Except as otherwise provided herein, general provisions set forth in this Article VI shall apply to land use and development in the Town of Fabius.
Conformance. No land or building shall hereafter be used or occupied, and no building shall hereafter be altered, or its use changed, unless such action is in conformance with the regulations specified in this chapter for the zoning district in which such action occurs.
Lot in two districts. When a lot is divided by a district boundary line, the regulations and requirements of either district may be extended for a distance of 50 feet into the other district, at the lot owner's discretion.
Two uses in one structure. If a residential and a nonresidential use are to be located in one structure, the applicable lot area, frontage and yard setback requirements for the ground-floor use that faces the road frontage of the property shall apply.
Undersized lots. An existing small lot that does not meet the requirements of this chapter at the time it is enacted may be used for any permitted use in the district in which it is located if existing Health Department and other permit requirements can be met.
Drainageways. Natural drainageways shall be preserved and shall be kept free of debris or other obstructions to water flow. Where relocation of a natural drainageway cannot be avoided, it must be relocated in a way that will assure the unobstructed flow of stormwater.
Floodplains. No structure, facility or land fill shall be erected or placed that would impede or change the direction of the flow of water in a designated floodplain area, or that could catch or collect floating debris, or be placed in such a way that the natural force of floodwater could carry dislodged material downstream to damage public or private property.
Wetlands. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, and particularly Schedule I hereof, to the contrary, construction or any other development on any land in the Town of Fabius designated as a wetland pursuant to Article 24 of the State Environmental Conservation Law, shall be in accordance with provisions of the said Article 24 and other applicable state and federal wetland requirements.
Excavations or deposits. Excavation for basements and foundations as well as necessary filling and grading, including removal or deposit of topsoil, gravel or rock, shall be a permitted activity on any lot as part of a legal building permit for construction. Removal of topsoil, sand, gravel or rock for other purposes is not permitted, except in District A-1-2, while mining is permitted under a mining permit issued by the DEC and is in full compliance of all terms of the permit, then mining can be carried on in the district in the area permitted by the DEC.
[Amended 10-15-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Height limitations. The height limitations of this chapter shall not apply to buildings used for agricultural purposes, church spires, chimneys, flag poles; antennas, utility lines and similar structures unless such structures are specifically controlled by the special conditions or special use permit provisions of this chapter.
SEQR requirements. No discretionary action required by this chapter shall be taken until there has been compliance with applicable provisions of 6 NYCRR Part 617 and an environmental determination of significance has been made by the lead agency.
[Amended 5-16-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011; 9-19-2022 by L.L. No. 5-2022]
Purpose. The purpose of this § 150-21 is to provide for Zoning Board of Appeals review of site plans for certain uses as indicated in Schedule I of this chapter. Such review is aimed at:
Conserving property values and visual quality as development and change occurs.
Assuring that the development of individual parcels of land does not have a significant adverse impact on adjacent properties or the surrounding neighborhood.
Mitigating potentially negative impacts resulting from development of environmentally sensitive features or areas.
Standards for site plan review. Review of a site plan will be guided by existing characteristics and conditions of the site and its surroundings and by particular design objectives, if any, of the applicant. Unless waived or modified by the Zoning Board of Appeals, each site plan for a proposed use requiring site plan approval shall conform to the following general standards:
Stormwater drainage and erosion control. Natural drainageways shall be used to the fullest extent practicable and the amount of stormwater drainage onto, or across, adjacent properties shall not be significantly changed. Development on soils that may erode shall include a sediment and erosion control plan.
Water and sewer facilities. The type and design of any proposed water supply and sewage disposal system shall be approved by appropriate jurisdictions.
Site lighting. Lighting to be used on a site or the exterior of a building shall be installed so as to minimize glare on adjacent properties and roads.
Off-site impacts. Potential off-site impacts such as noise, odor, vibration or traffic shall be identified, and measures to mitigate adverse impacts shall be considered.
Landscaping. Adequacy, type and location of trees, shrubs and other landscaping proposed as a visual or sound buffer between the proposed use and adjoining properties or roads shall be assessed and modified as appropriate.
Requirements for site plan review.
Each request for site plan review shall be submitted to the Zoning Board of Appeals on forms provided by the Building and Zoning Officer. The site plan shall contain the following information, as determined appropriate by the Zoning Officer:
An identification map showing the location and orientation of the proposed development relative to the local road system. A Tax Map or USGS map is adequate for this purpose.
