[Ord. 8/15/1989, § 401]
The scale and sheet size of sketch plans shall be as required for preliminary plans in § 22-402, Subsection 1A(1) and (3). Although not required, it is recommended that the sketch plan be prepared by a registered professional engineer, registered land surveyor or registered landscape architect. The sketch plan shall show or be accompanied by the following data, legible in every detail, but not necessarily drawn to exact scale with precise dimensions:
Name and address of the developer (if applicable) and landowner.
Name of the individual and/or the firm that prepared the plan.
Location map with sufficient information to locate the property.
North arrow.
Written scales.
Identification of the district, lot size and/or density and yard requirements of the prevailing Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Existing tract boundaries accurately labeled with the names of adjacent landowners and adjacent plans of record.
Name of the municipality in which the project is located, including the location of any municipal boundary lines if located within the vicinity of the property.
Significant topographical and man-made features (e.g., bodies of water, quarries, floodplains, tree masses, structures).
Proposed street, parking, building, lot layout, water supply, sanitary sewage disposal and other planned features.
Proposed land use; if several land uses are proposed, the location of each land use shall be indicated.
The sketch plan shall be accompanied by an application (see Appendix No. 6)[1] and a check or money order drawn to Valley Township in an amount specified on the Fee Schedule adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors.
Editor's Note: The form is on file in the Township offices and available via the Township website.
[Ord. 8/15/1989, § 402]
Preliminary plans shall be prepared by an engineer, surveyor and/or a landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to perform such duties. Metes and bounds descriptions shall be prepared by surveyors and designs which entail engineering expertise shall be prepared by professional engineers. The preliminary plan shall show, be accompanied by or be prepared in accordance with the following:
Drafting Standards.
The plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of 10 feet, 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, 50 feet, 60 feet, 80 feet or 100 feet to the inch. Profile plans shall maintain a ratio of 1:10 vertical to horizontal.
Dimensions for the entire tract boundary shall be in feet and decimals; bearings shall be in degrees, minutes and seconds. Lot line descriptions shall read in a clockwise direction. The description shall be based upon a survey and not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet. If a landowner is going to retain a single lot with a lot area in excess of 10 acres, the boundary of that lot may be identified as a deed plotting and may be drawn at any legible scale; if the retained lot has a lot area of 10 or fewer acres, its existing perimeter must be described to the accuracy requirements of this chapter.
The sheet size shall be no smaller than 11 inches by 17 inches and no larger than 34 inches by 44 inches, in the quantities referenced in § 22-303, Subsection 5A(1). If the plan is prepared in two or more sections, a key map showing the location of the sections shall be placed on each sheet. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be numbered to show the relationship to the total number of sheets in the plan (e.g., Sheet 1 of 5).
[Amended by Ord. No. 09-2022, 12/20/2022]
Plans shall be legible in every detail.
Along with the standard submission criteria, the applicant shall provide a computer-aided drafting (CAD) file containing, at a minimum, the horizontal (or plan view) sheets of the project. It is not necessary to provide profiles, details, or cover sheets in digital form.
[Added by Ord. No. 09-2022, 12/20/2022]
The CAD file shall be in the industry standard .DXF (Digital Exchange File) format (or other Township-approved format, e.g., .DWG, .PRO, etc.). The file shall be consistent with Chester County GIS data standards, including coordinates referenced to NAD83 Pennsylvania State Plane feet. The file may shall be delivered in an electronic method acceptable to the Township. The electronic submission must be readable; it shall be prepared to meet commonly accepted drafting and engineering industry standards for layers but shall, at a minimum, include descriptive information layers and GIS shape file data containing the information required for a preliminary plan as specified in § 22-402, Subsection 1B, C, D and E.
An electronic copy of the plan, including all supporting documents, shall be provided to the Township in electronic PDF format for archival purposes.
[Added by Ord. No. 09-2022, 12/20/2022]
Location and Identification.
The proposed project name or identifying title.
The municipality in which the project is to be located. If the tract of land is located in the vicinity of a municipal boundary line, the location of the boundary shall be shown.
The name and address of the owner, authorized agent of the tract, the developer and the firm that prepared the plans.
Source of title to the land included within the subject application as shown by the books of the Chester County Recorder of Deeds. If equitable owner the name, address and reference to the equity agreement.
