The purpose of this section is to establish standards for off-street parking, loading, and site circulation in order to increase safety and reduce congestion in the streets, ensure adequate vehicle parking and circulation areas associated with the development of land, eliminate the on-street storage of motor vehicles, accommodate all surface transportation users, and avoid negative environmental and urban design impacts that can result from parking lots and other vehicular use areas.
The off-street parking and loading standards of this section shall apply to any use or building hereafter established, erected, or substantially altered or enlarged; or any parking lot hereafter installed in the City of Bloomington.
Existing structures and facilities.
All uses established after the effective date of this Ordinance shall provide off-street parking and loading space in accordance with the standards set forth in this section.
No existing use shall be deemed nonconforming solely due to the lack of off-street parking, loading or site circulation facilities required by this section; provided, that facilities being used for off-street parking, loading and site circulation as of the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this title shall not be reduced in number to less than that required by this section and shall be provided in compliance with this section as required herein.
Damage or destruction. When any building, structure, or use is damaged or destroyed by fire, collapse, explosion, or other cause, and is reconstructed, re-established or repaired in like kind to its previous use and extent, off-street parking or loading facilities equivalent to those maintained at the time of such damage or destruction shall be provided. However, in no case shall it be necessary to restore or maintain off-street parking or loading facilities in excess of those required by this Code.
Enlargement, expansion or change in use.
Whenever the existing use of a building or structure erected prior to the effective date of this Code is changed to a new use, or the building or structure is enlarged or expanded, additional off-street parking or loading facilities conforming to the standards of this article shall be required. Enlargement or expansion shall be interpreted to include any of the following:
The addition of new floor area;
Increased occupancy loads as determined by the Fire Marshal;
Increase in the number of dwelling units.
Minor expansion. When the floor area of a structure is expanded by less than 20%, additional parking, loading and bicycle facilities for the new or expanded portion of the structure is required.
Major expansion. When the floor area of a structure is expanded by 20% or more, the total structure shall require conformance with all provisions of this article.
Any area designated as required off-street parking or loading shall not be changed to any other use unless and until equal facilities that meet the standards of this article are provided elsewhere, or the parking requirements of the site have changed as determined by the Director of Economic and Community Development.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
Temporary encroachments. Temporary encroachments into required parking spaces for a seasonal sales display area may be authorized by the Economic and Community Development Director for up to 90 days during a calendar year, if the Director determines that adequate parking is available to meet the demand during the period of encroachment.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
Permissive parking and loading facilities.
The voluntary establishment of off-street parking and loading facilities is permitted, provided that there is adherence to all regulations herein governing the location, design, and operation of such facilities and provided that such parking or loading facilities do not exceed the requirements of this section by more than 25%.
The voluntary provision of off-street parking or loading that exceeds 25% of the requirements of this section may be approved through Site Plan Review procedures, if a determination is made that such facilities are needed based upon a parking demand study provided by the applicant.
Use of off-street parking, stacking, and loading areas. Required off-street parking, stacking, and loading spaces shall be designated solely for the purposes specified herein. Each required off-street parking space shall be kept available at all times for parking of one motor vehicle.
Parking and loading area plan. No application for a building permit for a new, enlarged, or altered structure or improvement shall be issued, unless there is included with the application a plan showing the location, layout, and critical dimensions of all off-street parking, loading and pedestrian facilities, including bicycle racks where required. Such plan shall be drawn to scale and show vehicular access and circulation patterns.
Construction. Except as otherwise provided in this article, required off-street parking, and loading facilities shall be completed prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for the use they serve.
A required parking lot shall be fully constructed within six months of receipt of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a Building Certificate of Occupancy for the use or uses it serves. The Director of Economic and Community Development may grant one extension for up to an additional six months in the event of adverse weather conditions or unusual delays beyond the control of the property owner or responsible person.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
In the case of phased development, off-street parking, stacking, and loading areas shall only be provided for the portions of the development for which a site plan has been approved or upon receipt of a temporary use permit for a surface parking lot.
Lighting. All off-street parking areas regulated by this Code shall have operational lighting fixtures directed away from residences in such a way as not to create a nuisance and in compliance with § 44-911 of this Code.
Storage of camping and recreational equipment. Any owner of camping and recreational equipment or domestic utility trailer may park or store such camping and recreational equipment or utility trailer in a Residential District subject to the following conditions:
At no time shall such parked or stored camping and recreational equipment be occupied or used for dining, sleeping or housekeeping purposes while parked or stored in a residence district except for a period of not to exceed 14 days in one calendar year, provided, however, that such mobile home, travel trailer, pickup coach, motor-home or camping trailer may be used for only for sleeping purposes during such fourteen-day period;
During the period from September 15th through April 15th, if the recreational equipment is parked or stored outside of a garage, it shall be parked or stored to the rear of the front building line of the principal structure on the lot;
However, such camping and recreational equipment may be parked anywhere on the premises for loading or unloading purposes for a period not to exceed 24 hours per episode.