Gross acreage of the parcel to be developed.
Existing property lines, rights-of-way and names of adjacent property owners, including on the opposite side of existing roads serving the site. Tax records are suitable for this.
Indication of existing topography and drainage systems and any significant changes to be made thereto as part of the proposed development.
The location of any designated wetlands and floodplains.
Proposed buildings or land uses, off-street parking areas, access and egress drives, buffer strips (see definitions) or landscape screening proposed; the general location and type of proposed site lighting and any signs to be installed.
Proposed water source and location of any sewage disposal system.
A landscape plan, if any.
Any of the above application requirements may, on the applicant's request, be waived by the Zoning Board of Appeals if circumstances warrant. Also, the Board may request the applicant to provide additional information when this is needed to make an informed judgment about the proposal.
Procedure for site plan review. An applicant for site plan review shall be processed by the following procedure:
Decision. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall make a decision on the application within 62 days after the application has been received by the Building and Zoning Officer. The time limit for decision may be extended by mutual consent.
Referrals. At least 30 days before a decision is made by the Zoning Board of Appeals, appropriate notice shall be mailed to the Onondaga County Planning Agency as required by § 239-m of the General Municipal Law.
SEQR. Applicable requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 617 shall be followed prior to a decision on application for site plan review.
Conditions. In approving an application for site plan approval, the Zoning Board of Appeals may impose reasonable conditions and restrictions as directly related to the proposed site plan. Any such conditions must be met before a certificate of occupancy is issued by the Building and Zoning Officer.
In addition to the uses set forth in this chapter which require site plan review, all uses permitted in Schedule I which require either SC, permitted with special conditions, and/or SP, special use permit needed, shall also require site plan review by the Zoning Board of Appeals if not already required herein.
Purpose. The purpose of imposing one or more conditions on an application for a building or land use permit is to balance the applicant's interest in developing the land and the Town's interest on minimizing foreseeable adverse impacts of development.
Applicability. No building or land use permit shall be issued for any activity listed in Schedule I of this chapter as having special conditions applicable thereto ("SC") until the Building and Zoning Officer is satisfied that applicable conditions, as specified in this section, have been met.
Dwelling, multiple-family in R-1, R-2 and C-1 Districts. Permitted when:
A site plan has been approved in accordance with applicable provisions of § 150-21.
Dwelling, double-wide manufactured home. Permitted when:
Such homes are HUD approved and certified and no older than four model years when placed on a lot.
Such homes are placed on a full-perimeter concrete block foundation or equivalent.
Mobile home in A-1, A-2, R-1 and R-2 Districts. Permitted when:
Such mobile home is used as a dwelling by employees of an active farm operation.
Such mobile home is being occupied while a permanent home is being built or restored, for which work a building permit has been issued. In such case, the mobile home shall be removed within 12 months of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the construction.
[Amended 10-15-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Roadside stand in A-1, A-2, R-1, R-2 and C-1 Districts. Permitted when:
No stand or structure of any kind, or part thereof, shall be located or permitted within the right-of-way limits of any public road or highway.
Adequate parking can be provided and located so that vehicles do not have to back onto any adjacent road or highway.
Agricultural, industrial or educational research in I-1 District. Permitted when:
A site plan has been approved in accordance with applicable provisions of § 150-21.
Home occupation or business in all districts. Permitted when:
The use is located in a dwelling inhabited by the dwelling owner.
All activity related to such home occupation or business is conducted inside the dwelling.
The business is operated by its owner and not more than three persons who do not live in the dwelling.
The need for off-street parking can be satisfied by no more than four side-by-side off-street parking spaces in addition to those required by the residence.
[Amended 10-15-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
The general appearance of the building and lot is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, except that one unlighted sign no larger than six square feet in area may be provided.
[Amended 10-15-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
The applicant demonstrates that no offensive noise, odor, smoke, dust, heat, glare or electrical disturbance will normally be produced by such business.
Garage, filling station in C-1 District. Permitted when:
A site plan has been approved in accordance with applicable provisions of § 150-21.
No repair work is performed outside the building and no inoperable or unlicensed vehicles are stored outside the building.
All pumps are located at least 50 feet from any property line.
[Amended 10-15-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Commercial self-storage facility in A-2, C-1 and I-1 Districts. Permitted when:
A site plan has been approved in accordance with applicable provisions of § 150-21.
