perform all duties necessary to carry out the functions of the Committee under Chapters 6 and 12.04 of this General Code.
Oversight of Oneida County Ambulance Services.
The Committee shall negotiate contracts for the provision of County-wide ambulance service pursuant to the provisions of § 11.10 of this Code. If the contracts are breached or private service cannot be continued, the Committee may provide for ambulance service for the County until the next County Board meeting.
The Committee shall buy and sell ambulance vehicles which shall be insured by the County and which the Committee may make available to the ambulance service provider.
The Committee shall purchase, install and maintain mobile radio units in the ambulance vehicles.
Oversight of the Oneida County Criminal Justice Coordination Committee.
[Added 11-7-2022 by Res. No. 124-2022, effective 12-13-2022]
[Added by Ord. No. 19-98; amended by Ord. No. 55-2011; Ord. No. 54-2015]
Appointment. The Committee shall consist of five members of the County Board who shall be appointed by the County Board Chair, subject to confirmation by the Board, for purposes of compliance with § 46.22(1m)(b), Wis. Stats.
Powers and Duties.
The Committee shall act as the County Social Services Board for purposes of compliance with Ch. 46, Wis. Stats.
The Committee shall have the powers and duties of the County Social Services Board as set forth in § 46.22(1)(b), Wis. Stats.
All the powers and duties of the Family Care Committee pursuant to Resolution No. 61-2009.
Act as the oversight and policy making committee for the Veteran Services Department, with all powers and duties that are not statutorily vested in the Veteran Services Commission.
Additional Powers and Duties. See Ch. 46, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time and Chapter 11 of this General Code.
[Added by Ord. No. 61-2006; amended by Ord. No. 14-2008; Ord. No. 55-2011]
Composition. The Oneida County Tourism Council shall be composed of:
Two Oneida County Board Supervisors appointed by the Chairperson of the County Board.
The UW-Extension CNRD Agent.
The County International Trade, Business and Economic Development Council (ITBEC) delegate.
One representative from each of the following local chambers of commerce: Rhinelander, Minocqua-Arbor-Vitae-Woodruff, Three Lakes, Hazelhurst, Lake Tomahawk, Pelican and Pelican Lake.
Chambers representing towns within Oneida County may be included on the Tourism Council upon majority approval of the members listed in (a) through (d) above.
Organization. The Oneida County Tourism Council shall, at its first meeting after the County Board organizational meeting, elect a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a secretary. Such officers shall serve for a term of two years. The Council may adopt its own by-laws and procedures provided they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws of the Oneida County Board of Supervisors or Wisconsin State Statutes.
Powers and Duties. The Oneida County Tourism Council, in addition to the powers and duties identified in (a) through (j) set forth below, has and exercises the powers and duties identified in Wis. Stats., § 59.56(10), to advertise the advantages, attractions and resources of the County.
Develop an annual marketing plan for Oneida County tourism promotion efforts.
Prepare an annual budget for approval by the Administration Committee and the County Board.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
Seek grant funds to supplement tourism and promotion budget.
Report bimonthly to the Finance Director with written operations and finance reports and report annually to the County Board on the Council's operations and finances.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
Assess for collection each individual local chamber of commerce contribution to the tourism and promotion budget with said contribution fee being a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $1,500, the contribution fee should be based upon the size of each local chamber of commerce.
Contract with professional agencies to develop and implement a tourism marketing plan.
Track annual occupancy rates at select area lodgings and room tax collection by community.
Submit all bills to the Finance Director, which shall then be taken to Administration Committee for approval.
[Amended 2-19-2019 by Res. No. 22-2019 (Ord. No. 5-2019), effective 3-2-2019]
Track tourism inquiries made to Oneida County.
Track yearly expenditures by tourists in Oneida County.
Compensation. Only Oneida County Board Supervisors shall be entitled to per diem, mileage and any other form of County reimbursement. The Oneida County Tourism Council may pay compensation in the form of administration fees so long as:
The compensation to be paid is set by the bid process.
The administrative fees shall not exceed 30% of the Oneida County Tourism Council's annual budget.
Additional Provisions. The Oneida County Tourism Council is bound by the rules governing County Board committees, boards and commissions as set forth in Oneida County Code § 2.31.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
Appointment. The Traffic Safety Commission shall consist of commissioners prescribed by § 83.013, Wis. Stats., and others as may be required or determined necessary. Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the County Board.
Organization. The Commission shall hold at least four meetings a year. The Commission shall elect annually a chair and shall appoint a secretary to keep a record of attendance, minutes and all official proceedings.
