[Ord. No. 3-1994, § 1, 8/9/1994]
Pursuant to Article 7, § 702, Clause LXII, of the Second Class Township Code, it shall be unlawful for the owner, possessor, custodian or keeper of any dog or other animal to permit said animal to make any loud or harsh noise or other disturbance which shall interfere with or result in deprivation of the peace, quiet, rest or sleep of any reasonable person of normal sensitivities, if said noise or disturbance is continuous or incessant during a period in excess of 10 minutes or is made intermittently for one-half hour or more or is continuous or incessant during a period in excess of five minutes on more than two occasions during an eight-hour period.
[Ord. No. 3-1994, § 2, 8/9/1994]
This article shall not apply to the following situations:
Where, at the time the animal is making such noise or disturbance, a person is trespassing or threatening to trespass upon private property in or upon which the animal is situated.
Where a neighbor or other person has intentionally incited said animal to make such noise or other disturbance.
Where such animal is situated more than 500 feet from the person who claims to be so disturbed.
[Ord. No. 3-1994, § 3, 8/9/1994; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
Every person who violates this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $600, plus costs of prosecution for each offense. Each and every calendar day upon which any person permits the violation of this article to occur shall constitute a separate offense; provided, however, that the minimum fine shall be no less than $25 for a second offense, $50 for a third offense and $100 for the fourth and each subsequent offense. In addition, if the owner, possessor, custodian or keeper of said animal has been advised of the disturbance and fails to take adequate measures within 10 minutes of receipt of said notice to bring said disturbance under control for an uninterrupted period of at least eight hours, an additional fine of $50 shall be added to the minimal fine otherwise required herein, the total of any such fines not to exceed $600.