A screen of trees and other landscaping is provided along the front lot line and in other locations as determined appropriate by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
[Amended [Amended 5-16-2011 by L.L. No. 2-2011; 9-19-2022 by L.L. No. 5-2022]]
Commercial stable in A-1 and A-2 Districts. Permitted when:
The minimum lot area for such use is five acres.
Structures used for the stabling of horses are located no closer than 200 feet from the property line of an existing non-farm dwelling.
No outdoor storage of manure and bedding material is located less than 200 feet from the property line of an existing non-farm dwelling.
Kennel: animal boarding in A-1 and R-1 Districts. Permitted when:
In A-1 Districts, such facility is located on a lot that is at least five acres in area and designed so that outdoor pens and exercise runs are located at least 150 feet from the property line of an existing non-farm residence.
In R-1 Districts, no outdoor pens or exercise runs are provided.
Car wash in C-1 and I-1 Districts. Permitted when:
A site plan has been approved in accordance with applicable provisions of § 150-21.
Provisions for disposal of wash water is approved by appropriate jurisdiction.
Wind and similar alternative energy sources in A-1 and A-2 Districts. Permitted when:
[Amended 2-21-2022 by L.L. No. 2-2022]
Energy produced by such a source is not generated primarily to be used for commercial purposes.
Any structure required by such alternative energy source does not rise more than 60 feet above the surrounding land.
No such energy source is located less than 200 feet from any adjacent residential property.
Approval from the Town Board has been obtained.
Signs in A-1, A-2, R-1, R-2, C-1 and I-1 Districts (see § 150-3, Definitions). Permitted when:
[Amended 10-15-2015 by L.L. No. 1-2015]
Such sign shall have a direct relationship to the activity or ownership of the property on which it is located.
Such sign, whether freestanding or affixed to a building, does not exceed an area of 32 square feet and a height of 12 feet unless affixed to a building, and is located no less than 25 feet from any property line.
If illuminated, such lighting shall not use neon illumination, shall be nonflashing and shall not shine on adjacent property or roadways.
Also, see home occupation.
Storage of no more than one wrecked or inoperable vehicles in all districts (see § 150-3, Definitions). Permitted when:
Such vehicle is located and/or screened so as not to be visible from any public roadway.
Purpose. The purpose of this § 150-23 is to set forth supplemental regulations, procedures and conditions that shall apply to certain land uses specified in Schedule I as permitted only upon approval of a special use permit (SP). No building permit for such land uses shall be issued until the Building and Zoning Officer is satisfied that conditions and requirements set forth in this § 150-23 have been complied with or that such conditions and requirements have been waived by the Zoning Board of Appeals or that a variance has been duly granted by the Board of Appeals in accordance with the provisions of § 274-b, Subdivision 3, of Town Law.
[Amended 9-19-2022 by L.L. No. 5-2022]
General requirements. Authorization for any special use permit shall be obtained from the Town Zoning Board of Appeals and shall be conditioned on provision of adequate safeguards to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public and to mitigate foreseeable detrimental effects on the land value and existing character of property in the surrounding area. To this end, before a special use permit can be authorized, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall determine, after a duly advertised public hearing, whether the following general requirements will be met, as well as any specific requirements that are set forth in § 150-23C. General requirements and findings applicable to all applications for a special use permit are:
[Amended 9-19-2022 by L.L. No. 5-2022]
That the land use or activity as proposed is generally compatible with other property in the surrounding neighborhood and will not cause substantial injury to the value of such property.
That the land use or activity as proposed will not result in excessive uncontrolled erosion and will not increase the volume or velocity of runoff onto abutting property.
That adequate off-street parking and loading is provided and ingress and egress drives are so designed and located as to cause minimal interference with traffic on abutting roads.
That glare, noise, vibration or electronic disturbance identified as emanating from the proposed development can be mitigated.
That a site plan has been submitted and approved in accordance with applicable provisions of § 150-21 unless waived by the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Specific requirements. In addition to the general requirements set forth in § 150-23B above, the following specific requirements are applicable to certain land uses that require a special use permit:
Dwelling: two-family or conversion of an of an existing dwelling into two dwellings in A-1 and A-2 Districts. Requirements:
Occupancy of such converted dwellings shall be restricted to farm workers and their families.
Agricultural, industrial or educational research in A-1 and A-2 Districts. Requirements:
No more than 30% of the lot shall be covered by structures and parking.
Buildings and parking areas are no closer than 50 feet from any property line.
