Any single parking area with 20 or more spaces shall include
parking area landscaping of an area within the lot that is equal to
at least 12% of the area covered by parking spaces and aisle ways.
Said landscaped area shall be in addition to the open area requirement
of the TC and HC Districts.
A. There shall be no more than 15 contiguous parking spaces without
a planting island and the ends of parking rows shall be separated
from drives by planting islands.
B. Planting islands shall be a minimum of 10 feet by 20 feet in area.
Each planting island shall contain at least one shade tree and two
shrubs or ornamental grasses and groundcover to cover the entire area
at maturity. There can be two alternate approaches:
Flush curb shall enclose the island, and the island shall be
slightly depressed to act as a bioswale to accept and infiltrate stormwater
where appropriate.
Alternatively, based on the stormwater management plan of the
site, these islands shall be raised with a six-inch-tall curb and
not act as a stormwater management facility, in accordance with the
stormwater management plan. Six-inch curbs may have scuppers (openings
in curb that divert waterflow to desired location) to allow sheet
flow of stormwater into planting beds.
C. Location of parking. The site shall be designed to minimize the negative
impact and appearance of the parking lots. Parking in the front of
the building shall be minimized. Parking shall be concentrated to
the side and rear of the building(s) and behind the building setback
Pole-supported light fixtures for the illumination of parking areas or pedestrian ways shall be installed in planting beds or planting islands whenever possible and shall be placed on concrete footings that are no more than six inches high above the soil level. All other lighting requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Exeter Township Outdoor Lighting Ordinance (Chapter
235 of the Exeter Township Code).
In order to facilitate efficient internal traffic circulation
and minimize road traffic for short trips, all parking areas shall
connect directly to parking areas on adjacent lots. If a connection
is not possible at the time of land development, site design provisions
shall be made for a future connection to adjacent properties. Permanent
cross-access easements between properties should be designed and constructed
whenever possible. Shared or common driveways shall be designed whenever
A. If a lot is developed or redeveloped, any new vehicular access point
shall be located along a side lot line in order to create a shared
driveway with the adjacent lot, whenever feasible.