[Adopted 1982 (Art. 24 of the 1952 General Bylaws)]
Articles appearing on the warrant of the Town Meeting that voters have rejected or passed over may not be resubmitted prior to the next Annual Town Meeting unless the Selectmen have declared the article of an "emergency nature" or unless by petition of voters in accordance with MGL c. 39, § 10, as amended, or unless passed over for additional information.
[Added 10-30-2017 by Art. 27]
The Town Clerk, or an agent designated by the Town Clerk, shall be authorized to assign appropriate numbers to sections, subsections, paragraphs, and subparagraphs of Town general bylaws where none are approved by Town Meeting.
Where Town Meeting has approved numbering of sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs of Town general bylaws, the Town Clerk, or an agent designated by the Town Clerk, after consultation with the Town Administrator, shall be authorized to make nonsubstantive editorial revisions to the numbering to ensure consistent and appropriate sequencing, organization and numbering of the bylaws.