Site lighting will not produce glare onto adjacent property or roads.
Church, parish house, place of worship in A-1, R-1 and R-2 Districts. Requirements:
Such use is registered with the State of New York.
In the A-1 District no parking area is located less than 50 feet from any property line.
Landscaping is provided around buildings and parking areas.
Convalescent home in R-1 District. Requirements:
Such facility must be licensed by the State of New York.
No principal building shall be located less than 50 feet from any lot line of an adjacent lot.
Site lighting will not produce glare on adjacent property or roads.
Landscaping is provided in accordance with conditions of site plan approval.
Bed-and-breakfast in A-1, A-2, R-1, R-2 and C-1 Districts. Requirements:
Off-street parking areas are not located in front yards and are no less than 20 feet from the property lien of an existing residence.
Access driveways intersect public roads at approximately 90° and no driveway is located less than 50 feet from the intersection of two public road right-of-way lines.
Landscaping is provided in accordance with conditions of site plan approval.
Convenience (mini) mart in R-2, C-1 and I-1 Districts. Requirements:
No buildings or pump islands are located less than 50 feet from the property line of an existing residence.
Lighting of buildings and the site is designed and installed to prevent glare on adjacent lots and roads.
No paved area is less than five feet from any lot line.
Landscaping is provided in accordance with conditions of site plan approval.
[Added 7-15-2013 by L.L. No. 2-2013]
Purpose; findings.
Purpose and intent. Pursuant to the statutory powers vested in the Town of Fabius to regulate and control land use and to protect the health, safety and welfare of its residents, the Town Board of the Town of Fabius, after a significant study of the issues relating to natural gas and oil extraction and/or exploration, adopts legislation which prohibits within the Town of Fabius such activity and processes, as well as any activity associated therewith or intending to support such activity and process or activity in the Town of Fabius.
Legislative findings.
The Town Board of the Town of Fabius, Onondaga County, State of New York is vested by the State of New York to regulate and control land use within the Town of Fabius and this section is being enacted pursuant to said powers.
On May 20, 2013 the Town of Fabius enacted Local Law No. 1 of the year 2013 imposing a third moratorium, as set forth therein, on the practice of activities related to the prohibition against natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes. Said moratorium was enacted for a period of seven months. Prior to enacting Local Law No. 1 of the year 2013, the Town Board of the Town of Fabius enacted Local Law No. 2 of the year 2012 and Local Law No. 1 of the year 2011, which also provided for moratoria on the above practice.
As set forth in those moratoria, the Town Board was aware of the controversy and concerns regarding the practice of activities related to the prohibition against natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes. The Town established a committee in 2012 to advise the Town as to the possible impact of these practices. Also, the Town Attorneys and the Town Supervisor and Board members have attended numerous meetings, conferences and other events to gain knowledge of this procedure and its possible effects on the Town and also on the Comprehensive Plan previously enacted by the Board to guide future development in the Town. Also, representatives of various parties interested in this practice, both pro and con, have made presentations to the Town Board, and also the Town has reviewed films on the subject, visited sites in Pennsylvania where this practice is occurring, and the Town Attorneys have attended a number of seminars on the subject. The Town has also been monitoring the actions of New York State in addressing this issue and the concerns raised on the state level both by the Governor's office and the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Also the Town is aware and concerned that natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes may have a detrimental and negative impact on the Town's infrastructure, including, but not limited to, threats to the environment and natural resources of water and air, threats to human health and safety, threats to traffic safety and damage to the roadways.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Radioactive material in a quantity or of a level that is distinguishable from background (as that phrase is defined at 10 CFR § 20.1003), but which is below the regulation threshold established by any regulatory agency otherwise having jurisdiction over such material in the Town.
Any system of pipelines (and other equipment, such as drip stations, vent stations, pigging facilities, valve boxes, transfer pump station, measuring and regulating equipment, yard and station piping, and cathodic protection equipment), used to move oil, gas, or liquids from a point of production, treatment facility or storage area to a transmission line, which is exempt from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's jurisdiction under Section 1(b) of the Natural Gas Act, and which does not meet the definition of a "major utility transmission facility" under the Public Service Law of New York, Article 7, § 120(2)(b).
A bored, drilled or driven shaft whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension, or a dug hole whose depth is greater than the largest surface dimension of the hole, through which fluids (which may or may not include semi-solids) are injected into the subsurface and less than 90% of such fluids return to the surface within a period of 90 days.
