[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Board of the Township of Cannon by Ord. No. 90-4; amended by Ord. No. 93-5. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter is adopted pursuant to authority granted by Michigan Law, including Public Acts 33 and 51 of 1951, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See MCL 41.801 et seq. and MCL 247.651 et seq., respectively.
There is hereby established the Cannon Township Fire Department. The Township Board shall appoint such persons who, based on experience, training and qualifications, would, in the discretion of the Township Board, best perform the duties of providing fire protection to the Township. The Fire Chief may recommend suitable persons for Fire Department positions.
A proposed Fire Department budget shall be prepared annually by the Township Board or, upon its request, by the Fire Chief or other appropriate Township personnel. Upon adoption by the Township Board, the budget shall be the budget of the Fire Department for the ensuing fiscal year of the Township.
The Fire Department is authorized to carry out emergency medical and rescue services in the Township and, on a mutual aid and assistance basis, in other municipalities in the county. The Township may acquire vehicles, apparatus, equipment and supplies in order that the Fire Department may carry out such services. Personnel of the Fire Department are authorized to respond to medical and rescue emergencies. The Fire Chief shall institute and carry out an ongoing program for the training and certification of Fire Department personnel for such purposes.
Compensation to firefighters shall be in such amounts and shall be paid at such times as may be determined by the Township Board.
When responding to emergencies, all personnel shall drive emergency vehicles with appropriate concern for the safety of the public. Use of emergency signals on vehicles shall be considered a request for the right-of-way from other drivers. Use of emergency signal equipment shall be permitted only when the Fire Department has been officially dispatched to an emergency.
Required protective gear shall be worn when engaged in firefighting activities. Lost or damaged equipment shall be reported as soon as possible to an officer. Township property shall be disposed of only with the prior approval of the Township Board. All Fire-Department-issued equipment shall be returned to the Fire Chief by personnel leaving the Fire Department.
Only Township-owned vehicles and equipment may be kept at the fire station. Fire Department equipment shall not be borrowed for private use, nor shall Fire Department premises be used for private purposes.
Private vehicles must be parked in designated areas only.
Alcohol and controlled substances shall not be brought into the fire station.
The Township Board may enter into agreements with other municipalities in order to provide for mutual aid and assistance between the Township Fire Department and the Fire Departments of such other municipalities in the extinguishing of fires, providing emergency medical and rescue services and carrying out other cooperative fire protection activities, including joint training activities and the like.