[Ord. 88-1, 2/16/1988, § 101]
As used in this Part, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
An appointed Township Fire Commissioner, the Chester County Fire Marshal or the Chief of the first call fire company for Valley Township.
The person or persons or entity holding a deed or sales agreement designating them as grantee or vendee. In the event of ownership by sales agreement, both vendor and vendee shall be deemed joint owners.
Any residential unit for which a periodic payment is or may be charged and which could include an area occupied by the owner of the property.
Any building or structure or part thereof including trailers or mobile homes which are utilized as living and sleeping areas.
A building or structure of any type, including trailers or mobile homes or any building of any type or sort, wholly or partly, which provides an area used as a bedroom or for a sleeping area used by human beings.
A commercial device capable of providing an audible alert when sensing visible or invisible particles or gasses of combustion.
[Ord. 88-1, 2/16/1988, § 102]
All owners of new and existing residential units shall install smoke detectors. At least one smoke detector shall be provided for each separate building level, including the basement. In split-level residential units a smoke detector on the upper level shall be sufficient unless there is an intervening door between the adjacent levels.
All owners of new and existing rental units shall install smoke detectors in all common hall areas leading to bedrooms or sleeping areas. If the rental unit consists of more than one building level, the requirements for residential units shall also apply. Rental units which consist of buildings providing a dormitory or separate sleeping area that are designed for closure by closed or locked doors off a common hallway shall have separate smoke detectors in each dormitory or sleeping room.
The installation of smoke detectors shall be a condition of issuance in obtaining a use and occupancy permit for all new or existing residential units or rental units.
It shall be the duty of all tenants or persons sleeping in residential units to maintain smoke detectors. Maintenance shall include keeping smoke detector units serviceable by inserting batteries when necessary or by keeping them attached to an electrical source so that they may remain capable of transmitting an alarm in the presence of smoke. The removal or destruction of any smoke detector by any person except the owner for the purpose of immediate replacement is strictly forbidden.
The Chief shall make every effort to insure that this Part is strictly enforced.
[Ord. 88-1, 2/16/1988, § 103]
All smoke detectors required herein to be installed shall be of an approved type, bearing the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) seal of approval which provide an alarm suitable to warn all occupants within the residential unit. A list of all smoke detectors that are approved shall be maintained by the Chief.
Smoke detectors shall be centrally located on the ceiling of the common hallway or room of each building level of each residential unit or rental unit. Where more than one detector is required the detectors shall be wired in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all alarms.
Smoke detectors shall be installed not to exceed the lineal or square footage allowance specified, based on the test standards under which they were tested and approved.
A smoke detector can be operated from the building power supply or be a battery powered unit. The smoke detectors connected to the building power supply can be wired directly or operated on a plug-in outlet which is fitted with a plug retainer device, provided that said outlet or cord is not controlled by any switch. If the smoke detector is battery powered, the unit shall have a low battery or replace battery alarm with an audible tone, distinct from the smoke alarm which shall intermittently sound to advise the owner/resident to replace the batteries.
[Ord. 88-1, 2/16/1988, § 105; as amended by Ord. 96-4, 5/7/1996, § 7; by Ord. 97-2, 3/18/1997, § 7; and by Ord. 99-7, 11/3/1999, § 1]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this Part shall be guilty of a summary offense punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000, together with all court costs and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the Township in any such enforcement proceeding, and may further be punished by imprisonment to the extent permitted for summary offenses. Each day that a violation continues may be considered a separate offense.
[Ord. 88-1, 2/16/1988, § 105]
In the event it shall appear that any person is permitting the use of a residential unit without smoke detectors as required hereunder, the said residential unit is hereby declared to be a nuisance and upon the request of the Chief, the Solicitor of the Township may, if he deems it appropriate, initiate the necessary legal proceedings to abate the unsafe condition which is declared a nuisance hereunder.