A site where any natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes are applied to the soil surface or injected into the upper layer of the soil.
Methane and any gaseous substance, either combustible or noncombustible, which is produced in a natural state from the earth and which maintains a gaseous or rarefied state at standard temperature and pressure conditions, and/or gaseous components or vapors occurring in or derived from petroleum or other hydrocarbons.
Geologic or geophysical activities related the search for natural gas, petroleum or other subsurface hydrocarbons, including prospecting, geophysical and geologic seismic surveying and sampling techniques, but only to the extent that such activities involve or employ core, rotary, or any other type of drilling or otherwise making any penetration or excavation of any land or water surface in the search for and evaluation of natural gas, petroleum, or other subsurface hydrocarbon deposits.
The digging or drilling of a well for the purposes of exploring for, developing or producing natural gas, petroleum or other subsurface hydrocarbons, including, without limitation, any and all forms of shale fracturing.
Any of the following in any form, and whether or not such items have been excepted or exempted from the coverage of any federal or state environmental protection laws, or have been excepted from statutory or regulatory definitions of "industrial waste," "hazardous," or "toxic," and whether or not such substances are generally characterized as waste:
Below-regulatory concern radioactive material, or any radioactive material which is not below-regulatory concern, but which is in fact not being regulated by the regulatory agency otherwise having jurisdiction over such material in the Town, whether naturally occurring or otherwise, in any case relating to, arising in connection with, or produced by or incidental to the exploration for, the extraction or production of, or the processing, treatment, or transportation of, natural gas, petroleum, or any related hydrocarbons;
Natural gas or petroleum drilling fluids;
Natural gas or petroleum exploration, drilling, production or processing wastes;
Natural gas or petroleum drilling treatment wastes (such as oils, frac fluids, produced water, brine, flowback, sediment and/or any other liquid or semi-liquid material);
Any chemical, waste oil, waste emulsified oil, mud, or sediment that was used or produced in the drilling, development, transportation, processing or refining of natural gas or petroleum;
Soil contaminated in the drilling, transportation, processing or refining of natural gas or petroleum;
Drill cuttings from natural gas or petroleum wells; or
Any other wastes associated with the exploration, drilling, production or treatment of natural gas or petroleum.
This definition specifically intends to include some wastes that may otherwise be classified as "solid wastes which are not hazardous wastes" under 40 CFR § 261.4(b). The definition of "natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes" does not include:
Recognizable and nonrecognizable food wastes; or
Waste generated by agriculture use.
Any of the following:
Tanks of any construction (metal, fiberglass, concrete, etc.);
Evaporation ponds; or
Other facilities, in any case used for the storage or treatment of natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes that:
Are being held for initial use;
Have been used and are being held for subsequent reuse or recycling;
Are being held for treatment; or
Are being held for storage.
Land upon which natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes, or their residue or constituents before or after treatment, are deposited, disposed, discharged, injected, placed, buried or discarded, without any intention of further use.
Any one or more of the following:
Natural gas compression facility;
Natural gas processing facility;
Natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes disposal storage facility;
Natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes dump;
Land application facility;
Nonregulated pipelines;
Underground injection; or
Underground natural gas storage.
Those facilities or combination of facilities that move natural gas or petroleum from production fields or natural gas processing facilities in pipelines or into storage; the term shall include equipment for liquids separation, natural gas dehydration, and tanks for the storage of waste liquids and hydrocarbon liquids.
Those facilities that separate and recover natural gas liquids (NGLs) and/or other non-methane gases and liquids from a stream of produced natural gas, using equipment for any of the following: cleaning or stripping gas, cooking and dehydration, residual refinement, treating or removing oil or condensate, removing water, separating NGLs, removing sulfur or carbon dioxide, fractionation of NGLs, or the capture of CO2 separated from natural gas streams."
Those pipelines that are exempt or otherwise excluded from regulation under federal and state laws regarding pipeline construction standards or reporting requirements. Specifically includes production lines and gathering lines.
Any individual, public or private corporation for profit or not-for-profit, association, partnership, limited-liability company, limited-liability partnership, firm, trust, estate, and any other legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties.
All parts of those physical facilities through which petroleum, gas, hazardous liquids, or chemicals move in transportation (including pipes, valves and other equipment and appurtenances attached to pipes and other equipment, such as drip stations, vent stations, pigging facilities, valve boxes, transfer pump stations, measuring and regulating equipment, yard and station piping and cathodic protection equipment) whether or not laid in public or private easement or private right-of-way within the Town. This term includes, without limitation, gathering lines, production lines, and transmission lines.
