Elections of Tribal Council members shall be held on the last Saturday in April at the annual membership meeting for those Tribal Council seats whose term has expired.
All special elections to fill seats on the Tribal Council for the unexpired term of office shall be held at the next scheduled annual membership meeting, as long as the vacancy occurs by 5:00 p.m. on the first business day in October before the meeting is held. In all other circumstances, the special election to fill seats on Tribal Council shall be scheduled at least one hundred eighty (180) days from the vacancy.
Polls shall be open for at least five (5) hours on the election date between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The actual hours the polls will be open on the election date shall be identified in the final notice of election. Anyone who is standing in line at the time the polls close shall be permitted to vote.
The polling places shall be the NHBP Administration Building located on the Pine Creek Reservation, and such other polling places as the Election Board shall designate in its discretion. In designating polling places, the Election Board shall seek to ensure access to the polls, promote widespread voter participation, preserve secrecy, and maintain the integrity of the election process. The final notice of election shall name all of the designated polling places.
Except as otherwise permitted by this code, no person shall campaign or otherwise attempt to influence voters within 100 feet of any NHBP building serving as a polling place or the parking lot used to serve the polling location during hours when the polls are open.
Any person who speaks at the annual membership meeting during hours when the polls are open shall refrain from campaigning for or against any individual or group of candidates or ballot initiatives.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, narcotics, or other intoxicants at the polls and on the NHBP government campus on election day is prohibited.
All NHBP elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The Election Board may, in its discretion, hold a special election to vote on a referendum, initiative, recall, or constitutional amendment by use of a mail-only balloting process.
The Election Board may appoint an individual, who need not be an enrolled member of the Tribe, to serve as Election Board Clerk. The Election Board Clerk will be responsible for assisting the Election Board in carrying out certain clerical and ministerial tasks associated with conducting NHBP elections.
Before every general election, the Election Board shall prominently publish a list of the following deadlines:
The deadline for mailing the initial notice of election will be 5:00 p.m. on the first full business day in October before the next election;
The deadline for declaring for candidacy will be 5:00 p.m. on the first full business day of November before the next election;
The deadline for mailing absentee ballots to eligible voters will be 5:00 p.m. on the first full business day in February before the next election;
The deadline for mailing the final notice of election will be twenty (20) days before the election; and
The deadline for the Election Board's receipt of a valid absentee ballot is 5:00 p.m. on the last business day prior to the election.