Concrete monuments as described in the Cross Creek Township Infrastructure Improvement and Development Specifications, Exhibit 31,[1] shall be set at the intersection of all lines forming angles in the boundary of the subdivision. Three-eighths inch standard iron or steel markers shall be set at the beginning and ending of all curves along street property lines; at all points where lot lines intersect curves, either front or rear; at all angles in property lines of lots and at all other lot corners.
Editor's Note: Copies of said exhibit are on file in the Township offices.
In minor subdivisions, Township Supervisors, upon recommendation of the Township Engineer, may waive the requirement for the number of monuments.
The installation and certification shall be made by a registered surveyor prior to final approval of the subdivision. In lieu of such prior installation, the applicant shall furnish a cash deposit in the form of a certified check to guarantee the proper installation of the required monuments and bench marks. The refundable deposit shall be in an amount established from time to time by resolution of Township Supervisors.
The location and tie-in dimensions of all monuments shall be shown on the plan for recording. No public improvements shall be accepted by the Township until all monuments have been set and certified to by a registered surveyor.
Each lot in a major subdivision shall be served by public water and the developer shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and entering into an agreement with the water company servicing the area or its assigns to provide such facilities in accordance with its rules and regulations.
In major subdivisions, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and drainage facilities shall be provided by the developer in each plan and shall be constructed in accordance with the design standards of Article IX and the Infrastructure Improvement and Development Specifications. If required by § 270-89 of this chapter, stormwater management facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the Township's requirements. In lieu of operation of the sewage system itself, the developer may contract with an outside entity to operate the system on behalf of the developer or to assume ownership of the system and direct provision of sewage and collection service, with such operation and/or direct provision to be subject to the applicable requirements of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Code[1] and other law.
Editor's Note: See 66 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
Prior to submission of a preliminary and a final development plan, the developer shall notify, in writing, each water, gas, electric, telephone and franchised-CATV company providing service within the Township of that plan and shall give such company a reasonable opportunity to review the plan with the developer. At the time of the submission of both the preliminary and the final plan, the developer shall include a copy of each notice sent by the developer to each such company and of any response received. Easement locations for transmission and distribution lines, line extensions, mains and main extensions, service drops, service lines, poles, anchors, conduits, vaults, manholes, valves, utility sheds and cabinets, network switches, transformers, pumps and other installations necessary to make service available to the development's lots shall be as designated by each company and shall be shown on the plan submitted.
If a company indicates that it is not feasible for it to locate a required installation within a public right-of-way or other public easement, the developer shall grant the company, its successors and assigns both the easement necessary within the development to locate the installation and a right of ingress from, and egress to, a public right-of-way in order to provide activation, monitoring, maintenance, repair or upgrade of such installation. The developer may require companies to share, when feasible, the same aboveground or underground easement which it has granted.
A submitted plan shall include the right of each company to periodically clear growth or other vegetation which may interfere with its use of an easement or installation within the development. Aerial easements shall provide sufficient clearance to comply with the National Electrical Safety Code and with other applicable codes and laws.
The location and type of fire hydrants shall be subject to the review and approval by the Township Fire Marshal or the authority have jurisdiction in these matters.
Each lot shall have frontage on a public street, as defined by this chapter, or frontage on a public right-of-way designated for future use as a public street, unless an exception or modification to this requirement is granted in accordance with the provisions of Article X of this chapter.
In all subdivisions and land developments, sidewalks shall be required to be installed along the full frontage of all lots under the following circumstances:
In all major subdivisions of 50 lots or more;
In all minor subdivisions and land developments where sidewalks exist in the same block on the same side of the street;
On all lots with frontage on arterial or collector streets, as defined by this chapter;
Within a land development plan proposed to be developed for more than 25 multifamily dwelling units to accommodate pedestrian circulation between buildings and parking areas and other common facilities; and
Within a land development plan proposed to be developed for office or commercial use to accommodate pedestrian circulation between buildings and parking areas and other common facilities.
Sidewalks shall be installed in accordance with the design standards of Article IX of this chapter and the Infrastructure Improvement and Development Specifications.
The developer shall prepare a streetlighting plan for submission to the power company providing service to the area. For the safety and convenience of the public, the developer shall furnish and install streetlights at his/her cost which are approved by the Township and the power company on poles prescribed by the Township on all public and private streets.
The Township shall indicate to the power company its willingness to accept billing for the operation of the streetlights following installation by the developer.
On all arterial and collector streets and at intersections of local streets and at other locations where the Township Supervisors, upon recommendation of the Township Engineer, determines streetlighting is necessary for public safety, streetlights shall be installed in accordance with the specifications of the regulatory agency, subject to approval by the Township.
The developer shall provide street name signs and traffic control signs, approved by the Township, at all street intersections. The cost of the street signs and posts shall be assumed by the developer. Street signs shall be designed in accordance with the Infrastructure Improvement and Development Specifications and shall be installed and maintained by the Township.