The final plat of a subdivision may include all or any portion of the area covered by the preliminary plat. The final plat shall be surveyed and prepared in accordance with the minimum standard detail requirements for American Land Title Association (ALTA)/American Congress of Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) land title surveys (February 23, 2011).
The final plat shall incorporate any changes or additions required by the preliminary plat approval and shall conform to the following requirements:
The final plat shall be legibly and accurately prepared on, or printed on, sheets a minimum of 24 inches by 20 inches in size.
The final plat shall be drawn legibly and accurately at a scale of one inch to 50 feet, or one inch to 100 feet, as determined by the Department of Planning and Community Development, depending upon the size of the subdivision.
Information required. At a minimum, final plats shall include all items as specified on the most recent checklist provided by the Department of Planning and Community Development, which is incorporated by reference.
Graphic information required. Two or more corners shall be accurately tied by a system of bearings and distances to a monument of the Aberdeen system. Coordinates of the corners shall be computed and shown in X (easting) and Y (northing) in the Maryland Coordinate System referenced to the North American Datum 1983. The coordinate values shall be expressed in feet.
The final plat shall contain the following owner's statements:
"The owner hereby grants the City of Aberdeen, Maryland, an easement for the construction, maintenance, repair, and replacement of water, sewer, and storm drainage lines within the drainage and utility easements and road improvement rights-of-way as shown on the plat."
"No lot may be subdivided to produce a building site of less area or width than the minimum required by the Aberdeen Subdivision Regulations or the Aberdeen Development Code."
"No building permits shall be issued for any lot whereby that lot's anticipated flow at the time of building permit application would cause the City's systems (water and/or sewer) to exceed its rated capacity."
If the owner is a corporation, limited-liability company, limited partnership, general partnership, joint venture, trust, or other similar legal entity, the plat shall bear the seal and the signature of the officer authorized to sign for the entity.
Required documentation. At the time of final plat submittal to the Department of Planning and Community Development, the following documents, where applicable, shall be submitted for review and approval by the City:
The awarding of any contract for the construction of required public or private improvements within the subdivision.
Overhead/underground easement agreements granting public service companies the easement onto the subdivision for the purposes of, or related to, providing or maintaining telephone, gas, or electric service, even though building lots of the subdivision may be sold, developed, or improved by third parties. The overhead/underground easement agreements shall be executed and delivered by the subdivider to the appropriate public service companies prior to final plat approval.
For subdivisions having frontage along an existing City road, a signed deed conveying to the City, in fee simple, the road improvement right-of-way shall be submitted for recordation.
For subdivisions providing common open space(s), private roads, and/or private utilities, a copy of the proposed homeowners' association articles of incorporation, declaration of covenants, and other governing documents shall be reviewed and approved by the City's legal counsel prior to recordation of the final subdivision plat to ensure that the subdivision will have adequate governance and funding to maintain any common open space(s), roads, and/or private utilities.
Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Department of Public Works, for its review and approval, plans for the construction of all required improvements, including water and sewer lines and public facilities, public roads and road improvements, storm drains, and stormwater management facilities. Such plans shall meet the appropriate design guidelines as established in the rules and regulations of the Aberdeen Department of Public Works, the Harford County Road Code, and the Harford County Master Water and Sewer Plan, as adopted.
In those situations where the preliminary plat is approved for the use of private roads, the final plats shall clearly indicate that the roads are private and shall bear the note, "The City of Aberdeen shall not improve or maintain private roads, and such roads are not eligible for conveyance to the City of Aberdeen unless the roads meet then-current road design and maintenance standards. Any roads later conveyed to and accepted by the City of Aberdeen shall become public roads."
Upon the approval of the construction drawings by the Department of Public Works, the applicant may proceed with the construction of all improvements. In lieu of completing construction prior to recordation of final plats and issuance of building permits, the applicant may post a performance guarantee in a form acceptable to the Department of Public Works and in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of any or all of the required improvements as determined by the Department of Public Works.
The Department of Planning and Community Development shall route the final plat to all appropriate agencies for review and signature. Upon signature by the Mayor, Planning Commission Chairman, Director of Public Works, and Director of Planning and Community Development, the plat shall be recorded in the Harford County land records, along with the appropriate agreements and documents, and shall be recorded by the land surveyor or the authorized agent for the applicant.
If a record plat is not recorded within one year from the date it is signed by the Mayor, the plat is void.
The applicant's engineer or representative shall provide a copy of the recorded plat and all approved plans to the Department of Planning and Community Development and the Department of Public Works in a format to be determined by each department.
Within six months of satisfactory completion date, as-builts shall be provided to the Department of Public Works for review and approval. Upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the required public improvements, performance guarantees shall be released and any required maintenance guarantees posted. The applicant shall deed public roads to the City, upon request of the City, by special warranty deed, in good and marketable fee simple title, free and clear of liens and encumbrances.
Upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the public improvements required by the City of Aberdeen, the City may accept, by duly executed fee simple special warranty deed, free and clear of liens and encumbrances, the lands (together with their improvements) reserved for roads or streets upon which improvements have been completed and accepted.