The contractor shall notify the inspector at least 72 hours prior to beginning any installation of public improvements in an approved plan. While work is in progress, the contractor shall notify the inspector at least 72 hours prior to the time that the following required progress inspections are scheduled:
Inspection of subgrade of streets prior to laying of base;
Inspection of base prior to final paving of streets; and
Inspection on installation of sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers and drainage facilities before they are covered.
At the Township Engineer's discretion, the Township Engineer or their designated inspector may be required to be present at the site on a continual basis while work is in progress. The cost of providing a full-time or part-time inspector shall be charged to the developer in accordance with § 270-99C of this chapter.
The inspector shall maintain a daily log of all inspections, including the description of the work inspected, results and the time spent on the inspection. The log shall be kept in a survey field book and shall be turned over to the Township Engineer upon completion of the project. The inspection reports will be submitted to the Township as part of their infrastructure improvement acceptance verification.
Public improvements. When the contractor has completed the required public improvements in a plan, the developer shall notify the Township Secretary, in writing, by certified or registered mail. Within 10 days of the receipt of such notification, Township Supervisors shall authorize the Township Engineer to conduct a final inspection of the public improvements in the plan to determine compliance with the design standards specified in Article IX of this chapter and the Infrastructure Improvement and Development Specifications.
Private improvements. When the developer has completed the required private improvements in an approved land development plan, the developer shall make a request, in writing, to the Township Secretary for a final inspection as a prerequisite to the certificate of completion required by § 270-73 of this chapter.
Upon completion of the public and/or private improvements in a plan, as-built plans and profiles of the public and/or private improvements, as constructed, shall be filed with the Township Secretary by the developer within 10 days of the mailing of the notice of completion. A sepia and print of each as-built drawing for public improvements shall be submitted. As-built plans and profiles shall be marked "as-built" and shall contain the final grade of all sanitary and storm sewers and appurtenances.
Township Engineer's report. Upon authorization by Township Supervisors, the Township Engineer shall perform a final inspection of the public improvements in the plan. Within 30 days of receiving the authorization by Township Supervisors, the Township Engineer shall file a report, in writing, with Township Supervisors indicating approval or rejection of the improvements, either in whole or in part, and in the case of rejection, shall provide a statement of the reasons for such rejection. The Township Engineer shall promptly mail a copy of said report to the developer by certified or registered mail.
Notification of developer by the Township. Township Supervisors shall notify the developer, in writing, by certified mail, within 15 days of receipt of the Township Engineer's report, of the action of Township Supervisors with relation to approval or rejection of the public improvements.
Failure of the Township to comply. If Township Supervisors or the Township Engineer fails to comply with the time limitation provisions contained in this article, all public improvements will be deemed to have been approved and the contractor shall be released from all liability.
Completion of rejected public improvements. If any portion of the public improvements shall not be approved or shall be rejected by Township Supervisors, the contractor shall proceed to make the required corrections or additions and, upon completion, the same procedure of notification, inspection and approval as outlined in this article shall be followed.
Developer's rights. Nothing in this article, however, shall be construed to limit the developer's right to contest or question, by legal proceedings or otherwise, any determination of Township Supervisors or the Township Engineer.
Release of performance bond.
Upon approval of all of the public improvements in the plan, the developer shall be released from any liability pursuant to the performance bond posted to guarantee the proper installation of those improvements.
From time to time, during the installation of the public improvements, the contractor may request partial release of the performance bond in an amount necessary for payment of contractors performing the work. Any such request shall be in writing and shall be addressed to Township Supervisors. Township Supervisors shall have 45 days from the receipt of such request to allow the Township Engineer to certify, in writing, that such portion of the installation of public improvements has been completed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and the approved final plat and approved final construction plans.
Upon such certification by the Township Engineer, Township Supervisors shall authorize release of an amount as estimated by the Township Engineer which fairly represents the value of the improvements completed. Township Supervisors shall require retention of 10% of the estimated cost of such improvements until such time as all improvements have been installed and the performance bond is released in its entirety.
Upon completion of the final inspection and approval of the public improvements, the developer shall submit a request to Township Supervisors, in writing, to accept the dedication of the public improvements. The request for acceptance shall include deeds of dedication and all other legal descriptive documents necessary to prepare an ordinance and shall be submitted at least 10 calendar days prior to the regular meeting of Township Supervisors. At the regular meeting, Township Supervisors shall enact an ordinance accepting the public improvements as part of the Township's public facilities, subject to the posting of the maintenance bond required by § 270-70 of this chapter.
