[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Bethlehem 5-24-2018. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Definitions. The terms "public agency," "interlocal agreement," "interlocal advisory board," "participating public agency," and "legislative body" shall have the same meanings as defined in Connecticut General Statutes § 7-339b, as amended.
Interlocal agreements. The Town of Bethlehem authorizes its Board of Selectmen to enter into, ratify, reject, amend, or withdraw from, any interlocal agreement for one or more of the purposes, and subject to the terms and conditions, set forth in Connecticut Board General of Statutes Selectmen § 7-339b through § 7-339l, inclusive, as amended; provided, however, the Board of Selectmen provides an opportunity for public comment prior to taking such action; and provided, further, that any commitment of municipal funds required which was not previously approved by the Town shall be approved by the Board of Finance, and if necessary, a Town Meeting.