Recreational equipment or domestic utility trailer must be parked a minimum of three feet from a side or rear yard lot line.
If parked from April 16th through September 14th to the front of the front building line of the principal structure on the property, recreational equipment must be on a hard surface as defined in Article XVI of this Code.
[Amended 8-24-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-55]
If the recreational equipment is a self-propelled vehicle that is not stored on a trailer (such as a motor-home), it must be parked on a hard-surface whether it is parked to the front or rear of the front line of the principal structure on the property. Camping trailers, domestic utility trailers, boats on trailers, and other items of recreational equipment stored on trailers need to be a compacted surface, as defined by Article XVI of this Code, if such recreational equipment is stored or parked to the rear of the front building line of the principal structure on the property.
[Amended 8-24-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-55]
All parking, loading and circulation areas shall be maintained free of dust, trash, weeds, and debris. Surfacing, curbs, walkways, light fixtures, signs, and related appurtenances shall be maintained in good repair and safe condition at all times.
The visibility of pavement markings delineating parking spaces and directional control shall be maintained.
All off-street parking, stacking, and loading areas required by this article shall be maintained free of accumulated snow or standing water that prevents full use and occupancy of the areas, except for temporary periods of heavy rainfall or snowfall not to exceed five days.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69; 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
Shared parking.
Purpose. Shared parking is encouraged as a means of conserving land resources, reducing stormwater runoff, reducing the heat island effect caused by large paved areas and improving community appearance.
Authorization. Shared parking facilities for off-street parking of two or more buildings or uses may be approved by the Economic and Community Development Director subject to compliance with this section.
Shared parking facilities for residential uses shall be located within 1,000 linear feet of the property.
Shared parking facilities for all other uses shall be located within 1,000 linear feet of the property.
A shared parking facility shall only be authorized in a Residential District if it serves one or more residential uses exclusively.
General requirements.
The number of parking spaces provided shall not be less than the sum of the separate requirements for each such building or use. Where a mix of two or more land uses creates staggered peak periods of parking demand due to different hours of operation, shared parking agreements that have the effect of reducing the total amount of required parking may be approved.
Accessible parking spaces for persons with disabilities may not be shared and shall be located on-site.
Adjacent lots that are subject to a shared parking agreement shall be interconnected by provision of cross-access for vehicular passage.
Shared parking for uses with different hours of operation.
For purposes of this section, the following uses are considered daytime uses:
Customer service, professional and administrative offices;
Retail sales uses, except eating and drinking establishments, hotels and motels, and entertainment-related uses;
Warehousing, wholesaling, and freight movement uses;
Manufacturing, production, and industrial service uses; and
Other similar primarily daytime uses, as determined by the Economic and Community Development Director.
For purposes of this section, the following uses are considered evening or Weekend uses:
Auditoriums accessory to public or private schools;
Places of worship;
Entertainment-related uses, such as theaters, bowling alleys, and dance halls; and
Other similar primarily nighttime or Sunday uses, as determined by the Economic and Community Development Director.
The applicant(s) shall demonstrate, through a shared parking analysis, that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours or peak periods of parking demand of the uses for which shared parking is proposed.
Shared parking study. The applicant(s) shall submit a shared parking analysis that demonstrates the feasibility of shared parking. The study shall include, at minimum, the size and type of the proposed development, the composition of tenants, the anticipated rate of parking turnover and the anticipated peak parking and traffic loads for all uses that will be sharing parking spaces. If existing land uses are to be included in the shared parking agreement, the study shall also include parking counts that document parking occupancy during weekday, weekend, daytime and evening periods of peak and off-peak parking demand.
Agreement. The applicant(s) shall provide a copy of the executed shared parking lease or agreement prior to the City's authorization of a shared parking facility.
Shared parking leases or agreements shall have a term of not less than five years, including any renewals at the option of the lessee.
Authorization of the shared parking facility will continue in effect only as long as the agreement, binding on all parties, remains in force. Should the agreement cease to be in force, parking must be provided as otherwise required by this section.
Parking spaces required for all nonresidential and multifamily uses shall be located on the same lot, an adjoining lot, or a lot under common ownership with the primary use lot located within 1,200 feet of the property. Where 10 or more parking spaces are required, such parking spaces may also be provided in a shared parking facility subject to requirements of § 44-1204.
