[HISTORY: Adopted by the Commission of the Town of Cottage City 10-12-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-06. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Effective for the tax year beginning July 1, 2017, and for each tax year thereafter unless altered by subsequent enactment of the Cottage City Commission, the classifications of property subject to municipal taxation, with respect to those properties, businesses or utilities located within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Cottage City, shall be as follows:
Property Classifications
*Fiscal Year 2017 Rate/$100
Commercial real property
Noncommercial real property
Business personal property
Public utility property
(*NOTE: These rates were established by previous legislation and are indicated herein for informational purposes only. Prior to this chapter, which shall apply beginning in Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017), all real property has been taxed at the same rate as one class without distinction as to commercial or noncommercial real property.)
Real property that is lawfully used or leased substantially for residential dwelling purposes shall be classified as noncommercial real property. All other real property shall be classified as commercial real property. Property that is exempt from taxation shall remain exempt regardless of classification by the Town.
The Town Manager or his designee shall notify the Special Assistant to the Director of the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation of the action taken under the provisions of this chapter as soon as possible, but no later than December 1, 2016.
The Town Manager or his designee shall coordinate with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation of the requirement to obtain constant yield tax rate certifications for the net assessable real property base for the two separate classes of real property created by this chapter, no later than February 1, 2017 and each year thereafter.