[Adopted 5-9-2005 by Ord. No. 35]
The caption and preamble of Ord. No. 35 are incorporated herein by reference.
This political subdivision hereby approves and adopts the agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit A,[1] and directs the appropriate Township official to execute the agreement on our behalf.
Editor's Note: Said exhibit is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The conditions of the agreement, the duration of the term of the agreement, the purpose and objectives of the agreement, the manner and extent of financing the agreement and the organizational structure necessary to implement the agreement are all set forth at length in the agreement which is attached as Exhibit A hereto.
A copy of the agreement shall be filed with the minutes of the meeting at which this article was enacted and the appropriate Township official is directed to execute the agreement on behalf of Germany Township, with the intent and effect that this political subdivision shall be bound by the agreement.