Off-street parking spaces uses shall be located on a lot as follows:
No off-street parking spaces shall be permitted in the required front yard or required front transitional area, unless otherwise provided in this Code.
All new and approved off-street parking spaces and driveways shall be located at least three feet from any side lot line.
Where 10 or more parking spaces are required, off-street parking areas shall be located a minimum distance of 12 feet from the property line, in front yards, and six feet from the side and rear property lines to accommodate a landscaped perimeter as provided in Article XIII.
[Amended 8-24-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-55]
Legal nonconforming driveways may be reconstructed, but not expanded, at their existing location.
Residential driveways shall comply with standards contained in § 44-404C of this Code.
Diagram 1205B
044 Off-Street Parking Spaces.tif
All off-street parking, stacking, and loading areas shall be arranged for convenient access and safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles.
Each required parking space shall open directly upon an aisle, or driveway of such width and design as to provide safe and efficient means of vehicular access and egress. Except for driveways serving single-family and two-family dwelling units, access to a parking space shall not require backing across a street property line or re-entering a public right-of-way.
Off-street parking areas with three or more required spaces shall be configured so that a vehicle may enter and leave a parking space without moving another vehicle. Tandem parking may be approved for valet parking and similar purposes pursuant to Site Plan Review procedures.
Access to an off-street parking area that serves a nonresidential use shall not be permitted across lots that are residential in use or located in a Residential District.
Where the parking area of a corner lot abuts an alley or a corner side street, access to the parking area shall be obtained from the alley or corner side street. Alternate access from a primary street may be approved through Site Plan Review procedures if a determination is made that it is infeasible to fulfill this standard.
On any parcel, curb cuts for access to the right-of-way shall be approved by the City Engineer. In residential areas, only one driveway opening will be allowed if the lot width is less than 100 feet.
Large parking lots (200 or more parking spaces).
Primary drive aisles shall be located across from streets or driveways to avoid conflicting traffic movements and facilitate the safe flow of traffic.
Large off-street parking lots shall be designed to simulate a grid pattern through the placement of landscape islands, buildings, and drive aisles.
Block lengths within the grid should not exceed 600 linear feet between the center lines of intersecting streets or primary drive aisles. In cases where a block length exceeds 600 feet due to topography, natural features or other physical constraints, sidewalks shall be provided mid-block to connect parallel streets or drive aisles.
Curbs and vehicle stops.
All off-street parking lots, access drives and aisles, and other vehicle maneuvering areas shall provide perimeter curbs.
Off-street parking stalls shall provide curbs, vehicle stops or similar devices to prevent vehicles from overhanging on or into public right-of-way or adjacent property, structures, fences, or screens.
Vehicle stops shall be located 2.5 feet from a fence or wall.
When a parking space abuts a landscaped area, the front two feet of the parking space may overhang a landscaped area.
A parking space may overhang a walkway by up to two feet, provided that curbs or vehicle stops are installed to ensure that a minimum five-foot walkway clearance is maintained.
Defined areas. Off-street parking areas of three or more spaces and off-street loading areas shall include painted lines, curbs, vehicle stops or other similar identifiers to delineate parking and loading areas.
Accessible parking. Parking lots shall provide accessible parking spaces and accessible access routes for persons with disabilities in compliance with the State Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as applicable. The provision of accessible parking shall count toward fulfillment of off-street parking requirements.
Surfacing requirements.
Parking lots. All off-street parking, stacking, and loading areas shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete, brick, stone, pavers, or an equivalent material as approved by the City Engineer. Surfaces such as pervious asphalt, pervious concrete, or turf blocks are permitted; subject to the requirements of this chapter and other City policies pertaining to stormwater management.
Driveways leading to parking lots of 10 parking spaces or more shall conform to the requirements of § 44-1206F(1) of this Code.
[Amended 8-24-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-55]
Aprons on all driveways shall conform to the following standards:
A 1 1/2 inch bituminous concrete surface on a four-inch base of bituminous aggregate mix; or
A two-inch bituminous concrete surface on an eight-inch base of crushed gravel or crushed stone; or
A six-inch Portland cement concrete or five-inch reinforced with wire mesh or structural equivalent of any of the foregoing as determined by the Economic and Community Development Director.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
All parking lots shall be sloped and/or drained to prevent surface water from such lots from running onto adjoining property in unreasonable volumes.