No property or public improvements shown on a final plat shall be considered to have been finally accepted by the Township until the dedication thereof has been officially accepted by adoption of an ordinance of the Township, duly enacted and advertised in accordance with law.
When Township Supervisors accepts the dedication of all or some of the required public improvements in a plan, following their completion, Township Supervisors shall require the posting of a maintenance bond, as defined by this chapter, to insure the structural integrity of the improvements and to guarantee the proper functioning of those improvements in accordance with the design standards of Article IX, the Infrastructure Improvement and Development Specifications and the specifications of the final plat.
The term of the maintenance bond shall be for a period of 18 months from the date of the acceptance of the public improvements by Township Supervisors. The amount of the maintenance bond shall be 15% of the actual cost of installation of the public improvements.
Completion of public improvements. In the event that the public improvements required to be installed by the provisions of this chapter are not installed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter or the approved final plat, Township Supervisors shall have the power to enforce the performance bond by legal and equitable remedies. If the proceeds of the performance bond are insufficient to pay the cost of installing or making repairs or corrections to all the improvements covered by the performance bond, Township Supervisors may, at its option, install part of such improvements in all or part of the approved final plan and may institute appropriate legal or equitable action to recover the monies necessary to complete the remainder of the improvements. All of the proceeds, whether resulting from the performance bond or from any legal or equitable action brought against the contractor, or both, shall be used solely for the installation of said public improvements and not for any other municipal purpose.
Remedies to complete private improvements. In the event that the private improvements required to be installed by the provisions of this chapter are not installed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter or the approved final plan prior to the expiration of the amenities bond, Township Supervisors shall have the power to enforce the amenities bond by appropriate legal and equitable remedies provided by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If proceeds from the amenities bond are insufficient to pay the cost of installing or making repairs or corrections to all the improvements guaranteed by such amenities bond, Township Supervisors may, at its option, install part of such improvements in all or part of the approved final plan and may institute appropriate legal or equitable action to recover the monies necessary to complete the remainder of the improvements. All of the proceeds, whether resulting from the amenities bond or from any legal or equitable action brought against the developer, or both, shall be used solely for the installation of the improvements guaranteed by such amenities bond and not for any other municipal purpose.
Within 30 days of receiving a written notice of completion from the developer, and the as-built plans required by § 270-67, the Township Secretary and the Township Engineer shall perform a final inspection of the private improvements to determine compliance with the design standards of Article IX of this chapter and all applicable requirements of Chapter 320, Zoning. The Township Engineer and the Township Secretary shall each sign the certificate of completion required by § 270-73, only if all features of the approved plan have been constructed and the required as-built plans have been received.
If deficiencies are found, the Township Secretary shall issue a written notice to the developer, including written comments from the Township Engineer, if applicable. The developer shall proceed to make the required corrections or additions and, upon completion shall follow the same procedure of notification, inspection and approval outlined in §§ 270-66, 270-72 and 270-73 of this chapter.
If, upon final inspection of the site by the Township Engineer and the Township Secretary, the installation of all private improvements has been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, all applicable provisions of Chapter 320, Zoning, and the terms of the approved plan, the Township Secretary shall issue a certificate of completion which bears the signatures of the Township Engineer and the Township Secretary. The certificate of completion shall be prerequisite to the issuance of the permanent certificate of occupancy required by Chapter 320, Zoning.
Issuance of the certificate of completion of private improvements required by § 270-73 shall indicate approval by the Township of private improvements for which an amenities bond has been posted. Final release of the amenities bond shall not occur until the certificate of completion is issued and shall only indicate compliance with the specifications shown on the approved plan. Such approval and release of the amenities bond shall not imply approval by the Township or the Township Engineer of the method of construction or the structural integrity of the private improvements, nor shall there be any liability associated with or responsibility for maintenance of those private improvements by the Township. A maintenance bond shall not be required to be posted for private improvements as a condition of release of the amenities bond.
Following issuance of the certificate of completion and release of the amenities bond, the landowner shall be responsible for maintaining all private improvements in good condition and repair to the satisfaction of the Township. All private improvements shown on the approved land development plan shall be maintained in the location shown on the approved plan and in conformance with the specifications shown on the approved plan, unless a revised plan is subsequently approved by the Township. Failure to continue to maintain private improvements in an approved plan or any deviation from the terms of the approved plan without prior approval of the Township shall constitute a violation of this chapter and, if requirements of Chapter 320, Zoning, are involved, a violation of the Township Zoning Ordinance, as well, and shall be subject to the applicable enforcement provisions of that chapter.