Within the City limits of Bloomington, no person shall burn any garbage, solid waste, commercial solid waste, yard waste, household waste, junk, refuse, rubbish, construction waste, hazardous waste, buildings, or structures.
The use of outdoor grills and barbecues for cooking is permitted.
Recreational fires shall be allowed in approved containers or fire pits.
Recreational fire shall be defined as an outdoor fire whose purpose is for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes.
For the purpose of this section, approved container shall be defined as a device specifically designed for the use of burning wooed or charcoal, including but not limited to portable fireplaces, fire pits or chimineas. All portable devices shall be equipped with a spark arrestor (i.e. screen or chimney). The approved container made of stone, metal, or ceramic construction designed for the purpose of containing a fire shall also be permitted provided the total fuel area does not exceed three feet in diameter and two feet in height. Wood contained in permissible fires shall be no more than three feet in length.
No approved container shall be located within eight feet of a structure or public way. No approved fire pit shall be located within 25 feet of a structure or public way.
Only clean, dry firewood or charcoal may be used for recreational fires. Construction materials or yard waste are strictly prohibited. The use of flammable or combustible liquids, other than commercially produced charcoal lighter fluid, to start the fire is strictly prohibited.
All recreational fires shall be constantly attended by a responsible adult until the fire is extinguished. A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher with a 4-A rating or a functional hose attached to a functional water source shall be available for immediate use.
All recreational fires have maximum time limit of four hours and shall be properly extinguished at the end of activities or time limit. Regardless of when the fire was initiated it is not allowed to extend later than 11:00 p.m. and may begin no earlier than 7:00 a.m.
The fire shall be immediately extinguished any time wind conditions become strong (at or above 15 MPH or greater) or if there are sustained wind gusts in excess of 20 MPH, or if the wind begins to carry brands or embers creating a potential for fire extension.
Bonfires may be allowed only for officially sponsored activities of civic, educational and religious organizations. Bonfires are not approved for the general public. Allowed bonfires are subject to the following conditions:
The organization requesting the bonfires must submit a map of the burn site to the Bloomington Fire Department for review a minimum of seven business days prior to the event. The site map must show emergency access points to the site (i.e. roads, parking lots, alleys, etc.) burn sites proximity to buildings/structures, location of hydrants, and approximate number of location of participants.
The organization requesting the bonfire must obtain a burn permit from the Bloomington Fire Department at least 48 hours prior to the lighting of the bonfire. A Fire Department official will need to inspect the site the date of the burn.
[Ord. No. 2014-101]
The location of the bonfire shall be no closer than 50 feet to any structure, tree, shrub or combustible material and provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to within 50 feet of any structure or combustible material.
The organization requesting the bonfire will appoint a minimum of two adults to act as bonfire supervisors throughout the entire event. These supervisors shall each have a means of communication (cell phone, etc.) to alert the Fire Department in the event of any issues.
The fuel for the bonfire shall consist only of clean, dry non-treated lumber or firewood stacked no more than 10 feet in height and with a diameter of not to exceed 10 feet at the base of the pile.
The use of flammable or combustible liquids, other than commercially produced charcoal lighter fluid, to start the fire is strictly prohibited. Small amounts of paper and kindling should be used. Only dedicated bonfire supervisors will initiate the fire.
No one, except the bonfire supervisors and/or emergency personnel shall be allowed within 10 feet of the bonfire throughout the duration of the event. Adequate security measures must be in place to prevent the audience from encroaching on the pile.
The bonfire shall be properly extinguished at the end of activities, but in any case will not be allowed after 11:00 p.m.
The bonfire can be suspended or cancelled at any time during the event if wind conditions become strong (15 MPH or greater) or if there are sustained gusts in excess of 20 MPH, or if the wind begins to carry brands or embers creating a potential for fire extension. Bonfires identified as offensive or objectionable due to excessive smoke or odor emissions may be extinguished by Fire Department officials.
The Fire Chief/Police Chief or their designee may prohibit any type of burning that becomes a nuisance based on complaints of irritation of eyes or breathing of others, when the atmospheric conditions or local conditions make such fire hazardous and may order the extinguishment of any fire which creates or adds to a hazardous or objectionable situation.
A large outdoor utilized for ceremonial purposes, as an expression of public joy and exultation, or for amusement.
A pit dug into the ground or made from stones, masonry, etc, that rests on the ground, for keeping a fire used for recreation or cooking.
A public street, sidewalk, alley or bike trail.
A small outdoor fire whose purpose is for pleasure, viewing, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes using only seasoned dry firewood or commercially available charcoal briquettes.
Items such as paper, plastic, rubber, food products, metal, glass and combustible liquids.
A building, garage, house or shed attached to the ground that consists of a roof and may have walls.
Vegetative matter resulting from landscaping and yard maintenance operations and includes materials such a tree and shrub trimmings, vegetables, flowers, leaves, grass clippings, trees and tree stumps.
Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500 for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
[Ord. No. 2010-46]
It shall be illegal for any person to operate or cause to be operated upon any street, highway, public place, or private premises within the City any internal combustion engine of any motor vehicle or other vehicle while stationary or moving, which emits from any source any unreasonable and excessive smoke, obnoxious or noxious gases, fumes or vapor.
[Ord. No. 1989-110]
Penalty. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this section hereof shall be fined not less than $50 nor more than $500 for each offense; and a separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during which a violation occurs or continues.