All ramped parking lots and un-ramped parking lots containing 10 or more parking spaces shall provide flood routes to direct excess water in a way that results in the least amount of harm to adjoining properties and shall dispose of surface water in one of the following methods when approved by the City Engineer:
Surface drainage across sidewalks, if any, onto adjacent public right-of-way, unless such drainage would either:
Cause flooding of the adjacent public right-of-way; or
Flow longitudinally along any sidewalk adjacent to such lot or otherwise impair pedestrian use of such sidewalk;
Use of inlets and storm sewer facilities capable of draining the lot from a storm of five year magnitude or greater;
Retention of water on the premises;
Underground drainage across other private property to an approved outlet;
And permeable pavers as approved by the City Engineer.
Dimensional standards.
[Amended 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
Off-street parking spaces shall be designed in accordance with Table 1206I: Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles.
All parking spaces shall have a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet.
Compact spaces. Up to 30% of all provided parking spaces may be compact vehicle parking spaces. Dimensions for compact spaces are shown in Table 1206I.
All parking spaces and aisles shall comply with the following minimum requirements.
Table 1206I: Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles
A - Width of Aisle: One-Way
11 feet
11 feet
12 feet
12 feet
16 feet
16 feet
20 feet
20 feet
B - Width of Aisle: Two-Way
24 feet
24 feet
20 feet
19 feet
20 feet
19 feet
24 feet
23 feet
C - Width of Space
8.5 feet
8 feet
8.5 feet
8 feet
8.5 feet
8 feet
8.5 feet
8 feet
D - Depth of Space
20 feet
19 feet
19 feet
18 feet
20 feet
19 feet
18 feet
17 feet
Diagram 1206
044 Dimensional Standards for Parking Spaces and Aisles.tif
Purpose. Stands for drive-through facilities are provided to ensure safe site circulation and adequate vehicle queuing at drive through facilities. These standards are applied in addition to all other applicable standards of this Code.
Drive-through facilities shall not be located closer than 120 feet of a Residential District boundary.
Drive-through facilities, inclusive of stacking lanes, shall be located to the side or rear of a principal structure and shall not extend beyond the front building wall. Alternate placement of the drive-through facility may be approved through Site Plan Review procedures if a determination is made that it is infeasible to fulfill this requirement.
Drive-through stacking lanes shall be separated from driveways and drive aisles.
Access to queuing lanes shall in no way inhibit ingress or egress to the building or any off-street parking area, inhibit the flow of traffic throughout and within the off-street parking area, or encroach upon any public rights-of-way.
The stacking lane shall be designed to accommodate at least the minimum number of stacking spaces required for each use.
Stacking lanes and egress for drive-through facilities shall not cross or pass through pedestrian walkways, without providing appropriate crosswalk safety measures, pavement markings and signs as approved by the Economic and Community Development Director.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
A bypass lane shall be provided.
Dimensional standards.
Stacking lanes for drive-through facilities shall have the following minimum lane widths:
One lane: 12 feet.
Two or more lanes: 10 feet per lane.
Bypass lane: 10 feet.
The minimum depth of each space in the stacking lane shall be 20 feet.
Management. A property owner shall not allow vehicle stacking to overflow into primary drive aisles or any public street. As needed to contain drive-through activity on site, management of drive-through facilities may require additional attendants, designation of vehicle waiting and pick up areas, or other measures to ensure safe vehicle and pedestrian circulation.
Stacking standards.
For any drive-through facility, a minimum of two queuing spaces shall be provided per bay, unless otherwise required by Table 1207C.
Unless otherwise indicated, minimum vehicle queuing is required per lane or bay.
Spaces located adjacent to a point of service, such as a window or car wash bay, shall not count toward compliance with queuing requirements.
Table 1207C: Drive-Through Queuing Requirements
Use Type
Minimum Vehicle Queuing
Financial Services
6 total; may be reduced to 3 per lane if more than 1 window or bay is provided
Car Wash
Specialty Food - Coffee Shops
Site plan review. Modifications to drive through requirements may be approved through Site Plan Review if a determination is made that such modification would be appropriate due to site constraints or queuing demand experienced by a particular use, based upon an independent study that analyzes peak and off-peak vehicle queuing, vehicle turnover, and data (queuing counts) collected from the same or comparable use in terms of density, scale, bulk, area, type of activity and location.
Diagram 1207D
044 Drive-Through Queuing.tif
Minimum requirements. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the parking ratio requirements of Table 1208E.
Parking demand study. For the purposes of determining required parking for an unlisted use or in consideration of application for shared or reduced parking, a parking demand study may be required that analyzes parking demand and includes relevant data collected from uses or combinations of uses that are the same or comparable to the proposed use in terms of density, scale, bulk, area, type of activity and location. Off-street parking requirements may also be modified to be in accordance with national industry standards, at the discretion of the Economic and Community Development Director, in coordination with the Director of Operations and Engineering Services.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69; 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
When the application of the off-street parking regulations specified hereinafter results in a requirement of not more than three parking spaces for any nonresidential use, such parking spaces need not be provided. However, where two or more uses are located on a single lot, only one of these uses shall be eligible for the above exemption. In no instances shall this exemption apply to dwelling units.
The minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 1208E of this Code shall be waived for nonresidential uses in the D-1 Central Business District and the D-2 (Downtown Transitional) District established by § 44-501 of this Code.
[Amended 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
Computation. The following rules apply when calculating the required number of parking spaces:
Multiple uses. Unless otherwise expressly stated, lots containing more than one use must provide parking in an amount equal to the total of the requirements for all use categories.
Fractions. When computation of the required number of off-street parking spaces results in a requirement of a fractional space, a fraction of less than 1/2 shall be disregarded and a fraction of 1/2 or more shall counted as one space.
Occupancy or capacity-based standards. When computation of the required number of off-street parking spaces is based upon employees, students, residents or occupants, calculations must be based on the largest number of persons working on any single shift, the maximum enrollment, or the maximum fire-rated capacity, whichever is applicable and whichever results in the greater number of spaces.
Floor area. Where floor area is the unit of measurement to determine the required number of off-street parking and loading spaces, Gross Floor Area (GFA) shall be used. For the purposes of calculating required parking, designated outdoor dining, seating and sales areas shall be applied toward the floor area.
Bench seating. In calculating bench seating for places of assembly, each continuous four-foot segment of benches, pews or other similar seating shall be counted as one seat.
Unlisted uses. Upon receiving a development application for a use not specifically listed in Table 1208E, the Economic and Community Development Director is authorized to apply the parking ratio specified for the listed use that is deemed most similar to the proposed or establish a different minimum parking requirement on the basis of a Parking Demand Study.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
Stalls. Where vehicle stalls are used as a measurement, all calculations shall be based on the number of service bays, garage door openings or booths.
The minimum number of motor vehicle parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with Table 1208E, Motor Vehicle Parking Space Requirements, below.
[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-89; 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69; 10-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-99; 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
Table 1208E: Off-Street Parking Requirements
Use Category
Specific Use
General Requirement
Aquaculture, aquaponics, hydroponics; horticultural services; medical marijuana cultivation; animal breeding services; fish hatcheries; poultry hatcheries
1 space per 600 GFA
All other agricultural
All forestry
Household Living
Dwelling Unit, single-family
1 spaces per dwelling unit
Dwelling Unit, single-family attached; two-family; multiple-family; live/work
1.5 spaces per efficiency or one-bedroom dwelling unit; 2 spaces per 2 or more-bedroom dwelling units
Mobile homes
2 spaces per unit
Dwelling Unit, accessory
1 space per unit
Group Living
Agency-operated family homes
2 spaces per home
All other group living uses
1 space per 2 beds
1 space per 250 GFA
High schools
1 space per 4 seats in main assembly area, but not less than 5 per classroom
Boarding schools
Determined by Economic and Community Development Director
All other public and private schools
1 space per 4 seats in main assembly area, but not less than 1 per classroom
Business and trade schools, college/university satellite classrooms
The greater of 1 space per 200 feet or 1 space per 4 seats
Animal detention facilities
1 space per 400 GFA
Government services and facilities
1 space per 200 GFA
Military bases, depots, communications facilities
1 per 300 GFA
Ambulatory surgical treatment center
1 space per 250 GFA
Hospital or medical center
1 space per 2 beds
Place of worship
The greater of 1 space per 200 GFA or 1 space per 3 seats in the main assembly area
1 space per 10 storage cubicles
Residential-Type Institutional
Adult and juvenile detention facilities
1 per 1,500 GFA
Domestic violence shelter
1 space per 2 beds
Home for the aged (assisted living, independent living, memory care, etc.)
