Cross Reference: As to alcohol-related offenses involving minors, § 600.060.
[R.O. 2003 § 210.480; Ord. No. 7.027 §§ 1 — 4, 11-20-2001]
Definitions. For the purpose of this Section, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not merely directory.
The City of Marceline, Missouri, a municipal corporation.
Any person over the age of eighteen (18) who is in loco parentis to a juvenile.
Any person, other than a parent, who has legal guardianship of a minor.
Any person under the age of seventeen (17).
The natural or adoptive parent of a minor.
Any street, alley, highway, sidewalk, park or playground within the City limits of the City of Marceline or properties owned by the City of Marceline found outside the said City limits.
Unlawful For Minor To Be In Public Place During Certain Times. It shall be unlawful for any minor to be either on foot or in any vehicle in, about or upon any public place in the City between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M., Sunday through Thursday, and between the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 5:00 A.M., Friday through Saturday, unless accompanied by a parent, guardian, custodian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of such minor or unless the minor is on an emergency errand directed by his/her parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of the minor or where the presence of such minor is connected and/or required by some legitimate employment, trade, profession or occupation or unless the minor is attending or en route to or from any school or organized religious activity.
Responsibility Of Parents, Guardian And Other Adult Persons. It shall be unlawful for any parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of any minor under the age of seventeen (17) to allow such minor to be either on foot or in any vehicle in, about or upon any public place between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M., Sunday through Thursday and the hours of 12:00 Midnight and 5:00 A.M., Friday through Saturday. However, the provisions of this Section do not apply to a minor accompanied by his/her parent, guardian, custodian or other adult persons having the care, custody or control of the minor, or if the minor is on an emergency errand directed by his/her parent, guardian, custodian or other adult having the care, custody or control of the minor, or required by some legitimate employment, trade, profession or occupation, or unless the minor is attending or en route to or from any school or organized religious activity, or if the parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control of the minor person herein has made a missing person notification to a law enforcement department having venue.
Notice And Service Of Notice To Parent, Guardian Or Other Adult Persons Having The Care, Custody Or Control Of A Minor. Any Police Officer finding any person under the age of seventeen (17) years violating the provisions of this Section shall warn such person to desist immediately from such violation and shall promptly report the violation to his/her superior officer, who shall cause a written notice to be served upon the parent, guardian or adult person having the care, custody or control of such person, setting forth the manner in which this Section has been violated and the liabilities for said parent, guardian or other adult person having the care, custody or control herein upon subsequent violation of the provisions of this Section. The notice shall be in such a form as to be signed by the notified parent, guardian or other adult person as described herein signifying receipt thereof. If the parent or other adult person having the care, custody or control of the minor refuses to sign said notice, the notifying Police Officer shall indicate such refusal on the notice.