The following standards shall apply to all subdivisions within
the Township.
All land shall be platted such that it is usable for building
lots or required improvements. Land may be platted for common or public
areas if adequate provision is made for continued maintenance of such
areas, unless such provision for continued maintenance is waived or
deemed unnecessary by the Township. For private streets and other
areas under the control of a subdivision property owners' association
or similar organization, the Township may require a recorded agreement
whereby the Township may maintain the area and charge the cost thereof
as a lien against all properties in the subdivision if the association
fails to adequately maintain the areas.
Streets and other land areas may be dedicated to the public.
Any street not dedicated to the public shall comply with the design
standards of the private road provisions of Township ordinances, and shall include easements for public utilities within
the street and at least 15 feet on either side thereof.
Street names shall be approved by the Kent County Road Commission
before printing on the final plat. All streets which are extensions
of existing streets must carry the names of such existing streets.
Public streets, intersections, and culs-de-sac in plats shall
conform to the design, drainage, grade, layout, right-of-way width
and construction requirements of the Kent County Road Commission.
Adequate streetlights may be required to be provided.
The landscape shall be preserved in its natural state, insofar
as practical, by removing only those areas of vegetation or making
those alterations to the topography which are reasonably necessary
to develop the site in accordance with the requirements of this Part
1. A development shall respect the natural resources of the Township
as recommended in the Township's Comprehensive Plan.
An adequate storm drainage system, including the necessary storm
sewers, drain inlets, manholes, culverts, bridges, and other appurtenances,
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Township
and the County Drain Commissioner. Such facilities shall be designed
and constructed so as to have no adverse affect on adjoining lands
or upon lots within the subdivision.