1 space per 2 occupants
Nursing home
1 space per 3 beds
Other Institutional and Cultural Uses
Clubs and lodges
1 space per 200 GFA
Food pantry
Off-street parking requirements will be based upon the principal use of the structure containing the food pantry
1 space per 500 GFA
Museums and cultural institutions
1 space per 250 GFA
Recreational Facilities
Country, golf, and swimming clubs
1 space per 200 GFA
Golf courses
75 spaces for 9 hole course; 150 spaces for 18 hole course
Community center
The greater of 1 space per 200 GFA or one per 4 occupants at maximum capacity
Fairgrounds, agricultural exhibits
Spaces equivalent to 30% of peak daily attendance, as adduced from testimony before the Zoning Board of Appeals
Riding stables, riding schools
The greater of 1 space per 200 GFA or 1 per 4 occupants at maximum capacity
Swimming pools, community
1 per 4 occupants at maximum capacity
Aircraft and Automotive
Aircraft, farm machinery, vehicle sales and service
1 space per 250 GFA
Car wash, truck wash
1 space per 200 GFA sales, office, or waiting area
Towing services, vehicle salvage and wrecking, vehicle storage
The greater of 1 space per 2,400 GFA or 2 spaces
Truck stops, truck plazas, vehicle fueling stations
1 space per 250 GFA
Vehicle repair and service
3 spaces per service bay
Vehicle rental service
1 space per 500 GFA
Amusement Parks
Go-kart and race-kart tracks
The greater of 1 space per 4 seats in the grandstand or viewing area, or 1 per 4 occupants at maximum occupancy
All other amusement parks
1 space per 100 GFA activity area
Commercial Recreation
Archery, rifle and shooting ranges
The greater of 2 spaces per target area or 1 space per 200 GFA
Arcades, game centers
1 space per 2 amusement game machines
Bowling establishments
3 spaces per lane
Driving ranges
1 space per tee box
Miniature golf courses
1 space per hole
All other commercial recreation
1 space per 300 GFA
Entertainment and Hospitality
Community reception establishments
1.2 spaces per 100 GFA designated for the use
Entertainment and exhibition venues
The greater of 1 space per 4 seats or 1 space per 200 GFA
Sexually oriented entertainment businesses
1 space per 160 GFA
Sports and fitness establishments
1 space per 200 GFA
Theaters and auditoriums
1 space per 4 seats
Bed-and-breakfast establishments
2 spaces for the operator; plus 1 space for each bedroom
Boarding and rooming houses
1 space per 400 GFA
Camps and camping establishments
2 spaces for managers office
Hotel or motel
1 space per room, plus 1 space per 200 GFA conference or restaurant area
Financial services
1 space per 300 GFA
General offices, business or professional
1 space per 200 GFA area for the first 2,000 square feet (minimum of 3 spaces); plus, 1 space per 300 GFA for floor area exceeding 2,000 square feet
Medical or dental office or clinic
1 space per 250 GFA
Medical or research I laboratory
1 space per 300 GFA
Printing, copying and mailing services
1 space per 250 GFA
Recording and broadcast studios
1 space per 160 GFA
Personal Services
Clothing Care: tailor, dry cleaning, coin laundry, shoe repair, etc.
1 space per 250 GFA
Day-care center
1 space per employee
Funeral parlor, mortuary
1 space per 100 GFA
Instructional studios
1 space per 160 GFA
1 space per 400 GFA
Personal care: barber shop, beauty salon, day spa, etc.
1 space per 250 GFA
Veterinary office or clinic; pet care (grooming, day care, training)
1 space per 250 GFA
Retail and Service
Adult-use cannabis dispensing organization
1 space per 250 GFA
Artisanal/craft production and retail
1 space per 250 GFA
Bars, taverns, and nightclubs
1 space per 50 GFA
Building materials and supplies
1 space per 300 GFA
Catering services
1 space per 1,000 GFA
Furniture sales
1 space per 600 GFA
Restaurants, cafeterias
1 space per 100 GFA
Restaurant, carry-out only
1 space per 250 GFA
Restaurant with drive-through
1 space per 50 GFA
Retail sales
1 space per 250 GFA
Sexually oriented business
1 space per 160 GFA
Grocery stores, Supermarkets
1 space per 250 GFA
Specialty food shops
1 space per 500 GFA
Vehicle service, general or limited
3 spaces per service bay
Vehicle sales and rental
1 space per 500 GFA
Manufacturing and Production, Light
Commercial cleaning and repair services
1 space per 250 GFA
Commercial community kitchen
1 space per 1,000 GFA
1 space per 400 GFA
Trade and construction services
1 space per 250 GFA
Wholesaling and distribution
1 space per 1,000 GFA
All other light manufacturing and production uses
1 space per 600 GFA
Manufacturing and Production, Heavy
All heavy manufacturing and production uses
1 space per 1,000 GFA
All other waste services
1 space per 1,000 GFA
Storage and Equipment Yards
Aircraft, marine craft, petroleum products, and other similar storage.
1 space per 2,400 GFA
1 space per 2 boat slips; plus 1 space per 200 GFA
Mini Warehouses
1 space per 25 storage lockers plus 2 spaces for manager's office
Storage facilities, multi-tenant
1 space per 1,200 GFA
Storage facilities, single tenant
1 space per 2,400 GFA
Airports, heliports, and landing fields
1 space per 200 GFA
Passenger terminals
1 space per 400 GFA passenger terminal area
Public or private utility facility, minor
For manned facilities, the greater of 1 space per 1,200 GFA or 2 spaces
Wireless Communication Facilities
1 space per equipment cabinet for towers
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69; 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
Notwithstanding Table 1208E, the following adjustments to required parking are permitted upon approval of the Director of Economic and Community Development.