The spontaneous emission of particles (alpha, beta, neutrons) or photons (gamma) from the nucleus of unstable atoms as a result of radioactive decay.
Material in any form that emits radiation, but only if such material has been moved from its naturally occurring location through a mechanical or other man-made process. Such material is "radioactive material" for purposes hereof, whether or not it is otherwise exempt from licensing and regulatory control pursuant to the New York State Department of Labor, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Department of Energy, the United States Department of Transportation, or any other regulatory agency.
Below the surface of the earth, or of a body of water, as the context may require.
A pipeline that transports petroleum, natural gas, or water to end users as a public utility and which is subject to regulation either by:
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's jurisdiction under Section 1(b) of the Natural Gas Act; or
As a major utility transmission facility under the Public Service Law of New York, Article 7, § 120(2)(b).
Subsurface emplacement of natural gas and/or petroleum extraction, exploration or production wastes by or into an injection well.
Subsurface storage, including in depleted gas or oil reservoirs and salt caverns, of natural gas that has been transferred from its original location for the primary purpose of load balancing the production of natural gas. Includes compression and dehydration facilities, and pipelines.
Prohibited uses.
Explicitly prohibited uses.
Without limiting the generality of the statements elsewhere in this chapter that uses not set forth on Schedule I are not allowed uses in the Town, the following uses and activities are hereby expressly and explicitly prohibited in each and every zoning district within the Town, and no building or structure shall be created, altered or erected, and no body of water, land or building thereon shall be used, for any of such uses or activities:
Land application facility;
Natural gas and/or petroleum exploration activities;
Natural gas and/or petroleum extraction activities;
Natural gas and/or petroleum exploration, Extraction or production wastes disposal/storage facility;
Natural gas and/or petroleum exploration, extraction or production wastes dump;
Natural gas compression facility;
Natural gas processing facility;
Underground injection; and
Underground natural gas storage.
Any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of this Article VI, § 150-24, is a threat to public health safety and welfare, and is hereby declared and deemed to be a nuisance. Collectively the above expressly prohibited uses may be referred to in this section as "explicitly prohibited uses," any one of the above expressly prohibited uses may be referred to in this section as an "explicitly prohibited use," and any combination of more than one such use may also be referred to as "explicitly prohibited uses."
Prohibition against natural gas and/or petroleum exploration, Extraction or production wastes.
The Town of Fabius hereby exercises its authority and right under New York Environmental Conservation Law § 27-0711 to adopt a local law that is consistent with the Environmental Conservation Law Article 27, such consistency demonstrated by the fact that this chapter complies with at least the minimum applicable requirements set forth in such statute, and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to said Article 27.
It shall be unlawful for any person to produce, store, inject, discard, discharge, dispose release, or maintain, or to suffer, cause or permit to be produced, stored, injected, discarded, discharged, disposed, released, or maintained, anywhere within the Town, any natural gas and/or petroleum exploration, extraction or production wastes.
No application to customary local distribution lines, etc. The prohibitions set forth above in Article VI, § 150-24C(1), are not intended, and shall not be construed to:
Prevent or prohibit the right to use roadways in commerce or otherwise for travel;
Prevent or prohibit the transmission of natural gas through utility pipes, lines or similar appurtenances for the limited purpose of supplying natural gas to residents of or buildings located in the Town; or
Prevent or prohibit the incidental or normal sale, storage, or use of lubricating oil, heating oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, or propane in connection with legal farm, residential, business, commercial, and other uses within the Town.
Severability. If any word, phrase, sentence, part, section, subsection, or other portion of this section, or the application thereof to any person or to any circumstance, is adjudged or declared invalid or unenforceable by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, then, and in such event, such judgment or declaration shall be confined in its interpretation and operation only to the provision of this section that is directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or declaration is rendered, and such judgment or declaration of invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect or impair the validity or enforceability of the remainder of this section or the application hereof to any other persons or circumstances. If necessary as to such person or circumstances, such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be and be deemed severed herefrom, and the Town Board of the Town hereby declares that it would have enacted this section, or the remainder thereof, even if, as to particular provisions and persons or circumstances, a portion is severed or declared invalid or unenforceable.
Effective date of this section. This section shall be effective upon filing with the office of the Secretary of State.