All the powers now and hereafter vested by law in the Board of Town Auditors of the Town of the City of Bloomington shall be exercised by the City Council.
Said City Council in exercising the powers of the Board of Auditors shall meet at the City Clerk's office for the purpose of examining and auditing the town accounts semi-annually on the Tuesday next preceding the annual meeting of the County Board and on the Tuesday next preceding the annual town meeting and may in their discretion meet at such other times as they may determine. Upon the request of the supervisor, or of any two members of the Council, the Town Clerk shall call a meeting at the time requested and shall furnish to the members of the Council at least 48 hours' notice thereof. All such meetings shall be open to the public.
The City Council acting as the Board of Auditors shall, at the same time and place as stated § 42-103, examine the accounts of the supervisor, overseer of the poor, for all moneys received and distributed by him arid shall also examine and audit all charges and claims against their town, and the compensation of all town officers, except the compensation of supervisors for county services.
The accounts so audited, and those rejected, if any, shall be delivered, with the certificate of the auditors, or a majority of them, to the Town Clerk, to be by him kept on file for the inspection of any of the inhabitants of the town. They shall also be produced by the Town Clerk at the next annual meeting, and shall be there read by him.
The City Council, acting as the Board of Auditors may require any account presented to be verified by affidavit, setting forth that the same is correct and just and is unpaid, or, if any part thereof has been paid, setting forth how much.
The Board shall make a certificate to be signed by a majority of the said Board, specifying the nature of the claim or charge and to whom the amount is allowed and shall cause such certificate to be delivered to the Town Clerk of said town to be by him kept on file for the inspection of any of the inhabitants of said town. The aggregate amount of any such claims or charges which have been reduced to judgment shall be certified to the County Clerk at the same time and in the same manner as the other amounts required to be raised for town purposes, which shall be levied and collected as other town taxes except that in the towns mentioned in Section 4 of Article IV of this Act, the amount shall be certified to the County Board, who shall include the same in their estimate of the town's expenses.
Unless provision has otherwise been made for the preparation of the tentative budget and appropriation ordinance by the town meeting, such tentative ordinance required by Section 365.3 of Chapter 120 of the Revised Statutes of Illinois, 1959[1] shall be prepared by the City Council. At least one public hearing shall be held as to such budget and appropriation ordinance prior to final action thereon, notice of which shall be given by publication in a newspaper published in such municipality, at least one week prior to the time of such hearing. If there is no newspaper published in such municipality, notice of such public hearing shall be given by posting notices thereof in five of the most public places in such municipality. It shall be the duty of the Clerk, secretary, or other similar officer of such municipality to make such tentative budget and appropriation ordinance available to public inspection and to arrange for such public hearing or hearings. Except as otherwise provided by law, no further appropriations shall be made at any other time within such fiscal year, provided that the governing body of such municipality may from time to time make transfers between the various items in any fund in such appropriation ordinance not exceeding in the aggregate 10% of the total amount appropriated in such fund by such ordinance and may amend such budget and appropriation ordinance from time to time by the same procedure as is herein provided for the original adoption of a budget and appropriation ordinance; provided that nothing in this section shall be construed to permit transfers between funds required by law to be kept separate.
Editor's Note: See now 60 ILCS 1/80-60.
The City Council exercising the powers of the Board of Town Auditors shall authorize the issuance and disposal of tax anticipation warrants drawn against and in anticipation of all taxes levied by the electors of the Town of the City of Bloomington at a town meeting.
The City Council Shall fix the salary of the supervisor for tending to his duties as general assistant supervisor to be paid out of the town fund.
The City Council shall fix the salary of the Township Assessor in accordance with the provisions of Section 483 of Chapter 120, Illinois Revised Statutes 1959.
In addition to the above compensation, the City Council shall determine and fix the amount of travel and transportation expenses to be allowed the Township Assessor.
Whenever the Town Assessor shall be unable alone to perform all the duties of his office, the City Council may advise and consent to the appointment by the Township Assessor of one or more suitable persons to act as deputies to assist the Town Assessor in making the assessment. No such deputy shall be appointed without such consent of the City Council being first had and obtained. The City Council shall fix the sum to be received by said deputies, which sum is not to exceed the amount provided in Section 483 of Chapter 120, Illinois Revised Statutes 1959.
Vacancies in any of the town offices, except that of Justice of the Peace and Constable, within such City and town may be filled by the City Council.