[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 400, 11/9/1970]
These regulations, procedures, practices and standards shall apply throughout the Township, to all sewage systems hereafter constructed, installed, altered, extended or repaired.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 401, 11/9/1970; Ord. No. 2-1987, § 1, 4/28/1987; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
No person may install or construct an individual or community on-lot sewage system, or install, construct, occupy or use a building to be served by that system without first obtaining a permit from the sewage facilities officer, as provided in Subsections 4 and 5 of this section.
A permit is required by the Township of South Hanover for alterations to an existing individual or community on-lot sewage system when the alteration requires repair, replacement or enlargement of a treatment tank, subsurface absorption area or retention tank.
Multiple installation of chemical toilets or other portable toilets proposed for temporary use at a construction site, a recreation activity or a temporary facility shall be covered by one permit.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 402, 11/9/1970]
Application for a sewage facilities permit shall be made to the sewage facilities officer by the person, corporation or other entity who will be responsible for performing the work.
The application shall be made on a multicopy form, as prepared for such use by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources and provided by the sewage facilities officer, and shall contain or be accompanied by the following information and data:
Name and address of the applicant.
Description of the real estate upon which the system is to be installed, and the improvements thereon which the system will serve.
Information related to the proposed installation:
For a system proposed to discharge into a community or public sewage system:
Official name of the agency operating the system into which discharge is to be made.
Location and size of the collector pipe of the system into which discharge is to be made.
Evidence of acceptance of, and capacity for, the discharge by the operating agency and system.
For an on-lot treatment and disposal system, or any other system not discharging into a public system:
Detailed information showing the absorptive qualities, depth and type of soil involved, and the high-water level of the ground water table.
Number and location of private and public water supplies within 100 feet of the proposed system.
Location of and distance to any public sewage system within one mile of the site.
Approval of the proposed system, when such is required, by the Department of Environmental Resources or any other agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Such further information as may be required by the sewage facilities officer to ensure the proposed system complies with these regulations.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 403, 11/9/1970]
For systems which will treat and dispose of sewage on the lot or land to be served by the system, the applicant shall make an initial application to the sewage facilities officer containing the following information:
Name and address of the applicant.
Description of the real estate upon which the system is to be installed, and the improvements thereon which the system will serve.
Brief description of the arrangements to conduct the required soil percolation rate tests, indicating the locations of the test holes on the site, who will be responsible for preparing the holes and performing the tests, and when the holes can be prepared, soaked and tested in accordance with this chapter.
The sewage facilities officer, or his agent, may periodically inspect the presoaking process, and shall observe the actual percolation rate tests. The presoaking and the rate tests shall be performed on a date and at a time in accordance with a written schedule established cooperatively by the sewage facilities officer and whoever is responsible for performing the tests, provided that the sewage facilities officer may not require a date and time more than 48 hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, later than that requested, and provided that if the sewage facilities officer or his agent fails to observe the tests performed according to such schedule, he shall accept the results reported by whoever is responsible for performing the tests and further provided that the results of tests performed other than according to such schedule, which are not observed by the sewage facilities officer or his agent, shall not be accepted, and shall be repeated on the order of the sewage facilities officer.
The applicant shall be advised by the sewage facilities officer of the additional data which will be required, concerning the site and the proposed system. The sewage facilities officer shall aid the applicant by providing suggestions as to satisfactory sources of such data.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 404, 11/9/1970]
Permits shall be issued or denied by the sewage facilities officer in writing within seven days after receiving an application for a permit.
When the sewage facilities officer has found an application incomplete, the applicant shall be notified in writing within seven days and the time for acting thereon shall be extended seven days beyond the date of submission of adequate supplementary or amendatory data. When the sewage facilities officer is satisfied the application is complete, and the proposed design meets the requirements of this chapter and will adequately protect the public health, a permit shall be issued.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 405, 11/9/1970]
A denial of a permit by the sewage facilities officer shall be for any one or more of the following reasons which shall be incorporated into the written denial:
Failure of the proposed design to meet the requirements of these regulations.
Soil or geological conditions are such as to preclude safe and proper operation of the desired installation.
A public sewage system is accessible, into which the sewage can be feasibly and legally discharged.
Proposed system will not adequately protect the public health.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 406, 11/9/1970; Ord. No. 129-1986, § 1, 2/11/1986; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
Whoever shall receive a permit to install a sewage system shall notify the sewage facilities officer as to when installation is to be made, and the sewage facilities office or his agent may make such inspections or tests as deemed necessary, before or during installation. The sewage facilities officer shall be notified in writing when the installation is completed, and no installation shall be covered until it is inspected and given final written approval by the sewage facilities officer, provided that if the sewage facilities officer or his agent fails to inspect the installation within 48 hours, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, of receiving the notice of completion, the installation may be covered, and it shall be accepted by the sewage facilities officer as in accordance with the approved plan and standards for the system; further provided that the sewage facilities officer may order correction of any installation found by inspection to be not in accordance with the approved plan and standards, and that a new notice of completion shall be effected, following any ordered uncovering or corrective work.
