[R.O. 2001 § 130.050; CC 1990 § 2-294; Code 1977 § 11.050]
The City Treasurer shall make his/her books available on demand by the Mayor. He/she shall cooperate fully in furnishing records for the July 1 and January 1 financial statements which the Mayor is required to publish by law. The Treasurer shall cooperate with any City Official and furnish such financial information and records as any City Official may require or need in the performance of his/her duties.
[R.O. 2001 § 130.060; CC 1990 § 2-295; Code 1977 § 11.060]
The Mayor and the City Clerk shall examine the expenditures of the City each month and the City Clerk shall prepare a list of all claims and debts against the City. The Board of Aldermen shall consider all claims and debts upon such list and approve those which appear just and due.