Table 1209: Adjustment to Required Parking
Adjustment Type
Adjustment Amount
Resident or nonresident use (other than an after-hours establishment) is located within 1,320 feet of a public transit route.
10% reduction
Pedestrian Access
Nonresidential use is located where residents of all residential and mixed-use areas within 1,320 feet of the subject property can walk to and from the nonresidential use on a continuous sidewalk system (ignoring intervening streets).
10% reduction
Public Parking Lots
Nonresidential or residential use is located within 900 feet of a parking lot that is available for use by the public without charge (either directly or through a validation program in which the subject use participates).
Three public parking lot spaces can be substituted for every one required off-street parking space.
On-Street Parking
Use is located along one or more public street frontages where public parking is permitted.
On-street parking within 500 feet of any lot line may be credited to the parking requirement at a rate of one credit for every two legal on-street parking spaces.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69; 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-015]
Electric vehicle charging. Any parking space may be equipped with a power outlet or similar apparatus for electric vehicle charging. Electric vehicle charging stations for public use may provide non-illuminated directional signage, subject to approval by the Economic and Community Development Director, to identify the location of charging stations.
Purpose. In all Districts, every building occupied by one or more uses that require the receipt or distribution of materials or merchandise by vehicles shall provide and maintain off-street loading spaces as required by this section.
All required loading berths shall be off-street and shall be located on the same lot as the building to be served.
No permitted or required loading berth shall be located within 25 feet of the nearest point of intersection of any two street right-of-way lines.
Loading/unloading areas and docks shall be prohibited in the front yard or on any building side facing and directly visible from a street.
Adjacent to a Residential District, a loading space shall not be located closer than 30 feet to the Residential District line unless it is contained within a completely enclosed building or enclosed on all sides by a wall or solid fence not less than six feet in height.
Loading and unloading activity shall not be permitted in any public right-of-way, except in the D-1 Central Business District, D-2 Downtown Transitional District or D-3 Downtown Warehouse and Arts District as authorized by the Director of Public Works.
Access. Each required loading berth shall be served by appropriate means of vehicular access to a street or alley in a manner which will least interfere with traffic movements as determined by the Director Public Works. Loading/unloading operations shall not interfere with the normal movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic in public rights-of-way, off-street parking areas or internal drives and sidewalks.
Parking and loading area plan. The vehicular path and turning radii to the loading area must be shown on the Parking and Loading Area Plan that is required pursuant to § 44-1203B to verify truck maneuverability for the largest truck intended to serve the use.
Surfacing. All open loading berths shall be constructed on a stabilized subgrade with a pavement design meeting one of the following requirements:
Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) or Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) pavement at least eight inches thick constructed in not less than two lifts with the final surface course being not greater than a two-inch lift. Bituminous Aggregate Mixture (BAM) may be included as part of the overall asphalt structural thickness.
Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement at least six inches thick with steel or fiber reinforcement.
Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement at least eight inches non-reinforced.
Other pavement designs may be approved by the Director of Public Works based on a formal submittal of the pavement design calculations prepared by a licensed engineer.
Repair and service. No storage of any kind, nor motor vehicle repair work or service of any kind, shall be permitted within any required loading berth.
Space allocated. Space allocated to be required loading berth shall not be used to satisfy any requirement of this Code for off-street parking spaces.
Site plan review. Modifications to loading space and location requirements may be approved through Site Plan Review if a determination is made that such modification would be appropriate due to site constraints, or the number of deliveries experienced by a particular use.
Dimensional standard. A required loading berth shall be at least 10 feet in width by at least 25 feet in length, exclusive of aisle and maneuvering space, and shall have vertical clearance of at least 14 feet.
The minimum number of loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with Table 1212B, Loading Space Requirements, below.
Table 1212B: Loading Space Requirements
Use Type
Loading Space(s)
0 — 24 dwelling units
0-4 None
> 25 dwelling units
Less than 20,000 GFA
20,000-74,999 GFA
75,000-99,999 GFA
> 100,000 GFA
4 5
GFA = Gross Floor Area
If a single loading space is required, an alley may be used in lieu of the required loading space.
Purpose. This section is established to ensure provision of bicycle parking facilities in furtherance a safe, complete, and efficient network of streets, bicycle-pedestrian facilities and other infrastructure to serve users in any surface transportation mode.
Required bicycle parking shall be provided on the same lot as the use for which it is intended to serve.
Bicycle racks shall be located such that they are highly visible, with adequate lighting, from the street and/or building entrance(s) from where bicyclists approach.