The sewage facilities officer or his agent required to make such inspections or tests as deemed necessary, before or during installation shall charge an hourly fee per inspection in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors with a minimum charge per inspection, also in an amount as established from time to time by resolution. This fee is to be paid by the owner of the land inspected.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 407, 11/9/1970]
The officer of the Township responsible for the issuance of building permits shall not issue a building permit for any structure which is connected, or is intended to be connected, to any individual or community sewage system, until a sewage facilities permit has been issued for the sewage system which serves or will serve the structure.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 408, 11/9/1970]
For the purposes of this chapter, mobile homes shall be considered as separate dwelling units, each requiring an individual sewage system, except for those mobile homes located in a mobile home park for which a sewage facilities permit has been issued.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 408, 11/9/1970]
Every dwelling unit shall have a separate, individual sewage system except those contained in apartment houses or in a two-family house with the dwelling units arranged one above the other.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 410, 11/9/1970]
Sewage systems which serve recreation facilities shall comply with the following regulations. Lands newly used for these purposes shall comply from the outset; lands previously used for these purposes shall comply within one year after adoption of this chapter, and it shall be obligatory upon the owner or operator of any lands used for recreation purposes to obtain a sewage facilities permit, prior to installing or operating any sewage system, issued in accordance with the provisions herein:
Structures or land uses serving, or intended to serve, more than 20 persons, or used or intended to be used periodically throughout the year, shall be served by an individual sewage system as defined and regulated in § 18-107 of this chapter.
Structures or land uses serving 20 or fewer persons, and generally used only during the warm weather months, may be served by a sewage system composed of a fully-enclosed insect-tight structure, a privy vault or tank made of concrete, coated steel, or other material impervious to water and sewage, and related facilities. Such systems shall be in accordance with standards for such structures as accepted by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, and shall be subject to initial and periodic inspection by the sewage facilities officer. Holding tanks shall be cleaned promptly, at the end of seasonal use, and at such other times as necessary or as ordered by the sewage facilities officer.
The sewage system serving any recreation facility open to the public, with or without an admittance fee, is subject to the approval and regulation of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 411, 11/9/1970]
In accordance with the afore-cited acts, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or such other regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as may apply, the sewage facilities officer shall require, prior to issuing a sewage facilities permit, written or other acceptable means of notice the approval of the proposed sewage system by the sanitary water board, or the department of environmental resources, or such other agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as may have jurisdiction, for sewage systems proposed to serve any of the following:
An apartment house.
A commercial structure or land use.
A community sewage system serving three or more lots.
An educational facility, public or private.
A hospital or industrial facility.
An industrial structure or land use.
A mobile home structure or land use.
A mobile home park.
A public or commercial park or recreation facility.
A public building or land use.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 412, 11/9/1970]
The sewage facilities officer shall be required to obtain the consultation of the County Sanitarian of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, prior to issuing a sewage facilities or a sewage system proposed to serve the following:
A community sewage system serving more than two dwelling units.
A nonresidential facility for which the sewage system is not subject to approval by an agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Ord. No. 4-1970, § 413, 11/9/1970]
The sewage facilities officer may obtain the consultation the County Sanitarian of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources prior to issuing a sewage facilities permit for any proposed sewage system.
[Ord. No. 54-1976, § 1, 1/20/1976]
No person, firm or corporation owning any real property within the Township of South Hanover upon which is located an individual or community sewage system, disposal field, building sewer, recreation facility sewage system, seepage pit or treatment tank shall permit the discharge of any raw sewage or untreated industrial wastes into or through any of the aforementioned individual or community sewage systems, disposal fields, building sewers, recreation facility sewage systems, seepage pits or treatment tanks which by reason of malfunction, disrepair or fault in design, causes or permits said raw sewage or untreated industrial waste to escape to the surface of the ground or cause or permit the same to be discharged upon any private or public property, street, highway or right-of-way so as to emit any unpleasant or noxious odor or to create a possible health hazard within the Township. Any discharge of raw sewage or untreated industrial waste upon any premises within the Township and in violation of the provisions of this section, is hereby declared to be a nuisance and detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Township.
[Ord. No. 54-1976, § 1, 1/20/1976]
The owner of any real property within the Township upon which is located an individual or community sewage system, disposal field, building sewer, recreation facility sewage system, seepage pit or treatment tank shall maintain the same in a good state of repair and in good working order and shall take such corrective measures as are necessary to comply with § 18-45 of this division.
[Ord. No. 54-1976, § 1, 1/20/1976]
The Board of Supervisors or any officer or employee of the Township designated thereby for the purpose is hereby authorized to give notice, by personal service or by United States mail, to the owner of any real estate whereon raw sewage or untreated industrial waste is being discharged in violation of § 18-45 of this division, directing and requiring such owner to take such corrective measures as are necessary to abate the nuisance so as to comply with the provisions of this division within five days after the service of notice. In case any person, firm or corporation shall neglect, or fail or refuse to comply with such notice within the period of time stated therein, the Township authorities may take or have taken such corrective measures as are necessary to abate the nuisance, and the costs thereof, together with any additional penalty authorized by law, may be collected by the Township from such person, firm or corporation in the manner provided by law.
[Ord. No. 54-1976, § 1, 1/20/1976; Ord. No. 3-1995, 9/12/1995]
Any person who shall violate any provision of this division shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $1,000 and costs and, in default of payment thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation of this division continues shall constitute a separate offense.