The map and lot number assigned to the property by the Chester County Tax Assessment Office.
The file or project number assigned by the firm that prepared the plan, the plan date and the date(s) of all plan revisions.
A North arrow, a graphic scale and a written scale.
The total acreage of the entire existing tract.
A statement on the plan identifying the district, lot size and/or density and yard requirements of the prevailing Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27] and any existing variances, special exceptions, conditional uses and nonconforming structures/uses.
A statement on the plan identifying any existing waivers.
The location and description of existing lot line markers and monuments along the perimeter of the entire existing tract.
A location map, drawn to scale, relating the property to at least two intersections of existing road center lines, including the approximate distance to the intersection of the center lines of the nearest existing street intersection.
Existing Features.
Existing contours at a minimum vertical interval of two feet for land with average natural slope of 4% or less and at a minimum vertical interval of five feet for more steeply sloping land. Contours shall be accompanied by the location of the benchmark within or immediately adjacent to the subject tract and a notation indicating the datum used. Contours plotted from the United States Geodetic Survey may only be used for subdivision plans which require no new streets or other public improvement. Contour data is not required beyond 200 feet of the proposed lots within remaining land which exceeds 10 acres.
The names of all immediately adjacent landowners and the names and plan book record numbers of all previously recorded plans for adjacent projects.
The following items when located within 200 feet of the subject tract:
The location and name of existing rights-of-way and cartways for streets, access drives, driveways and service streets.
The location of the following features and any related rights-of-way: sanitary sewer mains (including manhole numbers), water supply mains, fire hydrants, buildings, swales, watercourses, bodies of water, floodplain and stormwater management facilities which affect stormwater runoff on the subject tract.
The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, gas and oil transmission lines and railroads.
The following items when located within the subject tract:
The location, name and dimensions of existing rights-of-way and cartways for streets, access drives, driveways and service streets.
The location, dimensions and size of the following features and related rights-of-way: sanitary sewer mains, water supply mains, fire hydrants, buildings, swales, watercourses, bodies of water, floodplain, stormwater management facilities and wooded areas.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2003-08, 9/16/2003]
The location of existing rights-of-way for electric, gas and oil transmission lines and railroads.
The location, dimensions and purpose of any easement(s) and the identity of the possessor of right(s) of access and/or use and maintenance responsibility for the easement(s).
[Added by Ord. No. 2003-08, 9/16/2003]
Proposed Features.
Complete description of the center line for all new streets. This description shall include distances and bearings with curve segments comprised of radius, tangent, arc and chord. The description shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
Approximate lot line dimensions and lot areas for all parcels. Along existing street rights-of-way, the description may utilize the existing deed lines or road center lines.
Lot numbers in consecutive order.
In the case of land development plans, the location and configuration of proposed buildings, parking compounds, streets, access drives, driveways and all other significant facilities.
A statement of the plan indicating the proposed total number of lots, units of occupancy, density, minimum lot size, type of sanitary sewage disposal, type of water supply, name of authority providing sanitary sewage disposal and water supply (if applicable), and proposed land use. The location of each land use if several types of uses are proposed. This statement shall also include the criteria needed to calculate off-street parking, lot coverage and other requirements of the prevailing Township Zoning Ordinance [Chapter 27].
Building setback lines with distances from the property and street right-of-way. A typical example may be used to identify side and rear yard setback; however, odd or unusual shaped lots shall be plotted with all setback lines.
Identification of buildings and other structures to be demolished.
Typical street cross-section for each proposed street and typical cross-section for any existing street which will be improved as part of the application. Each cross-section shall include the entire right-of-way width.
Vertical and horizontal alignment on one sheet for each proposed street, stormwater management facility, sanitary sewer (including manhole numbers) and water distribution system. All street profiles shall show at least the existing (natural) profile along the center line, proposed grade at the center line and the length of all proposed vertical curves for streets. All water distribution and sanitary sewer systems shall provide manhole locations, size and type of material. This information is not subject to recording with the Chester County Recorder of Deeds.
Proposed names for new streets.
Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot line markers including a note that all monuments and lot line markers are set or indicating when they will be set.
In the case of land development plans, a grading plan. The grading plan shall include finished grades and ground floor elevations. This information may be provided on separate sheets and is not subject to recording with the Chester County Recorder of Deeds.