Compensation. Each member of the Commission shall serve without compensation except a per diem from the State.
Duties. The Traffic Safety Commission shall:
Secure voluntary coordination and reinforcement of highway safety activities conducted by the political subdivisions of the County in the functional areas of driver education; codes and laws; traffic courts; alcohol in relation to highway safety; identification and surveillance of accident locations; traffic records; emergency medical services; highway design; construction and maintenance; traffic control devices; pedestrian safety; police traffic services; debris hazard control and clean-up; and school bus safety.
Review and develop a written statement of highway safety needs in the functional areas described in Paragraph (a), and develop immediate priorities and long-range goals for highway safety improvement.
Advise the County Board and its various committees on highway safety matters.
Maintain liaison with highway safety programs carried on by municipalities or related State functions conducted in the County.
Act as an advisory body to the County Highway Safety Coordinator for the purpose of developing local actions necessary to implement projects under the Federal Highway Safety Act.
Cooperate with unofficial organizations and groups in developing and conducting public information programs directed toward highway safety improvements.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011; Ord. No. 54-2015]
Appointment. The members of the Veteran's Service Commission shall be appointed by the County Board Chair pursuant to § 45.12, Wis. Stats. Such appointment shall be at the discretion of the Chair.
Powers and Duties. The Veteran's Service Commission shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed by Ch. 45, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time and shall:
Meet as Necessary to Accomplish the Duties Prescribed in Wisconsin Statute § 45.81.
Submit an annual report to the County Board.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
Appointment. The County Board Chair shall appoint a Zoning Board of Adjustment consisting of five members, none of whom shall be a member of the Planning and Zoning Committee.
Powers and Duties. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed by § 59.694, Wis. Stats., as amended from time to time, and Ch. 17 of this General Code.
[Amended by Ord. No. 55-2011]
See Ch. 11 of this General Code.
[Added 1-15-2019 by Res. No. 17-2019, effective 2-7-2019]
The Committee shall have the following composition and duties:
The County Board Chair shall appoint four County Board members and three lay persons, subject to confirmation by the County Board, who shall act as the County Board of Health under Ch. 251, Wis. Stats. A good faith effort shall be made to appoint a registered nurse, a physician and another citizen of the County who have a demonstrated interest or competence in the field of public health or community health.
[Amended 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021]
Staggered Terms of Appointments. To comply with § 251.03(4), Wis. Stats., initially, one of the lay persons shall be appointed for a term of three years, one for a term of two years and one for a term of one year. Thereafter, their successors shall be appointed or reappointed for three-year terms.
Powers and Duties.
The Board of Health shall act as the County Board of Health for purposes of compliance with Ch. 251, Wis. Stats.
Lay persons of the Board of Health shall have voting privileges and shall be entitled to reimbursement for expenses under § 3.10 of this General Code as if they were members of the County Board.
The Board of Health shall be considered the County Board of Health for purposes of compliance with Ch. 251, Wis. Stats. The Board of Health shall have the minimum powers and duties of a County Board of Health as set forth in § 251.04, Wis. Stats. Subject to approval by the County Board, the Board of Health may adopt such additional regulations as it determines are necessary to protect and improve public health in the County, provided such regulations are no less stringent than and do not conflict with state statutes and rules of the State Department of Health Services.
[Amended 4-20-2021 by Res. No. 47-2021, effective 5-7-2021]
Additional Provisions. See Ch. 11 of this General Code for additional provisions pertaining to the Board of Health and Health Department.
[Added by Ord. No. 18-2011]
This Committee shall:
Meetings. The Land Information Council shall meet no more than once per calendar year.
Composition. The Land Information Council shall be selected by the County Board Chairman and confirmed by the County Board. All appointees shall serve a two-year term. The Land Information Council shall consist of the following members or their designees:
Register of Deeds.
Real Property Lister.
Chair of the Land Records Committee.
A representative of the land information office.
A realtor or a member of the Realtors Association employed within the County.
A public safety or emergency communications representative employed within the County.
The County surveyor or a registered professional land surveyor employed within the County.
Duties. The land information council shall review the priorities, needs, policies, and expenditures of the land information office and advise the County on matters affecting the land information office. The Land Records Committee shall continue to be the committee of jurisdiction of the Land Information Office/Department.
Payment. Only County Board Supervisors appointed the Land Information Council shall be entitled to per diem and mileage reimbursement.
Willingness to Serve. If no person is willing to serve on the Land Information Council as a representative from the categories of Subsection (f), (g) or (h) above, the board may create or maintain the council without those members.