[Ord. No. 1989-110]
It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit the handling, loading, unloading, reloading, storing, transferring, transporting, placing, depositing, throwing, discarding or scattering of any ashes, fly ash, cinders, slag or dust collected from any combustion process, any dust, dirt, chaff, wastepaper, trash, rubbish, waste or refuse matter of any kind, or any other substance or material whatever which is likely to be scattered by the wind or is susceptible to being windborne, without taking reasonable precautions or measures so as to minimize atmospheric pollution.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or maintain or cause to be operated or maintained any building, structure or premises, open area, right-of-way, storage pile of materials, yard, vessel, or vehicle, or construction, alteration, building, demolition or wrecking operation, or any other enterprise which has or involves any matter, material or substance likely to be scattered by the wind, or susceptible to being windborne, without taking reasonable precautions or measures so as to minimize atmospheric pollution.
The Director shall have jurisdiction and authority over the sources of any matter, material or substance likely to be scattered by the wind, or susceptible to becoming airborne or a contributing factor to atmospheric pollution and shall have authority to abate windborne nuisances and to instigate prosecutions for violations of this chapter or any other Chapter of the Code of the City relating to the eradication or control of matter susceptible to being airborne. For the purpose of minimizing atmospheric pollution he shall, with the advice and consent of the Appeal Board, prescribe reasonable, specific operating and maintenance practices for buildings, structures, premises, open areas, automobiles, and/or truck parking and sales lots, private roadways, rights-of-way storage piles of materials, yards, vessels, vehicles, construction, alteration, building, demolition or wrecking operations, and any other enterprise which has or involves any matter, material or substance susceptible to being windborne, and for the handling, transportation, disposition, or other operation with respect to any such material subject to being windborne, which practices shall be embodied in the Code of the Recommended Practices of the City.
The Director is hereby authorized to issue notices of violation for the purpose of giving notice to persons allegedly violating any of the provisions of this chapter or other ordinances relating to atmospheric pollution. Such notice relay be given by any inspector or other properly trained authorized agent of said Director by delivering such notice to the alleged violator. Such notice shall direct the alleged violator to appear and to present such notice at the designated office of the department in the City Hall at the date and hour specified thereon for the purpose of conferring with respect to the alleged violation and the corrective measures, if any, which should be taken.
No person shall maintain or conduct or cause to be maintained or conducted any parking lot and/or truck parking lot or use any real estate for a private roadway unless such real property is covered or treated with a surface or substance or otherwise maintained in such manner as to minimize atmospheric pollution.
Any person who shall refuse to comply with or shall assist in the violation of any of the provisions of this article or who in any manner hinders, obstructs, delays, resists, prevents or in any way interferes or attempts to interfere with the Director of Air Pollution Control or Air Pollution Control Inspectors, Police Officers, or Fire Inspectors in the performance of any duty enjoined in this article or who shall refuse to permit the inspection or examination of any building, establishment, premises or enclosures for the purpose of the enforcement of this article shall be fined as provided in § 1-106 of this Code.
Prosecutions for all violations of this article shall be instituted by the Director of Air Pollution Control and shall be prosecuted in the name of the City. The issuance and delivery by the Director of Air Pollution Control of any permit or certificate for the construction or the alteration of any plant or chimney connected with a plant shall not be held to exempt any person to whom any such permit has been issued or delivered or who is in possession of any such permit from prosecution on account of emission or issuance of any matters or things forbidden by this article caused or permitted by any such person.
In any proceeding under this article, it shall be a good defense if the person charged with the unlawful emission of smoke, fly ash, soot, cinders, noxious acids, poisonous, deleterious materials, dust, grit, vapors, fumes or gases shall show to the satisfaction of the Court or Jury trying the same that there is no known practicable device, appliance, means or method by application of which to his building, establishment, premises, motor vehicle, or equipment the emission or discharge of the dense smoke, fly ash, soot, cinders, noxious acids, poisonous, deleterious materials, dust, grit, vapors, fumes or gases complained of in such proceedings could have been prevented in the general performance of their duties, or for the purpose of obtaining the facts with respect to any defense, the Director of Air Pollution Control and the Air Pollution Control Inspector are hereby authorized to enter at all reasonable hours upon and into all buildings, establishments, premises and enclosures in or from which they have reason to believe that the provisions of this article are being violated, and to inspect or examine such buildings, establishments, premises or enclosures and the Director of Air Pollution Control and the Air Pollution Control Inspector shall collect and preserve evidence of all facts as to any violations of this article. Upon written complaint to the Director of Air Pollution Control by the owner or operator of any fuel burning plant or any ventilating exhaust equipment or system or dust, grit or fume producing process or motor vehicle described in this article against any decision, ruling or order of the Director setting forth that it is impossible in the operation of such apparatus, either by alterations, repairs or addition thereto, to operate the same in complete compliance with the requirements of this article and upon filing and depositing the sum of $5 with the Director, the Director shall thereupon and in any event not later than 10 days from the receipt of such written complaint cause the same to be filed and the deposit of $5 to be made with the Appeal Board, which shall thereafter set a time and hearing for such complaint and give notice thereof by mail to the parties interested, and after such hearing the Appeal Board may vary or modify the application of any of the regulations or provisions of this article relating to such fuel burning plant or any ventilating exhaust equipment or system, or dust, grit or fume producing process or motor vehicle so that the spirit of this article shall be observed, the public health, welfare, and safety secured, and substantial justice done. In exercising the above-mentioned powers, the Appeal Board may in conformity with the provisions of this article reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, or may modify the order, requirements, decisions or determination appealed from and may make such order, requirements, decision or determination as ought to be made and to that end shall have all the powers of the Director of Air Pollution Control.
The combustion of any matter in the open or in an open dump.
Any individual, partnership, firm, company, corporation, joint stock company, trust, estate, political subdivision, state agency, or any other legal entity, or their legal representative, agent or assign.