A statement on the plan indicating any proposed waivers. This statement must be revised prior to recordation of the plan to acknowledge the outcome of the requested waiver.
Identification of any lands to be dedicated or reserved for public, semipublic or community use.
ADA-compliant curb (aka "handicap") ramp design details for each proposed curb ramp that include elevations, slopes, layout, detectable warning surfaces, and dimensions specific to each curb ramp in accordance with ADA Standards, latest edition. Spot elevations shall be included for all points where horizontal and vertical changes will occur throughout the curb ramp. Details shall include existing elevations of abutting surfaces (i.e., roadway, sidewalk) into which the curb ramp will connect.
[Added by Ord. No. 2019-01, 3/19/2019]
A sketch plan for the entire landholding where the application covers only a part of the property. The application will be considered in light of its relationship to the entire landholdings.
A sewer facilities plan revision (plan revision module for land development) or supplement in accordance with the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, Act 537 of 1966, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 750.1 et seq.
A stormwater management plan in accordance with Chapter 20.1, Stormwater Management, as amended.
The following impact statement for all nonresidential land uses which generate more than 100 vehicular trips per day and residential land uses which exceed 25 lots or units in whole or in part:
[Amended by Ord. No. 2003-08, 9/16/2003]
The objective of the impact statement on transportation is to provide the Township with enough data to properly determine:
The impact generated by the proposed development on the street network in the Township as well as on streets which provide immediate access to the site.
The capital improvements to existing transportation facilities that will be needed because of the development.
The traffic safety problems that may be generated by the development.
As a minimum, the impact statement shall include the following:
Existing twenty-four-hour and peak-hour traffic volume data for all streets which provide direct access to the proposed development and for the collectors and arterials which will serve it as well as any major intersection within the impact area.
Estimates of the total number of vehicle trips to be generated by the development for a typical twenty-four-hour period and typical a.m. and p.m. peak periods.
Assignment of future twenty-four-hour and peak-hour volumes to the collectors and arterials and other streets what will serve the proposed development based on the above assignment and estimates of normal growth in overall traffic volumes.
Projected twenty-four-hour and peak-hour turning movement data for all access points proposed for the development.
Existing and proposed capacity/level of service analysis during peak hours on major intersections which will be impacted by the additional volumes generated by the development.
The most recent data about existing accident levels at the above intersections categorized by accident type for each intersection.
Descriptions of the street and traffic control improvements that will be required in order to improve safety conditions and bring the impacted intersections up to acceptable levels of service.
Cost estimates of any proposed improvements that will be required.
Descriptions of existing and planned public transportation services in the Township and the potential to serve the proposed development.
Descriptions of any action proposed or offered by the applicant to alleviate any burdens caused by the impact of the development on the transportation network.
The source of standards used in the data as presented.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection (b), Recreation, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-16-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-08.
Provide a development recreation area per the 1990 Valley Township Recreation Plan recommendation, as follows:
[Added by Ord. No. 2003-08, 9/16/2003]
A recreation area of at least 0.021 acres per dwelling shall be provided in proposed development, of 12 or more single-family dwelling units or six or more multifamily dwelling units, except as may be modified in Subsection 1E(5)(f) below.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2008-07, 3/18/2008]
This area shall be suitable for active recreational uses without interfering with adjacent dwelling units, parking, driveways and roads.
The total required recreation area shall be comprised of no more than two separate individually contiguous areas not less than 1/4 acre, graded and seeded at a slope acceptable to the Township's Engineer for the purpose of a suitable recreational activity and the avoidance of retaining walls in these areas.
[Amended by Ord. No. 2008-07, 3/18/2008]
Any required recreation area shall have a minimum dimension of 100 feet and a maximum to minimum dimension not exceeding 8:1.
The minimum required recreation area shall not include:
Land within public or private streets or street rights-of-way or access drives;
Required setbacks;
Required front, rear or side yards;
Required separations between buildings;
Required areas between lot lines and access drives or parking areas;
Parking areas; or
Wetlands or stormwater retention or detention basins.
The minimum required area for recreation may be reduced by an area having a monetary value equal to that of the recreation equipment provided by the developer as approved by the Board of Supervisors. The reduction shall not be more than 50% of the original required minimum area.
Certifications and Notifications.
