[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Board of the Township of Cannon 11-9-1971; amended 1-9-1995 by Ord. No. 95-03; 3-12-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-2.. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any person to whom a license is issued pursuant to this chapter.
OUTDOOR ASSEMBLY (hereinafter referred to as "activity")
Any activity, all or any part of which includes a theatrical exhibition, public show, display, entertainment, amusement or other exhibition, including, but not limited to, music festivals, rock festivals, peace festivals or similar gatherings, but excluding the following:
An activity which is conducted or sponsored by a governmental unit or agency on publicly owned land or property; or
An activity which will not exceed 250 attendees at any one time in the LR, R-1, R-2, R-3, or Planned Unit Development Zoning Districts or 500 attendees in any other zoning district, provided up to 1,000 attendees may be permitted within a publicly owned or privately owned outdoor recreational area, as permitted by § 450-5.03, Special land uses, of Chapter 450, Zoning, of the Code of the Township of Cannon; or
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II)]
An activity held entirely within the confines of a permanently enclosed and covered structure.
Any natural person, partnership, corporation, association or organization.
Any person who organizes, promotes, conducts, or causes to be conducted an outdoor assembly.
No person shall sponsor, operate, maintain, conduct or promote an outdoor assembly within Cannon Township without having first obtained a license therefor and, if applicable, obtaining special land use approval.
Application for a license to conduct an outdoor assembly must be made in writing on such forms and in such manner as prescribed by the Zoning Administrator of the Township and shall be made at least 60 days prior to date of the proposed assembly. Each application shall be accompanied by fee in an amount determined by the Township Board and shall include at least the following:
The name, age, cell phone number, email address, residence and mailing address of the person making the application. (Where the person making the application is a partnership, corporation or other association, this information shall be provided for all partners, officers and directors, or members.)
A statement of the kind, character, and type of proposed assembly.
The address, legal description and proof of ownership of the site at which the proposed assembly is to be conducted. Where ownership is not vested in the prospective licensee, he shall submit an affidavit from the owner indicating his consent to the use of the site for the proposed assembly.
The date or dates and hours during which the proposed assembly is to be conducted.
An estimate of the maximum number of attendees expected at the assembly for each day it is conducted, together with samples of the tickets or other evidence of admission which will be used.
Each application shall be accompanied by a detailed explanation, including drawings and diagrams, where applicable, of the prospective licensee's plans to provide for the following:
Police and fire protection.
Food and water supply and facilities.
Health and sanitation facilities.
Medical facilities and services including emergency vehicles and equipment.
Vehicle access and parking facilities.
Illumination facilities.
Communications facilities.
Noise control and abatement.
Facilities for cleanup and waste disposal.
Insurance and bonding arrangements.
On receipt by the Zoning Administrator, copies of the application shall be forwarded to the County Sheriff, County Health Officer, Township Planner and such other public officials as may be necessary, taking into consideration the nature of the outdoor assembly, as determined by the Zoning Administrator. Such officers and officials shall review and investigate the application and shall within 20 days of receipt thereof report their findings and recommendations to the Zoning Administrator. If no recommendation or finding is submitted by any such official within the time limit, the application for a license shall be considered as having been approved by such official without any conditions thereon.
Within 30 days of the filing of said application, the Township Board shall issue, set conditions prerequisite to the issuance of, or deny a license. Where conditions are imposed as prerequisite to the issuance of a license, or where a license is denied, notice of such action specifying the conditions or reasons for denial shall be given to the applicant.
The license application may be denied if:
The applicant fails to comply with any or all requirements of this chapter, or with any or all conditions imposed pursuant hereto, or with any other applicable provision of state or local law; or
The applicant has knowingly made a false, misleading or fraudulent statement in the application or in any supporting document.
A license shall specify the name and address of the licensee, the kind and location of the assembly, the maximum number of attendees permissible, the duration of the license and any other conditions imposed pursuant to this chapter or the special land use requirements of Chapter 450, Zoning, of this Code. It shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon the premises of the assembly and shall not be transferred to any other person or location.
In processing an application, the Township Board shall, at a minimum, require the following:
Security personnel. The licensee shall employ, at his own expense, such security personnel as are necessary and sufficient to provide for the adequate security and protection of the maximum number of attendants at the assembly and for the preservation of order and protection of property in and around the site of the assembly. No license shall be issued unless the Kent County Sheriff is satisfied that such necessary and sufficient security personnel will be provided by the licensee for the duration of the assembly.
