[Adopted 12-18-1952 as Art. 10 of the 1952 General Bylaws]
All vehicles shall be parked on the right-hand side of the road parallel with and within 12 inches of the curbing where sidewalks are curbed and parallel with the lines of the road and as far off the traveled way as can be reasonably done where there is not curbing. In no case shall a vehicle be allowed to stand diagonally on the streets of the Town.
No person shall park a vehicle in any of the following places, and vehicles found parked in violation of the provisions of this subsection may be moved to a place where parking is permitted:
Within an intersection.
Upon any sidewalk.
Upon a crosswalk.
Upon any roadway where parking of vehicles does not leave a clear and unobstructed lane at least 10 feet wide for passing traffic.
Upon any street or highway within 10 feet of a fire hydrant.
Upon or in front or within 10 feet of any alley, private road or driveway.
Upon any street or highway within 20 feet of an intersecting way.
On the following streets or highways or parts thereof parking is strictly prohibited:
Upon any highway or street or way abutting school grounds or property.
Upon any highway designated by the Chief of Police and Selectmen at any time or for any period of time.
The owner of the vehicle or person in whose name it is registered shall not allow, permit or suffer such vehicle to stand or park in any street, way, highway or parkway under the control to the Town of Dudley in such manner as to interfere with the work of plowing snow or removing snow or ice.
The Highway Superintendent, for the purpose of plowing snow or removing snow or ice from any way, may remove or cause to be removed to some convenient place, including in such term a public garage, any vehicle parked in violation of § 280-3A of this article. The cost of such removal and the storage charges shall not exceed the rates then prevailing for removal and storage of such vehicle.
[Amended 1978]
No person, firm or corporation shall plow or deposit upon any Town highway or road or public way in the Town of Dudley any accumulation of snow or ice that poses a hazard or restraint to the flow of traffic. Any person violating this bylaw shall be given a warning for the first offense and shall be fined $25 for any subsequent offense.
[Amended 5-22-2017 by Art. 24; 6-22-2020 by Art. 11]
Restricted hours for on-street parking between November 1 and March 30, and authorize a schedule of penalties for violations of this bylaw. The Board of Selectmen/Highway Commissioners, Chief of Police or Highway Superintendent may declared a snow emergency upon which on-street parking shall be prohibited. Notification to the public shall be on the official Town of Dudley website and other electronic means that are available. The snow emergency shall expire within 24 hours, unless it is specifically extended.
[Added 6-27-1995; amended 5-21-2001 by Art. 4G; 10-17-2001; 6-22-2020 by Art. 11]
No person shall leave any unauthorized vehicle unattended within a handicapped parking space, including the cross hatch area, designated as reserved for vehicles owned and operated by disabled veterans or handicapped persons, nor in such a manner as to obstruct a curb ramp designed for use by a handicapped person as a means of egress to a street or public way. Any vehicle which is left or parked in violation of the provisions of this section shall be removed in accordance with the provisions of MGL c. 40, § 22D, and any regulations adopted thereunder. The penalty for such violation shall be $100 for the first offense and $300 for each subsequent offense.
No person shall leave any vehicle unattended within the limits of private ways furnishing means of access for fire apparatus to any building. The penalty for such violation shall be $100.