Where the land included in the subject application has an electric or telephone transmission line, a gas pipeline or a petroleum or petroleum products transmission line located within the tract, the application shall be accompanied by a letter from the owner or lessee of such right-of-way stating any conditions on the use of the land and the minimum building setback and/or right-of-way lines. This requirement may also be satisfied by submitting a copy of the recorded agreement.
A statement by the individual responsible for the data to the effect that the survey, plan and/or other general data are correct (see Appendix No. 1).[3] This statement must be placed on both plans and reports.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is on file in the Township offices.
A statement acknowledging that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is presented with the consent of the landowner.
A statement that a highway occupancy permit is required pursuant to § 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), as amended,[4] before street or driveway access to a state highway is permitted.
Editor's Note: See 36 P.S. § 670-420.
An application (see Appendix No. 6).[5]
Editor's Note: The form is on file in the Township offices and available via the Township website.
(Optional) A statement acknowledging municipal action (see Appendix Nos. 3 and 4).[6]
Editor's Note: Said appendixes are on file in the Township offices.
Filing Fee. The preliminary plan shall be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to Valley Township in an amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Building.
[Ord. 8/15/1989, § 403; as amended by Ord. 99-5, 11/3/1999]
Final plans shall be prepared by an engineer, surveyor or landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to preform such duties. The final plan shall show, be accompanied by or prepared in accordance with the following:
Drafting Standards. The same standards are required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 22-402, Subsection 1A.
Location and Identification. The same standards are required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 22-402, Subsection 1B.
Existing Features. The same standards are required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 22-402, Subsection 1C.
Proposed Features. In addition to the following data, the same standards are required for a final plan as specified for a preliminary plan in § 22-402, Subsection 1D.
Complete description of the center line and right-of-way line for all new streets. This description shall include distances and bearings with curve segments comprised of radius, tangent, arc and chord. The description shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
Complete description of all lot lines with accurate bearings and distances and lot areas for all parcels. Curve segments shall be comprised of arc, chord, bearing and distance. Along existing street rights-of-way, the description may utilize the existing deed lines or road center lines. Along all proposed street rights-of-way, the description shall be prepared to the right-of-way lines. The description shall not have an error of closure greater than one foot in 10,000 feet.
Mailing address for all new lots.
Reports. The same standards are required for a final plan as specified for preliminary plan in § 22-402, Subsection 1E.
Certifications and Notifications. In addition to the following data, the same standards are required for a final plan as specified for preliminary plan in § 22-402, Subsection 1F.
A statement acknowledging final plan approval (see Appendix No. 5).[1] This statement must be placed on all sheets which are subject to recording with the Chester County Recorder of Deeds.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is on file in the Village offices.
A statement acknowledging plan review by the Township Planning Commission (see Appendix No. 3).[2] This statement must be placed on all sheets which are subject to recording with the Chester County Recorder of Deeds.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is on file in the Village offices.
Notice from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection that a sewer facilities plan revision or supplement has been approved.
A notarized statement signed by the landowner, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to make acknowledgment of deeds to the effect that the subdivision or land development shown on the plan is the act and the deed of the owner, that all those signing are all the owners of the property shown on the survey and plan and that they desire the same to be recorded as such (see Appendix No. 2).[3] This must be dated following the last change or revision to said plan.
Editor's Note: Said appendix is on file in the Village offices.
A statement of dedication of streets and other public property as well as area that is not to be offered for dedication (see Appendix No. 2).[4]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is on file in the Village offices.
The submission of a controlling agreement in accordance with § 22-602, Subsection 2, when an application proposes to establish areas which are not offered for dedication to public use.
Such written notices of approval as required by this chapter, including written notices approving the water supply systems, sanitary sewage systems and stormwater runoff to adjacent properties.
A statement that a highway occupancy permit is required pursuant to § 420 of the Act of June 1, 1945 (P.L. 1242, No. 428), as amended,[5] before street or driveway access to a state highway is permitted.
Editor's Note: See 36 P.S. § 670-420.
An improvement guarantee which is governed by an improvement escrow agreement, a development agreement and a professional fee agreement in accordance with Part 5.
An application (see Appendix No. 6).[6]
Editor's Note: The form is on file in the Township offices and available via the Township website.
Filing Fee. The final plan shall also be accompanied by a check or money order drawn to Valley Township in an amount specified on the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and available at the Township Building.