All buildings erected hereafter, all uses of land or buildings
established hereafter, and all structural alteration or relocation
of existing building occurring hereafter shall be subject to all regulations
of this chapter which are applicable to the zoning districts in which
such buildings, uses, or land shall be located.
[Amended 2-14-2019 by Ord. No. 19-03]
A. Existing use permitted. Pursuant to § 62.23(7)(h), Wis.
Stats., the lawful nonconforming use of a building, structure or land
that was in existence prior to the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance,
or amendment thereto, may be continued although it does not conform
to the provisions of this chapter. The property owner shall have the
burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the nonconforming
use was in existence at the time the chapter provision became effective.
Likewise, the property owner must prove that the use of the property
prior to the effective date of the chapter provision was so active
and actual that it can be said he has acquired a "vested interest"
in its continuance. If the specific use was not so active and actual
and was but casual and occasional, or if such use was merely accessory
or incidental to the principal use, then it cannot be said that the
property owner has acquired a "vested interest" in the continuance
of such a use and the status of the nonconforming use will be denied.
Any building, structure or use which existed lawfully at the time
of the adoption of this chapter or amendment thereto shall be allowed
to continue although such building or use does not conform with the
provisions of this chapter. The size and shape of a lot shall not
be altered so as to increase the degree of nonconformity of a building
or use.
B. Permit required. No alteration of a nonconforming building, structure,
premises, fixture or use is allowed unless a permit for the alteration
has been issued by the Zoning Administrator.
(1) Before issuing a permit for the alteration of a nonconforming use
or structure, the Zoning Administrator shall review the permit application
for compliance with the requirements of this section.
(2) When nonconformity is found, the Zoning Administrator shall in writing
notify all interested parties of the condition.
(3) No such use of building, premises, structure or fixture or any part
thereof shall be expanded or enlarged except in conformity with regulations
of the district in which it is located.
(4) The Plan Commission may authorize the change of one nonconforming
use to another of the same classification provided that the Plan Commission
shall find that the proposed change of use will be no more harmful
to the character of the neighborhood than the existing nonconforming
use. Whenever a nonconforming use has been changed to a more restrictive
nonconforming use or a conforming use, such use shall not thereafter
be changed to a less restrictive use.
C. Nonconforming limitations.
(1) If the nonconforming use of a building, premises, structure or fixture
is discontinued for 12 consecutive months, any future use of the building,
premises, structure or fixture shall conform to the regulations of
the district in which it is located.
(2) Except as provided in § 62.23(7), (hb) and (hc), Wis. Stats.,
the total structural repairs, alterations or improvements to a nonconforming
building, premises, structure or fixture shall not during its life
exceed 50% of the assessed value of the building, premises, structure
or fixture unless permanently changed to a conforming use. For the
purpose of determining whether the 50% value limit has been exceeded,
the assessed value, if known, in the tax year the nonconformity began
shall be used as the base value. If such assessed value is unknown,
the assessed value in the earliest year after the nonconformity began
for which assessment records are available shall be used as the base
(3) Except as provided in § 62.23(7), (hb) and (hc), Wis. Stats.,
no structure shall be restored or replaced except in conformity with
the regulations of the district in which it is located.
(4) These regulations are not to be construed to prevent the necessary
and routine maintenance or repairs of buildings, utilities and property.
D. Pursuant
to § 62.23(7)(hc), Wis. Stats., and notwithstanding any
other provision of this chapter, a nonconforming structure damaged
or destroyed by violent wind, vandalism, fire, flood, ice, snow, mold
or infestation after March 2, 2006, may be restored to, or replaced
at, the size, location, and use that it had immediately before the
damage or destruction occurred, and no limits may be imposed on the
costs of the repair, reconstruction, or improvement of said structure.
The size of the structure may be larger than the size it was immediately
before the damage or destruction if necessary for the structure to
comply with applicable state or federal requirements.
[Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions,
Art. II)]
[Amended 2-14-2019 by Ord. No. 19-03]
A. After adoption of this chapter, no lot area shall be so reduced that
the dimensional, area and yard requirements of this chapter cannot
be met.
B. In the LD, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 Districts, a parcel in existence
on January 1, 2009, shall not be considered nonconforming for the
purpose of construction of a building that is permitted in the applicable
district, if the sole basis for the nonconforming status is that the
parcel does not meet the minimum lot and/or frontage size requirement
for the applicable district; provided, however, that the parcel must
be able to meet the requirements of SPS 383 of the Wisconsin Administrative
Code. This subsection shall be construed to apply only to lot size
and frontage requirements. It shall not be construed to apply to other
requirements including, but not limited to, setback requirements.
C. Abutting residential lots under single ownership may be combined
only if a certified survey map is recorded in the office of the Adams
County Register of Deeds which has the effect of permanently combining
the lots into one legal parcel.
D. Open space.
(1) All setbacks and other open spaces allocated to a building (or group
of buildings comprising one principal use) shall be located on the
same lot as such building.
(2) No legally required setbacks, open space or minimum lot area allocated
to any building shall be used to satisfy setbacks, other open space,
or minimum lot area requirements for any other building.
(3) Setbacks are measured from the farthest building projection, which
includes the basement, breezeway, deck, porch and garage.
(4) Vegetation and equipment used for landscaping, decorating and recreation
may be placed in the required front, rear and side yards. Permitted
vegetation and structures include, but are not limited to, trees,
shrubs, flowers, ornamental light standards, ornamental ponds and
fountains, lawn furniture, sundials and bird baths.
E. Setbacks.
(1) Private easement roads. In all nonresidential districts, improvements
shall be set back at least 30 feet from the described easement or,
in the case of an easement that does not have a legal description,
30 feet from the nearest point on the edge of the traveled way.
(2) A setback less than the setback required for the appropriate class
of highway may be permitted where there are existing principal buildings
within 200 feet of the proposed building site that are built to less
than the required setback. In such cases, the setback shall be no
less than the average of the setbacks of the nearest principal building
on each side of the proposed site or, if there is no principal building
within 200 feet on one side, the average of the setback for the principal
building on the other side and the setback required in the applicable
district. The average is not to include any building now within 15
feet of the right-of-way.
(3) Buildings on through lots, extending from road to road, shall be
considered to have two front yards, two side yards and no rear yard.
(4) In no case shall the waterfront setback be less than 75 feet from
the ordinary high water mark. All buildings shall conform to the procedures,
criteria and standards set forth in the Adams County Shoreland Protection
(5) Dwelling square footage. Whenever referred to in this chapter, minimum
square foot requirements shall mean area intended and constructed
for year-round occupancy and habitable living space.
F. Nonconforming lots. A lot of record that, at the effective date of
this Zoning Ordinance or amendment thereto, does not conform to the
applicable minimum frontage requirement, lot area regulations, or
lot width requirements for the zoning district in which it is located,
may still be used as a building site, provided that requirements of
all other applicable state and county codes as well as Town ordinances,
including height, buffer, setback, and other dimensional requirements
of the zoning district in which the lot of record is located are complied
with, or a variance therefrom is obtained. The property owner shall
have the burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the
nonconforming lot was in existence at the time the chapter provision
became effective.
In all districts, temporary portable buildings or trailers used
in conjunction with either new construction projects or structural
alterations shall be permitted, provided a valid building permit has
been issued for the construction and provided such portable building
or trailer is removed prior to a final inspection.