The location of bicycle parking shall not conflict with pedestrian and/or motor vehicle circulation.
Bicycle parking shall be sited within 50 feet of a building's main entrance. If provided indoors, bicycle parking shall be located within a common area designated for secure bicycle storage.
Bicycle parking adjacent to a pedestrian walkway shall be sited to ensure that a minimum five-foot walkway clearance is maintained.
Design criteria.
Bicycle facilities shall be of high quality and reflect the architecture of the primary structure.
Bicycle racks shall be installed on a hard surface parking area. The hard surface surrounding each bicycle rack shall measure at least six feet by six feet in size.
Each bicycle rack shall provide parking for at least two bicycles.
Racks shall allow for the bicycle frame and at least one wheel to be locked to the racks.
The bicycle rack shall allow for the use of a cable as well as a U-shaped lock.
Installation of bicycle parking facilities shall conform to the manufacturer requirements.
Dimensional standards.
Each bicycle parking space shall be a minimum six feet in length.
Bicycle racks shall be located at least three feet in all directions from any obstruction, including but not limited to other bicycle racks, walls, doors, posts, columns, or landscaping.
A minimum vertical clearance of seven feet shall be maintained above all bicycle parking facilities.
Required bicycle parking.
Exemption. The bicycle parking requirements of this section shall apply to all uses other than the following uses:
Any use in the D-1 Central Business District;
Any Industrial Use (includes light and heavy manufacturing, storage and equipment yards, transportation, utilities).
Country Clubs, Golf Clubs, Golf Courses;
Fairgrounds, Agricultural Exhibits;
Mobile food vending;
Residential Single-Family, Single-Family Attached, Two-Family, Mobile Homes;
Riding Stables, Riding Schools;
Roadside Markets;
Truck Stops, Truck Plazas; Truck Washes.
Vehicle Salvage and Wrecking Operations;
Vehicle storage;
Any similar use to the uses listed herein, or any use exclusively oriented to motor vehicles, as determined by the Economic and Community Development Director.
[Amended 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-69]
When the required amount of bicycle parking is two spaces or less, the use shall provide a minimum of two spaces in a bicycle parking facility.
Unless otherwise specified herein, bicycle parking shall be provided at the ratio specified in Table 1212E.
Table 1212E: Bicycle Parking Requirements
Use Type
Bicycle Parking
0-5 dwelling units — none
> 5 dwelling units — 25% of required vehicle parking
5% of required vehicle parking (up to 20 bicycle spaces)
2.5% of required vehicle parking (> 21 bicycle spaces)
Motor vehicle parking reduction. Parking requirements may be reduced by one off-street parking space for every four bicycle parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum required by Table 1212E. A maximum reduction of 50% of the total required off-street parking spaces shall be allowed.
The provisions of this section may be waived or modified through Site Plan Review procedures if a determination is made that it is infeasible to fulfill bicycle parking requirements due to site constraints, proximity to existing bicycle parking, and the nature of the proposed building or use.
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish mobility and circulation standards that allow reasonable access to properties; create a continuous network of non-motorized pathways within and between developments; maintain the capacity of existing public infrastructure as land development occurs; ensure safe access to and from streets by emergency vehicles; and reduce interference with through traffic by other vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
Street and site connectivity.
Internal circulation drives shall be arranged to promote the alignment and continuation of existing or proposed streets and drives into adjacent lots, developed or undeveloped.
Cross access. In any Business, Manufacturing or Public Interest District, vehicular cross-access shall be provided to allow circulation between sites without the need to reenter the public right-of-way.
A stub for future cross access shall be provided from the vehicular use area to adjacent lots.
A cross-access easement shall be recorded prior to the issuance of a Building Certificate of Occupancy for the development.
The requirement for vehicular cross-access may be waived through Site Plan Review procedures where the provision of such access is infeasible and appropriate pedestrian and bicycle access is dedicated to adjacent uses.
Pedestrian circulation. All single-family attached and multiple-family residential, nonresidential, and mixed-use developments shall comply with the following standards:
Continuous internal pedestrian walkways shall be provided to connect off-street surface parking areas with the primary entrances of main buildings.
Conflict between pedestrians and traffic shall be minimized at all points of pedestrian access to on-site parking and building entrances, and between buildings.
At least one pedestrian walkway with a minimum width of five feet shall be provided from the internal pedestrian walkway network to the public sidewalk system. In the case of corner lots, connections shall be made to the sidewalks of both streets.
All internal pedestrian walkways shall be distinguished from driving surfaces through the use of durable, low-maintenance surface materials such as pavers, bricks, or scored/stamped concrete or asphalt.