At the direction of the Mayor, a Solid Waste Advisory Committee
shall be established. This Committee will be composed of six residents
of the City who are not employees of the City who are appointed by
the Mayor and/or such other City employee having specific knowledge
of solid waste issues. The resident members will serve without compensation.
The Mayor will appoint a City employee member to sit on the Committee
to act as a liaison.
The Committee members may select a Chairperson by a majority
vote. Two members of the Committee shall be appointed to four-year
terms, two members to three-year terms and two members to two-year
terms. Each member shall be able to serve additional terms if willing
to do so and if reappointed by the Mayor. The Committee may establish
its own rules.
The Committee shall be responsible to conduct biannual reviews
of the design and implementation of the City of Troy's Solid Waste
Management Plan and to provide recommendations and advice to the Mayor
and City Administration for the improvement of the SWMP and its implementation
as the Committee deems appropriate in connection with the biannual
updates. The Committee shall also be responsible to assist in the
preparation and drafting, of the next Solid Waste Management Plan
to be issued in 2029 and to conduct the biannual review process thereafter
with respect to that plan. The Committee shall also provide advice
and recommendations to the Mayor and the City Administration regarding
various solid waste issues that may arise and that are not covered
in the Solid Waste Management Plan.
The Committee, through its Chairperson, may request and shall
be entitled to the assistance of various City departments and shall
be provided with information necessary and relevant in order for the
Committee to perform its responsibilities with respect to the long
term Solid Waste Management Plans and other solid waste issues.
The Committee will provide an annual report, at a minimum, to
the Mayor regarding its review of the implementation of the Solid
Waste Management Plan, including any unforeseen problems associated
with such plan. The Committee will provide a draft biannual report
to the Mayor intended to be submitted to the state. The Committee
may provide additional interim reports as it deems appropriate regarding
the Solid Waste Management Plans or other solid waste issues.