This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Township of Buchanan Zoning Ordinance." Within the following text it may be referred to as the "Ordinance" and all references to "this Ordinance" shall mean the Township of Buchanan Zoning Ordinance, unless another meaning is clear from the context of such reference.
Whenever any provision of this chapter imposes more stringent requirements, regulations, restrictions or limitations than are imposed or required by the provisions of any other law or ordinance, then the provisions of this chapter shall govern. Whenever the provisions of any other law or ordinance impose more stringent requirements than are imposed or required by this chapter, then the provisions of such law or ordinance shall govern.
No building or structure, or part thereof, shall hereafter be erected, constructed or altered, and no land use commenced or continued within the unincorporated parts of the Township, contrary to the spirit of this chapter, except for the provisions of essential services, agricultural buildings exempt from Public Act 230 of 1972, as amended (State Construction Code Act, Section 2A, MCLA § 125.1502a), or as specifically authorized by this chapter. Special uses are granted by the Township only upon finding that specified conditions are met in accordance with Article XXIV of this chapter.
Except as otherwise provided herein, regulations governing land and building use are hereby established in each district specified in Article III of this chapter. Uses permitted in each district as special uses shall be permitted only in accordance with the special use permit standards and procedures of this chapter as established in Article XXIV.
Where a proposed use of land or use of a building is not expressly authorized, contemplated or named by this chapter in any of the zoning districts, or where the Zoning Administrator has a question as to the appropriateness of a use that involves other features which are not expressly authorized, contemplated or specified in this chapter, the Zoning Administrator may determine that the use is unclassified. In the case of any unclassified use, an amendment to classify, permit and regulate the use may be initiated pursuant to Article XXVIII. Unclassified uses may not be treated as a special land use.
No portion of a lot used in or necessary for compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall, through sale or otherwise, be reduced beyond said minimums or again be used to satisfy the zoning requirements of another lot.
When operating requirements necessitate the locating of public utility facilities and uses (without storage yards) within a district in order to serve the immediate vicinity, such facilities shall be permitted by the Board of Trustees in all zoning districts subject to review and approval of a submitted site plan, and a recommendation by the Planning Commission that the use is compatible to the surrounding area.