[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 20, Code Adoption, Art. II)]
An ordinance enacted to provide for the establishment of zoning districts and regulations for those areas of the Township of Lawrence, within which the proper use of land and natural resources may be encouraged and regulated; to provide for the location, size, and type of uses that may be made of real property; to provide for safety, and other protective measures; to regulate the density of population; to provide for the administration, enforcement and amendment of this chapter; to provide for appeals, to provide for the establishment of a Township Board of Appeals and for the organization and procedures to be followed by the Board of Appeals; to provide for penalties for violations; to prescribe duties for the Township Planning Commission and to provide for the repeal of all other ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent with and contrary to the contents of this chapter.
This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Lawrence Township Zoning Ordinance." All article, section and other topical headings are for reference only and shall not be construed to be part of this chapter.