It is the intention of the Town Board of the Town of Saugerties
by the adoption of this article to establish for each water user water
rents for the Malden, Glasco and King's Highway Water Districts
for operation and maintenance costs based and imposed upon water consumption.
As used in this article, unless the context or subject matter
otherwise requires, the following terms shall have the meanings provided:
Any owner of real property within the Malden, Glasco or King's
Highway Water District who is using or consuming public water.
A scale of semiannual charges established and imposed by
the Town Board of the Town of Saugerties for the use of the public
water in the Malden, Glasco and King's Highway Water Districts,
and shall include a water use charge to be levied on users located
within the Malden, Glasco and King's Highway Water Districts
to fund the cost of operation and maintenance of the entire water
The system for which the water rents are established; shall
mean and include all pipes and other appurtenances used in whole or
in part in connection with the distribution of water, and which are
owned, operated or maintained by the Malden, Glasco or King's
Highway Water Districts, and shall also include any water pumping
stations and water treatment works currently existing or which may
hereafter be constructed.
There is hereby established and imposed upon each water user
a quarterly water rent (to be billed four times per annum) to be determined
based upon the amount of water consumed by the user. The quarterly
water rent charge for each gallon of water consumed by the user shall
be established annually by the Town Board at the time of the adoption
of the Water District budget.
All water usage charges in the Malden, Glasco and King's
Highway Water Districts shall become due and payable quarterly and
be billed four times annually. Water rents shall constitute a lien
upon the real property of the users on the first day of January in
each year. Penalties and interest for water rents in arrears shall
be imposed and collected in the same amounts and in the same manner
as they are imposed on other Town charges.
Revenue derived from water rents, including penalties and interest,
shall be credited to a special fund to be known as the "water rent
fund" and moneys in such fund shall be used as provided by law.
[Added 4-6-2011 by L.L.
No. 3-2011]
Every violation of any provision of this article shall be subject
to a fine of not more than $250 or imprisonment of not more than 15
days, or both. Each day that a violation continues shall be a separate
and distinct offense.