Water facilities. The licensee shall provide potable water, sufficient in quantity and pressure to assure proper operation of all water using facilities under conditions of peak demand. Such water shall be supplied from a public water system, if available, and, if not available, then from a source constructed, located, and approved in accordance with Public Act 294 of 1965,[1] the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and in accordance with any other applicable state or local law, or from a source and delivered and stored in a manner approved by the Kent County Health Officer.
Editor's Note: Public Act 294 of 1965 was repealed by P.A. 368 of 1978, effective 9-30-1978.
Restroom facilities.
The licensee shall provide separate enclosed flush-type water closets as defined in Public Act 266 of 1929,[2] and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto; if such flush-type facilities are not available, the County Health Officer may permit the use of other facilities which are in compliance with Public Act 273 of 1939,[3] the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and which are in accordance with any other applicable provisions of the law.
Editor's Note: Public Act 266 of 1929 was repealed by P.A. 733 of 2002, effective 3-31-2003. See MCL 338.3511 et seq.
Editor's Note: Public Act 273 of 1939 was repealed by P.A. 368 of 1978, effective 9-30-1978. See MCL 333.12771 et seq.
The licensee shall provide lavatory and drinking water facilities constructed, installed, and maintained in accordance with Public Act 266 of 1929, and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. All lavatories shall be provided with soap or hand sanitizer and paper towels. The number and type of facilities required shall conform to the requirements of the Kent County Health Department.
Food service. If food service is made available on the premises, it shall be delivered only through concessions licensed and operated in accordance with the provisions of Public Act 269 of 1968,[4] the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and in accordance with any other applicable provisions of the law.
Editor's Note: Public Act 269 of 1968 was repealed by P.A. 368 of 1978. See now P.A. 92 of 2000 (MCL 289.4101 et seq.).
Medical facilities. If the assembly is not readily and quickly accessible to medical facilities, the licensee shall be required to provide such facilities on the premises of the assembly. The kind, location, staff strength, medical and other supplies and equipment of such facilities shall be as prescribed by the County Health Officer.
Liquid waste disposal. The licensee shall provide for liquid waste disposal in accordance with the rules and regulations pertaining thereto established by the County Health Officer. If liquid waste retention and disposal is dependent upon pumpers and haulers, they shall be licensed in accordance with Public Act 243 of 1951,[5] the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, and in accordance with any other applicable state or local law; and, prior to issuance of any license, the licensee shall provide the County Health Officer with a true copy of an executed agreement in effect with such licensed pumper or hauler, which agreement will assure proper, effective and frequent removal of liquid waste from the premises so as to neither create nor cause a nuisance or menace to the public health.
Editor's Note: Public Act 243 of 1951 was repealed by P.A. 181 of 1986. See now P.A. 451 of 1994 (MCL 324.11701 et seq.).
Solid waste disposal. The licensee shall provide for solid waste storage on, and removal from, the premises. Storage shall be in approved, covered, flytight and rodent-proof containers, in such quantities and with capacity as to provide disposal for the maximum number of attendants. Prior to issuance of any license, the licensee shall provide the County Health Officer with a true copy of an executed agreement in effect with a licensed refuse collector, which agreement will assure proper, effective and frequent removal of solid waste from the premises, so as to neither create nor cause a nuisance or menace to the public health.
Access and traffic control. The licensee shall submit a written plan, in accordance with the requirements of § 450-23.31E of Chapter 450, Zoning, to the Zoning Administrator, together with the application for a license. The plan shall be submitted by the Zoning Administrator to the County Sheriff's Department for approval.
Parking. The licensee shall provide a parking area sufficient to accommodate all motor vehicles, but in no case shall he provide less than one automobile space for every four attendants.
Illumination. The licensee shall provide electrical illumination of all occupied areas sufficient to insure the safety and comfort of all attendants. The licensee's lighting plan shall be approved by the Township Building Inspector.
Noise. In no case shall any event authorized under the terms of this chapter cause or result in any serious adverse effect on adjacent or nearby lands by reason of excessive sound.
Insurance. Before the issuance of a license, the licensee shall obtain liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000/$3,000,000 and property damage insurance from a company or companies approved by the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Michigan. The licensee shall provide the Zoning Administrator with proof of insurance providing the coverage as set forth herein and naming the Township as an additional insured.
Miscellaneous. Prior to the issuance of a license, the Township Board may impose any other condition(s) reasonably calculated to protect the health, safety, welfare and property of attendants or of citizens of the Township.